Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Monroe counties are all closing their beaches for the July 4 weekend as precautionary measures against large crowds, and as the state experiences a continuing surge in new Covid-19 cases. Brevard county government is meeting to discuss the matter today.
As of now there are no plans to close the beach in Flagler Beach, Police Chief Matt Doughney and Bob Snyder, the county’s health department chief, said today.
“As of right now the beaches will still be open, it’s our understanding the same will happen in St. Johns and Volusia,” Doughney said. Only an order from the governor or a recommendation from the Flagler Health Department may change that. The governor has refused to impose such closure orders on localities, leaving it to local governments to decide for themselves.
“I spoke to Matt about it,” Snyder said. “He said that people have been adhering to social distancing guidelines overall, that it’s not perfect, but people are cooperating, and so there are no plans to close the beaches this weekend here locally.”
Florida is experiencing a surge of coronavirus cases since Phase 2 reopening began on June 5, with half its more than 150,000 cases occurring since then. The surge has reached Flagler, with 115 new cases locally since Phase 2 began.
Snyder and Doughney had teamed up in March ahead of the decision to close the beach for several weeks during a month-long stay-at-home period in the state. They had been concerned about the beach, the canopy and boardwalk areas acting as a magnet for larger gatherings.
“To be honest, the threat for catching the virus outdoors is less than the risk indoors. We are more concerned about large gatherings indoors. That’s why we are pushing the facial coverings as a strong public health measure to protect against spreading the virus.”
The department is encouraging front staffs of restaurants to have waiters and waitresses wear facial coverings, for example. “This is why the Pledge to Prevent initiative by the TDC and the county is so important,” Snyder said, referring to the ongoing campaign by the Tourist Development Council. The pledge is a voluntary program drafting local businesses to properly use personal protective equipment, ensure routine cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch areas, encourage social distancing and enforce requirements that sick employees stay home. Participating businesses are listed on a TDC webpage.
Flagler Beach is again making free shuttle buses available from the mainland, where they’ll pick up passengers in the Babcock shopping center, and drive them over beachside to alleviate parking issues there, Doughney said. Masks are not required on board but “highly encouraged,” Doughney said. There will be no fireworks, no parade, no vendors. Palm Coast also cancelled its traditional Independence Day fireworks at Town Center.
“Basically it’s going to be a big beach weekend,” Doughney said, with assistance from the sheriff’s office to handle parking and crowd concerns, “just to make sure everybody stays safe. Lifeguards will do their best to keep people socially distanced.” The city has a social media campaign to encourage safe measures.
Likewise, the county has announced no beach-closing plans for the remaining miles of Flagler’s shoreline.
Michele L. says
Why not?! Please do the responsible thing as other counties are. Flagler was doing pretty well so this just makes no sense. And the Shuttles? Hopefully this will be changed & far more secure safety measures taken. I see that r
Masks, etc.are being encouraged, but this is not the time for half measures. Thank You!
Stacie says
So..we didn’t learn anything from Memorial Day weekend? We’re not just talking about Flagler County residents here, since many beaches already made the smarter decision to close, we will have a boatload of out of town people crowding the beaches and spreading the virus. Stupid move with our significant increase in positive cases and lack of testing options. You cannot even make an appt at the Daytona State Campus in Palm Coast as they are completely booked!
Gigi says
You can’t fix STUPID! Smart people will stay home. A backyard picnic and sparklers are fine for me.
Have fun on the Covid express beach shuttle.
In these hard times, *everyone* should understand the *need* and reason for why close down the beaches. Same for big events. Having a small number of infections (compared to Dade County, etc) does not mean that Flagler County can bring down it’s guard. That’s how other counties started and today days they have a disproportioned out of control infected numbers. It seems very ridiculous to me that the beach will not be closing down, as this will only bring people from other towns, (in fact I know about 8 people asymptomatic planning to travel). Please stop with the stupid comment saying that people are following CDC guidelines as for social distancing and wearing masks. In fact, many, many, empty brains out there are against these guidelines and many more are ignorants by saying that the virus is a hoax. Flagler County, wasn’t it enough with all those bikers in March? Wasn’t enough with Memorial Day weekend? You like to play with fire, huh? Shame on you FLAGLER County IF BEACHES ARENT CLOSED DOWN FOR JULY 4TH.
