The Palm Coast City Council on Tuesday signaled its willingness to reconsider the city’s ban on the overnight parking of commercial vehicles in residential driveways without the vehicles’ signage being covered.
The ban has long vexed working-class residents who depend on their work vehicles to make service calls at all hours of the day. Paradoxically, the workers often report to the very same homeowners who support the ban–and who may own vehicles that, while not commercial per se, have considerably less aesthetic value than a work truck.
The ban reflects Palm Coast’s emphasis since its founding in 1999 on a code that can prize beautification ahead of pragmatism, sometimes at the expense of beautification itself: the remedies the city requires to cover up what it considers unsightly often end up uglier than what’s being covered up: Commercial van owners who still park in their driveways are required to cover up their vans’ signage with tarps. The effect is no less shabby than tarps covering damaged roofs. The city’s requirement that air conditioning compressors at the side of houses be “hidden” has created a similar jumble of hideous fencing or shaggy shrubbery, again drawing attention to ugliness rather than enhancing the neighborhood.
The City Council considered repealing or amending the ban on commercial vehicles twice before, in 2010, when the effort was led by the local chamber of commerce, and in 2021, when a seemingly more work-friendly council came very close to a repeal. But the effort fell short both times. In 2021, the city surveyed residents, albeit in a flawed method, drew 16,500 responses, and got a split 49-49 verdict. The web-based survey allowed people to vote as often as they wanted, so a single IP address ended up accounting for 12.5 percent of the No votes, an obvious sign of fraud. Without it, the vote to repeal the ban would have won easily.
The council in 2021 had no intention of repealing the ban wholesale. Semis, dump trucks, two trucks, tractors, ice cream trucks and other larger commercial vehicles would still be prohibited from overnight parking. But such vehicles as platform trucks, pick-up trucks or vans with side signs would have been allowed to park as tarpless as on a Riviera beach. (See examples here.)
After a push by then-Council members Ed Danko and Victor Barbosa, the council’s vote to amend the ban to that effect failed, 3-2.
On Tuesday, Emily Fields, a Palm Coast resident for the last three years, asked the council to revisit the issue and immediately drew support from the mayor and a council member.
“These blue collar workers and small business owners are really important to Palm Coast,” Fields said. “We have six young kids in our family. My husband works for a garage door company. He has to take extra time to cover and uncover his clean work van with a very tacky looking vehicle cover every single day, rain or shine, as he works hard to provide for our family. Meanwhile, our one family car of the same make and model as his work van for transit sits right beside it in our driveway, and we rely on his work vehicle. We don’t have any other vehicles or ways for him to get to and from work. We live on a back street with both of our vans parked neatly in front of our well kept home. It in no way obstructs views or causes a disturbance to our community or our neighborhood, but these regulations that are in place are extremely burdensome, and I think they send the wrong message about our beautiful city to the working class.”
City Council member Theresa Pontieri swiftly endorsed the suggestion that the subject be reopened. “I do think it’s time we redress that issue,” she said, gaining support from her colleagues for a workshop on the issue soon. She got no push-back. None of the council members who last voted on the issue in 2021, whether for or against amending the ordinance, are on the council anymore.
Mayor Mike Norris “wholeheartedly” agreed with Pontieri. “Those tarps are horrible, and I do think we need to relook it,” he said.
Fields said the city can define the parameters of a more realistic rule. “We’re just talking about nice, clean work vans and trucks, no oversized or run down eyesores. And honestly, the required vehicle covers, which are really just glorified tarps, look absolutely awful, and those are the real eyesore here,” she said. “Palm Coast is changing and we’re growing, and we are no longer solely a retirement community. Many young working families like ours are moving to this beautiful, wonderful, amazing city, and we add vibrancy and diversity and the same care and passion for nurturing this thriving community that we all share in this room.”
The perception that Palm Coast is becoming less of a retiree city and more diverse with working-age residents is common, but proportionately false. It is the reverse: the city is getting older, with retirees making a larger share of its population than at its founding.
When the city was founded 25 years ago, its median age was 45.8 years, and the proportion of people 65 and older was just 25 percent, according to the 2000 Census figures. The traditional working-age population–people between 18 and 65–made up 53.4 percent of the total.
