
Janet McDonald is one of eight candidates for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 26 primary election, and one of four in the District 2 race. She is married to Dennis McDonald, a candidate for Flagler County Commission.
Maria Barbosa (Dist. 1) Andy Dance (Dist. 1) Toni Baker (Dist. 2) Lynnette Callender (Dist. 2) John Fischer (Dist. 2) Janet McDonald (Dist. 2) Michael McElroy (Dist. 4) Trevor Tucker (Dist. 4) County Commission Candidates: Dennis McDonald (Dist. 2) Nate McLaughlin (Dist. 4) Frank Meeker (Dist. 2) Mark Richter (Dist. 4) Palm Coast City Council Candidates: Woody Douge (Dist. 4) Bill Lewis (Dist. 4) Steven Nobile (Dist. 4) Joel Rosen (Dist. 2) Anne-Marie Shaffer (Dist. 2) Heidi Shipley (Dist. 2) Norman Weiskopf (Dist. 4) |
The three school board elections–for District 1, 2 and 4–are non-partisan races: all registered voters in Flagler County are eligible to cast a ballot in all three races–whether registered Democratic, Republican, Independent or from a minor party.
You may cast a vote in both races regardless of the district, the town or the subdivision you live in. The election on Aug. 26 will decide the winner in District 1 and District 4, because each of those races have just two candidates (incumbent Andy Dance and Maria Barbosa in District 1, incumbent Trevor Tucker and Michael McElroy in District 4). So this is it for those two races, but not necessarily for the race for District 2, which features four candidates–incumbent John Fischer, Toni Baker, Lynnette Callender and Janet McDonald. The race in this case would be decided only if a candidate wins better than 50 percent of the vote. Short of that, the top two vote-getters will go on to a run-off, to be decided in the general election on Nov. 4.
FlaglerLive submitted 15 identical questions to the school board candidates, who replied in writing, with the understanding that some follow-up questions may be asked, and that all exchanges would be on the record. Questions appear in bold, follow-up questions, when necessary, appear in bold and italics, and may be awaiting answers. When a candidate fails to answer a question, that’s noted in red. The questions and follow-ups attempt to elicit precise answers, but the candidates don’t always comply.
School board members serve four-year terms and are paid $31,640 a year.
The Questions in Summary: Quick Links
- Basics
- Purpose and vision
- Self-Evaluation
- Scope if the job
- District’s weaknesses and successes
- Common Core
- Taxes
- Three priorities
- IB Program
- Superintendent Jacob Oliva
- Who would you emulate on the school board?
- Teacher unions
- Charter schools
- Zero tolerance
- Accountability
- Background check
- Questions from other candidates
Place and Date of Birth: New York City, 1950. [Refused to answer more fully. Public records indicate her birth date as March 29, 1950].
Current job: Neurodevelopmental Specialist & Instructor
Net worth: $3 million. Click here for financial disclosure form.
Political affiliation (keeping in mind that school board races are non-partisan): Republican
Websites: Website; Facebook
1. Why are you running for school board, or running for re-election, and what makes you the best person for this public service job? What is your vision for public education in Flagler County?
1- To elevate public trust in the board through thorough research and disclosure on all matters with sufficient time for the community to be included before action is taken, beginning with changing the workshop of any item to at least two weeks prior to action taken.
2- To increase availability at all schools, communication through multiple modes, and collaboration with community members.
3- To focus on accountability for educational decisions and thorough a review of capital assets, use or sale.
My unique personal and professional experience in various roles in all types of educational organizations, working successfully with people inside and outside schools and with students from the most diverse economic, racial and ethnic populations, brings expertise not currently on the board nor among the other candidates. My intent is to contribute without preconceived limitations, or alignments, to help make a Flagler education experience successful for all in the community.
Vision: To go beyond the limited expectations of standardized programming to become an educational community that develops each individual’s knowledge, abilities and talents to enable all to be successful in life and become contributing citizens. I envision our improved system will be a magnet for investment in the county.
You are running against the one school board member whose calling card is his extreme visibility–in schools, at every imaginable school-related event (and more), and all official school functions. Do you see his (John Fischer’s) availability differently? What are “preconceived limitations”? What are “the limited expectations of standardized programming”? Are you saying that this district sets low standards?
Yes, John is probably the most visible of the school board members and very supportive of achievers. I have spoken with folks in several schools over the last six months who feel the board is not as visible, nor responsive as they need to be on a regular basis and for events that are across the spectrum.