Sandra McCauley says
Why, they don’t care about people. Just that almighty dime.
kgl says
Well, not the best idea…the virus on on the rise, and with other beaches closed, people from all over will come here…it seems risky and unwise..Why can’t FL get there act right and just do what is necessary for all the states to get through this virus and then have a beach day or indoor dinning and all the sports…Why just ignore the warnings…the Health departments and the Doctor’s are say stay home, celebrate in your back yard. Wear your masks in public and stay away from large groups and bars and lets stop the increase…in sick and or dying people (of all ages)…Its crazy and foolish….
Vera says
I agree with Michelle. What are you thinking? Shuttle buses crowded with people without masks? Why are you encouraging crowds at the beach? If they can’t find parking, there are too many there already.
BMW says
And the shuttles will be COVID-19 free? Why are we loading the City up with people with a spike in cases? We either care about the City of Flagler Beach and it’s residents or we don’t, which is it?
Commonsense says
Less then a 2% death rate and your so scared well don’t ride in a car because it has a higher death rate smh
You’re so funny says
Common sense says: do not ride the COVID bus. Especially without a mask. But by all means, please do! That’ll show us👍😃. “You’re” is a word called a contraction and means you are, while the word your is a possessive adjective. It is not a contraction. You’re so brave. I admire your bravery in riding the COVID bus.
Kathy says
Wow, that will be nice. Cozy shuttle buses to bring people over to the beach to help the parking situation. Not so sure “optional” mask wearing is a good idea, since the social distancing, 6 ft rule will be tough. Happy 4th of July. Stay safe.
Me says
How do these uneducated people become the ones making the important decisions? 🤔
I hope the residents are smarter and stay home! Make adult decisions, this insane behavior needs to stop.
Gary Osmond says
How many people will become sick and die because of Bob Snyder’s ,county health department chief not a MD, decision not to close our beaches, bars and restaurants for the 4th of July weekend?
Then we have the city of Flagler Beach providing shuttle buses to encourage even more people.
I hope Mr Snyder and the Flagler City Council members sleep better than I would if I were them.
Trailer Bob says
Unfortunately, there are many businesses that will not reopen after this. Business people have to pay rent, mortgages, loans, etc, and they do that with money made while the businesses are open, not closed. So I understand much of the frustration and why so many desperately want to open…need to open.
Easy for others to not really understand this and the moral, emotional, and financial issues involved…it’s not just simply open up or close down. Not simple at all for many.
Then their are the employees, many of who already are just getting buy with low-wage jobs, even when they ARE working.
I am not saying it is smart or won’t possibly increase the number of Covie-19 cases, just that it is NOT simple or easy for many.
However, the issue of “to wear or not to wear” masks and/or face shields should be simple to understand and the decision should be obvious. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Just wear the damned masks or face shields (my choice because it covers the entire face including your eyes). And Disantis…Do your damn job.
steve Ward says
AMEN and the Truth will set you Free. Open up but take precautions and be smart. Not cattle cars to the beach. smh
Henry Speckhahn says
I agree with Trailer Bob.
I , being a business owner myself , also know the need to keep businesses open . Keep people employed
where ever possible, they need their jobs.
Shutdowns are dangerous.
Ones the slowdown or shutdown period goes beyond a point, a lot of businesses are unable to start up again. Then the jobs are lost , permanently .
To keep businesses going during this epidemic, businesses must or should adopt the CDC stuff as mandatory, to eliminate or at least minimize the risk of Covid 19 infections.
These guidelines are not to difficult to follow :
Just wear the damned masks, keep social distancing , do hand washing and sanitize all contact surfaces .
Its all in our behavior, in how we can overcome this obstacle.
Bar owners maybe out of luck in this epidemic , no solution found yet .
Lee brickser says
Good luck with that plan.
Diane says
The leaders of this County are truely sick individuals. The lack of leadership here is disgusting and destructful to society. Where have all the true Patriots gone? America ad we know it is sinking and our County leaders are making sure we go down with it. God Bless America.
erobot says
Flagler Beach is still an incorporated city ruled by the people voted into office by the 47% of property owners who live here and are eligible to vote. What you say??? Property owners who don’t live here do vote!!! Well, I’ll be darned – wh0’d a thunk it.
Unfortunately, our city fathers and mothers care not a wit for us taxpayers and cater to the “business community,” you know that community which was touted as lowering our taxes and making our lives even more heavenly. Alas, taxes and water/garbage bills went up quite a bit and we have crowds of people littering our once pristine beach and blissfully quiet “downtown.”
Now we’ll be bussing them in.
It won’t be long though before we are truly part of greater Palm Coast and not just included as the Flagler Beaches as the tourist brochures say.
