There was good news for the Palm Coast City Council on Tuesday, and bad news for Palm Coast residents. The council was happy to learn that it could refinance two huge bonds it issued last decade, when it acquired the city’s water utility. The refinancing would enable a new big loan and increase the city’s annual debt payments, but would also enable the city to finance $21 million worth of utility projects, even though the city is barely growing anymore.
The bad news: the city’s utility rates will increase steeply for residents and businesses as a result beginning in January—by 8 percent, then by 7 percent each of the following two years. The city has 42,720 water accounts and 35,102 sewer accounts.
Population growth has flattened since the boom (there’s still some growth, but it’s negligible), and with it, revenue. The city isn’t forecasting growth of more than 1 percent, or 100 new connections, per year in the near future, at least when forecasting its utility needs. (Forecasts tend to change from department to department, depending on the administration’s steering of policy through the council.) But the utility department is looking to add eight positions over the life of its five-year capital improvement plan.
Fewer new customers means far less revenue growth, and fewer means to pay for capital improvements. Yet the city’s five-year plan for its utility includes $21 million in “immediate needs,” out of $78 million in total needs.
The council is receptive to both ideas: refinancing its existing bonds to facilitate a new, $15 million loan, and steep utility rate increases to pay for it, in the absence of growth.
“You’ve got to maintain your system,” Palm Coast Mayor Jon Netts said. “It’s very easy to kick the can down the road and let somebody else take care of it. It’s not good for the city.”
“No tax dollars go toward this fund whatsoever,” City Manager Jim Landon said in hopes of quieting fears that property tax rates might increase to pay for utility improvements. “It is a stand-alone business.”
But the city has long used its utility as a hidden tax on residents, deploying its powerful treasury it to help finance other services in the city—through profits to the utility—and raising utility rates, or fees, just as it would taxes along the way. The city used utility dollars, for example, to finance its multi-million dollar, ill-fated investment in a desalination consortium with many other local governments. The consortium fell apart as costs soared and the economy collapsed. The city also raised the city’s stormwater fee considerably to keep up with the stormwater system’s demands, yet claimed it wasn’t increasing taxes. Those rates are going up again. And it has raised utility fees under the same claim. But residents’ bottom-line costs for services have increased steeply, and appear to be poised for yet more steep increases.
Utility rates last rose sharply in November 2008, exactly four years ago, when—just as the economy was in free-fall and Palm Coast was already in a deep recession—residents saw their bills increase by 12.5 percent. Rates have increased just under 2 percent a year since.
The numbers behind the city’s utility finances get intricate, as do its refinancing scheme. But it comes down to this.
Palm Coast owes $207 million on two bond issues that mature in 2033 and 2036. The bulk of that debt was the $100 million acquisition of Florida Water, the private water utility, in 2003, on the assumption that the city could provide a quality service at relatively low cost to residents, since the profit motive would be absent. The rest of the debt was generated by a second bond issue, in 2007, designed to pay for capital improvements: the city had needs then, just as it does now, just as it will in the future, when it’s done spending its latest revenue.
Both loans had variable interest rates of between 3.6 and 5.25 percent. Both loans were backed by water and sewer impact fees. But that was when the city was growing fast, at something like 11 percent a year, and impact fee revenue was solid. That’s no longer the case. The city is growing at about 1 percent a year. But debts must be paid. Instead of raising property taxes, the city is raising rates. The higher rates would also be necessary to preserve the city’s good credit rating, and therefore the lower cost on its financing.
Financially, the city has two things going for it: historically low interest rates, and a good credit rating. Taking both into account, the administration, through a consultant, is proposing to refinance the city’s two bond issues, just as a homeowner might refinance her house.
The refinancing will lower the overall cost of the two existing bonds by about $550,000 a year, and enable a new loan of $15 million. But the city’s total debt-servicing costs, when the new loan is taken into account, will increase by almost half a million dollars, bringing the city’s total annual debt-servicing bill to close to $10 million (up from $9.4 million now).