What are “preconceived limitations”? We have students who are not ready to learn, promoted with less than demonstrated abilities, setting them up for more struggles in the following year. We address them with remediation of three levels, often without change, yet they are ‘remediated.’ It is clear that the system is designed to mold the students to the demands of the one-size-fits-none system rather than take into account what they are uniquely presenting and engage them where they are, as they learn and function best. That is the design for education rather than the instruction mode we are using. What are “the limited expectations of standardized programming”? There is no documentation that the ‘standards’ created by educational reformers at Achieve have validity, reliability, or integrity as educational standards…so that in itself sets up inappropriate goal setting…just because a handful of business folks call these ‘standards’ does not make them so, and they have not provided documentation to defend this position…nor has the State of Florida to justify keeping them, renaming them, and changing .9% to ‘make them “FL Standards.” Are you saying that this district sets low standards? Yes, by accepting this marketing marvel without substance and then perpetuating the myth. If you are not using critical thinking skills on the board and watch the progression of this travesty and intimately engage in the acceptance by signing the memorandum of understanding without research or getting all questions asked, and you continue to defend the position of the marketing jargon used to promote cc, while across the country you hear and see a vastly different narrative from experts inside and outside schools from all political perspectives, and you choose to continue the mantra of the sales pitch, you are not a critical thinker, community advocate, nor champion of education which supports full development of independent thinking skills. What does our standardized testing show? What are the college entrance results? What are the operational evidence elements that we see from our graduates in and around Flagler County?
2. Tell us who you are as a person—what human qualities and shortcomings you’ll bring to the board, what your temperament is like: what would your enemies say is your best quality, and what would your friends say is your worst fault? Give is real-life examples to illustrate your answer.
I am a good listener, thoughtful communicator, and collaborative contributor. I work at balance in all things.
I’ve reached out to my enemies, yet they haven’t responded. My friends think I have no faults…so I can’t answer part two of the question.
Are you telling us you’re perfect? You’ll be asked far tougher questions than this on the board. Perhaps avoiding questions is one of your faults? Please try again.
On a board you need to listen, think, communicate clearly, and contribute collaboratively. I do the best I can with each situation. I may disappoint others in what they wanted of or from me, yet that is their limitation, and without communication from them, I can’t address their needs. As for friends, I am often told I am too nice. I find it increasingly difficult to criticize those around me to fit my expectation of where they are in their life journey and what I think they should do. To clarify, I never once used the word ‘perfect’ nor intimated that. I regard One perfect to strive toward.
3. Describe the scope of your job as school board member as you understand it: what’s your primary responsibility? What’s in your power to influence on a day-to-day basis? What is not in your power to do?
By law, produce a balanced budget; hire a superintendent and board attorney; negotiate contracts for unions; be a community agent for responsible use of public funds, capital assets, and oversee plans for quality education for students and results of plans. What’s in your power to influence on a day-to-day basis? The amount of frank communication with the public & community engagement. What is not in your power to do? Everything else.
We’d like to get a clearer understanding of how you understand your limitations as a school board member, in contrast with popular expectations and misconceptions.
I think the ability to create policy to affect change for students can be challenging because most people on the board do not have an understanding of how people learn and function best to be successful students. We continue to use resources to shift the focus of addressing the core challenges and that takes time to evaluate, since your are evaluating the delivery method rather than addressing core issues….so you continue on hoping for new results, though the foundational misunderstandings are not addressed.
4. What are the education gaps or weaknesses in the districts—in other words, where and who the district is failing most? What are the brightest successes?
Students are unique individuals and learn best with various options, so a limited curricula of strict procedural requirements valued over learning is a huge weakness for most students; students who are not ready to learn, those who have surpassed the curriculum, and those who learn differently than the mode of the one-size-fits-none standardized common core curricula are being underserved by common core. What are the brightest successes? As per your article on our teacher of the year, who was chosen because she thinks and creates “outside the box,” those professionals who engage the students before them with what inspires them to think and learn.
There is a glaring contradiction in your answer. How could Jill Espinosa, the Belle Terre teacher you refer to who won Teacher of the Year, have achieved what she achieved if you assume that the district enjoins “most students” to “a limited curricula of strict procedural requirements”? Espinosa won this year’s title, but the district is rich in teachers who are given the same breadth of initiative. You provided a specific example about the successes. Can you provide more specific examples about what you mean, in our district, by “the one-size-fits-none standardized common core curricula” and the students it is underserving?
See above #1. In every swing of the educational pendulum over the last 40 years, good teachers have done what is best for students within each new fad. This common core non-education model leaves very little ‘latitude’ for supporting those not ready to take in the ‘group plan’ for the day, and those who have surpassed that goal. A new nickname for comon core is “No Child Allowed Ahead.” The inappropriate curriculum procedures and methods are creating extra stress for students and teachers without enduring benefit or future application. And with the teacher evaluation being tied to one time test results of inappropriate curriculum for all students, even though the testing company doing this for the first time has no documentation that this is an accurate, reliable, and valid measure of their claims (our tests were being field tested in Utah this year, and Utah pulled out of common core! Probably saw the beast from head to tail), this is a travesty of boundary violations, integrity on a human and professional level. Who can opt out of this nonsensical system? Anyone involved is underserved!