Kent says
Wow idiocracy at its finest, how exactly do you social distance on a bus where you are sharing the air with every other person on it!? Who came up with this death trap of an idea?
Teresa says
How many people on the bus at a time and will it be sanitized in between each drop off. And are they six feet apart ?
BMW says
Does it matter? If the buses have air conditioning then the trapped air is being circulated over and over again? Further, the remnants of a dirty diaper left on A1A by a visitor when the beaches reopened over a month ago is still there. Who are we fooling by loading up the island during a spike in COVID19? I try to be reasonable, but, this is suspect. We should be leaning on the side of caution.
maggie says
That’s so wrong on so many levels, I don’t know where to start. If “Air Conditioning” spread COVID, we’d all be dead by now. I’m sorry, but the “spike” from the hordes of paid “protesters” descending on cities large and small all over this country TWO WEEKS AGO is the problem, not potential beachgoers.
Some of you–seriously–need to please turn off your TVs and radios and stop watching and listening to all the panic-reporting 24/7. “Reactionary, panicking citizens” and “propaganda” is far, far more dangerous than any germ. Just knock it off before people start shooting other people over BS from the TV….
Paula says
“…just to make sure everybody stays safe…”
Everyone will NOT stay safe – who is kidding whom?
CB from PC says
Masks not required, and free shuttle buses are needed to shuttle crowds.
How f@cking stupid are these “decision makers”?
Please do the responsible thing. CLOSE the BEACH !!
Born and Raised here says
So glad the County is staying out of this. Our Beach is a Public domain, and should never close.
Only under evaluation orders such as a Hurricane
Sam says
Couldn’t agree more! People are FREE to choose to go to the beach or not! I don’t plan to go because I am free to choose.
Michael Van Buren says
I have worked this event for many years in my career, and while I don’t agree with the shuttle buses only because people will be in close quarters, they’re safer being in their personal cars and if parking runs out then I guess you have nowhere to go. But I totally and wholeheartedly agree with keeping the beaches open if people can do the right thing there is absolutely no reason to open a wide-open public space that spams 19 or more miles where there is usually a breeze coming from the ocean and there’s plenty of room to spread out. I totally disagreed with Flagler Beach and Flagler County shutting down the beaches the first time. People just have to be smart and not be stupid. Just my two cents for what it’s worth.
Wtf says
Piling people up in shuttles with wearing a mask optional. Wow, brilliant. Smh. Flagler Beach seriously needs some new people in charge.
Cindy McLaughlin says
I agree 100%. That will only force more people to Flagler Beach because others are closed. 😠
Steve says
ITS Jaws 4th of July
and and all this thing does is HUNT swim and make baby C19. I cant express the personal satifaction I have that I am currently no longer a resident of your “Fine County” wishing all the best.
Good luck y’all needin it.
Miamia says
Perfect. It’s the JAWS 4th of July!
It’s so stupid that our local govt can’t follow the curve. We’ve had one of the lowest Covid19 cases in a county since March. Why not follow the other’s lead?
Why mess with that? 119 new cases in a week and you’re not satisfied that we need to hunker down. Stay home.
Jan Glover says
Please stay home unless you need to leave and wear a mask. Not just for you but everyone (mankind) They save lives. We do not have a vaccine. This is not difficult.
capt says
I guess the $ dollar has made Flagler Beach and the County officials blind or basically inapt at thinking clearly. There is no safety is their plan. Must be some kind of diabolical plan to infect and kill off the over 60 crowd and cater to the young people and tourist. :)
…and the AWARD goes to “Flagler County”!!! :-/
In these hard and critical times, *everyone* should understand the *emergency* for why to close down the beaches. Same goes for big events, bars, clubs, gyms, etc. ( doesn’t matter if inside or outdoors). Please understand that, having a relatively small number of infected people in Flagler County (compared to Dade County, etc) does not mean that Flagler County can bring down it’s guard and go all out and about as that’s how other counties started, and today days they have a disproportioned amount of infected people. It seems very ridiculous to me that the beach will not be closing down, as this will only bring people from other towns, and cities. (in fact I know about 4 people asymptomatic from Miami making travel plans). Please stop with the stupid comment that people are following CDC guidelines as for *social distancing* and wearing masks. In fact, many, many, empty brains heads out there are against these guidelines and many more are ignorants by saying that the virus is a hoax. Flagler County is not prepared for Hospitals to Collapse (specially Adventhealth of Palm coast (the only *one* hospital which maybe *should* be considered on building another one, which unfortunately don’t even know how to treat a simple bladder infection). That shuttle bus? Masks are not required on board but “highly encouraged,”. This is a joke :-D
Wasn’t it enough with all those bikers in March??Wasn’t enough with Memorial Day weekend??
