The neighborhoods on either side of Belle Terre Parkway south of Palm Coast Parkway, and the area along State Road 100 from just west of the Interstate all the way to Bunnell, are densely populated, but lack one convenience: a gas station. The gas desert is ending as up to three gas stations may be operating in those areas in the near future.
Starting around June, drivers and residents of Palm Coast’s W and P Sections will have a gas station and convenience store at the corner of Pine Lakes Parkway and Wynnfield Drive (at the second intersection of the two roads, driving south or west on Pine Lakes). MEC Contractors, the Florida-based construction company, has cleared much of the 12-acre site, which has long been zoned commercial–to the surprise of many neighboring residents, who last year pleaded with members of the Palm Coast City Council to reject the siting of a gas station there.
But the council is powerless in the matter: being zoned for just that sort of purpose, Cocoa-based M&R United, the company developing the gas station, did not have to appear before either the city’s planning board or the city council. It acquired the property in late 2013 and went to work securing the necessary permits and clearing the land.
The project superintendent, speaking at the site today, said the project is moving along, with current plans to remove about 40 trucks’ worth of topsoil and replacing it with a different type of soil before concrete can be poured. The type of gas station that will be sited there, however, has yet to be determined. What’s certain is that the structure will have a pitched roof, so that it can fit better with its residential surroundings.
The even larger parcel across the street from the future gas station, going east toward Belle Terre and stretching almost half-way to Wellington Drive along the east side of Pine Lakes, is also zoned commercial, and may feature stores in the future, though no such plans are currently in the works. That parcel abuts residential streets that include Wilkins, Wildwood and Wild Rose Place.
The second certain gas station to be built will be a Race Trac similar to the one on Palm Coast Parkway. The Race Trac will be built on the southwest corner of State Road 100 and Seminole Woods Parkway.
“At this time, we are working toward obtaining our permits and approvals for this site. We do not currently have a timeline for construction,” Race Trac spokeswoman Jessica Rice said this week.
“Race Track may have plans, but they haven’t submitted them to us for review,” Cindi Lane, Palm Coast spokeswoman, said. “This isn’t unusual — lots of developers/business owners work on things for months before they’re ready to submit.
Thursday afternoon, Rice specified that “the timeline for construction will largely depend on when we receive final permits and approvals, but it is our hope to commence construction during the second half of 2015 or early 2016.” She added: “We chose the location at State Rd. 100 and Seminole Woods Parkway because we felt there was a need in the area for a RaceTrac and the site met our development requirements.”
Race Trac notes in its company profile: “In January 2012, RaceTrac debuted our new store prototype and we are continuously introducing this new 6,000 square foot store model to new areas and locations on a regular basis. With this new prototype, we are able to serve our guests with enhanced design features, including indoor and outdoor seating, free WiFi and stacked exterior stone accents. These new stores also feature endless beverage options and premium food offerings, including Swirl World, our new frozen yogurt bar which has 10 flavors and more than 40 toppings for the most pleasant guest experience.”
A county official and Lane confirmed that yet another gas station–a Gate, a privately held, Jacksonville-based company–is looking to site a station at the corner of Belle Terre and and State Road 100, on the south side. But that prospect appears to be the most distant for now, with no formal site plans submitted.
A typical gas station and convenience store hires around 15 to 20 employees. Rice said each Race Trac station brings 20 jobs.
Most of the jobs offer relatively low wages: a Race Trac store manager can make up to $50,000 a year, but store clerks are paid around $9.50 an hour, according to Glassdoor, the job-recruiting and employment data company. But the site’s taxable value rises significantly, yielding additional property tax revenue to the city and the county and helping to diversify the predominantly residential tax base.
Anonymous says
Bring on the jobs
YankeeExPat says
@ Anonymous….You mean all six of them at once ?
Mary Baltiero says
The most need is at Belle Terre and 100. Figures it is the least likely and last to get done if at all.
ted bundy says
too true
PalmCoaster says
Although closer, the Racetrac is still too far out for those of us in Town Center area (E,R,P sections). What is going on that empty lot next to the new Dollar General on Belle Terre? May be a great area for a new station!
YankeeExPat says
Another Gas Station?…..What no Dollar Store or another Bank?… these seem to be the 3 business’s Palm Coast never can get enough of…… Or at least according to our elected officials and the chamber of Commerce.
Anonymous says
That is ridiculous to build a gas station on the corner of Wynnfield and Pine lakes pkwy. It takes two minutes to go down the street to the kangaroo or citco. Living off of Wynnfield myself, this gas station is VERY unwanted and unnecessary.