According to the Census Bureau, the city’s media age has risen sharply, to 50.9 (the median age in Florida is 42.4, and in the United States, 38.5. According to 2024 estimates, the proportion of Palm Coast’s 65-and-over population has risen to 29.9 percent, while the proportion of those of working age has fallen slightly to 53 percent (the larger drop is in the proportion of those younger than 18, which partly explains why the school district’s population has been stagnant.)
What justly feeds the perception that there are more working class people living in the city is that in sheer numerical numbers, there are: the city’s population between 2000 and 2004 has gone from 20,400 to 102,113, a 400 percent increase, with a labor force of 51,355 as of November–two and a half times the total city population in 2000.
FLF says
Excellent, now let’s start working on being a boat friendly community, with clear restrictions. As we found out at the Captains meeting for the annual Christmas boat parade, there are 6000 registered boats in Flagler County. Time for Palm Coast to grow with the times.
Just a regular Joe.... says
Yes let’s stop being an HOA!
Like the stupid thing of planting bushes around a New HVAC unit.
Way to go New City Council!
celia pugliese says
Just a regular …why did you move to Palm Coast then? Now you advocate and demand an approval for more blight yet, the erosion in the value of our homes and the obstruction of the view of incoming traffic when we try to get out our driveways! As is now driveways are no enough for many that use their garages as accumulation storage and already max the parking of their vehicles in their driveways and then park all day and night in the right of ways and or road…and no enforcement takes place.
me says
It’s been happening already for years, who are they trying to fool that this is something new??????????????????????? The City of PC has gone down the tubes, it no long has the curb appeal it once had. They no longer enforce their rules about lawns being kept up, they have let working trucks park in residential area’s and no longer has put a stop to that.
Do they still have a Code Enforcement Dept.?
celia pugliese says
And now they want to make it worst allowing commercial vehicles parked in residential driveways…I see the eyesores coming affecting the value of our homes while generating blight that will attract more crime as usual. Also obstructing in overcrowded driveways with vehicles, the safe open vision of incoming traffic while getting out of our driveways. If those families with service workers moved to Palm Coast because its appeal, then why do they want to make it into an aesthetical undesirable place, just by being lazy. Park commercial vehicles in commercial storage provided by your employer or your businesses and drive your car back home. or use magnetic signs that can be taken off. Now lets see the punches coming just for telling it like it is! For worse Tallahassee approves it too! City and FL changing for worst.
Morgan Monaco says
About peoplee having garage mechanic business, acetylene botle, welding etc.in residential area to avoid paying tx.
CWC says
Morgan, agree. Was interested in a particular house when first moved here but was concerned about stacks of bldg materials stored on side next to house I was considering. RE agent said he was renovating his house. Drove by at night and saw messy pick up truck with misc construction materials in bed, and sign on truck identifying it as “XYZ” contractors.
(I’ve made it a rule to ALWAYS drive by a house I’m considering, and thru the nborhood, at night + on weekends, and strongly suggest everyone do the same.)
Fernando Melendez says
Any relaxing of these ordinance’s will result in Deltona #2 or South Daytona #2 and the end of political careers. Let’s not fix it if it ain’t broken. Keep it residential.
JC says
And this is why you weren’t elected. You don’t give a F*** about the working class who want to buy here in Palm Coast.
It is always mostly the older generation who look down on the working class as of late.
Laurel says
JC: Here we go again, find some particular group guilty. If you don’t like the 25% to 29% of the older generation, who do not think all alike, why the hell would you move here? The majority have the 53%, so make what you want to happen, happen. Young and middle age people don’t vote? C’mon.
Kevin says
Glad I don’t need to deal with this, as I live in an HOA. While I understand, it is an inconvenience, I don’t want to see it, period.
FlaglerLive says
You might want to familiarize yourself with House Bill 1203, now law (2024).
celia pugliese says
Oh yes Pierre ensuring to make a further mess of FL. Like I said above the support comes from Tallahassee.
celia pugliese says
Lets do not misinterpret House Bill 1203:
Key points to remember as all comes to vehicle signage, size, axles, etc. :
A work vehicle can be any vehicle used for work-related tasks, even a personal car used occasionally for business, while a commercial vehicle is specifically used for transporting goods or people for profit.
Commercial vehicles typically have stricter regulations regarding weight, size, driver licensing requirements, and safety standards compared to most work vehicles.
