Today: thunderstorms, high of 95, low 79 Details here.
Today’s fire danger is moderate. Flagler County’s Drought Index is at 401.
The weather in Windhoek, Namibia: high 70, low 44. Details.
Today’s document from the National Archives.
The OED’s Word of the Day: bloviate, v..
The Live Community Calendar
Today’s jail bookings.
Today’s Briefing: Quick Links
- In Flagler and Palm Coast
- Local News Recap
- In Court
- In State Government
- Beyond
- Police Notes
- PR Releases
- Palm Coast Construction and Development Progress Reports
- Local Road and Interstate Construction
- In the Press
- In Coming Days in Flagler and Palm Coast
- Comment of the Day (From the Comment Section)
- Cultural Coda
Note: all government meetings noticed below are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated. Many can be heard or seen live through each agency’s website.
Meet your legislators forum: The Flagler County Realtors Association hosts a breakfast with Rep. Paul Renner and possibly Sen. Travis Hutson, Representative Paul Renner of Fla. House District 24, Senator Travis Hutson, along with local elected officials, 9 a.m. at the Realtors’ building, 4101 East Moody Boulevard, Bunnell.
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is scheduled to meet at 10 a.m. in the first floor conference room of the Government Services Building in Bunnell. No agenda was posted.
Auditions: City Repertory Theatre is holding auditions for the pop musical “Godspell” this evening at at 630 p.m. in the theater at 160 Cypress Point Parkway, Suite B207, Palm Coast (at City Marketplace). This will be an energetic, no holds barred production, using all aspects of the theater space and all the talents of the 10 member, ensemble cast. The director is looking for singing, actors who aren’t afraid of improvisation and clowning and actors who enjoy audience interaction and exuberant interrelationships. This show will stretch vocal and physical skills while telling stories from the gospel of St. Mathew. If you are interested in auditioning know others who might be, bring them along. Bring music to sing to and wear comfortable clothes and footwear to the audition. Jugglers welcome.
Emmanuel’s Closet Fund-Raising Dinner and Fashion Show, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Italian American Club at 45 Old Kings Road N. in Palm Coast. Includes dinner, dessert, raffles, a silent auction, dancing, photos and other activities.
The Flagler County Library‘s monthly book club meets at 3:30 p.m. in the library meeting room, 2500 Palm Coast Parkway.
Upcoming: Visit historic and interesting Flagler County sites with Bill Ryan as your guide on Tuesday, July 28. The bus leaves at 10 a.m. from the Holden House, 204 East Moody Boulevard, Bunnell, and returns at 2:30 p.m. The cost is $15 per person which does not include lunch at Bull Creek Fish Camp. To make reservations or for information call 386-439-5003.
School IDs: After the Flagler County School Board agreed in June to change the policy and require students to carry their ID and produce it on request, but not necessarily wear it outwardly at all times, the board this evening reversed course and decided to let the old policy stand: all IDs must be worn at all times, or else the student will be subject to a visit to the dean’s office.
Racist Graffiti in Palm Coast’s L-Section Ascribed to Stupidity as Confederate Caravan Rumbles Through Bunnell: The graffiti was spray-painted in silver on pavement at the intersection of Laramie Drive and Lakeview Boulevard sometime Thursday night or Friday morning, dovetailing the angry reaction by small segments of the white population over the removal of Confederate flags from public grounds, as on the grounds of the South Carolina and Alabama legislatures.
Palm Coast Proposes 6 Percent Tax Hike; Home Owners Will See Much Lower Increase: In effect, a homesteaded homeowner with a $150,000 house, in the median range in Palm Coast, would see a tax increase of between $5 and $10 dollars for the year.

Live-Blogging Harper Lee’s “Go Set a Watchman”: On Sunday, FlaglerLive started a community project of live-blogging Harper Lee’s “new” novel, with 10 of Flagler County and Palm Coast’s most interesting voices participating. Tuesday’s installment featured chapter 3. Read the 10 contributors’ results, and join in.
Judges have a scaled back schedule today, with County Judge Melissa Moore Stens and Circuit Judge Michael Orfinger making no court appearances and Judge J. David Walsh holding a confidential treatment hearing at 8:30 a.m. and a pair of hearings at 11 a.m. in Courtroom 401.
A foreclosure sale is scheduled for 11 a.m. in the civil department lobby of the courthouse.
Note: Most proceedings below can be followed live on the Florida Channel.
