Highlighting its commitment to the preservation and sustainable use of Florida’s water resources, the St. Johns River Water Management District’s Governing Board has officially proclaimed April 2024 as Water Conservation Month. This annual recognition, now in its 24th year, serves as a reminder of the critical role water conservation plays, particularly during the dry month of April when water demands escalate due to springtime planting.
“During Water Conservation Month, let’s focus on using water mindfully,” said St. Johns River Water Management District Water Conservation Coordinator Deirdre Irwin. “Over half of home water usage is for outdoor irrigation. With recent rains, the necessity to water decreases. We encourage residents not just to enhance irrigation methods but also to show restraint – remember to turn off the sprinklers when they aren’t necessary.”
While ensuring outdoor water use is limited, it is also important to not overlook indoor water consumption. Minor water leaks contribute to nearly 1 trillion gallons of water wasted annually in U.S. homes, as reported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In an average household, these leaks accumulate to around 10,000 gallons of water wasted each year – equivalent to the amount needed for 270 loads of laundry.
The District’s commitment to water conservation extends beyond Water Conservation Month. Daily efforts by District staff include promoting water conservation through comprehensive water supply planning, permitting processes, District cost-share programs, and effective communication and outreach initiatives.
For additional water-saving tips, please visit the District’s water conservation website at www.sjrwmd.com/
JimboXYZ says
No sprinkler system in this yard, so I can waste water. Play it by ear, see what the rains are like ? Here’s another reason not to grown Flagler County & Palm Coast, can’t waste water without a sprinkler system for new residential. The wooded lots were doing just fine off the rain that the almighty was providing. Also didn’t have any flooding issues for those existing homes on lower elevations than the new construction.
Laurel says
Yeah, folks, conservation of water is our job. Something we’ve been doing for 3o years. Watch that sprinkler and don’t let your faucet dribble. Now, add thousands and thousand of new homes…
If you are really careful, Florida can house the world.
Mark says
Sooo, I’m guessing the City will cut back use on the Parkways. LOL!
Christopher says
People need to use common sense when using sprinkler systems. How many times have we gone past the house or business while it is raining and sprinklers are running? How about paying attention to the weather forecast or just look out the window? If it is raining turn off the system and save water and money! Or if it has just rained for the last 4 days, you don’t need to water the lawn the next day the sun is out,give it a few days to dry first! I guess I am the only one that thinks like that.