To include your event in the Briefing and Live Calendar, please fill out this form.
Weather: Partly cloudy. Highs in the lower 80s. North winds around 5 mph, becoming northeast in the afternoon.
Tuesday Night: Mostly cloudy. Lows in the mid 60s. East winds around 5 mph. Check tropical cyclone activity here, and even more details here. See the daily weather briefing from the National Weather Service in Jacksonville here.
Today at a Glance:
The Palm Coast City Council meets in workshop at 9 a.m. at City Hall. For agendas, minutes, and audio access to the meetings, go here. For meeting agendas, audio and video, go here.
The Community Traffic Safety Team led by Flagler County Commissioner Andy Dance meets at 9 a.m. in the third-floor commission conference room at the Government Services Building, 1769 East Moody Boulevard, Bunnell. You may also join by zoom. Meeting ID: 823 5444 1058, Passcode: 565882
Palm Coast’s Imagine 2050 Kickoff: 1 p.m. at City Hall. The City Council and the Planning and Land Development Regulation Board will discuss the vision and goals for Imagine 2050 during this workshop. It’s an essential step in the process, and all residents are invited to tune in and follow along. “Imagine 2050” is a comprehensive plan update that invites you to have a direct hand in the destiny of Palm Coast. This is your chance to make your mark and create a city that reflects your dreams and aspirations. In simple terms, a comprehensive plan is like a roadmap for the future of our city. It’s a big-picture plan that helps guide how Palm Coast grows and develops over the years. Imagine 2050 will serve as our community’s blueprint, outlining what we want our city to look like in the year 2050 and how we’ll get there. Imagine having a say in the parks you visit, the roads you drive on, the schools your children attend, and so much more. These events are your opportunity to be a part of the decision-making process that will shape our city’s destiny. On Wednesday, the city is hosting a community engagement session from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Palm Coast Community Center, 305 Palm Coast Parkway NE. See details.
The St. Johns River Water Management District Governing Board holds its regular monthly meeting at its Palatka headquarters at 10 a.m. The public is invited to attend and to offer in-person comment on Board agenda items. A livestream will also be available for members of the public to observe the meeting online. Governing Board Room, 4049 Reid St., Palatka. Click this link to access the streaming broadcast. The live video feed begins approximately five minutes before the scheduled meeting time. Meeting agendas are available online here.
The Flagler County Planning Board meets at 5:30 p.m. at the Government Services Building, 1769 East Moody Boulevard, Bunnell. See board documents, including agendas and background materials, here. Watch the meeting or past meetings here.
In Coming Days:
Palm Coast’s Imagine 2050 Community Engagement Session, 4 to 7 p.m. at Palm Coast Community Center, 305 Palm Coast Parkway NE. Imagine having a say in the parks you visit, the roads you drive on, the schools your children attend, and so much more. These events are your opportunity to be a part of the decision-making process that will shape our city’s destiny. City leaders, planners, and staff members will be present to listen, learn, and take notes. The input received will help shape the policies and projects that will guide Palm Coast’s growth for decades to come.
Notably: With the world once again going to pot, some contrapuntal attention seemed in order, like this: From le Monde: “”Three years from now, I’ll swim in the Seine in front of witnesses to show that the Seine is a clean river,” Paris’ former mayor Jacques Chirac famously vowed in 1990… to no avail. Banned since 1923, swimming in the Seine is a longstanding dream that Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo wants to turn into a “major legacy” of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The storied river is being cleaned so that Olympic swimming events will be able to take place in its waters − and Parisians will be able to cool off in specific locations starting summer 2025. Efforts have been underway since 2016 to clean up the Seine and the Marne, one of the river’s main tributaries, and authorities have invested €1.4 billion into a “Swimming Plan” to reduce pollution by 75% by summer 2024.”
Now this:
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The Live Calendar is a compendium of local and regional political, civic and cultural events. You can input your own calendar events directly onto the site as you wish them to appear (pending approval of course). To include your event in the Live Calendar, please fill out this form.
Municipal Elections in Flagler Beach and Bunnell
Flagler Beach Library Writers’ Club
Flagler Beach Planning and Architectural Review Board
Palm Coast City Council Meeting
Bunnell Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board
Random Acts of Insanity Standup Comedy
Palm Coast Code Enforcement Board Meeting
Separation Chat: Open Discussion
Flagler Beach Library Book Club
The Circle of Light A Course in Miracles Study Group
Weekly Chess Club for Teens, Ages 9-18, at the Flagler County Public Library
Flagler County Republican Club Meeting
Flagler Beach Parks Ad Hoc Committee
Flagler County Drug Court Convenes
Story Time for Preschoolers at Flagler Beach Public Library
For the full calendar, go here.

… but there was always a long still moment toward the end of those football afternoons where the mood of the crowd turned and everything grew desolate and uncertain, onscreen and off, the sheet-metal glare off the patio glass fading to gold and then gray, long shadows and night falling into desert stillness, a sadness I couldn’t shake off, a sense of silent people filing toward the stadium exits and cold rain falling in college towns back east.
–From Donna Tartt’s The Goldfinch (2013).