A company-owned van used for deliveries would be considered both a work vehicle and a commercial vehicle, while a salesperson’s personal car used for occasional client visits might be considered a work vehicle but not a commercial vehicle.
Kevin says
I fully understand what it states. NOT a commercial vehicle. The question is, why did you move to Palm Coast? This code has been on the books forever. I pay to store my boat. You can pay to store your work truck and work trailer.
Seminole Woods Resident says
I support the change as long as the vehicle is parked in the owners driveway and does not result in other vehicles parked in the swale or in empty lot swales.
celia pugliese says
Don’t hold your breath Seminole Resident! I am about to believe we elected the wrong people to council. Jeez.
Shark says
One of my neighbors who worked for code enforcement years ago had a truck parked in her driveway for fifteen years with a ladder on the roof rack and name on the side. Personal friend of Grossman.
Greg says
Terrible move. You’ll have every nut in town parking trucks all over the place. It’ll look like Daytona instantly.
Steve says
It already is. Open your eyes and look around.
Mark says
Now to let residents park campers, boats and trailers in their private driveways, of course not within 10 feet of the road surface, would be the topping on the cake.
TR says
Commercial vehicles are different than recreational vehicles. Will not change for the recreational vehicles still not allowed to be parked in ones driveway. Unless you’re repairing it, loading or unloading it from a trip. But then you have to notify the city as to what your intentions are while it’s parked in your driveway. BTW, the first 15′ is considered the city’s easement, not 10′. Just saying.
Tim says
I just have to ask why ? It has work so far why give in now. I for one don’t want to see them parked in the driveway.
JC says
Because people like you don’t want the working class near your house. Even if some of these working class folks actually make enough money to afford a home here.
CWC says
Pogo, I’m not sure how I feel about your comment because I was so distracted and put off by your use of crude, vulgar language. You lost me at the first “F—ing”. 🤷♀️ Perhaps you could re-write your Comment, omitting the offensive words & descriptors, and maybe shorten it by several paragraphs, and re-submit?
FlaglerLive says
Pogo was quoting George Carlin. On this site, editing Carlin is forbidden.
Laurel says
Thank you 😊 Flagler Live!
Deborah Coffey says
Sounds like you don’t have a dime to your name and that you’ve never, ever made an investment in anything. WE were working class people that saved our entire lives. Now, we’d like to protect the investment we made in our house.
Ed Danko, former Vice-Mayor, PC says
I fully supported amending this ban in 2021 and I fully support it now. Unfortunately, in 2021 former Mayor Alfin, along with councilmen Klufas and Branquinho fell for the flawed city survey numbers and voted against removing the ban. Alfin and Klufas also showed their arrogant pompous elitism, along with their distain for working folks, by voting not to amend the ban. I hope this council has a more positive view of those in our community who work hard to make an honest living. Palm Coast is not a gated community, we are a city and decent working people deserve to be treated with respect.
Porthos says
Your so
Full of shot your eyes are brown – this from the Danko who called us Portuguese people “pork chops” repeatedly- your about yourself only. People are not fooled by you
celia pugliese says
Ed if you liked the appeal of Palm Coast when you arrived to this city and decided to stay why do you want it to make it into an eyesore that will erode the value of our homes? No commercial work vehicles with signage should be park but in proper designated commercial areas…drive your car back home.
Laurel says
Well, here’s the problem, Celia: PC is not Boca Raton, and never will be. I lived in Boca for nearly 20 years, and the people there are extreme. A friend of mine’s mother had a lovely house in a pretty area called Camino Gardens. Her house had a hedge all the way around the back yard. My friend put her green canoe in the hedge, and it could only be seen if you looked for it in the back yard. Someone did. The HOA complained so loudly that her mother was in tears! My friend had to move her canoe.
The same friend had a townhouse in north Boca. She worked for PBC Animal Control, and after working all day, she was on call at night. The townhouse HOA would not let her park the Animal Control truck in her parking space BUT her husband was allowed to park his police car there. Huh!
I lived in Lake Worth, and had a small boat in the driveway. Some folks thought somehow boats should not be allowed. The Planning Board had a public meeting on the subject. Guess who the opposition was? Real estate agents! I told the Board that they were far more interested in real estate values than family values. I got a huge applause, even though it’s not appropriate at these meetings. People want to enjoy their toys, not store them for hundreds of dollars a month. The real estate people lost. Oh, and by the way, some of the Board members owned storage properties. Huh, again!
