To include your event in the Briefing and Live Calendar, please fill out this form.
Weather: Partly cloudy. Highs in the lower 70s. North winds 5 to 10 mph. Monday Night: Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 50s. Northeast winds around 5 mph.
Today at the Editor’s Glance:
In Court: It’s trial week in felony court, but nothing high-profile.
The Flagler County Library Board of Trustees meeting usually scheduled for this month will not be held. It next meets in January.
The Bunnell City Commission meets at 7 p.m. at the Government Services Building, 1769 East Moody Boulevard, Bunnell, where the City Commission is holding its meetings until it is able to occupy its own City Hall on Commerce Parkway likely in early 2023. To access meeting agendas, materials and minutes, go here.
Nar-Anon Family Groups offers hope and help for families and friends of addicts through a 12-step program, 6 p.m. at St. Mark by the Sea Lutheran Church, 303 Palm Coast Pkwy NE, Palm Coast, Fellowship Hall Entrance. See the website, www.nar-anon.org, or call (800) 477-6291. Find virtual meetings here.

Fantasy of Lights at Palm Coast’s Central Park: The Rotary Club of Flagler County hosts its 17th Annual Fantasy Lights Festival at Central Park in Town Center, through Dec. 30, 6:30-9 p.m. each night. Fantasy Lights is free self-guided walking tour around Central Park with over 50 large animated light displays, festive live and broadcast holiday music, holiday snacks and beverages. A favorite for the kids is Santa’s House and Village with a collection of elf houses festively painted and nestled among the lights, warm fire to roast marsh mallows or create smores, and encircling the village is Santa’s Merry Train Ride. See the full brochure here and the nightly schedule of events https://flaglerlive.com/wp-content/uploads/Fantasy-Lights-Program-2022_FINAL.pdf#page=7
For more information, please contact Bill Butler at 386-986-3760 or 386-445-0598 or email: [email protected].
World Cup: No matches scheduled today.
Keep in Mind: FEMA has extended the deadline into January for Flagler County Hurricane Ian survivors to apply for federal disaster assistance: The Federal Emergency Management Agency has extended the deadline until January 12. The Disaster Recovery Center is in a large tent located near the arena in the center of the fairground’s property, 150 Sawgrass Road, Bunnell. Hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Disaster Recovery Centers serve as FEMA’s local outreach offices to provide disaster survivors with information from it, as well as from Florida state agencies and the U.S. Small Business Administration. Survivors can get help applying for federal assistance and disaster loans, update applications and learn about other resources available. Survivors can apply for disaster assistance at disasterassistance.gov, by calling 800-621-3362 from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Eastern Time, or by using the FEMA mobile app. Those who use a relay service such as video relay service (VRS), captioned telephone service, or others, will need to provide FEMA the number for that service. Those who have insurance are encouraged to file a claim for damages to homes, personal property, and vehicles before applying for FEMA assistance. FEMA cannot duplicate other sources of assistance may have been received.
Now this:
Flagler Beach Webcam:
The Live Calendar is a compendium of local and regional political, civic and cultural events. You can input your own calendar events directly onto the site as you wish them to appear (pending approval of course). To include your event in the Live Calendar, please fill out this form.
Coffee With Flagler Beach Commission Chair Scott Spradley
Flagler Beach Farmers Market
Democratic Women’s Club
Grace Community Food Pantry on Education Way
‘The Drowsy Chaperone,’ at St. Augustine’s Limelight Theatre
Random Acts of Insanity’s Roundup of Standups from Around Central Florida
ESL Bible Studies for Intermediate and Advanced Students
Grace Community Food Pantry on Education Way
Palm Coast Farmers’ Market at European Village
‘The Drowsy Chaperone,’ at St. Augustine’s Limelight Theatre
Al-Anon Family Groups
For the full calendar, go here.

Thus on every hand political and social difficulties arise. But the people of the United States have a peculiar faculty for adjusting themselves to circumstances and learning by experience, suddenly changing their course and thus nearly always disappointing prophets of disaster. The Americans will make mistakes but they will quickly find out how to remedy them. They will lose their way temporarily among the problems which beset them, trying out and abandoning unsatisfactory solutions, but in the end, when truth and justice have taken some kind of shape and revealed themselves to the eyes of the world, the people will seize upon them. So we must reserve our judgment for a time. For the present I will do no more than indicate the fluctuations of public opinion. The events of the last four years have taught me never to give up hope for this country.
–Georges Clemenceau in a letter to Le Temps, the French periodical, September 1865, from the Library of America’s Reconstruction: Voices from America’s First Great Struggle for Equality (2018).
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