This week and next we’re running the Live Interviews of the candidates for local office in the Nov. 8 general election, with early voting beginning on Oct. 24.
Maria Barbosa is a candidate for Flagler County School Board, District 5. She faces Myra Middleton-Valentine in a runoff in the Nov. 8 election to the District 3 seat vacated by Sue Dickinson.
Barbosa declined to answer the Live Interview’s questions. She declined to give an explanation. Barbosa ran for the school board two years ago when she did answer, though her answers were problematic as most had been plagiarized. That interview appears in full here, above the more recent interview.
This is a non-partisan election. That means all registered voters in Flagler County, regardless of party or non-party affiliation–Democrats, Republicans, independents and others–may cast a ballot for both races, regardless of district.
Flagler County School Board members serve four years. They’re paid $31,900 a year.
FlaglerLive submitted identical questions to all candidates, with the understanding that additional questions might be tailored to candidates individually and some follow-up questions may be asked, with all exchanges on the record. The Live Interview’s aim is to elicit as much candor and transparency as possible. We have asked candidates to refrain from making campaign speeches or make lists of accomplishments. We have also asked candidates to reasonably document any claim or accusation. Undocumented claims are edited out. Answers are also edited for length, redundancy, relevance and, where possible, accuracy. If a candidate does not answer a question or appears to be evading a question, that’s noted.
But it’s ultimately up to the reader to judge the quality and sincerity of a candidate’s answers.
SheriffLarry Jones (D) Rick Staly (R) Thomas Dougherty (I) |
Palm Coast City CouncilNick Klufas (Dist. 3) Pam Richardson (Dist. 3) |
Flagler School BoardMaria Barbosa (Dist. 5) Myra Middleton-Valentine (Dist. 5) |
Flagler County CommissionJason DeLorenzo (Dist. 1) Charlie Ericksen (Dist. 1) Barbara Revels (Dist. 3) Dave Sullivan (Dist. 3) George Hanns (Dist. 5) Donald O'Brien (Dist. 5) |
Editor’s note: Following is Maria P. Barbosa’s interview from 2014, when she ran against Andy Dance. Barbosa’s interview was revealed to contain numerous instances of plagiarism. The full story is here. Each documented case of plagiarism is indicated in red with an editor’s note, along with a link to the source from which the material appears to have been lifted. In every case, the plagiarized material is lifted either word for word or nearly so, with minor alterations. Barbosa has not explained the plagiarism despite numerous attempts to contact her.
1. Why are you running for school board, or running for re-election, and what makes you the best person for this public service job? What is your vision for public education in Flagler County?
I am running for school board of education of district 1, because I care about our children, and I would like to continue to serve my community as well as the teachers and the school board by contributing/providing my time, leadership talents and my passion to help our students achieve educational excellence and to grow into adults who are well-prepared to be good citizens.
Every child has the right to a great public education. As a business owner, happily married, proud parent, grandparent of seven beautiful grandchildren and a community member, I will like to see Schools that should strive to create an environment where all children feel valued and all children are learning to high standards.
Every candidate cares about children and wants to serve the community, and Andy Dance, who’s also happily married and a proud parent, has a long record of striving for excellence. Why should voters choose you over Dance—what makes your candidacy worth removing him from office?
I can bring fresh, new ideas to the Flagler County schools.
2. Tell us who you are as a person—what human qualities and shortcomings you’ll bring to the board, what your temperament is like: what would your enemies say is your best quality, and what would your friends say is your worst fault? Give is real-life examples to illustrate your answer.
To me as I move through life, I think I will always be involved in community service. My experience as business owner, non-profit world and Christian Clinical Counselor provides a unique skill to bring enjoyment to others. I can volunteer for something I really believe and have an interest in.
About temperament I did write two books about it one is Root of Temperament and their Personality Disorders with 452 pages and the other is the Value of Self-Knowledge “a flavor to life” with 247 pages. I do describe my temperament to be easy-going and enjoyable to be around. When comes to my friends I’m loyal and I keep my promise.
You have not told us what your friends would say is your worst fault, nor given us examples of your temperament in action.