It should be about compromise. Let the working people bring home their vehicles within a set of guidelines, and enforce those guidelines. Consider, please consider your neighbors. Don’t bring home oversized or heavily marked vehicles. Don’t pile a lot of junk next to the property line, like a friend’s neighbor does in Crescent Beach. Think about how things look on the other side of the fence, if there even is one, and don’t put things in your neighbors’ face. Stop the commando mentality, and give the working people a break!
Compromise and be considerate!
Also by the way, Boca, for the most part, was a bore.
Kevin says
You calling others arrogant is comical.
Denali says
I just love it when that hillside has been freshly greased, makes the trip to the bottom so much faster and smoother – what a ride.
First it is trucks, then boats, then RV trailers, then utility/lawn maintenance trailers. Where are they going to park all these vehicles? The average Palm Coast is 25 feet long and 18 – 20 feet wide (that portion of the drive in the swale is not your property) , enough for two ‘normal’ vehicles. I would offer that over 60% of the garages are being used for storage or some type of living space, we have a neighbor who runs a business out of his garage. The original minimum design requirements for Palm Coast included garages for all residential structures. That requirement still exists. I seriously doubt the authors of this requirement intended that a garage be used for storage in lieu of parking vehicles.
With the garage full of ‘stuff’ and the drive holding two vehicles the swale become the parking area of choice. So with just a few strokes of the pen on a few sheets of that magic City Ordinance paper and we have allowed parking commercial vehicles in driveways, allowed for boats, RV’s and trailers to be parked in drives or if no room, overnight in the swale. And look at the benefits; we decrease the carbon footprint of the city by driving a few miles less, we save these residents a whole bunch of money on parking fees to put their trucks, rv’s and trailers in storage facilities and best of all we put a bunch of those storage places out of business for lack of customers. Sounds like a huge win for the residents of Palm Coast.
“Fields said the city can define the parameters of a more realistic rule. “We’re just talking about nice, clean work vans and trucks, no oversized or run down eyesores.” Who would define these unenforceable terms? The law does not work with pretty words, it must be clear and concise. No court of which I am aware would/could convict using words like ‘nice’, ‘clean’ or ‘run down eyesores’.
“Palm Coast is changing and we’re growing, and we are no longer solely a retirement community.” This is patently false.
“Many young working families like ours are moving to this beautiful, wonderful, amazing city, and we add vibrancy and diversity and the same care and passion for nurturing this thriving community that we all share in this room.” Ms Fields all I can offer you is the sincere hope that the effects of the Kool Aid wear off soon and the blinders are lifted from your eyes. You do not live in Eden and a huge portion of the population does not give a rats butt about you, your kids, your issues or the community in general.
Lastly, and this is just a question to reflect upon; is not the idea of moving into a community with a set of documented and seasoned ordinances and then trying to change those ordinances to fit your desires not the same as what a large percentage of our population accuses immigrants of doing? Do they not say things like “you knew (or should have known) the rules before you came here.” “This is the way we do things here.” “America, love it or leave it” could easily be restated as “Palm Coast, love it or leave it.”
‘just a thought’
celia pugliese says
Denali the issue is being lazy to park your work or commercial vehicle in the proper commercial storage or parking area and drive back home your car or take on an off the commercial advertising magnetic signs from the doors…and we are supposed to endure their laziness! Will erode the value of the homes in this city and will add to the currently existing blight!
