I haven’t watched any of the innumerable GOP debates so far and was hoping to make it through the primary season spared of the sort of torture that should be inflicted, if it is to be inflicted at all, on whoever remains chained to that parody of constitutional America known as Guantanamo. But this evening’s debate is taking place in our back yard (at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville) and you never know where Newt Gingrich’s insurgency might drop its IED’s. Everything suggests the television should be tuned to something more grabbing, whether its Nadal-Federer at the Australian Open or Your Home With Jill on QVC. But civic penance may have its virtues. So let’s give this a shot. Befitting the occasion, this is not intended as anything more than a semi-intellectual belch from the liberal bleachers (which is to say: us liberals have a dog neither in this fight nor in the coming one with Obama, the Rockefeller Republican of the bunch). And so here we, reluctantly, go.
Click the play button below and follow along, or send in your own reactions. Pepto-bismol not included.
–Pierre Tristam
Eddie Turner via Facebook says
Thank goodness for Ron Paul, he is the ONLY man in Washington with any credibility. If one could check their bias at the door, Newt also makes a lot of sense. One thing is for sure, the current occupant is an empty suit. Obama is a nice guy but he’s no leader. Vote Ron Paul!!!