
Timothy and Rishanda Ivey, both 38, live at 59 Slowdrift Turn, a two-level, 3,000-square-foot house off the southern end of Seminole Woods Boulevard in Palm Coast, not far from where it joins with U.S. 1.
Wednesday morning (Nov. 28), just before 8, Roshanda was sitting in the kitchen and Timothy was making a drink near the fridge, three black men in ski masks forced their way into the house. They immediately went to the kitchen and pointed handguns at the couple, according to a police report. Moments earlier, when Timothy saw the expression on his wife’s face and just before the men entered the kitchen, he tried to reach for a loaded shotgun that was on top of the fridge. But he was unable to free it from its case before the suspects entered the kitchen.
One suspect forced Roshanda to lie face down on the ground. Another kept a gun pointed at Timothy. The third walked behind him, according to the report, grabbing him in a chokehold, walking him to the entrance of the kitchen, then hitting him twice in the head, possibly with the butt of the handgun before forcing him to also lay on the ground, face down.
Two suspects stayed downstairs, pointing their gun at the couple, while the third went upstairs. The man holding Timothy took his wallet, an unknown amount of cash, and the diamond and gold wedding band from his left hand.
A little while later, the man who’d gone upstairs came back down. “Let’s go, let’s go,” he told his accomplices, and the three left the house.
Timothy immediately checked the house to see if anything was taken. It appeared that nothing else was, even though several Christmas gifts and high-value electronics were in plain sight. But it did appear as if the suspects had gone through Timothy’s 2001 black four-door Mercedes and taken his 9mm Lorcin handgun.
“Timothy and Roshanda were asked if they knew anyone who might have done this or why,” the report states. “Both stated that they did not. Timothy had two visible welts on his head as well as a small cut on his neck; he refused medical attention for these wounds several times.”
A K-9 unit was called in and searched the premises, but did not turn up anything. Detectives and deputies processed the scene, including the Mercedes, and a canvassing of the neighborhood was conducted, but neighbors did not witness suspicious people or vehicles in the area at the time of the incident.
Home invasions, as are violent crimes of this sort, are relatively rare in Palm Coast.
Anyone with information on the incident is asked to contact the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office at 386-313-4911.
L says
Terrifying. I’m glad that the Iveys are OK.
Maureen Vidal says
Wow…I’m glad they are okay!
Who Dat says
Hmmm, stay tuned folks?
Jamie Dale Abbott says
Nothing but a gun taken, Yeah right ! The first thought when I see something like this is Drugs were involved.
Anonymous says
Tis the season to be “ARMED” !!!!!
Gina Coppola says
Seminole woods is my neighborhood, hope they catch these dirtbags..does sound suspicious..
Ben Dover says
I don t think there was any robbery , I think the owner staged the whole thing , dogs didn t pick up any scent , nothing was stolen but a wallet and his ring , and a gun , neighbors saw nothing , a crime was prolly committed with gun he says was stolen, and this is his way of pointing blame in another direction
Jon says
This is why I stay armed…. There would be 3 less black guys if they came here.
Geezer says
Your post reminds me of my favorite childhood cartoon: Quick-Draw McGraw!
goalie says
That’s extremely scary. We always pride ourselves as a safe community, but it only takes one incident like this to change that. I wouldn’t jump to conclusion sand say drugs involved because it could have been some random person looking for a quick cash thing and weren’t even from aruond here.
Ben Dover says
then they would have taken the electronics
Nancy N. says
Having all those guns in the house really kept them safe. I’m sure going to run right out and buy one now…
Already says
Has manfree hit the streets yet? He will save us!
Lonewolf says
It’s good to be in a gated community
gator says
gated community not always safe, it could be you friend next door, you never know.
blondee says
I have a strange feeling this was not a random act, and we’ll all be hearing more about it as it unfolds.
Popo3984 says
There is no such thing as a random home invasion this is clearly drug related
Anita says
Homeowner had two guns, one of which was stolen and the other, stuck in its case. Two “good” reasons to own guns for self-defense, eh?
Geezer says
This tale is more fishy than the Atlantic Ocean.
But I am starting to see the value of wrought iron gated doors and windows in addition to loaded shotguns in our quaint bedroom community.. We’re not in Kansas anymore.
JL says
I surely don’t want to judge. But usually crimes like this – something fishy is going on. Probably drug related. Kinda odd they didn’t take a lot of stuff. Very suspicious. And for those of you who feel so safe living in a gated community, ask Trayvon Martin how safe it is to live in one. Oh, that’s right, you can’t ask him, he was killed in one. Crime happens everywhere. I’ve lived in the smallest of towns to the largest cities. It happens everywhere.