OH Wait!! Where is that free money giver on that white BMW?
What makes you think it will be a peaceful day without violence or disagreements among all those crowds? Wherever there are crowds, fights, and arrests will be made. The reason is people THINK DIFFERENT AND DISAGREE.
Seems to me you like to risk the public and you like to play with fire, huh? Shame on you FLAGLER County IF BEACHES ARENT CLOSED DOWN FOR JULY 4TH.
Mary Margaret says
Truly insane. Who is driving the buses. My heart goes out to them.
And how do the people living in Flagler beach feel about this? I’ll be staying home.
C’mon man says
This is exactly what I expect from Flagler County. Just cram people together on a bus so they can cram on a beach. I’ll stay home
Steve says
I may be reiterating while being redundant but this IS Amityville and this thing is feeding just offshore and open up the way I am reading Hell is coming to Breakfast
ANT says
This is absolutely nuts all the people from down South FL are gonna come to our county and SPREAD this S*** to everybody else this is the worst idea to leave our beaches open. We can shoot fireworks at our homes it is legal there is no reason to go to the beach. And then get on a bus mask or no mask are you really serious people use your head.!!!
maggie says
People need to stop worrying about “the number of new cases” and look at the overall SURVIVAL rate.
And stop freaking out about “the beaches”. For the love of all that is holy, if YOU are that scared, STAY HOME. If you stay at home, it won’t hurt YOU.
costafreak says
Right on, brother. Let common sense prevail. Living is always dangerous on one level or another, so take precautions and move on.
Concerned says
Does the hospital have enough beds for the influx from this blatant disregard for CDC guidance and human life?
maggie says
Most Florida beaches do not look like Jacksonville or Miami.
Not only that, but those of you screaming to “close the beaches” who are NOT screaming to shut down the entire country are, frankly, not thinking straight. If *anybody* thinks anymore “piecemeal” closures are the answer, I have a newsflash for you. If this thing is so bad, then closing things here and there accomplishes nothing but more economic hell for the immediately-affected people. Closing beaches in Flagler County protects NO ONE that NEVER GOES TO THE BEACH.
The only effective way to stop this thing is shutter the whole state. Top to bottom, side to side. Anything else is pointless at this point. The only way Everybody will do The Right Thing is if they are *forced to do so*.
And we all know that’s never going to happen, so get over this insane idea that “closing the beaches” is the answer. If you’re that afraid of shuttles or beaches or other people, stay home! Nobody gave a damn when the protestors overran us all a couple weeks ago. How about we let beachside businesses make a living and pay their bills, like a lot of other people have been able to do?
Concerned Citizen says
Does everyone honestly believe you can’t catch the virus at the beach? Yes it slows the spread down. But you can get it at the beach just as easy at the bar. Just like “social distancing” helps some but the virus doesn’t know the 6 foot rule. Flagler County and Flagler Beach just put it’s entire population at greater risk over revenue.
At one of the busiest times of the year you are inviting visitors from all over the country to crown an already infected area. You are shuttling them unprotected to swell your attendnance and triple revenue. And you expect compliance with CDC guidelines?
The beaches will be crowded and there will be zero social distancing. There’s no mandated mask wearing and people will be drinking like a fish. But hey you all live in some insulated bubble apparently. And only see dollar signs.
The numbers are going to be scary after 4th of July weekend. And we have no one but our officials in charge and those who attend beach gatherings to thank.
Remember this at election time. I intend to
Ron says
Instead of closing our beaches. How about closing vacation rentals? Why should residents be deprived? Since allowing tourists back into the equation our COVID numbers continue to spike. It’s not rocket science. They are hear to party. They are on vacation and could care less. What Pandemic??
T says
Smartest thing I’ve read so far you are right.
Gary R says
It’s a summer of love. Just ask Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan.
Lorens says
What is going on in Flagler? As cases spike to the highest levels yet, our government feels comfortable because it outside?
No mandatory mask? How are people going to socially distance in a shuttle. Is that not an inside space? What about the poor driver. Are they expendable?
I guess this is what you get when your health department chief has a Bachelor of Arts.
Willy Boy says
Can’t wait to read about the aftermath of this fiasco. Will be no where near this disaster, thank you.
Bill says
I think this is a GREAT way to eliminate the human race and give it back to the animals, we are so smart that we are really stupid!