The city can “free up” an additional $6.2 million because the rating agencies have agreed, according to the city’s consultant, that the city doesn’t need to fund a debt-service reserve. The $6.2 million can then be added to the additional money the city will be borrowing when it refinances, netting the $21 million.
The rate-increase recommendations are based on a rate study prepared by Public Resources Management Group, a Maitland-based consultant. The rate study, Palm Coast’s city clerk said this week, had not yet been finalized, and could not be provided to a reporter when requested. But the numbers presented to the council on Tuesday were not final, either: rates and fees may be revised at future meetings as the council wrestles with the proposal again.
What appears certain from what PRMG, the administration and the council have said so far is that Palm Coast is not considering how it might retrench its utility “needs” and capital improvements, but how it might pay for more of them in coming years. A new loan and rate increases appear certain. The size of those rate increases have yet to be refined.
John Boy says
What are these fools thinking, we already have the highest rate in the State. Time to dump all the Tea Baggers.
downinthelab says
I think it’s time to get a well, then install a water softening system. Oh sure, I’m still hooked up, but my usage will be zero. Anyone wanna help me run the numbers on that?
Clint says
NO……..You get NO MORE MONEY for the same amount of water. And you OWE me for dealing with your inability to clean and maintain my FREAKING SWALE !!!!!!
PJ says
Spent $100M on a water utility to help with revenues, right oh I mean “MAKE MONEY” right?
We must keep up with the infrastructure, no argument there. Re-finance to save some money?
I guess the question is do you really need this money or is ths the NEW WAY that Landon pulls money out of this enterprise fund?
Hey Landon man-up tell us you need the money don’t hide it the numbers just to take it back to general fund in a song and dance.
Oh that’s right this would be too simple to tell, ” we the people………………………………….
Ben Dover says
How the hell do they justify raising their rates that much , they are already raping us pretty hard, making us pay for stuff they don t even keep up on like their supposed to , the canals are over grown and filled with vegetation, the swales don t drain the way they are supposed to , but they take them fees every month saying they are doing the up keep , this is why these theives in the city counsel gotta go they are in bed with all these utilities , ripping us off for services we don t even get
No shirt, no shoes says
So the less water I use the more I’ll be charged? Any one seen a list of those “must have” projects? Are we paying to treat water and flush lines while the City waits for all that new development it approved? Next thing you know, they will be giving the developers those breaks De Lorenzo is pushing and leave us holding the bag. Too expensive to live here.
The cost of our water is outragious to begin with and now it’s going to cost us more….really!
stop spending money you don’t need or have!
Dorothea says
Here is a list of comparative water rates throughout Florida. Palm Coast does not have the highest water rate.
Magnolia says
I am sorry, but “we are not spending any tax dollars” does not fly. Who’s money is it????
BIG MISTAKE reelecting Mayor Netts and time to cancel the City Manager’s bloated contract. Just THINK of the money we’d save.
Time to do a recall of these thieves.
pcfan says
Am I the only person who would rather deal with a companies that have a profit motive which necessitates efficiency rather than with a city government whose employees move at a snail’s pace?
Anon says
Said it before and will say it again.
This city does not and will not generate enough revenue to support itself. It is analogous to a gambler who keeps doubling the bet trying to make up for losses.
So who will pay the revenue shortfall?
It will be the citizens. Either in the form of tax or fee, call it what you wish.
Those who sold the citizens on home rule sold them a snow job.
It will only get worse because there is little incentive for business to build in Palm Coast. The builder’s lobbyist who also doubles as a town councilor believes a holiday on impact fees will promote commercial development. That line of reasoning is not supported by empirical evidence.
For the most part, the types of commercial development in Palm Coast are service or retail business.
