A 17-year-old Palm Coast boy was killed and another injured in a mudding crash in isolated and unlit Flagler Estates shortly after midnight this morning, according to the Florida Highway Patrol and the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office. Four other youths in the vehicle escaped injuries.
According to 911 dispatch notes, the group was in a Toyota Forerunner on Quick Street, traveling east on one of the many unpaved roads in Flagler Estates on the Flagler County side of the unbuilt subdivision. The Forerunner veered west, struck a waterlogged ditch, and overturned, sinking on its roof into the water. The 17 year old was driving the SUV.
At one point FHP requested a dive team to ensure that no other individuals were ejected from the SUV, but later cancelled it once everyone was accounted for.
Other than the driver, passengers included two 16-year-old boys, one of whom sustained minor injuries, a 16-year-old girl, an 18-year-old man and a 19-year-old woman, all from Palm Coast with one exception (the 18-year-old man was listed by FHP as being from Satsuma). The youths attempted CPR on the driver before turning over rescue efforts to sheriff’s deputies. The 17 year old was pronounced deceased at the scene at 47 minutes after midnight. Both Flagler County and St. Johns County authorities responded to the crash.
The fatality is the 23rd traffic-related death in Flagler County this year, resulting from over 1,300 crashes, according to FHP.
Flagler Estates is a 10,000-acre subdivision in northwest Flagler County platted in the 1960s in a foolhardy speculative frenzy. It still has hundreds of homeowners but no homes, no services, and no road leading to it except from St. Johns County. Well over 1,000 homes have been built on the St. Johns side. The Flagler County Commission over the years has attempted to make the subdivision viable, but failed every time.
Because of its isolation and rare policing, the grid has been a somewhat popular place for revelers, bonfires, mudding enthusiasts, and the occasional murder or location of choice for murderers to drop their victims.
Flagler Estates A Flagler County Sheriff’s spokesperson said this morning that deputies will be conducting extra patrols there throughout the long Christmas weekend “to deter reckless driving and other unlawful activity.”
TR says
Teenagers doing something they shouldn’t have been doing. I wouldn’t be surprised if speed and weaving weren’t involved. Sad that this happened, especially at this time of year. The family will always remember this every year around Christmas.
Jessie B says
I don’t know many teens that haven’t done things they shouldn’t, and most of us are lucky to have survived our teen years. Tragedy has struck this family , its not an “I told you so moment” and your comment is rude and without empathy and sympathy. Obviously their going to remember this, they lost their child, only magnifies it that there’s presents under the tree, that will never be opened.
TR says
Guess you missed the sentence where I said sad this happened. But I guess the reality and truth is sometimes hard to take. Maybe read Noah’s comment and then tell me I was wrong with my guess. LOL
Noah says
I was by waffletops, left maybe five after them, I jumped into the ditch & tried CPR after pulling him out, his girlfriend told me that he was drunk & swerving
TR says
Thanks for trying Noah. So if the girlfriend knew he was drunk, most likely the others did as well and they all still got in the car with him? I would say that was also not a good idea for someone to do that and the others are lucky they came out of this accident uninjured according to the article.
Sophie says
I am his sister. Keep your comments too yourself at this time I don’t understand why you have too sit here and pick apart everything. My brother is dead. What happened happened yes we Will remember everything especially this year round month to month day too day and hour by hour. The other kids in the car were lucky too go home too there families mine cannot say the the same. My family is grieving yes they’re where things that could have been done too prevent this and of course we will think about that all the time but again just keep your comments too yourself it’s disrespectful and mean. What happened happened. Just kids being kids sometimes kids make mistakes. May my brothers beautiful soul rest in peace.
Ann Marie says
Sophie, please forgive the comments here. Prayers for your family and all those who knew and loved him.
Shark says
No – What happened should have never happened. That’s the whole problem – No one wants to accept any responsibility !!!
Lori says
May God heal y’all. People always want to be detectives in their own mind don’t let hurtful words win your prides. Prayers to your family.
Tom S says
Only 1 Person knows the Truth The Deceased My Grandson and He can’t tell us may he RIP Please respect our Family !
Shark says
What about the two other kids that were with him ???????????? Just ask them.
TR says
There were four others in the vehicle, not two. Just saying.
Avry m says
Thank you so much for helping you really did your best
Tom S says
Thanks for trying however you could have omitted the comment of what his girlfriend told you does it really matter
Big X says
Just in time for the 2023 Darwins awards.