The Florida Commission on Offender Review considers numerous parole cases involving crimes committed in the 1970s and 1980s. (9 a.m.)
The Education Estimating Conference analyzes issues related to student financial aid. (9 a.m.)
The Florida Citrus Commission meets in Bartow. (9 a.m.)
The state Public Service Commission starts holding a hearing on a proposal by Wal-Mart and the Florida Industrial Power Users Group that would allow eligible customers to “opt out” of utility energy-efficiency programs. Those customers would have their own energy-efficiency programs. (9:30 a.m.)
The Florida Transportation Commission holds a workshop and discuss a series of issues, including the Department of Transportation’s permitting process. (2 p.m.)
–Compiled by the News Service of Florida and FlaglerLive
Aurora murderer: the sentencing phase of Colorado theater gunman James E. Holmes’s trial begins today.
Alzheimer’s: Eli Lilly releases results of an experimental drug that may reduce some symptoms of the debilitating disease in some patients.
Tour de France: The tour takes to the Alps today in a 161 km stage from Digne-les-Bains to Pra Loup. The live feed here.
The Sheriff’s Office is investigating at least three vehicle burglaries that occurred at two beach approaches in Flagler County over the weekend. According to the investigations, in each case a rear window was smashed and valuables within easy reach were grabbed. As summer temperatures rise and people are on vacation or enjoying outdoor activities, they may not be thinking about preventing thefts from vehicles. But they should. “While it’s vital to lock your vehicle and activate the alarm when you exit, it’s imperative that you make sure you’re not leaving valuables in plain sight,” said Sheriff Jim Manfre. “Just taking a few extra steps can make a big difference.” During the weekend incidents, even though vehicles were locked, rear windows were found smashed and purses that were visible were stolen. Thefts from vehicles have increased nearly 31.68% from January to June 2015, as compared to the same time period in 2014, preliminary statistics show. Although thefts from vehicles have increased, violent crime continues to decrease. The FCSO has been tracking and investigating these thefts and has kept the community informed via news releases, community crime watch and social media. We have also placed variable message sign boards in the hardest-hit areas to bring awareness about the increase in crime. However, the crimes continue to occur and we are asking for the community’s help in reducing the number of incidents. To minimize your chances of becoming a victim, please follow these crime prevention tips:
Remove all valuables from the interior of your vehicle. Cameras, computers, purses, money, wallets and other electronics should be locked in the trunk or secured out of sight. Remember, criminals are opportunists and if we take the opportunity away, they will also go away.
Always lock your vehicle and activate the alarm, if installed. Most of our cases are from unlocked vehicles.
Park in well-lit areas when possible.
Report suspicious activity immediately by calling 911. For additional crime prevention tips, call the FCSO’s Community Outreach Unit at 386-586-2623.
Anyone with information about any crime that may have occurred in Flagler County is urged to contact the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office at (386) 586-4801. They can also remain anonymous by callingCrime Stoppers at 888-277-8477. Tipsters may be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.
Palm Coast Arts Foundation Presents $1,500 Grant to Flagler Youth Orchestra: The grant will secure necessary funds to add instructor for growing number of students. The Flagler Youth Orchestra’s mission is to provide quality string instruction and orchestral performance experience to the children of our community. They currently serve over 400 students of varying ages and skill levels. Enrollment at Flagler Youth Orchestra is free for any Flagler County resident, and they accept students of all skill levels. The Palm Coast Arts Foundation as part of their educational mission, shares their passion for giving children the gift of music, a gift we believe will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Sam Perkovich, President of the Foundation stated “PCAF is always supportive of the talents of our youth in the area and hope to someday provide much more financial support for their growth as musicians, actors, writers, media artists; whatever path they choose in supporting the arts. We are grateful to have trustees that fund these scholarships and grants allowing us to present them on behalf of the Foundation.” Cheryl Tristam, Executive Director of the Youth Orchestra, said: “This very generous grant from the Palm Coast Arts Foundation will make it possible for us to better serve a good number of our students with specialized instruction this year. It is community support like this that fuels our drive to keep the program fresh, responsive to our students’ needs and ever-improving. We are incredibly grateful for what has been the Foundation’s continued direct support of programs that will feed into its own mission.” PCAF looks forward to providing a venue for the young musicians once their stage has been constructed in Town Center and a more permanent space in the indoor Events Center as part of phased construction projects. Currently the Foundation is seeking funds to continue their fundraising efforts for the outdoor stage and the Raise the Roof campaign which will provide an extensive canopy over the large stage.