I’m a trustworthy friend, loyal and I keep my promise. My friends say I can be judgmental when comes to differ opinions. I do battle for my beliefs.
3. Describe the scope of your job as school board member as you understand it: what’s your primary responsibility? What’s in your power to influence on a day-to-day basis? What is not in your power to do?
The school board can be considered the governing body of a school district. They are the only elected officials within an individual school district that have a say in the daily operations of the school district. School board member decisions do matter. Poor decisions can lead to ineffectiveness, but good decisions will improve the overall quality of the schools. [Editor’s note: Most of this paragraph has been plagiarized from About.com’s article, “Becoming a School Board Member.”]
Some primary responsibilities are:
- Organizational structure of the school district
- Monitoring expenses to keep taxes low and be more transparent.
- Developing a shared vision for student achievement.
- Formulating and enforcing policies for the district including code of student conduct.
- Monitor curriculum policies to make sure the policies align with curricular goals and support student learning.
- Providing safety, transportation and welfare of students while they are in school.
- And others responsibilities…
How is it in the local school board’s power to keep taxes low, since tax rates are set by the state?
The local School budget should be focused on student achievement, by holding the best programs and replacing others that are more useful for students. Effective use of limited operating funds would retain the best staff and ensure the long-term success of the school district. The board should establish and implement internal control over financial reporting.
Can you cite a single example where any of the issues you just mentioned are not being implemented already?
Day-to-day: I would provide guidance and transparency. I would be the voice of working parents and teachers as well as with the community to make the schools a better place and safer for our children and grandchildren. In addition I believe that the board should play a leadership role in the community, proactively seeking greater involvement and responsibility on the part of parents. [Editor’s note: Part of the paragraph has been plagiarized from a Tennessee web page for Cynthia Stanley-Cash, a candidate for school board there, published last January, and also plagiarized in April by a North Carolina school board candidate. Barbosa has also pasted the lines onto her web page, which was published subsequently.]
- It’s important to be the voice of diverse populations and underserved youth and providing valuable support for administrators, teachers and staff.
- Preserve extracurricular activities that build life skills through the arts, recreation, technology and other programs.
- Providing individualized instructions and support services in order for each child to achieve their potential.
- Keeping class sizes small so more interactive learning can occur.
- Parents/Mentors should be encouraged to fully participate in their child’s education.
- End bullying, Bullying is a serious problem with long-lasting effects that can be the root cause of criminal behavior, academic failure, and lack of self-esteem later in.
- Appropriately implemented, proactive behavior support systems can lead to dramatic improvements that have long-term effects on the lifestyle, functional communication skills and problem behavior in individuals with disabilities or at risk for negative adult outcomes. [Editor’s note: The item has been plagiarized from a National Association of School Psychologists briefing.]
Every board member wants more parental involvement and an end to bullying. How, specifically, would you achieve either goal beyond or differently from what’s being done now?
1. Primary goal should be to get the schools and parents to cooperate to get the bullying to stop.
2. Working together, parents and teachers can provide a consistent approach to introduce more productive and appropriate replacement behaviors.
3. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, “All school staff needs to be trained on what bullying is, what the school’s policies and rules are, and how to enforce the rules.” [Editor’s note: The second and third item are plagiarized from an article on crisisprevention.com.]
Again, are you suggesting that any of these ideas are not being implemented now?
4. What are the education gaps or weaknesses in the districts—in other words, where and who the district is failing most? What are the brightest successes?
It’s important to preserve extracurricular activities that build life skills for future success projects. We need to foster a public education system that embraces and celebrates the individuality of all our children and facilitates their ability to reach their full potential, whether that be through the arts, sciences, mathematics, technology, humanities, music, or all of the above. [Editor’s note: The sentence is plagiarized from the campaign web page of Sue Peters, a 2013 school board candidate in Seattle, Washington. The line has been plagiarized by other candidates frequently since.] Some of these programs have had a profound and positive impact on the development and growth of many of our students. My guiding principle is that ALL students need to succeed, regardless of race, economic status, ethnicity, gender, language or disability. [Editor’s note: The sentence, including the capitalized “ALL,” is plagiarized from the January campaign web page of Felicia Brunson, a Broward County school board candidate, who may have lifted the line from James Lander, a 2013 candidate in a Virginia school board race.] I believe investment, commitment and support of public education will provide children of all socio-economic backgrounds a path to fulfilling their dreams and our hope for the future.
