Late afternoon storms surged through northeast and north-central Florida today, including Flagler County, but damage was limited to a few homes in Edgewater, in southeast Volusia County, while Flagler sustained only some strong winds for a brief period, and less than 1 inch of rain, says Troy Harper, Flagler’s emergency management director.
In fact, Harper said, no tornado touch-down has been confirmed. ““We did have one unconfirmed report of a funnel cloud, just west of Bimini,” in the State Road 100 area. But Harper stressed that it was a third-party report–unconfirmed, and not seen by the county’s spotters who’d fanned out.
Television reports of the storm exaggerated its effects in Flagler County, with persistent rumors of a tornado spotted in the Belle Terre area. No such tornado was actually spotted.
Just as fortunate for Flagler: ““We have no report of damage, trees down, power outages, we fared quite well compared to our neighboring counties,” Harper said. FPL was reporting virtually no power outages in the county this evening, aside from very sporadic outages affecting one to four customers here and there, as might happen on occasion. In Volusia County, in contrast, some 1,000 customers were without power in Ormond Beach, while the News-Journal was reporting that up to 40 houses had been damaged in the Edgewater area.
“Firefighters say 40 homes are damaged and 12 are uninhabitable in the Terra Mar subdivision as survivors of the storm that hit just after 5:30 say a tornado ripped through Terra Mar Village in about 30 seconds,” the paper reported.
The weather system is the result of a normal pattern of storms at this time of year, Harper said, though the severity of the system did take authorities by surprise. The national storm prediction center in Norman, Okla., had Flagler County at “a very slight risk” in its predictions today, Harper said. The rest of the week is expected to produce some rain and foggy conditions.
Leora Schlegel Usina says
Crazy weather! OMG.
Sam says
Its the Maya prediction coming true…OMG ! Were all going to die !!!!!! Only 10 days left.
confidential says
Mayan Calendar premonition on the works..?
Nancy N. says
It was really bad west of here – I drove from Gainesville to Interlachen on SR20 from about 4:30 to 5:30pm in near white-out conditions from the rain coming down so hard and blowing sideways. People were driving 30-35mph in a 65mph zone! You couldn’t see two car lengths ahead of you on the road most of the time. Terrifying.
Initialjoe says
It was a light thunderstorm…get over it.
glad fly says
it’s all bush’s fault. hell everything else is.
End of the world is coming, so I guess you will not need all that cash you have tucked away.
Please send it to St.Judes Hosp. or the American Red cross, or the Salvation army, or wounded warriors or any other charity before its to late……. cant take it with ya!!!!!