JimboXYZ says
With the comment about the boat, where is the line drawn before boats, RV’s and everything else clutter driveways throughout Palm Coast ? the start of it is commercial vehicles with signage prominently displayed on it. If the tarps are hideous, where is the line drawn for hideous company signage. It’s bad enough there are driveways cluttered with cars that the parking not only is driveways, but in the swales and street for residential overutilization. We’re looking at $ 240K for a STF for this overutilization of showers & flushes. Anyone want to become like Pacific Palisades for growth & the wild fires ? Cut the crap, those overutilizers for Palm Coast & Flagler County growth need yo pay up & even those for the approved future construction for the overutilization of infrastructure. Whether it’s the asphalt streets or the water & sewage. Of course, the the unofficial poll is going to indicate the citizens want this, right up until they are told their property taxes & utility bills are going up for Sewage Treatment Facilities, repaving local roads & anything else. Connect the dots and stop acting like you’re too stupid to figure out that any of these brilliant ideas come at a cost & quite often it’s more than any of these folks are willing to pay. There’s a reason David Alfin wasn’t re-elected. It’s the growth, the attempts to relax the ordinance that isn’t an improvement to the majority of the community. If you voted Alfin out in August 2024 or would’ve voted Alfin out in the Nov 2024 election had he advanced in those political playoffs. Then you’ll vote against this. It’s the same principal that this keeps coming up to eventually wear down voters to approve it. If one is against the growth of new residential construction, how are you going to feel that one of your neighbor may be parking that commercial vehicle in the driveway next to your residence ? And what if in the bed of that pickup there’s a box of nails that ends up in the road & in your tires ? Palm Coast has been rental duplex hell for that nonsense. I don’t want to see the drywall labor’s truck & trailer in the driveway next to mine every night, do you ?
JimboXYZ says
My bad on the $240M STF in my last post, I erroneously typed “K” instead of “M”, thousands vs millions, there’s a huge difference in how much that increases property taxes & utility rates, which are the Government’s tools to collect revenue to pay for that. Since we all know there are no Federal & State funds to pay for that, there never was. The smoke & mirrors of Biden-Harris that was removed from power and will be evicted in 11 days. If you voted for change, it makes no sense to relax what was voted to preserve in re-electing Trump. Anyone wanting te ordinances relaxed, don’t really want them to complain & claim poverty for the growth that never paid for itself, isn’t an improvement to Palm Coast. And since you have all this money that you didn’t have before, you can pay for those of us that don’t want it, never wanted it to happen & are the true victims of it.
Pogo says
@Delusions of grandeur
…are not grandeur.
As stated
You’ve elected cannibals since the city was created; welcome to their jungle, but not the club — you (and your so-called leaders) ain’t in it, you never were…
“But there’s a reason. There’s a reason. There’s a reason for this, there’s a reason education sucks, and it’s the same reason that it will never, ever, ever be fixed. It’s never gonna get any better. Don’t look for it. Be happy with what you got. Because the owners of this country don’t want that. I’m talking about the real owners now, the real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying, to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I’ll tell you what they don’t want: They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. Thats against their interests. Thats right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table to figure out how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago. They don’t want that. You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you, sooner or later, ’cause they own this fucking place. It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club. And by the way, it’s the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head in their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. The table is tilted folks. The game is rigged, and nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. Good honest hard-working people — white collar, blue collar, it doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on — good honest hard-working people continue — these are people of modest means — continue to elect these rich cocksuckers who don’t give a fuck about them. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t care about you at all — at all — at all. And nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. That’s what the owners count on; the fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick that’s being jammed up their assholes everyday. Because the owners of this country know the truth: it’s called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.”
― George Carlin
“MAGA, sucker! …ask what you shall do for me!”
— Herr trump, et al.
Laurel says
Pogo: I knew immediately you were quoting my man, George Carlin. Yep, he was right, and if people would open their eyes, they would see the club is now at Mar a Lago, with the American oligarchs toasting their success. And the MAGAs, along with the rest of us, are not members of the club and never will be. I think he came up with this in 2014, ten years ago at least, and has not been proven wrong yet.
We are kept busy with nothingness, aren’t we?
Take a Good Look says
What is the problem with allowing hardworking business owners parking their personal work vehicle on their property? Get over it people!
Kevin says
You know what the problem is, people worked their entire lives, to afford their house, not to see commercial vehicles in residential neighborhoods. Stop with the “hard” working folks. Everyone works hard. I pay to park my boat. You can pay to park your work truck. If you can’t afford it, go into another line of work.
Kevin says
Hard Working People….Please…….
Everyone works hard to buy a home. A large majority of those, don’t want to see a commercial truck across from their home
celia pugliese says
Thank you Dennis…These ones that moved here to run their home businesses are audacious! We have not sufficient parking in single family homes as is now used as multiple families with a car each member and a garage used as storage with STR;s too and parking allover the darn right of way and in the street obstructing the view of the incoming traffic while a residents is getting out its driveway and they want to add additional commercial or work vehicles on them. Adios beautiful Palm Coast …what are Pontieri, Norris and Gambaro thinking about it? We ahve residential designation in our PC communities and should nit be turned into commercial without eroding the value of our homes and our safety and quality of life. Adios to the beautiful curve appeal that made us buy our homes in PC!