You have not answered the question, which is designed to show us your familiarity with the system, its successes and its failures. Please try again.
Barbosa’s answer: “No further comment.”
5. Common Core has caused a good deal of controversy, much of it invented out of thin air, most if not all of it irrelevant to Flagler County. Define common core as you understand it. Explain your position regarding common core. And understanding that the Florida Standards have rendered it a non-issue for Flagler, tell us whether you are campaigning for or against common core, and if so, why.
Any testing can serve a variety of purposes. For example, educators can use testing to pinpoint students’ strengths and weaknesses to plan curricula and adopt teaching practices tailored to their needs. The studies describe several positive and negative aspects to standardized tests, along with ideas of who is responsible for test performance. Too much emphasis is placed on high stakes test along with unrealistic expectations for some.
Many diverse schools experience an achievement gap, meaning that some groups of students achieve at a much higher level than other groups, especially on standardized tests. It is common to see persistent patterns of underachievement for lower-income, African American, and Hispanic students on standardized test scores. More and more, standardized tests are serving as gatekeepers to a child’s academic future. [Editor’s note: The entire paragraph is lifted from an article at GreatSchools.org.]
Forgetting about our children and no child should be left behind! We must advocate for our students at every opportunity.
That’s a clear answer about standardized testing, but the question was about your position regarding Common Core specifically. Please tell us your position regarding that.
I don’t like to use Common Core as a political debate. I do not support it. Children need to come first.
6. School taxes: Do you consider them high, low or just right? How much do you, as a school board member, control the setting of school taxes, and if you’ve been campaigning against high taxes, explain your position, and how relevant it is given your very limited powers as a school board member in that regard.
As a business owner, many years of experience have afforded me straightforward knowledge to make good decisions as a future board member using approach to finances, controlling and monitoring expenses to keep taxes low and be more transparent.
Once again, you have not answered the question. Please try again.
It’s necessary to examine school budget closely so that could determine which areas need to be structured, to keep the expenses low.
In preparation for your run for school board, have you examined the budget? If so, can you cite a specific example where it can better be structured?
7. Name your three specific priorities you intend to achieve as a school board members within the scope of the doable—not pie-in-the-sky stuff, not generalities. That is, three priorities you’ll be able to say, four years down the line, that you’ve achieved.
1. Specific actions need to be taken to raise achievement for low-performing students. Implementing new teaching methods that have been proven successful in other schools and providing additional resources and academic support for students, during the school day and after school.
Can you give us an example of one such new teaching method you’ve seen applied successfully elsewhere? How would you pay for those additional resources?
Did not answer the question.
2. Great schools have families and community that are engaged and supportive. At Flagler County too often parents and community members have been ignored. With the input and feedback of families and community will help to measure the effectiveness of the policy and the degree to which annual goals have been met. I believe that parents, teachers, and community members have an important role to play not just in electing a board, but also in advising the Board and the administration on issues affecting their children future, schools and neighborhoods.
“Too often parents and community members have been ignored.” Can you give us a specific example, and tell us how you, as a board member, would have addressed it?
Many teachers struggle to build and maintain full engagement with parents. Teacher need to provide an opportunity to hear the parents’ concerns and invite them into a more generative form of communication.
3. Provide support to administrators and teachers. With the constant change within Florida’s state of education, administrators and teacher need awareness and knowledge of what needs to change and why. It’s important to provide them with the information and training they need. That will inspire teachers to create new learning opportunities that will have a positive impact on student achievement.
Are you suggesting that the Flagler district does not focus enough on staff development?
Flagler district does focus on leadership however more knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed for a sustainable commitment to, validation of, and exchange with culturally diverse students and families. When comes to examine gaps in policy and curricular alterations teacher need to have the proper support and preparation. [Editor’s note: much of the answer in both the first part and the second part of this segment is taken word for word from an article by Sherick Hughes and a follow-up by Bonnie Rockafellow for the Harvard Family Research Project.]
