Much attention has focused on the demolition and reconstruction of the Starbucks at Island Walk–the former Palm Harbor Shopping Center–where demolition started at the end of March.
But a Starbucks is in the works at a new location: near the coming Aldi grocery store in the multi-business commercial development taking shape at the southeast corner of Belle Terre Parkway and State Road 100, the development known as the Shoppes of Palm Coast.
The development’s Aldi store, at its eastern edge, and its Tractor Supply Co. store, at the western edge, have already been largely built. The tractor store is open, Aldi is a distance yet from opening. The 13-acre development is to have a large Gate gas station as well. The new Starbucks, a Palm Coast spokesperson confirmed today, will be going up to the west of the Aldi store.
A development order was recently approved for the Starbucks, and three permits have been issued to contractors, with work still in its earliest stages. “We don’t have an opening date although they will be starting construction soon,” the city spokesperson said.
There are minor hiccups: “The existing tree barricades do not agree with the approved plan due to the applicant’s desire to save more trees and vegetation than originally planned,” one city inspector reported, according to records. There are other minor discrepancies in the paperwork submitted to the city, whose inspectors are notoriously caffeinated sticklers for by-the-book consistency.
The Starbucks will be around 2,200 to 2,300 square feet and will be one of 25,750 stores worldwide, with steady, solid growth over the past several years: the company had net profits iof just over $4 billion on revenue of $21.3 billion last year, with operating margins a shade under 20 percent.
There is another Starbucks on the south side of town, but it’s only a small nook inside Target–essentially, across the street from the coming location–and it doesn’t offer drive-thru service, Wi-Fi or the more extensive offerings of pastries and other sundry sins at more standard Starbuckses. It doesn’t even have fashionably insufferable baristas: those voids should be remedied at the location across the street.
Of course, this week’s acquisition of Panera Bread by JAB Holding, a giant in the industry of coffee-creamed restaurants and services (it owns among others, in part or in whole Peet’s Coffee & Tea, Caribou Coffee Company, Intelligentsia Coffee & Tea and, well, Krispy Kreme) may result in frothy competition between the stores on State Road 100, assuming JAB throws more coffee-bean choices in Panera’s direction.
In other related developments, the reconstruction of the Dunkin Donut/Baskin Robbins on Palm Coast Parkway, which burned last June, is just past the halfway mark, according to the city’s latest summary of developments around town. So is Aldi.
PCer says
MOC says
Fashionably insufferable baristas…..
Or hard working, high school/college students, etc trying to make a living. A paycheck…..
Flagler Mom says
Nice to see the Dunkin Donuts so close to reopening. It’s a good sign for Palm .Coast and I’ve got to confess, I’m a sucker for the lemon filled ones.
Howard Duley says
Fantastic, another gas station. We need the competition to stabilize gas prices.
It is absolutely amazing that every station in town raises prices by the exact amount
on exactly the same day. It must be a miracle. The minimum wage workers at these stations
are getting rich and will be buying houses over at Grand Haven, You have to love Palm
Coast government for bringing all these high paying jobs to the city.
Stephani Hernandez says
“notoriously caffeinated sticklers” 😂😂😂
I’m glad they’re trying to save more trees.
gmath55 says
Starbucks to expensive! I prefer 7-11 coffee. Much better and cheaper.
JasonB says
Nice, another place to buy a 6 dollar cup of coffee.
Lazaruis says
Great !
I wonder what they will do with the one in target ?
Wish we had one here in flagler beach .
Mark101 says
I would have thought by now Walmart would have built another Superstore off of 100.
blondee says
Instead of going to Starbucks, I make my own coffee, yell my name out incorrectly, then light a $5 on fire.
Anonymous says
This place is just ridiculous! Stop worrying about the stupid trees and give us some jobs where we can raise a family. What is wrong with the city planner? Get your head out of your butt!
Wishful thinking says
I love Aldis. Yipeeeee
JimB says
Starbucks said they will hire 10,000 muslims. Does this mean we will become a sanctuary city?
Will we be importing muslims by the bus load?
I wouldn’t patronize Starbucks if their coffee was a nickel a cup.
Just a fashion statement to walk around with a Starbucks cup in your hand. To me… just shows me you’re stupid enough to pay six bucks for a fifty cent cup of coffee. SUCKER!
FYI: Muslims don’t use toilet paper, they use their left hand. Enjoy your Starbucks!!! LOL
Dave says
Jus what the people need, another place to feed their drug addiction. What’s funny is ,its the hard working 9-5 poor type people who drink this stuff the most, sad
Sw says
Oh joy 7$ a cup coffee house
Mamma O'Malley says
FBFDVolunteerDaughter says
YAY MORE MOCHAS FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dutch says
I would rather drink a cup of mud, then to give one dime to a company like this. As the old saying goes, a fool and his money are soon parted….
Schottey says
Literally everything about your comment (even translated through the dripping sarcasm) is factually incorrect. Gas Stations make almost no money on fuel sales, it’s a penny or two at best. And, when gas prices are high, stations will usually use the fuel as a loss leader in order to encourage purchases on higher margin items. (i.e., if they lose 20 cents on your fuel purchase, but you buy a fountain drink with almost pure profits for them, they still make money.)
It’s fuel companies that make all the money on gasoline, not stations. The prices rise in unison because they’re all responding to the same market conditions and price changes decisions (or at least the decision-making criteria are set at corporate levels).