5. Common Core has caused a good deal of controversy, much of it invented out of thin air, most if not all of it irrelevant to Flagler County. Define common core as you understand it. Explain your position regarding common core. And understanding that the Florida Standards have rendered it a non-issue for Flagler, tell us whether you are campaigning for or against common core, and if so, why.
This question insults all readers who research issues, and enslaves those who don’t to misinformation. For those readers who want to know more about common core(cc), which is still the ‘legislated standards,’ HB 7031 simply ‘erased’ common core references and replaced with ‘Florida Standards’ label… a legislative sleight of hand. As far as “standards” go, none of the common core standards meet the ANSI – American National Standards Institute – requirements to be considered bonafide standards, so really can’t qualify “as standards” and the contents prove that. Neither standards/content area specialists (Dr. Sandra Stotsky & Dr. James Milgram) would sign off on the standards because they lacked research, continuity, educational merit, demonstrated validity and reliability, and international benchmarking data. (Dr.Sandra Stotsky, ELA expert, presented an annotated cc standards document detailing its limitations and is available on www.flstopccCoalition.org as are annotated math standards by Dr. Ze’ev Wurman.) Only two content specialists were asked to review the creations that were mostly authored by education reformers without content, classroom, or standards experience. Five of 23 people who sat on the validation committee refused to agree to validate and their reports and comments were expunged from the record of the proceedings! As for “FL Standards” changes made equal 0.9 percent – and will NOT be tested on the Common Core aligned tests that AIR was contracted to produce –its first ‘academic’ test, being field tested this past year in Utah ( costing FL $5.4 M), so it will be invalid and unreliable for evaluative purposes in FL. The legislative sleight of hand this past session did nothing to change cc in FL – HB7013 renamed it ONLY! SB 188 only changed three of 400 data points collected on each student. And HB 864 allows districts to select between common core texts, not different ones.
Brief details to give a thumbnail historical sketch: Bill Gates contracted with UNESCO to create standards for UN education promoting career and college-readiness for global, sustainable citizenry. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation then spent Billions investing in national PTA, Chamber of Commerce, Prentice Hall, Exxon, US Dept of Education, GE, and other corporations to promote Common Core standards before they were written. The National Governors Association (NGA) and Council of Chief States School Officers (CCSSO), two private trade organizations, which lobby for businesses, aligned with Achieve, Inc., to write the standards, all procedures were without “sunshine,” are not available by “freedom of information” requests, and they hold copyright, even as states ‘rebrand’ them for state consumption. So this unconstitutional federal intrusion into our classrooms is having a huge negative impact on our students and teachers daily and needs to be discussed openly and removed.
Jason Zimba, math lead common core writer, said math standards only get students ready for maybe 11 grade, maybe a nonselective community college, not geared to prepare kids for STEM careers. Evaluated to be two years behind other countries by 7th grade, many more by graduation. FL inserted Calculus into the requirements/options for our students, yet will not factor into testing other than End of Course exams.
Corrective note: For someone so concerned with misinformation, your answer is a good example. Two instances in the first few sentences: you mention that Common Core doesn’t mean the standards of the American National Standards Institute, “so really can’t qualify as standards.'” We should hope not, at least not under ANSI. ANSI, in its own words, ensures “norms and guidelines” that impact businesses, “from acoustical devices to construction equipment, from dairy and livestock production to energy distribution,” and it accredits such things as management and environmental programs. Not universities. Not school districts’ curricula. Diane Ravich, an opponent of Common Core, made the tendentious connection between ANSI’s method of setting standards and the way Common Core standards were set, which you reproduce here with none of the context or background about ANSI. You mention Dr. Sandra Stotsky and Dr. James Milgram, two perennial opponents of common core, and that neither “would sign off on the standards,” which is like saying that Bjorn Lomborg, a long-time opponent of global warming theory, hasn’t signed off on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s findings, or that Dick Cheney hasn’t endorsed a Democrat lately. It’s also important to note that while Bill gates’s heavy backing of Common Core is undisputed, the connection to UNESCO, obviously intended here to raise the ire of individuals who see nefarious world-domination plans in anything related to the UN, is flat-out non-existent, in so far as Common Core is concerned. The fact that his foundation has contributed to UNESCO grants does not legitimize the leap to concluding that UNESCO is somehow pulling Common Core strings. The statements about Jazon Zimba are not only undocumented: they are directly contradictory to what’s readily available, in his own words, on the web. If you can document that he himself said that, we’ll be glad to link it. With that in mind, it appears that asking for further elaboration on the subject would lead to more polemics than analysis.