Hotter than ever? 2015 saw the warmest June on record: “NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) have each reported that June 2015 has matched or topped every other June temperature in historical records. The last 12-month period leading up to July has also been the warmest ever, according to NOAA, in a report that comes as discussion over global warming and public policy heats up in the approach to December’s Paris conference on climate change. […] The combined average global temperature for June was 61.5 degrees Fahrenheit, about 1.6 °F above the 20th-century average and 0.22 °F higher than the previous record, set last year, NOAA’s latest calculations show. NASA’s analysis puts the figure at 1.4 °F above average, with 2015 tying 1998 for the warmest June on record. JMA’s estimates have June 2015 temperatures at 0.74 °F warmer than average, besting 2014 for the hottest on record.” From the Christian Science Monitor.
The Campaign of Deception Against Planned Parenthood: “The nine-minute video clip released by the Center for Medical Progress, an outfit apparently created in 2013, invites viewers to “Hold Planned Parenthood accountable for their illegal sale of baby parts.” […] The full video of the lunch meeting, over two hours long and released by the Center for Medical Progress after complaints by Planned Parenthood, shows something very different from what these critics claim. Clearly, the shorter version was edited to eliminate statements by Dr. Nucatola explaining that Planned Parenthood does not profit from tissue donation, which requires the clear consent of the patient. […] The Center for Medical Progress video campaign is a dishonest attempt to make legal, voluntary and potentially lifesaving tissue donations appear nefarious and illegal. Lawmakers responding by promoting their own anti-choice agenda are rewarding deception and putting women’s health and their constitutionally protected rights at risk.” From a Times editorial.
CNN host to Muslim-free gun store owner: Do you realize gun deaths ‘way outnumber’ attacks by Muslims? “CNN host Carol Costello pointed out to a Florida gun store owner who banned Muslims that his effort to save lives would ultimately be ineffective because firearms were involved in tens of thousands more deaths of Americans than Muslims were. In a video posted to YouTube following a recent shooting at military recruiting offices in Chattanooga, Florida Gun Supply owner Andy Hallinan appeared in front of a Confederate flag and declared that his store was a “Muslim-free zone.” “The goal of the video was to offend as many people as I could,” Hallinan told Costello in an interview on Tuesday. “So we could start a conversation about the political correctness that has become overly extreme here in the United States, and causing loss of life that we could prevent if we looked at Islam for what it is.” […] “But you do realize that the number of gun deaths in this country, there are many, many killers and they way outnumber Muslim Americans who kill?” Costello pressed. “Way… 190,000 since 2000. There were 37 Muslim-Americans who specifically targeted people because of their political or religious beliefs.” Hallinan, however, argued that “studies show the more trained people [with firearms] per population, the crime rate always goes down.” From Raw Story.
Palm Coast Construction and Development Progress Reports:
The following is an update of ongoing construction and development projects in Palm Coast, through July 17:
The Palm Coast Arts Foundation took out a development order for its 7,420 square-foot pavilion at Town Center, for a performance stage to be constructed on a portion of Lot 19 on the south side of Central Avenue, just west of the intersection with Town Center Boulevard. This initial phase will consist of the stage only and associated landscaping:

Development orders were issued for the construction plans for Hidden Lakes Phase I Sections 2A and 2B: Section 2A is proposed for 89 single family residential lots and Section 2B is proposed for 59 single family residential lots. Hidden Lakes Subdivision is located on the east side of Old Kings Road, south of Palm Coast Parkway and north of Town Center Boulevard and the Lehigh Canal.
Palm Coast Superwash Special Exception Development Order: Superwash was granted a Special Exception by the Palm Coast Planning Board for an automated carwash facility on 2.2 acres at 110 Cypress Point Parkway. Proposed site improvements include the development of an automated carwash with “flexservices.” The project includes a well-designed and integrated accessory detail area, automated payment stations, offices, and a customer waiting room. A canopy will extend from the customer waiting room toward the front of the proposed building.
Daily’s Convenience Store (Shell Gas Station) Building Addition Development Order: A 200 square foot restroom building addition to the
existing 4,392 square foot Daily’s store located on a 1.03 acre parcel at the northeast corner of Palm Coast Parkway and Boulder Rock Drive.