PCer says
I live off of Wynnfield and I am grateful for the new business, and new tax revenue. It will not create traffic through our neighborhood, so no big deal. It is also supposed to have a drive thru restaurant – does anyone know what that will be?
hello says
Thank God for miracles.
yota says
A few blocks from this and I don’t like it. Putting more businesses next to residential is a disruption to the privacy and peace and quiet that we expect to come home to. Hopefully there will be consideration to subdued lighting to reduce light pollution. Not to mention the increased traffic in the area. Please no more.
Most vehicles hold enough fuel to go several hundred miles we don’t need a gas station in our back yard.
planning and zoning should balance the livability of the residential area and business re zoning future areas that are business to open space even if it means buying the properties to satisfy the owners of the land in question. I don’t think the homes will sell at true values that abutt these future businesses.
w.ryan says
Wynnfield and Pinelakes is too residential to spoil that corner with a gas station! What’s with Palm Coast? We need a gas station on Belle Terre and 100 or there abouts. Madness!
My O My says
Maybe someone will be lucky enough to get hired at all of them and work 18 hours a day to be able to afford the rent. I am sorry, this is not what I call bringing real jobs to the area.
blondee says
Bring it on! Maybe a little competition will make gas prices more competitive around here!
confidential says
Oh Yes…I hope the gouging stops as we pay gas in Palm Coast and FC 20 to 30 cents higher than in neighboring counties.
I think they realize we are pretty dumb around here, just too busy arguing among locals and northeaster transplants and also bashing good citizens and or officials that take a stand against corruption and fraud!
confidential says
I was talking with an old timer like myself yesterday about the past times maybe 20 or 30 years ago or so “gas stations used to fight for our fill ups by giving us green stamps to collect in books to get free good stuff and or mugs, items, etc.” He totally brainwashed responded that oil companies can’t afford those expensive giveaways now… To what I replied’.- you are wrong, the reason is just pure greed as oil companies in the last few years have reported record earnings like never before -. But nowadays is not enough to make record earnings into more billions for corporations thanks to gouging us, is just the pursue of power thru greedy earnings with total un appreciation for the consumer. We totally lost consumer power versus corporations power. Have anyone noticed? When are we going to do something about it..?
Downtown says
To those that complain. Why did you buy property next to an area marked for commerical development? Did you gamble and think it would never happen? Reminds me of the people that move into Daytona Beach and then complains about the race traffic, motorcycle events and beach driving. Why did you buy property there when you knew what went on or could? Do a little research next time.
Will (#1) says
Well said, Downtown
just me says
Great post!! So many moved here then say im here WE don’t need any more people business because I like it as it is now. If you don’t like the fact that property by your home is commercial you should not have bought next to it or you could buy the land yourself and keep it from being used. If you buy next to commercial property expect a commercial business just like if you buy near I95 expect to here the traffic noise or if you buy a home close to an airport you will hear and see aircraft over your home.
downinthelab says
More places to discretely sell drugs.
Citizen says
Needed most belle terre and 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B&L section says
Hey, Palm Coast
How about getting some gas stations or any store for that matter at Matanza Woods and US1 since there is nothing there.People in the B & L sections that travel to St Augustine and Jaxs for work have no options until you reach I95 or further north.
Stewart says
Lesson here for all of us is to get City authorities to review all zoning made by Flagler County prior City incorporation and change such when appropriate.
Axel says
Could one of these gas stations that will be being built soon in Palm Coast sell e85 or e90 fuel for the flex fuel vehicles? It only cost on an average of $2.30 a gallon and burns a lot cleaner and is more green less emissions. I don’t understand how car company’s can sell flex fuel vehicles in areas with gas stations that don’t sell it. You have to drive to Jacksonville or Orlando to purchase it.
Tom Witherspoon says
For those who are disenchanted. Any business added to the area will add some jobs few they may be. It will also add revenue for the city and county. The area is growing and that is just how it is with city planning. I’m here two years and what I came into two years ago is not the same either. We have a choice, and that is support the growth of Palm Coast or pick up and move onto another area where they will do the same. Its part of progress I guess. I was a little disappointed to see a Race Trac instead of a WaWa….. maybe in the future. We could use could use one of the wholesalers like Sams Club, B J’s or Costco so we don’t have to drive all the way into Daytona. Aldi’s is a wonderful addition to the area and will do a lot of business.