6. School taxes: Do you consider them high, low or just right? How much do you, as a school board member, control the setting of school taxes, and if you’ve been campaigning against high taxes, explain your position, and how relevant it is given your very limited powers as a school board member in that regard.
Florida formula for ‘required local effort’ demands that Flagler increase contribution by 5.48 percent, in order to receive about $30 million in state grants. Construction and maintenance projects are necessary to serve capital asset needs. An area of concern I have is investment in additional technology for hardware, software, and digital classroom plans, before research is collected on the validity of technology as a superior delivery system for learning, suggested limits of microwave exposure, suggested limits of screen time, result of reduced complex manual dexterity, and impact on health, cognition, and behavior.
7. Name your three specific priorities you intend to achieve as a school board members within the scope of the doable—not pie-in-the-sky stuff, not generalities. That is, three priorities you’ll be able to say, four years down the line, that you’ve achieved.
More careful analysis of all items before the board requiring detailed documentation of proposal, defense of benefit, cost, and analysis plan; changing workshop to action cycle to be at least two weeks between initial workshop and board approval to allow community to consider, study, research, and discuss with board members to provide public feedback to guide action; invest daily in helping to create quality education for all Flagler students, by being a familiar participant at all locations; and connect with the community through timely communication.
8. The IB program at FPC is the district’s most academically rigorous and accomplished program, serving a small but high-performing class of students beginning with the pre-IB program in 9th grade. What is your opinion of the program, how committed are you to its continuation, and would you support its expansion, or an expansion of a similarly themed feeder program, at Buddy Taylor Middle School, as is being considered currently?
The premise of this question is without documentation, and possibly unfounded. Before committing to expanding this, or any other program, claims such as ‘most accomplished program’ and ‘most academically rigorous’ need to be validated. During last year’s Connect 2 Academy I inquired about this and other programs and found that data has not been collected longitudinally to determine that these claims can be justified by comparative analysis of IB, AP, Honors, or other students’ success in college or other avenues of endeavor. A cost comparison has not been done to justify the premium invested in this program, which is copyrighted and directed by an unknown board, undermining the local responsibility of the Flagler School Board. The claim that the more narrow and deeper study of IB is superior to the other Flagler options is probably just opposite of what high performing students in middle and high school benefit from most. Exposure to and challenge of exploring as many different aspects of any subject from many different domains to expand their voracious and creative minds, exercises their abilities to be multiply skilled for a future no one knows nor can instruct toward.
The premise of this question is based on documented evidence that the IB program can boast the highest proportion of students successfully getting admitted to the best state and national universities, when compared to non-IB peers. Education Week has referred to the IB program as the “‘Cadillac’ of College-Prep programs.” If you sense impatience on our part with your attempts to evade questions by questioning the validity of our questions, it’s because we are: we do not ask unsupported questions. You are also incorrect by stating that the program is “copyrighted and directed by an unknown board.” The IB organization is highly transparent, its board membership is public, as are its methods and requirements, down to such specifics as the required and dreaded Extended Essay. Corrections aside, and since you brought up costs, can you tell us how much it costs the Flagler District to run the IB program?
Yet curriculum is copyrighted and materials are delineated by a board other than local – which was my comment. My question of Janet Valentine was how do these folks do compared to others in high level or regular high school prep courses in college or post college, since it is a premium cost to the district, and her answer to me was that they do not do any longitudinal follow up for beyond college acceptance. So getting into a college does not address my comment that we don’t know if it makes a difference. I know of districts which evaluated IB and found they could do a better internal specialized curriculum without the limited curriculum and costs.
Corrections aside, and since you brought up costs, can you tell us how much it costs the Flagler District to run the IB program? I attempted to source that answer, and curriculum and Tom Tant were rather evasive on those specifics….maybe more forthcoming, should I be a board member.
9. Evaluate Superintendent Jacob Oliva, based on what you know, specifying how supportive—or not—you are of his administrative approach.
Superintendent Oliva has begun several initiatives, which seem to be embraced by district personnel, though I don’t recall hearing about systems by which initiatives will be evaluated. Several staff changes may indicate that he has determined some efficiencies or needs to better serve students. New staff assignments have been planned for this year, some surprising and concerning, and one mutually agreed to, that seems to be doing well. Supporting staff through necessary changes is essential, though yet to be assessed, for overall benefit. When serving on the board, I can inquire about those areas I know are critical for beneficial learning communities for coordinated function and culture improvement.
You seem to be concerned about staffing changes: are you suggesting that you would get into the managerial aspect of Oliva’s job?
McDonald did not answer the question.
10. Who on the board currently is the board member most closely aligned with your idea of a school board member and why?
No one.
Most candidates attempt to evade this question. The question is about who most closely aligns with you, not who might be your soul mate. It goes to your philosophy as reflected by current leadership, to whatever degree. Please try again.