Henry says
I just moved into the neighborhood. Seven oaks and seven wonders trails. Most of the neighbors have their backyards like junkyards ,boats cars ,who knows what else scrap metal, yards not mowed. I don’t think there is any code enforcement area in Palm Coast.
Miami North says
Anyone who is FOR commercial vehicles parked on property needs to take a drive through DELTONA and you will immediately have an idea of Palm Coast will look like if this rule is changed.
HOA or not, there are certain rules in PC that prevent this town from looking like a complete dump
Prepare for your property value to DROP to new lows, if this is changed
hjc says
I wonder how many people will be blowing up the phone lines when lighting bolts are coming out of your receptacles you have water running out your front door or it is 💯 degrees in your house? We bought our homes and pay taxes we should be able to park a truck or van on our property!
Kevin says
And I bought my home. I don’t want to see your work truck in my residential neighborhood. I pay to park my boat. You can pay to park your work vehicle. Can’t afford it, get in a different line of work. Your convenience, doesn’t matter, to your neighbors
Hjc says
Move to a gated community. Homes for sale everyday or move back to where you came from.
Nancy N. says
It’s about freaking time this ban was done away with. Heaven forbid the people of Palm Coast should know their neighbor might work for a living.
Dennis C Rathsam says
Are you folks losing your minds????? Do you really want to see rolling billboards, parked across the street, of you $400k home, so EVERYTIME you go outside you get to see this trash.Ms Grossman does play favorites. I’ve seen it on Luther Dr.We have one sneeky family that parks a travel trailer in thier driveway. It takes up every inch. It stays sometimes, for more than the 3 days at a time. The wife calls in to get more time in the driveway, time needed to fix a brand new travel trailer? Could the exterminator, that owns it gets special treatment? It’s a eyesore! My parents lived in Seminole, they too didnt allow trailers, boats, or bill board trucks. A few years ago they stopped infourcing the code. Now theres Cabin crusers, 25, 30 feet long, some that will never float again, school busses who days are long gone & Cabs the pull frieght are everywhere. Once you let the genie out of the bottle your screwed! Code says you cant park in the swale overnight…. What a load of crap, even if you do call they dont do nothing. Streets a too narrow, his is a hazzard to! I complained about his trailer, a while back….The owner came to my house to complain why I called. I told him it was a eyesore & he was pushing his luck. He didnt see it my way. If you call code & complain they tell you he,s got 3 days! 3 days after you call makes it a week before the persons notified. I moved here because of this code, everyone knows the law, move to Bunnell if you want that crap in your driveway! This trailer has many many calls to code, yet they still get away with it….THEY DO NOTHING! We need a new, non bias head of this department. One who goes after these same violators, its the same people every time, they have no respect for thier neighbors.
Richard says
lol.. most of these ppl bought these homes when they were $150k. Stop acting like a Country Club millionaire just because the price of your house went up during Covid. It’s Palm Coast. A town of working ppl. Stop pretending you’re living in Pinehurst. Your home value will be just fine, even with a pickup with a Joes Roofing logo on the side parked in your neighbors driveway. Go count cloud trails there Chad/Karen
Dennis C Rathsam says
Pierre….Wheres my thoughts on this subject? Why wasn’t it printed? Your a communist
Laurel says
LOL! How easy it is to become a communist these days!
Still laughing…
Take a Good Look says
Why should a business owner be forced to shell out extra money for storage or rent to park their personal business vehicle on someone else’s property when it should be perfectly acceptable to park it at their own home that they paid for??? What makes your opinion of someone’s else’s personal property and/or what works best for their family situation more important than their own? FYI..there are many business owners who live here and who have been raised here all their lives’ and are finally in the position to have their own business AND to serve you people who haven’t been here nearly as long! You should be grateful not hateful! Some of us were here BEFORE Palm Coast was even a city! Unfortunately, I hear A LOT of ignorant thinking and comments posted on hear. Shame on you all for your ignorant judgmental stance! Underneath it all…Smells like DISCRIMINATION to me!!!