Willy says
I feel sorry for the family and friends of this kid. Good job on FCSO for being reactive instead of proactive.
Knowsalittle says
Be real. FCSO can’t be everywhere. Personal responsibility. People, especially teenagers, don’t think of possible consequences for their actions. It’s just a sad outcome to young people trying to have fun.
Fiona says
God be with that mother! So many prayers. My heart breaks right before Christmas. All the presents he had that his mother may never open and leave wrapped forever now. It’s so sad. Teens need to slow down and realize the value of life and who there hurting the most when there being reckless.
Ann Marie says
Why don’t they fence it off?
Denali says
Who is “they”?
Ann Marie says
Whoever legally owns that land. In some courts it might stand up to a lawsuit.
Denali says
So what you really want is for me and other land owners to fence off my rural property where I have a two acre pond just because some trespasser might drown in said pond? No. If it ain’t your property, stay off of it. Go drown in the Intracoastal which last time I looked was not fenced off either. How about the swale in front of your house, should that be fenced off?
Tom S says
Fence off your 2 acre Property with 2 ponds ? ain’t nobody asking you to do that they are asking to block off the Secttion of the road going out to nowhere and I my friend as being the grandfather of the deceased will do my best to make it Happen Develop Flagler Estates Yes but open the road as it is developed if it is a known Problem lets stop it now before if happens again! that road goes nowhere but out into the Non Usable SWAMP !!!
Denali says
So, where do you draw the line on fencing off an area? The swales in Palm Coast? The ditches along any rural highway? Both potential drowning sites. How about those countless ponds inside the interstate exits and entrances where dozens have died? Or just what you deem to be a worthless swamp on land where you have no business being present?
I really did not want to go here but your ignorance has forced my hand. When you get right down to the fact; he was trespassing (present without the owners knowledge or permission) and had no business being on that property. I am sorry for your loss but someone failed this boy in his education.
Tom S says
He was very Educated Trespassing on a Public Road ? Ignorance ? Thank you for your kind words who are you to Judge His or our Education Get Real out in the Snake infested Swamp / Jungle you reside in
Denali says
Potatoville Road, a portion of Marty Street and a 400 foot wide parcel between Marty and Noel Streets are platted as being county property. There are no other county roads in this area. If you were to look at a plat map you would learn that Quick Street is currently platted through what are private lots.
Now ‘I only know what I read in the papers’ (thank you WR). The article says the accident happened on Quick Street which is entirely on private property. You tell me, did he have the property owners permission to be on their property?
Fed up in St Johns says
They would be Flagler County but they won’t do it. I live on a border street where these kids(not just kids) tow their four wheeled 80 thousand dollar nightmare noise makers each and every holiday and weekend. These rude human trash ride up and down our dirt roads. which people live on and have their livestock on (taxpayers mind you) The only time I even call anymore is to report open carrying of firearms while riding or young kids without helmets. Maybe one in five calls gets a response out here and then they won’t ticket the trucks and trailers parked down the street or follow them onto Flagler’s side (not their job SJSO)They refuse to do anything about the illegal dumping from trucks that drive from St. Johns side to Flagler to dump , even with pictures before and after with tag numbers!
Pat Stote says
Rude human trash?
What a terrible thing to say
Fed Up in St Johns says
Look there is MORE than enough space for these fools to take it out back!! But no every holiday or long weekend they race these loud, fast vehicles around children, livestock. Not to mention all the gunfire! FPL already replaced a concrete power pole out back there because of damage from GUNFIRE! No one is going out there to do anything GOOD! How many more bodies need to be found or accidents need to happen before ANYONE does something. Feel bad for the families but look there are paid, supervised areas to go do this type of riding. So something like this DOES NOT HAPPEN!
Kristen says
I disagree, My husband and I along with many friends live in Flagler Estates and ride our 4-wheeler out every weekend for fun. We don’t litter, we don’t shoot our guns, we simply ride around go through some mud and go home. We stay on the dirt roads, not on peoples property. To me, besides the kids out there drinking, they are having mostly harmless fun. They could be bored breaking into your property.
Tom S says
As the Grandfather of the Deceased 17 yo i totally Agree not just because of the Hurt we feel but Because it happens to be a Normal thing just because it is rural have respect and yes stop it
HayRide says
what weren’t you a kid once mudding. is fun how can you say “Teenagers doing something they shouldn’t have been doing.”