None, emphatically. I may be misguided in your perception, yet I do believe that I bring a different perspective than what is currently on the board.
11. If you had a choice of running the school district with a teacher union or without one, what would that choice be, and why?
Our current union membership is less than 50 percent of the teachers. Professionals need to choose how they want to be regarded and represented. I have worked with teachers’ unions which are adversarial and those which are collaborative. Obviously, it serves the overall culture of the system to be respectful co-creators for best possible working/learning situations.
That does not answer the question. Can you be more specific to the question?
McDonald did not answer the question.
12. Charter schools have had a very checkered history in Flagler, with pronounced failures—Heritage, Outreach Academy—several rejected applications, and sharply contrasting growth and success for Imagine School at Town Center, and this year’s remarkable turn-around, from F to A, for Palm Harbor Academy. How do you see charter schools fitting in public-school equation, and what are the most important criteria by which you’d approve (or reject) a charter school application? Also, what’s your position on vouchers in public education.
Choice potentially makes for healthy competition by offering various learning environments or courses. Held to many of the same requirements as public schools, the possibility for much variety in charter school offerings is limited. Parents are looking for more of a “community” where they feel their child is respected and appropriately challenged, or curricula that offers a specialized focus to enhance foundational expectations.
Criteria to guide review of applications would include documentation of mission statement and related focus curricula, identification of target student population to be served, evaluation methods and tools to assess learning, teacher selection criteria, and financial plan.
A voucher, tax monies that ‘follow a student’ to another institution if the public schools cannot provide a successful experience for that child, can serve as a short term solution and an incentive for public schools to address needs in their offerings.
13. Explain zero tolerance discipline as you understand it. Explain whether it is effective, whether the approach should be reformed, and how.
Zero tolerance means specific recourse following a defined infraction of a clearly stipulated expectation. I have not yet met an adult one who rigorously applies the code of conduct 100 percent, nor an omniscient adult who could ‘evaluate’ most infractions related to the code of conduct and respond with accurate zero tolerance discipline. Building respectful relationships in a learning community goes much farther than a document, though the reference is an essential guideline.
Should zero tolerance as applied in Flagler County schools be reformed and how?
Ethical and socially responsible behavior and interaction comes from inside. Values demonstrated create a society of respectful and responsible people, not codified rules with threat of increasing punishments. Students remark that the “rules” are situationally and specifically enforced. Reform our ways – seek to be the golden rule and 10 commandments.
14. Do you find the Flagler County School Board accountable to the public on student achievement and school performance over time? If not, how should it become so? And how should the district address underperforming schools?
See #1, #4, and latest school scores. Addressing students’ physical development necessary for academic work, before expecting them to perform determined by age, will eliminate most of the marginal, remedial, or failure profiles that continue. In tandem increase creative programming that engages, inspires, and motivates students to actively invest in their success. Expansion of community participation in flagship programs may be an enhancement that inspires, like the successful strings program. Underperforming schools need leadership review, staff and community reflection process and objective professional analysis to assist with identifying areas of need, solutions, and action for remedy.
What do you mean by “Addressing students’ physical development necessary for academic work”? Are these processes you refer to regarding underperforming schools not taking place already?
The nervous system/brain and body integrity are developed by sufficient movement, nutrition(all levels), stimulation, and interaction with environment/others. The brain only develops relative to the quality of input and limit of stress.
Are these processes you refer to regarding underperforming schools not taking place already? No, that’s why I mentioned them. And the more technology and inappropriate curricular demands placed on students the more stress created…which negatively impacts functioning, learning, and performing. I have been sharing with FS staff and may begin to focus on the underdevelopment evidenced by those not ready to learn at every level.
15. Have you ever been charged with a felony or a misdemeanor anywhere in Flagler, Florida or the United States (other than a speeding ticket), or faced a civil action other than a divorce, but including bankruptcies? If so, please explain, including cases where charges did not lead to conviction.
Palm Coast, NY says
Am I missing something or is it accurate to say none of these candidates for the board, councilman or commissioner are being asked their educational achievements and experience in government? Ms McDonald’s are on her website and are more than adequate . I realize that elected officials rely in large part on the “professional” bureaucracy in place for guidance but I really would like to know if we’re dealing with a high school dropout, a high school graduate, someone with a a BA or BS, MA or MS or higher. Regarding Ms McDonald, wise answers and good luck.