8. The IB program at FPC is the district’s most academically rigorous and accomplished program, serving a small but high-performing class of students beginning with the pre-IB program in 9th grade. What is your opinion of the program, how committed are you to its continuation, and would you support its expansion, or an expansion of a similarly themed feeder program, at Buddy Taylor Middle School, as is being considered currently?
Flagler County offer alternative programs allowing Parents to choose their children’s education to a greater or lesser degree, the quality or effectiveness of teaching. The vision is for all students to graduate fully prepared for college, careers, and a life of continuous learning. I am advocate for the IB program and believe it provides a great and rigorous academic environment for the students.
9. Evaluate Superintendent Jacob Oliva, based on what you know, specifying how supportive—or not—you are of his administrative approach.
The Flagler County School Board has selected 15 community members to form a committee to search for a superintendent to replace Janet Valentine. I was one of the15 community members selected. People of that committee did their best according to the time frame been given. Our job was only to selected 5 future candidates to be the Flagler County School Superintendent.
The question was not about the selection process, which is a different story, but about Mr. Oliva’s administration as you have seen it in action since last Thanksgiving.
Being a community members to search for a superintendent replacement doesn’t allow me to reply your question.
You will be required, as a school board member, to evaluate the superintendent–the only employee, other than the school board attorney, whose evaluation is your responsibility. Your service on the advisory board, of course, does not preclude that, but rather places you in an even better position to evaluate him, since you saw the more than two dozen other applications for the job. Can you try again?
10. Who on the board currently is the board member most closely aligned with your idea of a school board member and why?
To be an effective school board, we must work together, collaborate and respect each school board talents and opinions. [Editor’s note: The answer was lifted word for word from Flagler County School Board member Colleen Conklin’s Live Interview two years ago.]
You have not answered the question.
At the present moment I cannot compare myself with current board member, because I’m total different person with a different life experiences.
11. If you had a choice of running the school district with a teacher union or without one, what would that choice be, and why?
Unions and employers do not always go hand in hand. However unions serve a purpose. Just as the school board has the responsibility to control and monitoring expenses to keep taxes dollars low.
12. Charter schools have had a very checkered history in Flagler, with pronounced failures—Heritage, Outreach Academy—several rejected applications, and sharply contrasting growth and success for Imagine School at Town Center, and this year’s remarkable turn-around, from F to A, for Palm Harbor Academy. How do you see charter schools fitting in public-school equation, and what are the most important criteria by which you’d approve (or reject) a charter school application? Also, what’s your position on vouchers in public education.
Alternative schools provide a number of educational approaches employing nontraditional philosophies, curricula and methods. Flagler County offers alternative schools allowing parents to choose their children’s school to a greater or lesser degree, the quality or effectiveness of teaching. [Editor’s note: The first sentence is lifted from Wikipedia’s entry on “Alternative education,” with the word “provide” substituted for the word “describes.”]
Please tell us specifically how you would analyze a charter school’s application as you decide to accept it or reject it, within the context of this district’s checkered experience with charter schools.
I don’t have a personal constructed analysis for charter schools at this time.
13. Explain zero tolerance discipline as you understand it. Explain whether it is effective, whether the approach should be reformed, and how.
I do believe in zero tolerance when it comes to students wielding weapons. I have been an advocate for Safe Schools. I do know the students and parents are provided with the School Code at the beginning of every year which let them know what is acceptable or not. Yet I do recognize sometimes we do have children who are a straight A students, who have never been in trouble before. With that student it’s necessary to determine the root cause of trying to determine why somebody did what they did. Kids make mistakes. Adults make mistakes.
In many situations the positive discipline improves the child’s behavior. Such changes may entail the use of positive reinforcement, modeling, supportive teacher-student relations, family support and assistance from a variety of educational and mental health specialists. Research has proven that positive discipline strategies benefit all students. [Editor’s note: Most of the paragraph is lifted from a white paper from the National Association of School Psychologists.]
You begin by telling us that you believe in zero tolerance when weapons are involved, but then go on to say that with certain students a different approach may be needed. Would you apply that zero-tolerance approach to the A student who’s never been in trouble before, but who makes that one mistake?