TR says
Nope never went mudding. It may be fun for people who do it, until someone gets hurt or killed like in this situation.
Bill says
People die in ACCIDENTS everyday from any situation. Keep you’re judgement to yourself.
thereal says
just because they were trying to have fun doesn’t mean that they should have died. you have no opinion in saying whether or not someone should have died just because they did one stupid thing. everyone’s made stupid mistakes in life, doesnt mean you should die for it, now does it. you have probably done something equivalent to the dangers of mudding and maybe even had a near death situation but you didn’t die now did you? if you were on the news with the headline of “17 yr old killed” and people comment underneath your story saying you shouldn’t have done it and it was your fault that you had to suffer and pass away how would you feel? shame on you.
TR says
I never said anyone should die for trying to have fun. (which no where in the article states that’s what the 17 year old was doing) Oh as far as opinion goes I have every right to express mine as to what I think happened just like you do. however you do not have the right to tell me what kind of an opinion I may or may not have. You do realize that ones opinion is neither right or wrong do you not.
As far as the last part of your comment on how would I fell if there was an article about me passing away because I did something to have fun and how I would feel. I guess the answer will never be known because I would be died. LOL Oh just so you understand and can’t twist my comment around. I’m not laughing that this kid lost his life because he was trying to have fun. I’m laughing at you asking me for feeling IF I passed away from doing something that caused my death.
Tom S says
Only Thing i can say as the Grandfather of the Deceased 17YO is you my Friend whom i do not know are so far out of touch with the World is you should keep all you Negativity to Yourself and not Post such as yoi did
Tommy says
Thank you if it was there son maybe they would not say this kids go out there to enjoy simple things in life like the woods and trails my son was a good kid and will be missed by a lot of people RIP Tj
Natalie says
Sending hugs and prayers to you Tommy! This is truly heartbreaking! TJ was an amazing kid and will be truly missed! I’m here if you need anything! This world lost a very sweet amazing kid! I’m so very sorry for your loss, Natalie
Disgusted in Flagler County says
My thoughts and prayers to the family and friends affected by this tragedy.
Atwp says
George says
Out there at midnight that was a very bad decisions and the older ones there should have known better. Very sad someone so young lost their life because of bad decision.
JimboXYZ says
The Flagler County 4WD club back at it again, the 2nd one this month. The other was the 27 year old that was on wet asphalt with those tires. Dirt roads & mudder tires are still lower speed activities. When you see a swale with tire track ruts thru it, It’s usually a truck. Folks need to stay out of the swales especially after a couple days of rain that make it soggier & spongy sod. This was a ditch (deeper swale), until the storm water dries out, the soil is just going to be too loose to get traction in & quite often the weight of the front end of the vehicle on the width of the tire just “knifes” into the mud, just like it does in soft sand when driving thru a sand drift in Volusia County.
RIP, sad that the survivors will have to endure this loss & relive it 2 days before Christmas every year for the rest of their lives. Condolences to the family
TR says
I agree 100% and can prove that what you said is true. I live on a corner lot in PC and can tell you on a weekly bases there is someone driving either a large construction truck or a truck pulling some sort of trailer and drives off the road into the swale on the side street to my house and leaves about a 7″ deep rut. It’s always caught on my surveillance cameras with the companies name on the side of the truck. Have notified the city code enforcement a ton of times with the video proof so they could get the party responsible to pay for the repair instead of our tax dollars, or have called the law to get them to receive a summons for leaving the sean of an accident with property damage, or for not maintaining a single lane. But neither department ever does anything to hold the bad driver accountable.
Thanks for the information about the “mudder” tires. I have driven my 2500HD 4X4 on some of the same type of dirt roads and noticed if you increase speed, it is harder to maintain control. Sad that the young man did not learn this fact.Prayers for his family.
Karen Bivone says
May he RIP and prayers to the families and the other kids that were involved.
Erod says
How come developers haven’t built new communities in Flagler Estates ? They’re building everywhere else in Flagler County.
oldtimer says
Good question
Casa says
hey are building homes in there. Have you looked at Zillow or Realtor? Some of it is Flagler County the other is St. Johns.