Tampa Native says
“Students are unique individuals and learn best with various options, so a limited curricula of strict procedural requirements valued over learning is a huge weakness for most students; students who are not ready to learn, those who have surpassed the curriculum, and those who learn differently than the mode of the one-size-fits-none standardized common core curricula are being underserved by common core.” After reading this quote I found myself a little perplexed. She says that a limited curricula of the common core does not serve students who have surpassed the curriculum, yet she appears in all her answers to want to end the IB program which is designed in its scope to help those high achievers along with AP and Honors classes to go above and beyond. If she would actually read the new Florida Standards she would recognize that these standards are not a set of strict procedural requirements. They are tools that the teachers, administrations, and state will use to determine the proficiency of its students. They do not tell the teacher what they have to teach, in fact it will actually provide students with more control of the content they learn, while teachers provide them the necessary instruction to develop the skills and thinking processes required to develop higher order thinking skills.
Janet McDonald says
Thank you Palm Coast, NY, for your comments!
Thank you, Tampa Native, for your wanting more clarification on my reply. This issue is much larger than a quick sound bite and I am happy to continue to delve deeper to reach understanding for all of us in Flagler County.
Yes, common core(cc) is a more limited curricula than the FL sunshine standards that it replaced, and additional limiting elements of cc are found in the annotated cc standards provided by Dr. Sandra Stotsky in last year’s public testimony of why cc would not be elevating the FL education experience. You will note that she details what standards are appropriate, skills rather than standards, or incomprehensible sentences (Sandra Stotsky is a well respected ELA standards writer/expert who was instrumental in Massachussetts’ standards being the “Gold Standard” of educational standards) and is found on http://www.FLstopcccoalition.org under the research button. An annotated math cc document by Ze’ev Wurman is also available there, as is Karen Effrem, MD (pediatrician)’s research about the Psychological and Developmental Aspects of the Florida’s Common Core Standards – See more at: http://www.flstopcccoalition.org/research-papers/#sthash.mENOlOs9.dpuf
The .9% changes made to make cc into FLcc Standards are found on the State Dept of Education web site, with highlighted changes. The challenges for cc and changes to make this document FL cc standards do not have any research, alignment to any educational, developmental, nor cognitive guidelines to demonstrate why and how cc or the .9% change are beneficial and sound.
I think for all our sakes, the State Dept of Ed would seem most transparent by providing a side by side comparison of all standards versions that have been ‘approved’ in the last 6 years.
Just to clarify, standards should not include specific procedures, yet you will note when skills and processes are indicated in both cc ELA and math, that indicates procedures to learn rather than concepts to be mastered and demonstrated by many means.
The curriculum is written by our district coordinators, and aligned to the cc materials and cc tests that will be administered in the spring and end of courses, though there will be significant ‘practice tests’ throughout the year to ‘prepare’ our students to take the spring tests. Unfortunately because our legislature accepted teacher and administrator evaluations and pay partially linked to student performance on tests, it compels our teachers to teach to the test for students’ data profiles and their own ‘proficiency’ to teach the narrow band of standards understandings. The materials are ‘strongly’ suggested and texts have been purchased which align to cc.
I have had extensive training and experience in standards based education, curriculum design, material selection, implementation and adjustment of curriculum, teacher training and professional coaching through implementation and special needs adaptation, multiple choice, short answer, and essay question creation( a highly specialized training; and validity and reliability must be assessed to use with students), and data analysis throughout the year in ELA and Math (science and social studies when asked).
I have studied previous standards, cc, FLcore and understand what is being stated and what is omitted. If after looking at the links to standards, you would like more information on the global or specific differences among them, I am glad to have a conversation about this as it is quite an involved issue.
The issue of procedural requirements comes in the curricula and assessment pieces. Assessment drives the curricula, which is the day to day plan to work toward the standard. We can not assess a standard, we assess an activity that demonstrates a skill showing understanding of an aspect of a standard.
My comments about IB were not directed to ending it. In any organization it is good to analyze a program to confirm that it is performing as it was intended and attaining the level of results to consider continuing it. I had asked the former Superintendent if comparative long term data was collected for evidence that students were achieving beyond Flagler School, as they are expected. This was also a question posed for all elementary, middle, and specialized programs, because it speaks to the continual attention to make sure students are receiving and achieving as intended, rather than allow programs to continue on ‘faith’ or because ‘they exist.’
For programs like IB that are copyrighted and determined by a corporate board, not FS Board, I wondered if the district was getting the return on investment that was expected or reasonable. My reason was for potential cost savings and possible improved programming, as I know of districts which chose to create their own specialized program with more flexibility and lower costs, while educating students ready to achieve well throughout college, not only attain acceptance.
I am glad to share the many programs I helped to create or championed for high achievers, and those who became high achievers. I strongly support unlimited opportunities to go beyond achievement expectations of self, of others, or of programs (often limited by design). My questions are oriented to find more information, not to find a ‘weakness’ to expose. When we live with awareness and continue seeking improvements, asking questions is one way to find possible routes. School Board members have an obligation to all in the community to ask questions to make sure the education ship is steering in the right direction on all matters.
