Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly and representatives of the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office (FCSO) have accepted re-accreditation honors for the FCSO Communications Center. The presentation took place during the 2022 Florida Telecommunications Accreditation Commission (TAC) meeting at the World Golf Village in St. Augustine on February 24.
The FCSO successfully completed an onsite assessment for re-accreditation in January. Sheriff Staly, FCSO Director of Communications Christina Mortimer, Accreditation Supervisor Michele Bagnoli and Accreditation Assistant Marilenn Punsalan helped coordinate the visit by the TAC Assessment Team.
From the efforts of the FCSO 9-1-1 Communications Center to the cutting-edge technology used by the FCSO Communications Center, the TAC team members were impressed with the overall professionalism of the Agency’s dispatch center and each individual on staff they interacted with. The TAC Assessment Report stated, “All employees were enthusiastic. They admirably answered questions that reflected written policy and showed an in-depth understanding of center procedures.”
The TAC Assessment Team found the FCSO Communications Center in full compliance in the categories of Organization, Written Directive System, Fiscal, Human Resources, Conduct and Disciplinary Process, Recruitment, Selection and Promotion, Training, FCIC/NCIC, Security, Call-Taking Procedures, Dispatch Operations and Procedures, Critical and Unusual Incidents, Fire Rescue Dispatch Operations, Emergency Medical Services Dispatch Operations and Law Enforcement Dispatch Operations. Only 9 Florida 9-1-1 Communications Center’s hold this prestigious accreditation.
“Continuing to maintain our high standards of excellence in our Communications Center is a true testament to the service we provide the residents of Flagler County,” Sheriff Staly said. “We pride ourselves in making sure every member of the FCSO has the latest training and equipment available. Our community should feel safe knowing that when they call us for help the employees on the phone are well-trained and know exactly what to do to send help. I thank our dedicated team for doing a great job in making sure we are not only meeting, but exceeding accreditation expectations in our Communications Center.”
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office is a Four-Diamond Law Enforcement Agency. Besides being accredited by the Florida Telecommunications Accreditation Commission, FCSO is also accredited by the Florida Commission on Law Enforcement Accreditation and the Agency’s Sheriff Perry Hall Inmate Detention Facility is accredited by the Florida Corrections Accreditation Commission. The Agency also is accredited by the National Institute of Ethics.
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