Ben Dover says
Most of the gated communities here in Palm coast have gates in the front, no guard , its a keypad , (so glad I got my security license) and woods around the rest of the development where anyone can walk right in your side or back yard, even if walls are around it in the woods , they are very easy to get over, you`d probably just decompose longer if someone got in and killed you, cause not as many people around to go by your house and smell your rotting corpse
seriously? says
“Home invasions, as are violent crimes of this sort, are relatively rare in Palm Coast.” Really? I know at least 15 break-ins/robberys/burglarys have happened (including my own home) in that last 2 months and you’re saying they are relatively rare? Have you read your own crime posts lately? It’s not rare, its becoming common place and the cops don’t seem to do much about it. One cop told my friend when they were robbed while they were home – “what, do you think this is CSI?” That’s the attitude with FCSO.
FBGrl says
I live very.close to this area in Seminole Woods and am extremely happy that I bought somewhere else. Moving out at the end of this month. Palm Coast has been overrun by trash and criminals. The scariest part is that this appears (for now) to have been random…
May God bless all the good people left to suffer in PC. Sure, there are many communities worse off than PC but it sure is far from the paradise people were sold. I know many that would get out of there the first chance they had but are stuck because of their house :(
Geezer says
Many of us are stuck here-it’s as if we we’re caught in quicksand.
But I always remember that it’s still better here than neighboring cities
like Deltona (yecchhh).
Mark E. says
Amen to that! If I could get rid of my house, I’d be out of PC in a heartbeat. The governmental imbeciles running the city are so out of touch with reality, they have put the buiilding of a new city hall at the top of the priority list! How mny foreclosed/vacant homes are there within Palm Coast? This is an issue that needs to be addressed! And lastly …STOP SPENDING MONEY WE DON’T HAVE!
gr says
Safety in a gated community is an illusion. It’s more about snobbery than anything. You think an old man in a guard house and a flimsy gate is gonna protect you? Really? For instance Hammock Beach has a gate….so what? The ocean is behind the subdivision and (thank god) you cannot gate off the beach…anyone can walk right in there from the beach! Duh! Silly Republicans.
downinthelab says
A Lorcin? Seriously? That says a lot. I think it says in the owners manual that it can only be used on Saturday nights.
Ben Blakely says
Police respond in 30 minutes at 45 mph. A Smith & Wesson responds at 1380 feet per second. Easy choice!
Ben Dover says
Just seems weird to me that the dogs picked up no scent, cops use them dogs to track people outside in the open air , three strangers in a house should have left a scent for them to track back to where they were parked or into woods something
Jamie Dale Abbott says
If they were burglars why didn’t they take anything (that was reportable to the police)
Joe says
If you belive that version you’re a fool…sounds to me they knew the individuals and they probably came for a wad of illegal cash or drugs. More to this story in the coming days for sure.
FL informed voter says
Don’t feel too sad for the family. 9 out of 10 times a home invasion robbery is for something illegal in the house already that the robbers want. The “victims” aren’t innocent at all. Masked gunmen don’t just pick a house at random to hit. Loaded shotgun over the refrigerator? Wake up, people…
NortonSmitty says
Why don’t we just change the name from Palm Coast to Holly Hill North and be done with it?
Geezer says
You mean Deltona East!
Ben Dover says
City counsel keeps letting all these section 8`s into our neighborhood , they used to be confined to duplexes , might as well call it South Harlem
inez says
It’s not called that because there’s less crime in Holly Hill Mr. NortonSmitty…that’s why Palm Coast is called Palm Compton
Greenleaf says
The “robbers’ were after something specific, whether it be drugs, or something else. They took the rings, and immediate cash to play it up as a “typical home invasion”. The third guy definitely knew where he was going, and the layout of the house, considering how quick it sounds these guys were in and out. We’ll see what happens next, I’m sure.
FBGrl says
@Joe – I’m not one for speculation off of assumptions with no factual basis… I’ll let the investigators figure out the truth. Innocent until proven guilty. That’s why I love our country. Regardless, it’s still scary living near people that would do something like this – whether the victims had it coming or not.
Binkey says
Totally agree. Rentals need to be regulated.
Do the windows have blackout on them or do they look like that because it is a picture?
Eagle Eye says
This almost happened to me in the P-Section last week. Around 5am I was leaving for work when I opened the door and saw 3 black men scurrying away from my driveway and vehicles. As I reached for my gun, they jumped in a 4-door white car and the driver used the same statement, “Let’s go, Let’s go” like in this story. I did a search of my property and my neighbor’s property and all was clear. I informed my neighbor to be on the lookout and I called the sheriff’s department to report it.
There has to be a crew working the Palm Coast area so be vigilant in the early morning or late night.
Broccoli Rob says
Holy crap! I’m very glad to hear that you came out OK from this near miss.
Imagine yourself without a gun like some people want?
Who Dat says
Hmmm, to be continued more folks?
Broccoli Rob says
Might this have a connection to the recent chase on Rymfire?
Initialjoe says
Glag they’re ok. Funny that they wouldn’t take much though.