I understand that we would love to have the marketing claims of cc be so, for our students, for our teachers, and for our community. Its creation, implementation, roll out response, unknown costs, and country-wide rejection by people from every state and orientation ( along with NEA and AFT teachers’ unions) demands that we continue to research every aspect of FLcc, continue to share information, concerns, and understandings, so we can all become more aware of the total impact on our lives this will have, whether student, teacher, parent, or community member, and whether we have been fooled by great marketing.
Tampa Native says
I do happen to disagree with you on just about everything you say about the Florida Standards and Common Core. I looked up your claim that the NEA and AFT teachers’ unions were against the Common Core. According to an article by Tim Walker, he states based upon a poll done of members of the NEA and AFT in the summer of 2013, 75% of teaching professionals were in favor of the Common Core (2013). You cannot take a few who disagree with them and apply it to all.
I want all parents to go to following website and judge for themselves the new standards. Watch the progression of what students should be able to accomplish both conceptually and skillfully. And compare them to Finland’s which has turned their education system around to be one of the greatest in the world. http://www.fldoe.org/bii/curriculum/sss/, http://www.oph.fi/download/47675_POPS_net_new_2.pdf. If you notice Mrs. McDonald does not go beyond pulling information from one website, where three professionals state their reasons for not supporting the common core. But can we not find experts on every topic who disagree with other experts here and there. Those who support the initiatives are often less vocal than those who criticize.
One other thing. Teachers do not teach to the test. They teach to the standards, which are their tools to determine student progression and lesson plans. When they test, they test to see if the students can achieve and/or demonstrate the standards they learned in class, if they cannot the teachers reteach.
Walker, T. (2013, Fall). Common core. Retrieved August 17, 2014, from National Education Association: http://www.nea.org/home.65822.htm
confidential says
Mrs. McDonald got my vote! We need change.
Binkey says
It seems she is more concerned with fighting common core than with local issues. Does she not realize the schools (at least elementary) use differentiated instruction based on student needs?
Genie says
At Binkey: Do you ever notice how easily we all now say “fight this, fight that”? I did not see those words in Mrs. McDonald’s answers, I saw words like “champion”. And I think she asks some valid questions that we can all be interested in.
When do we all get to sit down together and work it out? I think that’s what most of us want, don’t you?
Stacey says
Binkey, I think she was clarifying a question from Tampa Native in her response.
Thank you Mrs. McDonald for your accuracy and understanding of common core. I also thank you for realizing how these new standards effect students in the classroom.
Tampa Native says
She really did not clarify anything whatsoever for me. She used support from one reference, which is inherently wrong when trying to argue or persuade someone when replying to my previous post. Doing so would be held erroneous on any debate team and shows her lack of looking at other evidence or listening to differing opinions.
She stated, “I am glad to share the programs I have championed for high achievers and those who became high achievers” but did not do so. One aspect of the Florida Standards as you move up through the grade levels is that students will have to use multiple pieces of text with different view points to support and argument. To do so would require that your provide evidence from both to prove your point. She does not do this at all. Completely one-sided.
Bunnell Resident says
Yawn! I couldn’t stay awake long enough to finish reading her interview. Is this the way she will speak to ordinary people? Read just one of her lengthy drawn out answers and then ask yourself- what exactly did she just say? I think she will have a difficult task connecting with ordinary people. My vote goes to those I can connect with.
snapperhead says
Stopped after #5…No way I can vote for someone that spreads right wing lies and misinformation. ANSI standards…LMAO
Devrie says
So many people exclaim, “we need change!” but I haven’t seen anyone take to the task of actually identifying the needs of the community and its students. Doctors don’t just make a random guess at what you have before referring you for operation. They don’t simply say, “What are your symptom? Oh, well then you’ll probably need radiation treatment.”
They test you. That take vital signs, blood samples. Then they analyze results.
Are Flagler County schools in need of improvement? How? Where? Why? Which students? In what ways could students improve? How can teachers improve? How can we help teachers and students succeed? What do parents need to help their kids succeed? Corrective measures are a change. Yes, we need change. We have standardized tests which serve as indicators for area that need improvement, but they are not diagnostic tools. School tests are not diagnostic. They reveal symptoms. A fever is a symptom, but if you treat someone for the flu who has the measles, you’re missing the ball.
Toni Baker, Candidate for School Board says
I think Flagler County Schools are great! What we need to do is close the educational gap! That takes analysis of the data. The State, as mandated, still hasn’t released the Annual Measurable Objects for 2013-2014 school year. I was told ONE person is working on it at the state level and she hoped to have it out before school started for 2014-2015. Unacceptable. This measurement was mandated because it is a valuable tool to see where, how, why we are failing over 40% of our students, especially minority students.
We need to use that data to determine where we are failing those students, who can’t reach state averages. Our School District Ranking is important for the community, however we can’t allow or excuse any child failing, not graduating and not becoming a productive member of society. OUR society as a community.