In Flagler County policy has zero tolerance of carrying weapons, drug use and drug sales. When comes to zero tolerance approach to the A student who’s never been in trouble before, I do think that case needs to be reviewed.
14. Do you find the Flagler County School Board accountable to the public on student achievement and school performance over time? If not, how should it become so? And how should the district address underperforming schools?
Over the past three years, we have seen Flagler County schools in achievement growth given the ranked of 11th highest performing school district in the state of Florida (out of 67 traditional school districts). [Editor’s note: The line is lifted, with minor alterations, from a 2013 “State of Education” address by Flagler County School Board Chairman Andy Dance to Flagler County residents, posted on Dance’s website. The figure is outdated: the district is now ranked 12th. Barbosa is Dance’s opponent in this race for school board.]
Flagler County has many great schools, but there is still a lot of work to be done here and across the county. Approximately 40 percent of Flagler County students have been failing to read and perform math satisfactorily for a number of years. Meaning that some groups of students achieve at a much higher level than other groups. It is common to see persistent patterns of underachievement for lower-income, African American, and Hispanic students. [Editor’s note: The latter part of the paragraph is a repeat statement from an earlier instance of plagiarism, above, from an article at GreatSchools.org.]
I believe that the board should play a leadership role in the community, proactively seeking greater involvement and responsibility on the part of parents and mentors. Provide scaffold learning experiences under the guidance of experienced mentors, offer opportunities to actively reflect on leadership experiences, and foster peer networking.
Our parents must understand the educational process and the importance of their personal role and joint accountability in preparing their children for school and supporting their education throughout the years. [Editor’s note: lifted from the Tennessee web page for Cynthia Stanley-Cash, a candidate for school board there. Stanley-Cash’s web page appeared in January, Barbosa’s in June.]
15. Have you ever been charged with a felony or a misdemeanor anywhere in Flagler, Florida or the United States (other than a speeding ticket), or faced a civil action other than a divorce, but including bankruptcies? If so, please explain, including cases where charges did not lead to conviction.
The following is Maria Barbosa’s 2016 Live Interview, in which she declined to participate.
The Questions in Summary: Quick Links
- Basics
- Qualifications
- Temperament
- Powers
- Successes and failures
- Discretionary tax
- Technology
- Art v. sports
- Transgender bathrooms
- Censorship and school authority
- IB program
- Code of Conduct
- Jacob Oliva
- Board affinities
- Background check
- Longevity v. change
Place and Date of Birth: Sept. 21, 1963.
Current job: Not disclosed.
Party Affiliation: Independent.
Net Worth and financial disclosure: Not disclosed.
Resume: Not disclosed.
Website: Not disclosed.
1. What makes you the best person for this public service job? What is your vision for public education in Flagler County? If you’re not the incumbent, about how many school board meetings and workshops have you attended in the past 12 months? If you are the incumbent, how many have you missed?
Maria Barbosa did not answer the question.
Jump to Myra Middleton-Valentine’s answer.
2. Tell us who you are as a person—what human qualities and shortcomings you’ll bring to the board, what your temperament is like: what would your enemies say is your best quality, and what would your friends say is your worst fault? Give us real-life examples to illustrate your answer.
Maria Barbosa did not answer the question.
Jump to Myra Middleton-Valentine’s answer.
3. Besides the obvious—leading by example, remaining ethical, listening to constituents and to your fellow-board members–describe the scope of your job as school board member as you understand it: what’s your primary responsibility? What’s in your power to influence on a day-to-day basis? What is not in your power to do?
Maria Barbosa did not answer the question.
Jump to Myra Middleton-Valentine’s answer.
4. What are the district’s three brightest successes and it’s the three failures that affect students most? What will be your three chief priorities regarding student achievement, within the limits of the doable—that is, four years from now, what can we look back to and say: you were responsible?
Maria Barbosa did not answer the question.
Jump to Myra Middleton-Valentine’s answer.
5. The school board’s discretion to raise revenue locally has diminished drastically in the last few years, but it still has some authority to do so. Would you support a referendum to raise the local property tax by 0.25 mils (or 25 cents on $1,000 in taxable value, what would add $31 a year on a $150,000 homesteaded house), raising $2 million that could be spent on educational programs at the local board’s discretion?