The next chain restaurant to open will have politicians patting themselves on the back while slurping free food. And singing praises of the creation of employment that pays slightly above subsistence level and for less than full time work.
blondee says
Looks like I’ll only be able to afford to shower twice a week now… my co-workers thank you!!!!!!! grrrrr
Phoenix8 says
As if I’m not paying enough on water right now. We are a 3 person household, watering our lawn as prescribed, both retired with a younger member that doesn’t work every day, cook once a day or eat out, bleach the commode to use less water, but pays between $97 to $150 on water monthly, more than we pay on electricity, and it’s going up 22%??? We’re moving out of here!!!
Bobby says
Howard Duley says
If this doesn’t prove that government is absolutely useless then nothing will. Go ahead and rant and rave but whatever you do don’t throw the present bums out because that would show your intelligence which most of you clowns don’t have.
PC Dissapointment says
Palm Coast is doing the exact same thing as the federal government. They are getting to big and “We the residents” will have to pay for it. We need to get mayor netts out and demand Jim Landon get the boot or we will not elect anyone else. Jim Landon makes 185 k a year so can afford to pay more for water, but what about the rest of our residents. The city is trying to do everything in house, including sidewalks, signs, and landscaping. Tony Capella was quoted in the observer saying that the city can do the maintenance that fox landscape currently has for 60 thousand less than Fox’s contract is.(roughly 500 thousand a year) In the same breath he said he could equip three crews for around 85 thousand. Have you seen the trucks the city is driving? they are 50-60 thousand each……………..where did these morons go to school? Even my 6 year old could figure that out. There is no accountability for these guys.
PC Dissapointment says
Dorothea, Appreciate the website but it is not accurate. I have two rentals and even if i do not use any water i pay 45 dollars a month. It does not take that into consideration. Has anyone ever had a water bill under 100 dollars?
Diego Miller says
Water, water everywhere and none to drink. A desalination plant was out of the question, and this is what you get. Small town politicians deciding what is best for us. This is going to be one of Florida’s biggest problems in the future. I think we should do as Mr. Romney suggests, privatize Palm Coast City and all Departments and hire some cheap labor. We could get a bundle for all those air conditioned city vehicles.And don’t forget no public restrooms for you when you pay your water bill, even if you have a weak prostate.
“Up North” we paid $45.00 a quarter for the best tasting water…..
JL says
The rate increase is unreal! And the rate of increase over the past 5 years is ridiculous too! It’s water, not champagne! At this rate, it will be cheaper to shower in champagne than water. We are having a well put in our yard. And will do whatever is necessary to rely less on city water. If it means a more expensive well, or a water treatment, then so be it. Palm Coast council is making it too expensive to live here. I voted early since I will be out of state on election day, and I can tell you, I voted against any and all incumbents. That includes the Sheriff! I hope everyone else does the same.
Gia says
We have to pay for utilities & I understand that nothing free. But don’t tell me the water in Palm Coast is less expensive, It is all propaganda & pure bullshit. In this city we pay more in water than other cities. For about 4400 gallons in Melbourne my bill was around $44.00. Here for about 2200 gallons my bill goes to about $80.00
stopit says
THey want to raise taxes so they can spend more of our money on out-of-state trips for lobbyist meetings, and high dollar coffee breaks at starbucks. They just don’t care about the average citizen anymore! I’m going to get a well and start buying bottled water at publix.
stopit says
I noticed that food is more expensive in this county than in Volusia and that we have a higher tax rate. In the future,I won’t be paying an 8% sales tax. I’ll move to volusia county first.
Geezer says
I guess that the water will be 22% worse tasting than it is now!
You can’t even brew a cup of coffee, let alone drink the swill that is PC water.
I spend 100.00 a month on bottled water.
This is abusive.
jcs says
is the palm coast water made of gold because it shore seams that way -ripping people off now we have to pay even more i wish it was easier to just get the hell out of here -we dont make enought money has it is in florida ——— i feel for all of us people that are struggling has it is –