Gov. Rick Scott will have a speaking role at the Republican National Convention later this month, the GOP confirmed after releasing a list of some of the speakers for the event.
Scott has been mostly on the periphery of national GOP politics, and there have been questions about what role he would play in the RNC gathering in Tampa. He’s not as strong a public speaker as a number of other GOP leaders, and his message – that the economy, at least here, is looking up and jobs are being created – is at odds with the national message of the party and its presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who are trying to make the case that the jobs picture is dismal.
The Tampa Bay Times reported that the RNC is set to announce several speakers for the Aug. 27-30 convention, where Romney will be officially tapped as the party’s nominee.
A few other GOP governors will also speak, notably South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, and New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, both minorities – Haley is of Indian descent and Martinez is Hispanic – as the Republicans try to reach out to minority voters.
The party’s last presidential nominee, Sen. John McCain of Arizona is also set to appear, as are former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee; former Secretary of State Condolezza Rice; and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, the Times reported.
Still to be named is a keynote speaker. Pundits have floated several likely candidates for that coveted post, most prominently New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Florida U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio. Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan has also been mentioned as someone likely to have a major role.
Rubio has also been frequently mentioned as a possible running mate pick for Romney.
The first speakers on the schedule were first reported by The Tampa Bay Times late Sunday and were confirmed to The Associated Press by Republican officials. Convention officials have not yet released the schedule officially.
The outline doesn’t include any mention of when Scott will get to speak, including whether it will be in one of the coveted prime time slots.
–David Royse, News Service of Florida
Lonewolf says
Even his own party doesn’t want him…loser
The Truth says
Only wacky conservatives will find anything this man has to say intriguing.
Deep South says
It’s almost customary that the host Governor should speak at the Republican Convention. Please put in a good word for the greatest state in the United States.
JL says
I still am wondering how he was elected to this state. I so hope the same people don’t turn out to vote next time around.
Samuel Smith says
Perhaps he’ll speak about his success at defrauding the federal government of hundreds of millions of dollars. He might also talk about being forced to resign as CEO of Columbia/HCA amid a scandal that led to 14 felony charges and over $600 million in fines. Maybe he’ll even talk about how the people of Florida are totally ok with electing someone that led a company that was on the receiving end of the largest healthcare fraud case in history, with well over $2 billion in penalties between the federal and civil actions, as long as they aren’t a democrat. He might even conclude that voter purges, sunrail nonsense, the decision to not expand medicaid, and ridiculous education cuts aren’t enough to deter the average pants-crapping taxed enough already idiots from voting again for him.
Get ready for that second term, Florida – you’re too dumb to not vote for him again.
Jim. R says
The greatest state in the United states, the greatest country on the planet, the greatest planet in the solar system, the greatest solar system in the Universe. Take that you aliens!
question says
Florida “the greatest state in the United States” ?
Ah yes, the burning hell inferno state, electing one of the biggest Medicare fraud crooks of all time…as their Governor [how high an IQ required for that?]. Flipping every nook & cranny of Tallahassee over to right-wing-nut-tea partiers. Low wages, low jobs, right to work [screw the empoyees], Beating your children senseless aka ‘discipline’ in FL, shoot 1st-ask later-go home same night, voter suppression, screwing up beyond all recognition the 44th Presidential election of the United States, etc, etc. etc.
If that’s the BEST, no wonder we’re in a bit of a pickle now. Insult to injury…those same Rick Scott voters ready to give the entire country back to the same 1% thieves who stole our middle class–including theirs!!
Remember, Democrats turned over a thriving country with a $230 Billion surplus to Dubya and he handed President Obama a burning ember of what the US used to be…and that’s the ‘plan’ you want to go back to?? Does sorta explain…you did give us Gov. Scott :((
Dawg says
Mitt said Ricky could speak, just follow his lead…….on second thought
another voice says
I don’t understand why people opine that Floridians are stupid and voted in a crook. Y’all are too trusting in assuming our elections are perfectly clean and honest. What if they aren’t?
Ever think about that? Maybe Scott didn’t really win fair and square? Who knows? I can’t find a soul who will cop to voting for him, and I’ve been asking people since 2010…
Nancy N. says
Scott says voter fraud is rampant….Maybe it was all those illegal immigrant voters that Scott is trying to purge from the voter rolls that voted for him in 2010…
Liana G says
@question: Where’s your sense of humor? Jim R’s comment is too ridiculously funny to be taken serious. That’s why I gave it a ‘like’.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but this country was already heading towards a black hole even before George Bush. And your current Wall Street president (check out his advisers and appointees) is playing his role in staying the course, maybe even speeding it up. That is why he was selected and elected. His polarizing presidency provides the ideal distraction. Even for people with short attention span.
Obama has 3 kinds of supporters. Which one are you?
1. The upper 20%. They are still doing dandy under him.
2. The extreme but cunning racist (they want him reelected because they know from the numbers that non whites/minorities are doing extremely bad under him. They are not doing well for themselves either but their satisfaction comes from knowing that minorities are doing worst).
3. The blindly loyal African American. They don’t care if America ends up like Somalia, or Sudan, or Ethiopia. Collateral damage right?
@Samuel, we should be thanking Mr Scott for showing us how easy it is to defraud gov’t AND for showing us how easy it is to get elected to gov’t office even after doing so. We should also be thanking Mr Scott for providing us, the taxpayers, with proof and reasons not to vote for increase taxes. Why provide gov’t with more money to steal and to spend recklessly.
jojo says
I embarrassed to say he’s our Governor. We voted for this idiot and thief.