Lyonel Jeune, a 65-year-old resident of Beacon Mill Lane in Palm Coast, was arrested over the weekend and charged with a first-degree felony in the hit-and-run death of William Joseph Rembert, 56, on Dec. 1, 2021, at Palm Coast Parkway and Leanni Way, near Belle Terre Parkway. The charge carries a penalty of up to 30 years in prison on conviction.
The man known as Billy Rembert had a difficult life and was often a transient for many years in Palm Coast, with a home base on Wasserman Drive, where his parents live. He was on his bike just past midnight that December night when he crossed the parkway going north, attempting to make it to Leanni Way, according to a Florida Highway Patrol investigation.
Jeune was driving a Dodge Grand Caravan west, at about 45 miles per hour but in a “careless or negligent manner,” according to FHP. (The investigation relied on an eyewitness account.) The Dodge collided with the rear tire of Rembert’s bicycle, sending it and Rembert sliding into Leanni Way.
In a sworn interview with authorities, Jeune claimed to have looked around and not seen Rembert. He said he’d noticed something in the road but couldn’t make it out because it was dark, though he did concede that he thought he may have struck a bicycle. After the crash and his brief walk, Jeune drove the 0.85 miles to his home.
Jeune did not call 911 at any point, nor render aid to Rembert, who was pronounced deceased by a Flagler County Fire Rescue paramedic at 12:45 that morning. FHP also determined from toxicology reports that Rembert had been “under the influence” at the time of the crash.
But Rembert’s inebriation at the time of the collision is immaterial to Jeune’s actions: the criminal charge is not a result of his having struck someone, which in and of itself would have likely resulted in nothing more than a careless driving citation, but in his decision to leave the scene and not render aide to Rembert.
Jeune was booked at the Flagler County jail on Aug. 19 on the charge the State Attorney’s Office filed on Aug. 15. Bond was set at $7,500, an unusually low amount for a first-degree felony. Jeune posted bond and was released within three hours before his first appearance before a judge.
Atwp says
Hit and run. Sad situation.
atbp says
Lyonel was lying, but those cameras dont. Hopefully he spends the rest of his worthless life in prison.
Trixie Steele says
I agree and if I could I would like to do to him what he did to Mr Rembert. Who left behind a beautiful daughter and two loving parents a brother & a sister. And a grandson that he will never get to know and see grow up. So please give him the max and let him suffer until the day he dies.
Brian says
Thirty years in prison – can you say “flight risk”?
BK says
Had no idea Mr.Rembert had lost his like. He was always in the news for one thing or another, or whipping around on his motorcycle. Sad.
Concerned Citizen says
I think you are confused, he wasn’t whipping around on his motorcycle since he didn’t have a motorcycle, Ever.
Being in the newspaper for one thing or another doesn’t justify being killed by a hit and run driver, does it?
Baffled says
Why did it take over a year and a half to arrest and charge this guy?
Fernando Melendez says
I hope his arrest can bring some closure to this man’s family. No one should be left on a side of a dark road to die like that. Unconscionable.
Robert Joseph Fortier says
I agree Fernando. Anyone that cold should not be living among the rest of us.
ASF says
Agreed…very sad. My condolences to his family. As the picture above suggests, I hope they have some good memories of their loved one that might help them ease their loss.
Trixie Steele says
Mr.Rembert is my ex and yes he had issues but I know he didn’t deserve to be hit by a vehicle and then been left to die but what gets me that they gave the man a bond and got in three hours after being arrested hell it took 12 hours for me to get out on Bond and that was on a battery charge . But I didn’t kill nobody so why should he even have gotten a bond. Especially if he stood over the man and watched him die