Maxwell told reporters Monday that as he’s gone door-to-door campaigning, he’s heard repeatedly that privacy is a top concern in House District 9, which includes thousands of people who work for the state, and was “shocked” by how much information is out there on them. “I support the Sunshine Law,” Maxwell said. “I do not support public voyeurism, which is what this amounts to.”
State workers’ salaries are a public record, and can be obtained by request. They are public as a means of accountability: all government spending is public down to its details, affording taxpayers a way of understanding where their dollars are spent and in what proportions. Gov. Rick Scott has gone further with some workers, putting university employees salaries online, as well as those of public employees who have pensions worth more than $100,000 a year. Maxwell said if elected, he’ll propose a “Privacy Act” that prevents the disclosure of state employees’ salaries, retirement benefits and use of any government service, such as counseling.
Maxwell notes on his campaign site’s brief biography that he is “a Member of our Tallahassee community with many family members working in state government.”
He’ll also propose that notice be provided to state workers whenever a third party receives information that identifies the employee or a family member. Maxwell charged that Rehwinkel Vasilinda has not protected state workers during the four years she has held office. Asked to elaborate, he said the bills she has filed reflect other priorities. Rehwinkel Vasilinda has focused mainly on alternative energy and taxes, but as a member of the minority party, her bills have almost always failed. In 2009, she proposed a measure with protections relating to the state group insurance program, but it died in committee.–News Service of Florida and FlaglerLive
Clint says
While you at it Bradley, maybe we can make it a law that keeps the private lives of all Americans ‘PRIVATE” , not just the government workers who salaries and benefits are PAYED by the common folks….This guys deserves the BOZO award of the year !
palmcoaster says
State workers compensations and benefits should remain public records as they are part of the government financial public records information. Anyone opposed to that, should then look for work on the private sector.
When any political running candidate needs to do a financial disclosure, I do not see why state workers records should be sealed to the public. Will contribute just, to more hidden special interest agendas.
Teresa says
Then why would the City, County and Federal Government worker’s salaries not be public? These 3 entities make double and triple the salary of the State workers, draining the individual counties and cities, which ultimately drains the State and country as a whole. I would like to see all of these salaries. Are they not “Government workers” also? Why JUST the State workers? To make the individual governors look good? ALL government workers, on EVERY LEVEL should be transparent – not just one level.
palmcoaster says
By the way just because of his proposal, Michelle R. Vasilinda got my vote!
We do not need the management style of an autocrat where all information regarding the use of our hard earned taxes will be closed to us, that foot the bill.
Jim says
This runs counter to his party’s rhetoric of a more transparent government. There should be a top ten Republican douche bag list, Brad Maxwell would surely be a contender.
Jim J says
The state workers compensations and benefits should remain public records – thinking any way else is stupid their wages and benefits are in fact paid for by us the common folks – in fact we their bosses and that information is an should always be open to the public.
ricky says
ARE YOU KIDDING ME ??? As mentioned above this guy is a real BOZO..
elaygee says
More from the Creepublican Clown Car Committee
Bob Z. says
It appears that people are not fully understanding what the issue is. Salaries of public employees will always be available to those that need that information, such as for news stories, etc., and that will not change. But what should change is posting that information for everyone to see, whether or not they have a reason to see it. For example, most employers frown on employees talking about salaries in the workplace since it can cause bad feelings. If John does the same work as Jane but John makes $10k more a year it can make Jane feel under-appreciated, etc.; she may not take into account that John has worked there for 10 more years. Again, this is what most employers preach, so it should apply to the government as well.
John says
Just the fact that I’m a taxpayer, paying those salaries is enough reason to see the income of government emplooyees. I worked for the government for 27 years. I wasn’t grossly overpaid like some government employees so I had no problem with transparency. The only reason to hide a government salary would be, someone is getting over on the taxpayer and has a reason to hide their income. If you don’t want your salary public, don’t take a job paid by the public. After all, the taxpayer is your employer.
Henry says
Bradley, you just lost my vote.
RC says
Unless you live in Tallahassee, you cannot vote for Bradley either way.
Henry says
Yep, do live in that area, and he lost my vote!!!
Deep North says
Why he’s only wanting to keep government salaries and benefits a secret, no biggie. He just don’t want to show all the bribe, lobbying deals, and all other procurement of dineros he have gotten. All I say is, this is a conspiracy against the people of Florida!
Anonymous says
Wow you people on here act like public employees do not pay taxes. WAKE UP they pay taxes just like you “common folks” do.
Clint says
Not only should their salaries be open for public viewing but also what their job is and verification that their DOING that job. Maybe some Drone pics of the cities workers who drive around ALL DAY in their white pickup trucks, using up GAS and getting payed for doing NOTHING. I decided one day to follow one of these “slackers”. This person actually drove around the palm coast “C” section for three hours and never stopped anywhere until is was lunch time, then went into a Kangaroo store and wasted another hour.
John says
I’m rather new to Palm Coast and I was astonished at the number of City Vehicles I saw driving around. I haven’t followed anybody around to see what they were doing…. It’s just an observation. I can’t imagine the need for all these City Employees I see driving around. Maybe I just don’t have the big picture.
ryan says
Yep. more wasting time trying to hide more info by politicians rather than making a positive difference.