Palm Coast Parkway Six-Laning is 83 percent done: Widening on the north side of the parkway continues and some paving and concrete curbing was completed. Landscape irrigation work continues. Utility connection tie-ins continues. Signage installation has begun. Final grading being completed
in preparation to install the remaining pavement for the widening areas.
Royal Palms Parkway Improvements: Punch list items continue.
Holland Park, 23 percent done: Installation of storm water pipe continues.
Palm Coast City Hall at Town Center, 72 percent done: Installation of drywall on interior walls, mechanical duct work & VAV damper installation, electrical conduit rough-in and fire sprinkler piping are all 96% complete. Painting of exterior wall continues. Paving of parking area completed. Floor tile in bathrooms has begun. See ongoing images of construction here.
Colechester at College Waterway Bridge Rehabilitation Construction, 65 percent done: Contractor and City staff met and discussed the directional drill plan. The directional HDPE pipe was fused and drilling has started. Demolition on the east side seawall and sidewalk continues. preparations are underway to move a utility water main.
County’s I-95 Interchange Matanzas Woods Reclaim Water, 25 percent done: Contractor has installed approximately 1,000 ft. of reclaim water main total installed 5,000 ft. to date.
Palm Harbor Parkway Roadway Extension, 6 percent done: Contractor working on submittals and coordinating utility work with FPL & ATT.
Island Walk Shopping Center Phase 1, 90 percent done: A manhole was installed in front of the Island Doctors building. A 6″ fire line with backflow preventer was installed behind building on west end of project.
Shops at Pine Lakes Convenience Store, 88 percent done: Pressure testing of the water and sewer installations has passed.
Walmart Addition, 30 percent done: A new Grease Interceptor has been installed replacing the old one outside the new building addition.
Old Kings Road Utilities Work, 85 percent done: Pressure testing of new water main has passed.
Road and Interstate Construction:
Lane closure planned for Palm Coast Parkway beginning July 22: Beginning at 8 p.m. Wednesday, July 22, and running through 7 a.m. Friday, July 24, motorists and other travelers should expect a lane closure along eastbound Palm Coast Parkway beginning at Old Kings Road to the CVS Pharmacy. One eastbound lane will remain open. The lane closure is required in order for the contractor to install a mainline water pipe across Palm Coast Parkway.
Lane closures planned for Palm Coast Parkway work July 20 – July 24: On Monday, July 20, through Friday, July 24, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., motorists and other travelers should expect eastbound lane closures along Palm Coast Parkway between Cypress Point Parkway and the I-95 bridge.Two lanes will remain open eastbound. From 9 p.m. Tuesday, July 21 until 7 a.m. Wednesday, July 22, motorists should expect heavy delays. Eastbound traffic will be reduced to one lane on the I-95 bridge. These lane closures are required for street light pole installations. A uniformed law enforcement officer will be on-site to direct traffic. Motorists are encouraged to watch for flaggers and work zone signs.
Matanzas Woods Parkway closed: Matanzas Woods Parkway is closed until early August for construction of the Interstate 95 interchange. The portion of Matanzas Woods Parkway that spans I-95 will be reconstructed to accommodate four single-lane ramps for on and off access to the interstate. Other improvements include the widening of the interstate to accommodate new acceleration and deceleration lanes, wet detention ponds adjacent to the roadway, sidewalks, lighting, overhead signs and landscaping. Project details are available and regularly updated at http://www.matanzas95interchange.com. The detour map is available here.
Palm Coast Parkway between Cypress Point Parkway and Florida Park Drive. IMPACTS: Lane shifts and closures will occur and this may cause traffic congestion on this already busy roadway. Most construction work will occur between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. though weather and unforeseen issues may adjust the schedules. This project will be complete by December 2015.
Flagler County Road 302 is Closed to all but local traffic as repaving began on June 7 and the roadway will be closed to all but local traffic. Others will be required to detour around County Road 302 using State Road 100. The roadway will be closed for 90 days, or until early September.
Palm Coast’s Colechester Lane bridge to be closed July 7 through Sept. 4: A detour will be established taking travelers over the Colorado Drive bridge instead. Signs will be posted directing motorists to the Colorado Drive bridge. The City of Palm Coast strives for safe construction zones. The City asks for the cooperation and patience of residents as this important bridge improvement project is completed. For more information, contact Palm Coast Customer Service at 386-986-2360.