Tom S says
Fence off your 2 acre Property with 2 ponds ? ain’t nobody asking you to do that they are asking to block off the Section of the road going out to nowhere and I my friend as being the grandfather of the deceased will do my best to make it Happen Develop Flagler Estates Yes but open the road as it is developed if it is a known Problem lets stop it now before if happens again! that road goes nowhere but out into the Non Usable SWAMP !!!
Tony says
The problem is irresponsible parents and kids out of control !!!
Tom S says
Because it is a big Swamp Non Usable they have Developed most of what they can now and have put some nice Homes out there The Developers have reached there limit on usable Building the rest we should rename EverGlades North
Chris says
Never will develop flagler estates, full of drugs, meth heads
tom jones says
name of person that died
Peace says
You have two choices in a terrible situation, you can add or you can subtract. The people that have offered condolences, prayers and thoughts, heartfelt empathy, they are the ones that add comfort and peace. Those that offer judgement are the subtractors. They bring nothing of quality to any situation. It is fine to offer suggestions for prevention but remember that A LOT of people are hurting right now and those people need other people to add to their comfort during this most difficult time. The rumor mill is just that. Please do not breathe life into it if you have any human decency.
Avry m says
He was such a good boyfriend to me and such a great son he was loved by so many and it hurts a lot knowing what happened and it don’t feel real. Please don’t come on here disrespecting him or his family bc it was an innocent mistake. We all did these things when we were kids we all were stupid and didn’t truly understand life yet all we wanted was to be happy and have fun. That’s what he did he was happy and laughing all his life he lived his life to the fullest and didn’t deserve it, n he really don’t deserve to be picked on by people who don’t know him or don’t know what happened.
Natalie says
Please ignore the ignorant people that claim to be perfect. TJ was a great kid and will be truly missed! I’m so very sorry for your loss! Send prayers your way!
Jay says
Very sad accident. We have all done reckless things like this at these young ages. I’m out there all the time riding ATVs with my kids and we ride slower and safe. I have wrecked before despite going slow and luckily not hurt bad. The problem is the majority of us enjoy the area safely and a small few are wrecking the area by behaving recklessly and dangerously. Prayers to the family.
TomS says
Does it Really Matter these Comments I will Leave 1 MAY MY GRANDSSON whom was 1 1 killed RIP
Tommy says
I’m sick of all this Flagler county negativity May my honor roll well loved well talented son TJ rest in peace Gone but never forgotten a kid died doing what he loved doing
Natalie says
It’s so easy for people to point fingers and say hurtful things , at the end of the day a very kind respectful 17 year old lost his life! I raised 3 boys myself and they were doing boy things! It’s a tragedy he lost his life!
It’s heartbreaking enough for his family and friends and if this was your family I’m sure you wouldn’t appreciate rude comments! TJ was an amazing kid with a heart of gold! My heart breaks for the family! You will be truly missed’ my thoughts and prayers are with the family during this extremely difficult time! RIP TJ I’m very blessed to have known you!
Concerned Citizen says
I am sorry that a life was lost.
As a retired first responder I have seen a lot of this over the years. And it is always heart breaking. When a life is taken the family and friends are left wondering why. I myself lost someone very special who was struck by a drunk. She was on the way home from work. And he was leaving a bar. Already on probation for a previous DUI.
The only lecture I will throw in here is please leave alcohol out of motor vehicle operations. It has no place. You can have just as much fun not drinking. In all my years of Police and Fire work alcohol related crashes were the toughest to work. Because in most cases others were affected more than the one drinking.
Irene says
So tragic. My deepest sympathies to the family. Just wondering why the author of this piece calls the 18 year old a man and the 19 year old a girl? maybe woman? maybe boy?
FlaglerLive says
That was an error, which has been corrected. We appreciate your pointing it out.
Robert says
Jesus Christ WTF is wrong with some of you ? None of you have ever done anything risky let alone borderline reckless as a teen ?
people are hurting. A family lost a loved one. And people want to judge. It was an ACCIDENT ! That’s why we call them accidents, not deliberate behavior. A young man lost his life way too early. I did not know him, but I know he had many opportunities and relationships that were left unfulfilled. Sad. RIP
BobS says
There is no access for Flagler County Emergency services to get into Flagler Estates without having to go through St. Johns County side first. In order to have permission to build on any property, even if you own property in Flagler County of Flagler Estates, Flagler County would have to build a main road from their county into it.
Tom S says
Been almost 11 months in just a few days He is missed Here Daily May He Rip