Maria Barbosa did not answer the question.
Jump to Myra Middleton-Valentine’s answer.
6. Almost two decades ago the late educator and theorist Neil Postman wrote: “Forty-five million Americans have already figured out how to use computers without any help whatsoever from the schools. If the schools do nothing about this in the next ten years, everyone will know how to use computers. But what they will not know, as none of us did about everything from automobiles to movies to television, is what are the psychological, social, and political effects of new technologies. And that is a subject that ought to be central in schools.” Provide us with your analysis of Postman’s statement. Tell us if you think Flagler schools are too infatuated with technology, or not enough.
Maria Barbosa did not answer the question.
Jump to Myra Middleton-Valentine’s answer.
7. The district has put a premium on art education. But now we’re in a deep recession. We can have art or football. Not both. What goes?
Maria Barbosa did not answer the question.
Jump to Myra Middleton-Valentine’s answer.
8. You’re at a school event with your 5-year-old child or grandchild. You take that child to the bathroom. A transgender person who was clearly not born as the gender represented by the bathroom you’re using enters as well. What do you do? How would you change current policy to address the issue?
Maria Barbosa did not answer the question.
Jump to Myra Middleton-Valentine’s answer.
9. Twice in the last six years Flagler Palm Coast High School was the scene of high-profile conflicts between free expression and censorship: the censoring of the staging of “To Kill a Mickingbird,” and the censoring of a student’s art work in a student display. After a long controversy the play was staged and whatever fears had been claimed over it proved groundless. The student’s art work was never displayed alongside its peers’ works, even though administrators recognized its accomplished value. In both instances, Jacob Oliva—as principal in the first case, as superintendent in the next—asked that staff’s decisions at the school itself be respected, though the school board is an avenue of appeal. Would you readily defer to staff? Please provide examples of when a school board should override a staff decision in certain controversies?
Maria Barbosa did not answer the question.
Jump to Myra Middleton-Valentine’s answer.
10. Briefly explain the mission and scope of IB program. What is your opinion of the program and how committed are you to its continuation?
Maria Barbosa did not answer the question.
Jump to Myra Middleton-Valentine’s answer.
11. What two items would you strike out of the current student code of conduct, and what two items would you want to see added? Amendments would work as well, if you prefer a less dogmatic approach.
Maria Barbosa did not answer the question.
Jump to Myra Middleton-Valentine’s answer.
12. Evaluate Superintendent Jacob Oliva, specifying how supportive—or not—you are of his administrative approach, and his focus on the flagship program.
Maria Barbosa did not answer the question.
Jump to Myra Middleton-Valentine’s answer.
13. Who on the board currently is the board member most closely aligned with your idea of a school board member and why?
Maria Barbosa did not answer the question.
Jump to Myra Middleton-Valentine’s answer.
14. Have you ever been charged with a felony or a misdemeanor anywhere in Flagler, Florida or the United States (other than a speeding ticket), or faced a civil action other than a divorce, but including bankruptcies? If so, please explain, including cases where charges did not lead to conviction.
Maria Barbosa did not answer the question.
Jump to Myra Middleton-Valentine’s answer.
15. Question customized for Maria Barbosa: Two years ago when you ran for the school board you plagiarized many of your answers. This year you chose not to answer. Yet you are seeking a position on a board whose code of conduct for students singles out plagiarism as one of the gravest academic offenses, and whose own mission is accountability. How are voters to trust the seriousness of you candidacy, and how are students–any of whom would be severely disciplined for plagiarism–to take you seriously as one of its five most important leaders?.
Maria Barbosa did not answer the question.
Donald Trump's Tiny Fingers says
Well, I guess you can’t get called out for rampant plagiarism if you don’t answer any questions right?
BlueJammer says
“Great Caesar’s Ghost!” Assuming Editor’s notes are correct, and they usually are, this candidate is far worse than the candidates who didn’t answer at all! Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!
K says
Has anyone been able to authenticate her supposed PhD credentials? According to her linked in profile Maria Barbosa PhD, she earned a PhD in Christian Clinical Counselor Specialist in 2008 from Florida Christian University.