Volusia: I-4 Widening from SR 44 to east of I-95, Monday and Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Eastbound/Westbound shoulder closing. Sunday through Thursday, Eastbound and Westbound lane closures as needed from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. Thursday, 9:00 p.m. – 5:30 a.m. EB road closure between Canal St./SR 44 and I-95 with detour at US 92 exit ramp.Motorists should be aware of traffic shifts near Canal St./SR 44.
Central Florida Commuter Rail Commission’s Customer Advisory Committee Meeting: A meeting of the Central Florida Commuter Rail Commission’s Customer Advisory Committee is scheduled for 9 a.m. Friday, July 17, 2015 at LYNX Central Station, 455 N. Garland Avenue, Orlando, FL in the second-floor multi-purpose room. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or persons who require translation services (free of charge) should contact Ms. Jennifer Smith, FDOT District Five Title VI Coordinator, 719 S. Woodland Boulevard, DeLand, FL 32720, or by phone at 386-943-5367, or by email at [email protected]. Questions? Please contact Steve Olson at [email protected] or 386-943-5479.
- Palm Coast Parkway Project Website
- Florida Department of Transportation Road Project List
- County Road 304 Project Map and Description
Click on the links for more details:
- Back to School Immunization, required by schools, available at the Flagler County Health Department from August 10 through August 21, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on a walk-in basis. For further information, please call: 386-437-7350 ext. 2224.
- All Summer: Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Flagler County Children Through Seamless Summer Freeding
- All Summer: Flagler Sheriff’s Police Athletic League (P.A.L.) Offers Free Summer Activities for Youth .
- All Summer: Swimming lessons and lifeguard classes available at Frieda Zamba Swimming Pool.
- Registration opens for 2015 Palm Coast & the Flagler Beaches Senior Games.
- July 23: Pastor Charles Silano will be recognized as Outstanding Community Leader at the Northeast Florida Community Action Agency, a local nonprofit, in a luncheon at noon at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront.
- July 27: The River to Sea Transportation Planning Organization Meets in Palm Coast from 5-7 p.m. to receive public input on the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan. The meeting will be held at Palm Coast’s Hilton Garden Inn, 55 Town Center Blvd. Specifically, the River to Sea TPO is holding the public meeting to solicit input on the draft Cost Feasible Project List. For more information, contact Pamela Blankenship at [email protected] or 386-226-0422 ext. 20416, or visit http://www.r2cmobility2040.com.
- Sept. 28: Bunnell’s State of the Art Water Treatment Facility Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting at 100 Utility Drive (directly across the street from the Flagler County Government Services Building), from 4 to 6 p.m.
Comment of the Day (From the Comment Section):

Jon Hardison, in “Racist Graffiti in Palm Coast’s L-Section Ascribed to Stupidity as Confederate Caravan Rumbles Through Bunnell“: The people through Bunnell yesterday are aware of the the flag’s meaning to them and also to others. The people driving through Bunnell yesterday just found another reason for their “pride” to be more valuable than their neighbor’s fear.
You all from Bunnell? Why not ride those trucks with all those flags into the Housing District? Make a little peace. Tell those you know you’re offending you don’t mean anything by it – face to face. Stand under than flag while you fight to make peace and maybe it will begin to mean something other than hate. Stand under than flag and do good for more than your own and maybe all will come to see it as a symbol of southern pride.
Memorial or not, you know what’s going on and why. You know the issue and your insistence on showing your pride speaks louder than your declarations of pride ever could.
What’s the matter? More proud of the south than your country? Are you an American or a full blood child of the CSA? You might fly these flags together but they’re oil and water and every time you fly it you’re saying you believe what it stood for. In defeat generals you celebrate called flying it treason. It was the flag under which southern men and women died to NOT be part of this country – an action taking only in defense of an economic model build on the continued enslavement of Blacks. This anti-American relic was bad long before the KKK adopted it. So are you a pound American or a proud Southerner longing to be free of her?
Are you unaware that driving around in loud pickup trucks flying that flag scares the absolute shit out of some people or do you just not care? Are you concerned about our community or just yours?
“It’s a symbol of pride” doesn’t do near enough to explain these actions. You have an open forum here. Please! Explain yourselves.” Reply to Jon Hardison here.
Cultural Coda:
Pablo Neruda’s First Reading in the U.S., June 11, 1966 at 92nd Street Y.

Ken Dodge says
Blacks in Margaret Sanger’s crosshairs: “…non-Hispanic black women had the highest abortion rates (31.8 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years) and ratios (483 abortions per 1,000 live births).”