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Weather: Mostly cloudy with showers likely with a chance of thunderstorms in the morning, then mostly sunny with a chance of showers with a slight chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs in the upper 70s. Southwest winds 10 to 15 mph, becoming northwest in the afternoon. Chance of rain 70 percent. Thursday Night: Mostly clear. Cooler with lows in the lower 50s. See the daily weather briefing from the National Weather Service in Jacksonville here.
Today at a Glance:
The Palm Coast Beautification and Environmental Advisory Committee meets at 5 p.m. at City Hall, 160 Lake Avenue, Palm Coast.
The Flagler Beach City Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall, 105 South 2nd Street in Flagler Beach. Watch the meeting at the city’s YouTube channel here. Patti King is sworn in as mayor as Suzie Johnston steps down, and Eric Cooley, after defeating Bob Cunningham, is sworn in for his third term. The commission will also elect a new chair, ending Cooley’s term in that position. The meeting will be preceded with an CRA meeting. Access meeting agenda and materials here. See a list of commission members and their email addresses here.
“Wait Until Dark,” at Limelight Theater, 11 Old Mission Avenue, St. Augustine. Tickets: $22.50. Book here. 7:30 p.m., except on Sundays, when the show is at 2 p.m. A sinister con man, Roat, and two ex-convicts, Mike and Carlino, are about to meet their match. They have traced the location of a mysterious doll, which they are much interested in, to the Greenwich Village apartment of Sam Hendrix and his blind wife, Susy. Sam had apparently been persuaded by a strange woman to transport the doll across the Canadian border, not knowing that sewn inside were several grams of heroin. When the woman is murdered the situation becomes more urgent. The con man and his ex-convicts, through a cleverly constructed deception, convince Susy that the police have implicated Sam in the woman’s murder, and the doll, which she believes is the key to his innocence, is evidence. She refuses to reveal its location, and with the help of a young neighbor, figures out she is the victim of a bizarre charade. But when Roat kills his associates, a deadly game of cat and mouse ensues between the two. Susy knows the only way to play fair is by her rules, so when darkness falls she turns off all the lights leaving both of them to maneuver in the dark until the game ends.
From Statista: In 2012, the United Nations proclaimed March 20 as the International Day of Happiness or World Happiness Day, which has been held on this date every year since. The aim is to promote awareness for a “more inclusive, equitable and balanced approach to economic growth that promotes the happiness and well-being of all people”. Although happiness and satisfaction are subjective parameters, the team behind the World Happiness Report has once again produced a country ranking this year that reveals clear differences between Western industrialized nations and countries in Asia and Africa. In order to map the satisfaction of respondents in the 143 countries surveyed, participants were asked to rate their level of satisfaction with their current life on a ten-point scale. This was used to calculate an average value for the results between 2021 and 2023 for each country. As this chart, based on the report shows, Finland (7.74), Denmark (7.58) and Iceland (7.53) are the countries with the most satisfied residents according to calculations, while the three lowest scores are found among the residents of Lesotho (3.19), Lebanon (2.71) and Afghanistan (1.72). The United States is ranked 23rd out of the 143 countries in this year’s evaluation. In addition to the clear differences in the geographical regions, there are also differences in satisfaction in different age groups. Looking at the results for the under-30s, Lithuania, Israel and Serbia take the top three places, while Denmark, Finland and Norway take the top three places for the over-60s. It’s important to note here that the ranking of the World Happiness Report is not an objective survey based on key figures such as gross domestic product per capita, life expectancy or the quality of the social system. According to the authors of the report, these are analyzed as “supporting factors” but have no influence on the score.
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The Live Calendar is a compendium of local and regional political, civic and cultural events. You can input your own calendar events directly onto the site as you wish them to appear (pending approval of course). To include your event in the Live Calendar, please fill out this form.
River to Sea Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting
Separation Chat: Open Discussion
The Circle of Light A Course in Miracles Study Group
Weekly Chess Club for Teens, Ages 9-18, at the Flagler County Public Library
Joint Workshop of Local Governments
Flagler County Drug Court Convenes
Palm Coast Democratic Club Meetings
Model Yacht Club Races at the Pond in Palm Coast’s Town Center
Flagler Beach City Commission Meeting
Reserve at Haw Creek Joint Workshop
Evenings at Whitney Lecture Series
‘The Drowsy Chaperone,’ at St. Augustine’s Limelight Theatre
For the full calendar, go here.