When I look for this school’s website I find fcuonline.com I thought universities had a .edu address?? I wonder if this particular institution of learning trains people how to plagarize the work of others??
Cannot seem to find where she did her undergrad studies or find her dissertation online- these are usually published for further academic discussion.
Her website for Accel Leadership, an organization she lists on her LinkedIn as having founded, demonstrates a quality of writing that is not even close to doctoral dissertation quality- for example,
“ACCEL method is Holistic Empowerment that “empower our future generation” without the client have to pay thousands for their therapy session.”
The Accel website also offers credentials in Personal, Marriage, Parenting and other Coaching but does not state the licensing agency that validates these.
I’m trying to weigh her credentials/experience but am having no luck.
Anonymous says
Connect the dots…..no thank you Maria; we don’t need more of the friends and family plan. Furthermore, correct me if I am wrong, but you did not receive your secondary education degree in the USA. Degrees obtained outside the USA are sometimes not equivalent.
Donald Trump's Tiny Fingers says
Florida christian university isn’t accredited, it’s just certified. Their website claims that they keep high standards but chose not to be accredited because being accredited would supposedly be too restrictive for their school. Of course, being accredited would also make them a legitimate university so they’re probably a diploma mill pretending to be a religious institution.
Kim says
This woman perplexes me. Is she just going to keep running for offices until she manages to get elected? Why is she running? She obviously doesn’t really care about the office. She also sent out a Mailchimp campaign which I received and I’m sure I never gave her permission to use my email address (which Mailchimp requires). Does she junk we will just elect her without hearing her plans or ideas? Does she have plans and ideas? She’s pretty big in calling herself Dr. Credentials? Very odd.
Algernon says
People try to get an answer about the PhD credentials whenever she runs for office, with no luck. In schools, degrees matter. She’s a sweet person, but sweet only goes so far.
And, interestingly, there’s a post from August 1st on her Facebook site and elsewhere saying this:
“…All registered voters, regardless of party affiliation, can vote for School Board.
Official Primary Election Ballet form CR19 is out!”
Ballet? We’re having an election dance recital? Ballot might be what she means.
BUT, if it’s a simple typo, it should have been caught a week ago – and corrected. This, and her hesitancy to validate that PhD she waves around show an inattention to detail that doesn’t belong on the Flagler County School Board.
Algernon says
Myra Middleton-Valentine is my choice for the Flagler County School Board, District 5 seat.
blondee says
Wow. How can someone with a PhD have so much difficulty in writing a comprehensive sentence or paragraph? Hence the need to plagiarize.
Rita May says
Algernon, don’t make your decision yet. Read the questions that Sharon Demers answered, then decide.
Algernon says
Thanks, Rita May, but though Ms. Deemers seems to be quite nice, I’d prefer someone other than a local partisan Republican committee candidate on the school board. That’s not to criticize Ms. Deemers personally, but rather to say that that segment of the community is already represented by another board member.
Nonya Business says
Anyone who continuously runs for public office and loses and then has another go at it should at least put forth the effort of answering some questions!
Oh WOW says
She came to my door with her flyer. She seemed nice and very determined. She will be a great contribution to society.
W.Ryan says
Manfre came to my door!!!
Markingthedays says
Hahahaahahahaahhahah Maria Barbosa!!!!!! Hahahahahahaahah
Anonymous says
She will certainly do better than Dickinson and is the only choice we have!!! Vote Barbosa November 8th.
Knightwatch says
No, don’t do it, Flagler. This woman lacks honor, integrity and knowledge. She is a tea party favorite and seeks only to disrupt anything perceived as “progressive” education. We need to give our kids a first-class education. not one-sided ideology.
Vote Myra Middleton-Valentine.
Nancy N. says
Anonymous…..last I checked Ms Barbosa is absolutely NOT the “only” choice we have. If you are able to look for a few seconds past the wall of partisan politics to consider someone who isn’t a GOP party sycophant….you’ll see that there is another candidate on the ballot as well. One who can actually provide proof that she has a Phd, and doesn’t count plagiarism among her hobbies.
Anonymous says
The people who are stupid enough to vote for Barbosa deserve her. But our children do not.