The sheriff’s office reports that deputies charged Joshua Clark, 16, of 84 Forest Grove Drive, Mark Skaggs, Jr., 17, of 9 Lindburg Lane, and Joseph Salce, 17, of 50A Bunkerview Drive, in connection with the May 26 break-in of a vehicle on Fernon Lane. Deputies said a black iPod was stolen from the parked vehicle around 10 p.m.
According to deputies, two of the teens entered the vehicle while a third stood as the lookout. The three then took the iPod to another teen’s house where Clark offered to sell it for $50. The other teen offered to swap a leather protective iPod cover for the iPod, not knowing it was stolen.
After the swap was completed, the teen then posted the iPod for sale on Craig’s List. The victim noticed the ad and contacted law enforcement about his vehicle being burglarized.
Deputies responded to the teen’s ad and were informed of the swap. The three teens were questioned, with charges filed against Clark and Skaggs for grand theft, burglary of a conveyance and dealing in stolen property. Salce was charged with grand theft and burglary of a conveyance.
All three were released to their parents. The iPpod was returned to the victim.