Laurel says
Take: They have the fantasy that they are living in Palm Beach, where the working class has to come over the bridge to work.
Keep the huge boats and campers in storage. Let the small stuff stay. Let the working class, who do live here too, park their smaller, work vehicles home.
Jason says
Funny this ordinance has been in place for how long? MANY people did their homework before moving here. Fully knowing about such ordinances. Now the new people who are moving here, unaware of such ordinances. Are the ones wanting them changed. Boats, RV’s are nothing but eye sores. Code enforcement picks and chooses who they issue citations too. According to who they are affiliated to within the “system”. There is always somebody who thinks the rules dont apply to them, or just cant count 3 out of seven days for boats/rv’s. Now the city is about to open up a whole new can of worms = priceless
Eyesore says
Anyone who thinks this is a good change, take a ride through St Augustine shores and see what it looks like without a ban.
Pat Stote says
To the people who are really against commercial vehicles, etc., every day need to live in a community that has rules and regulations against it.
My husband and I lived in Arbor Trace for 12 years and they had restrictions regarding commercial vehicles and boats. We have moved away, but we really enjoyed living in a community with rules and regulations. It’s a much easier way to live at least for us.
Jane Gentile Youd says
Thank GOD we don’t live in Palm Coast. A paradise far away from corrupt land degradation is no more. Uncaring officials turning the once paradise into a free for all junk yard in my opinion if the commercial vehicle rule is not overturned.
The Mayor says
You know what changes your prospective on this issue? The amount of work boots worn by people that have to go before the Code Enforcement Board. Now stop and think about that for a minute.
Cindy says
LOL, you guys are just too funny. My neighbor runs a business out of his home and you would never in a million years know it. There are two other neighbors on our street that have businesses, I’m sure there are others but these two individuals make a parking lot/junkyard look empty. One has 4 cars/SUV’s in the driveway when their friends or family come to party the rest of the cars park on the island overnight which is not allowed and stays most of the day. The other one, has 2 boats, SUV, pickup truck a car and a concrete pump all parked in the driveway, on the swale and on the sawle on the side of the house. You wouldn’t mind living next to that or better yet looking out of your window only to see a junkyard. I’m sorry but if the City is allowing you to run a business out of your home then you should have the common decency to respect your neighbors who ALSO bought their homes and pay taxes and probably a whole lot more than most of you pay. So with that being said for the ones who say residents don’t want hardworking people parking their work trucks or cars in the driveway take a ride around Palm Coast and when you see what it can look like I’m sure you may just think before you type.
Joseph Barand says
One thing that has Ben mentioned is the reduction of lot sizes that in 40 foot wide, 5 foot side yards, southern driveways. Maybe a better solution would be to restrict driveway parking by forcing residents to use vehicles for intended purposes
celia pugliese says
When we decided to move to Palm Coast we picked a “residential zoned area” not a commercial area, were our residences seat! I owned a Palm Coast business since 1994 and for 28 years we had magnetic sings in our cars taken off when we headed home. Just took the on and off inconvenience. Our current city parking regulations is a zoning Residential Entitlement we all Palmcoasters have and created by our founder ITT. Why is current council even entertaining this illegal demand? Where is the data provided by the city administrators to sustain this unthinkable request that will turn Palm coast into a very undesirable city with depressed property values and traffic safety issues as well, besides the blight.
Brad the camper says
Come on PC do better:/. I Parker my small camper in the drive the night before we were leaving to camp for the weekend. I awoke to find a no parking notice that had been listed at 0530 telling me to move the camper. I didn’t think much of it because we were leaving at sunrise. We return two nights later and it was dark. We unload the camper and I was going to take it to our storage unit the following morning. Walked out to my truck and guess what? Yes, another notice. I grumbled and took the camper to the storage unit. That following Friday, I brought the camper home to load up to go camping again on Saturday. Guess what? Yup you got it.. another notice this was a warning this time. We left and returned. This time we just threw everything into the garage and I took the camper back to the storage. Two days letter I receive a letter in the mail about the second notice and then a registered mail letter warning me or a fine.
So city of PC. Are you going to write me up everytime I even try to park my camper. Your almost as bad as a HOA or even worst. Grrrr