Also, what area of the Palm Coast government do you believe is in charge of so strongly controlling the free market as to control which specific businesses come into Palm Coast? I’m seriously asking, because the one consistent in PC is someone finding something to complain about every time a news business moves in and blaming “the government” for a transaction that is entirely done by the free market—except in cases of zoning.
It’s awesome that more businesses and more jobs are coming into Palm Coast. I think everyone wishes a large, well-paying producer would move in to be a cornerstone of the economy here, but we can’t be so jaded as to pretend that every business moving in that ISN’T that is somehow a bad thing.
Kate says
Lovely. That makes five, or six gas stations in a 6 mile stretch of the 100? Perhaps we should put a gas station on every block. Now we’ll have a TSC that would have been better situated in Bunnell, yet another gas station, a discount grocer and drive thru Starbucks and no infrastructure to support the increased traffic. The Belle Terre/S.R. 100 corner is a disaster. What about how this affects the residents of Quail Hollow? Oh wait. They don’t matter, right?
FlaglerLive says
Anonymous, the desire to protect more trees is on the developer’s part, not the city’s, if we’re reading the permit correctly.
Algernon says
Just a note about Tractor Supply Co. to the person who said it would be better in Bunnell.
When they opened I had a talk with a manager who said, roughly, their business plan tries to place their store locations in between rural and suburbia areas and cities where people have lawns. For that purpose the location on Belle Terre is excellent. And did you know, they don’t sell tractors?
Pierre Tristam says
You may want to grab a grande for this one.
This is addressed to all the bigots out there, such as the unesteemed JimB above and an unfortunately high number spouting similar imbecilities at FlaglerLive’s Facebook page:
Aside from the fact that Starbucks, with 25,000 stores around the world, has likely already hired more than 10,000 Muslims; aside from the fact that there would be nothing wrong with hiring 10,000 Muslims in its European and American stores, any more than it would be wrong to hire 10,000 atheists, 10,000 Christians or 10,000 red-heads carrying 99 red balloons each; and aside from the fact that trying to reason with a bigot makes about as much sense as a sentence with the words “reason” and “bigot” anywhere near each other; aside from all that, Starbucks never said the company will “hire 10,000 Muslims.” That opportunistic lie was vomited by Breitbart and obviously licked off whatever grubby floors the likes of JimB dine from. What Howard Schultz, the Starbucks CEO, wrote on Jan. 29 about this hiring spree is this:
Not one word about the sectarian background of those refugees, though plenty of words, as you can see, about preferential treatment for those who have helped American troops. Somehow, the vomit-grubbers have found a way to twist that into the hiring of “10,000 Muslims.” What Schultz said at the conclusion of his letter was this: “We are in business to inspire and nurture the human spirit, one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time – whether that neighborhood is in a Red State or a Blue State; a Christian country or a Muslim country; a divided nation or a united nation. That will not change. You have my word on that.”
As to the FYI on toilet paper, there again, you slander the FYI acronym, since you seem not to know the meaning of information: if anyone taught the west how to wipe its ass, it’s Muslims (particularly during the Crusades: that was at least one benefit surviving Christians brought back to Europe, aside from the tails between their legs: proper bathrooms). Not to go Muslim Martha Stewart on your ass, but it’s Muslims who, as per the Sunnah on the subject (that’s the equivalent of a Scalia Supreme Court opinion in that religion, if Scalia were a Sunni), are as anally retentive about proper wiping as they come, going so far as to go apoplectic if there’s so much as a touch of backsplash. The most the Bible says on the subject, if we’re to go the fair and balanced way you surely appreciate, is Deuteronomy’s rather regressive suggestion to to do as cats do: “dig a hole with a trowel and then cover up your excrement.” (23:12-13, if you’re scoring at home.) Not even word one about wiping. You seem to forget, too, that in our Christian nation it appears to be necessary to actually tell restaurant employees to wash their hands after using the bathroom, as you know from the posted sign in every public bathroom. Most foreigners (Arabs in particular) look at that sign and go: “Are you shitting me?” (That’s Arabic for “Duh.”)–The editor.
Dunkin Fan says
Well I hope the competition allows Dunkin to bring their prices back down. I’m not sure if they raised them to help pay the deductible for the other location (same owners) but they are most expensive Dunkin in almost every County.
April says
Omg people can’t we just get along! Doesn’t matter who you are and what religion you are when it all comes down to it we’re human’s we do what we want to do and we like what we like. Stop judging. With that being said COFFEE!!!!!
Mark101 says
I can’t believe people even care about another Starbucks opening on 100. Big deal. New jobs are jobs. Put it this way, you do not have to grace the place with you’re presence. You have a choice,.
Conner says
Do people just like to be negative? Give me a break. It’s another business opening around town. @lazaruis Dunkin’ nor Starbucks will get a spot in flagler beach. They do not let corporate chains establish in flagler beach. I love the fact that flagler beach is all local businesses. There are some great coffee shops out there already :)
jane doh says
what happened to the proposed Wawa?
Josie Araneta says
Wawa is one good store to have, but with the proliferation of gas/convenience store here at this point, I doubt they’ll be interested to open one here. Our loss…
Helene says
To the commenter sw: a cup of coffee is NOT $7. A regular cup of delicious coffee is $1.85