… the morose and fearful are doomed to quick extinction. Where there is no joy there can be no courage; and without courage all other virtues are useless.
–From Edward Abbey’s Desert Solitaire (1968).
Pogo says
@Crocodile tears for Joseph Isadore Lieberman…
…from warmongers and health insurance criminals; but not from me:
” Joe Lieberman, Iraq War Cheerleader and Killer of Public Option, Dead at 82
“Joe Lieberman’s legacy will live on as your medical debt.”
By Common Dreams Staff
Mar 27, 2024
While current and former officials across the U.S. political spectrum shared praise for and fond memories of former Sen. Joe Lieberman in response to news of his death on Wednesday, critics highlighted how some of his key positions led to the deaths of many others.
While current and former officials across the U.S. political spectrum shared praise for and fond memories of former Sen. Joe Lieberman in response to news of his death on Wednesday, critics highlighted how some of his key positions led to the deaths of many others.
Lieberman’s family said the 82-year-old died at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital after a fall at his home in the Bronx. He served in the Connecticut Senate, as the state’s attorney general, and in the U.S. Senate—initially as a Democrat and eventually as an Independent. He was also Democratic former Vice President Al Gore’s running mate in the 2000 presidential election.
“Up until the very end, Joe Lieberman enjoyed the high-quality, government-financed healthcare that he worked diligently to deny the rest of us. That’s his legacy,” said Melanie D’Arrigo, executive director of the Campaign for New York Health, which advocates for universal, single-payer healthcare…”
“My purpose is not to relate at length every motion, but only such as were conspicuous for
excellence or notorious for infamy. This I regard as history’s highest function, to let no worthy
action be un-commemorated, and to hold out the reprobation of posterity as a terror to evil words
and deeds.”
— Cornelius Tacitus, Annals
Ray W. says
Thank you for the Dan Gilbert video.
As my paternal grandmother was known within the family for saying, “most people are just about as happy as they want to be.”
To paraphrase Mr. Gilbert, when our fears are bounded, we are prudent, cautious and thoughtful. When we surrender to our unbounded fears, we become reckless and cowardly. Is it fair to infer that Mr. Gilbert accepts that we all experience one or more forms of perceived future fears in our daily lives? Is he saying that a good answer to an unbounded perception of a future fear is to practice the internal process of experimenting with the many potential outcomes of our perceived fears before we decide how we should react to such fears?
As FDR famously uttered in his 1933 SOTU speech, “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself”, a sentiment he repeated in his famous 1941 “four freedoms” SOTU speech.
Viewed from Gilbert’s analysis of the impact of perceived and unbounded future fears on our lives, is it reasonable to argue that unbounded fear seems to drive those who take to the radio airwaves to express their wish to behead Democrats, those who openly express their wish to slit throats on their first day in office, if elected to the presidency, those who express their fervent wish to crush vermin, he who beheads his father because he fears for the future of his nation under the thumb of federal employees and his father was a federal employee, she who openly advocates on her social media sites for the execution of both Biden and Obama as she runs for the top North Carolina statewide school board executive seat?
Is it fair to suggest that unbounded fear persuades and binds those who claim our nation has been ruined because we are in the midst of one of the stronger economic rebounds in history, particularly when compared to the rebounds of all other nations that experienced economic harm due to the pandemic. Does unbounded fear persuade and bind those who claim our country is eternally doomed to collapse because millions of people have been immigrating to our country for decade after decade and then more millions have come in over the last three years? Is unbounded fear at the core of those who claim that crime in out of control when it has been falling year after year for decades, except for the rise in crime experienced during the pandemic?
I do agree with those who have long advocated the economic argument that an unbounded long-term federal deficit will result in a possible, if not likely, extremely harmful economic result.