Ultimately, as parents and taxpayers, we are very lucky to be where we are. We can improve. We will improve and the competition to be the best is always a motivator! Ask my twins! We can do it, they did!
Janet McDonald says
Toni, yes, the data from the state is for district & school improvement and they have been doing that for years, thus the district has shown improvement from high 30s up to 12 this year, with schools showing changes from year to year based on population and subject.
The tests are not designed to assess individual student needs, only performance on a standard. The reasons for underachievement are often not related to a standard, yet are related to the students’ particular readiness, the particulars running a wide spectrum across the band of 40% of the students that you mentioned. Very different activities from revisiting/reteaching/remediating for standard ‘satisfactory’ rating are the key to better performance on these assessments and effective life function.
In speaking about the 40% who are not reaching a satisfactory rating, we need to remember that “satisfactory” is only a minimal proficiency on a narrow band of skills…and we may actually be underserving many more unless minimal proficiency is what we seek.
I don’t think any parent wants minimal proficiency for any student.
JJ says
Go away Janet…and take your crazy husband Dennis too…………
stan says
Janet got my vote.
Al Ruiz says
According to Mrs. McDonald radiation is circulating through the use of computers through Wi-Fi in the Flagler County School Systems. In addition she claims that learning through computers is detrimental to students learning. She claims that learning with computers somehow does not enhance but rather stunts the natural learning curve of the students. Furthermore, she claims that there is just too much homework in some classrooms. What a thought, too much homework in the school system.
If she has her way she will eliminate computers and the Wi-Fi system. And she further claims that IB and AP programs are taking the students down a narrow path and in the wrong direction instead of helping them develop a broader perspective. According to her evaluation, the Common Core/Florida Standards are not working.
So, Mrs. McDonald wants to lead the Flagler School System into a new direction! Yet she claims that she thinks that these changes will not cost the tax payer anything? Has she taken the time to determine the financial consequences of her proposals? Does Mrs. McDonald really think that she is really qualified to revamp the IB and AP programs?
So, how much will it cost to get qualified experts to revamp these programs to her expectations? OK, will she supply the needed funds for the additional books needed for all twelve grades after eliminating the computers. If Florida Standards are eliminated from the Flagler County School Curriculum as she suggests will she flip the bill for lost state and federal grants? And will the school system rating cease to exist since the school system will no longer be held to any Florida Standards? But of course a better standard is in the works, the Wind Standards is coming.
Mrs. McDonald wants to lead us into a new direction however the Flagler School System has gone from 37th place to 12th place. So a new direction to me would mean from 12th place to 20th or 30th place. Because to remain on the same path to me would mean to decrease in number but to redirect the path would therefore mean to increase in number with higher taxes to compensate for all of the changes recommended by Mrs. McDonald. Sound bites seem very impressive until you take into account the financial consequences of her catastrophic proposals? And the hardship those proposals would cause on the community at large. I hope the tax payers have deep pockets because she is promising to reorganize. And your vote for her means that you agree with all of the changes she recommends.
Nancy N says
Apparently Mrs McDonald wants to live in the mid-twentieth century. She’s free to do that in her own little mind but she has no right to take our kids with her in her trip back through time. They need to be prepared for the world they live in today, one in which computers and and other 21st century tools are standard.
Change for the sake of change is not a good idea if what you get is worse than what you are trading in. I’m certainly not always thrilled with the current school board – we pulled our child out of Flagler schools because of their changes to the ESE program – but Mrs McDonald would be a disaster of epic proportions for the district.
Lin says
The status quo is not good enough
Mr Fisher offers no plan to fix anything because everything is just wonderful according to what I heard at the forum
There is a lot that is good in Flagler schools but there is a lot that can be improved upon
We need new ideas (implementation of teaching methods perhaps working in other areas)
Lift our scores, prepare our students for real life careers whether college or not and
For goodness sake let them wait for their buses in daylight
Lin says
I’m not looking for change for change sake not satisfied with our scores or our students preparedness
I’m not satisfied with the priorities of the Board who chose not to close a school that was not full — and cut the school day, gave step increases & made our students suffer
I’m not satisfied seeing kids in danger in the dark waiting for buses
I’m not satisfied with the allotment of deputies — we need safer conditions for staff & students
I’m not satisfied with the dependence on computers TO THE EXCLUSION of learning how to think creatively to solve problems. I was in Michaels when the computer went down and the cashier could not make change from a less than $1 purchase
I’m not satisfied that our Board does not know what is happening in classrooms to ESR students and teachers and the other students so that they are all getting the best possible education. Seems like decisions are made on the fly.
I do believe that many things go right in Flagler, many talented and committed teachers and staff but sometimes change is good. And whoa lets not jump so far into our computers that we depend on them for all our thinking