Is it possible that JimboXYZ, Dennis C. Rathsam, TR, Ed P., and the several other perpetual doomsayers who commonly post on FlaglerLive live lives filled with unbounded fear? Is the exercise of intellectual rigor one possible positive answer to the dread of a perceived perpetual life of unbounded fear?
Laurel says
Intellect is a willingness to learn.
Excercize is work.
Rigor is a strict, harsh discipline. All of which are required to be self induced, and a result of that is “common sense.”
It’s much, much easier to follow, hence organized religion and MAGA. So, some will respond to Trump’s ad to buy his bible, with the American flag on the front, and a copy of the Constitution inside, knowing the proceeds will go to Trump’s attorneys, and they will feel smugly justified and patriotic with no further thought, while those who at least try to exercise intellectual rigor shake their heads.
Ed P says
Ray W.
Fear? No.
In fact, a real life situation back in 1963, when I was but 8 years of age, set me upon a course in life that has never allowed me to back down from anything. I stand tall against any man, take full responsibility for my actions as well as my family. I have never solely relied on any governing body nor have I ever received any welfare, unless you believe social security to be welfare. Please note I have paid in the maximum amount of social security from 1973-2021 and many more dollars then most in
Medicare tax especially, with the 2013 incremental requirements. I believe that had I been in charge of all those dollars, I would be earning multiple times my monthly stipend and Medicare.
Now to address your rub with me. I’m not a doomsday sort but I always prepare for the worse. I choose to look optimistically with a heavy dose of reality. Maybe I’m a realist.
The lack of common sense amongst the population in general also formulates my perceptions and frustrates me.
So frustration and not fear are probably what you describe. I can not negotiate your perception because it’s your reality. You may be able to justify your stance on issues based on your knowledge and life’s experiences but that doesn’t mean it’s correct. As you have stated, we can both be wrong, or both right,one more right than the other. I view things more black and white then blurring the lines.
How can everything seemingly offend everyone? Who really cares?
I get bored when I’m not challenged and you and Pierre keep me engaged. I’m not trying to change anyone’s perception on Flagler Live but rather I’m trying to balance the scale a bit, because at times, it’s so left leaning with some comments bordering on outrageous and ridiculous(name calling or implying every Republican politician is a moron) it’s impossible to ignore.
Ray W. says
Thank you for your comment.
As I have repeatedly stated, I am looking for people to push back, to express different points of view, to explain issues in ways different or better than I can do. I commonly ask questions in this effort, instead of making blanket comments, which I try to avoid. If you reread my comment, you will see that it was couched in the context of a question in the paragraph in which I included your name as one of the possible adherents to a fear-based interpretation of the many issues that confront our politics today. In my opinion, your reply today is far different and far better constructed than the ones you used to post.
Do you accept that the exercise of intellectual rigor is a powerful antidote to those who seek to misinform or disinform on this site? If you are to be one of the conservative and reasoning voices on issues debated on FlaglerLive, is the exercise of intellectual rigor one of the better ways to achieve that goal? I oppose any so-called conservative voice that is based on hyperbole, extreme exaggeration, or the exercise of the “pestilential” partisan voice by members of political faction. I welcome conservative discussion based on the virtuous exercise of reason.
Again, thank you. Whether or not I agree with you means very little to me. The important thing is a presentation of a different voice on a disputed point.
James says
“Pestilent partisan political faction.”
Henceforth to be abbreviated as “the PPPF.”
Pronounced piff… p as in pit, if.
And thus refer to Ed P as a “possible PPPF member” … JimboXYZ a “voice of the PPPF,” and so on.
Just a suggestion.
James says
Good, but not “great.”
P3F better… will look better on T-shirts, member patches and other miscellaneous paraphernalia.
Just say’n.
Ed P says
Jack-wagon James,
See what I’m talking about? Why must the left always look to name call/label any alternate view.
Not a good look nor is going to ingratiate yourself with the other side.
I know, a bit childish but I was prompted to come down to this level by his post, my apologies.
James says
I don’t know about jack-wagons, but I think it’s time to start packing up the chuck-wagon and heading on down the trail.
Pogo says
@A fruit is known by its tree
FlaPharmTech says
Trump, Trump go away, do not return another day…you had your day; that day is past, your day left no legacy, only litter for President Biden to clean up.