Mart says
Shuttleing people to Flagler Beach to watch fire works just shows how little regard and little respect the people making these decisions have for the people they should be serving!! Making masks optional on top of this shuttle service not to mention the obvious disregard for social distancing in order to curb the spread of this deadly virus is irresponsible!
Go ask ER physicians!
Go ask ICU nurses!
Go ask Respiratory therapists!
Go ask families who have lost a
loved one to COVID 19!
Shame on you all for even considering this “festivity” to celebrate our independence! The only thing that will be celebrated (?) will be a more drastic rise in those spreading this virus!!
I ask that you seriously reconsider this in light of safety for all!
erobot says
No fireworks – only restaurants works.
Unbelievable says
Wow! The COVID EXPRESS is shuttling people to the beach this weekend – yay! That’s really smart thinking!!!! I’ll stay home thank you…
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Insanity isn’t a strong enough word for the shuttle service with circulating A/C to make sure the corona virus will have a happy July 4th!
Gatorlife says
Wow! How about doing health checks at the bridge or local Flagler County ID access per vehicle to at least allow some restriction on crowding?
Edith Campins says
This is irresponsible at best. Local officials have learned nothing from what has happened every where else in the country. Remember this when they are up for re election, if you live until then.
Disgusted in Flagler says
How insanely irresponsible of Flagler County. I mean really just plain stupid! Shuttle buses??? Are you effing for real????
Cram people into little buses and spread all kinds of frigin germs between them then send them to the beach and restaurants and vendor stands etc. etc. so they can all infect more people. WTF are Flagler County Officials/idiots thinking about??? Oh wait, I know…Money money money, same as always in this disgustingly corrupt county.
Sorry Verna says
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All through the town
The virus on the bus goes round and round
All through the town
The driver of the bus breathes in and out
All through the town
The people on the bus breathe in and out
All through the town
steve Ward says
LMAO nice job. I will headed to beach. 6 30 am quick swim , walk, no people or shuttles, back home to prepare BBQ
Jen says
I hope all the beach goers remember to bring EVERYTHING they’ll need with them so they don’t have to go where the breeze don’t blow to pick up forgotten supplies. Can we at least control the use of the warm, damp, and small public restrooms at the pier? Or, pray beach goers don’t have to pee or whatever?
Bc says
What are you officials stupid they is a pandemic going on. And you want to pack people in a bus. Close the town and beach it’s a small city why let thousands of people in. We will all pay for this in 2 weeks. Hope none of you officials or you family members get it🦠 dumb a~* move
Vincent Valentino says
The leadership in Palm Coast is truly a joke and truly shows that the dollar bill is worth more than peoples lives. The amounts of people that I see on a daily basis not wearing masks in public is truly mindblowing. There is an active virus that is growing day by day and yet people are ignoring these measures as if things are normal. Flagler County wake the hell up and do something.
Karen P says
My concern is the lack of toilet facilities. Where will everyone use the restroom? It will likely be in the ocean. Tens of thousands of people, crowded into the city for the day. Many will NOT patron the restaurants or shops, and the small convenience stores will not have the capacity for all of these people’s waste. And even if they did, the waste treatment facility cannot handle it. Did you know that hundred of thousands of gallons of chemically “treated” wastewater is DUMPED into the estuary behind the treatment facility every single day? And that is just the regular day to day used treated water from the residents’ water use. Did you know that there used to be fish and wildlife in abundance in the waters behind the library, and now you only see crabs? But I digress….
Does COVID spread through human waste? I certainly wouldn’t want to swim in the ocean on the 4th or anytime shortly thereafter.
And what of all the trash these people bring?
Chris says
Do the city “management” know there are 2 other ways to get on the “island”? Besides RT100 ?
People have the freedom to drive over and park on the city streets, sand dunes, and all other nooks and crannies of private property and closed business parking lots.
I assume to maintain “social distancing” there will be only 3-5 riders per bus ride or am I missing something?
Silly me ! I forgot ! The virus is smarter than the average City/county manager.
TheBoldTruth says
There are approximately 115,000 people living in Flagler County (Census.gov) and of those, 279 cases of Covid-19 have been documented. That equals 0.24% of the population that is infected. Of those that have contracted the disease, a total of five deaths (Floridahealth.gov) have been reported in Flagler County which equals 1.8% of those who were infected in the County and represents 0.004% of the County’s population. C’mon people. stop with the doom and gloom already. Take the necessary steps to protect yourself and stay home if you concerned; however, you cannot reasonably expect the County to shut down over this nonsense. Thousands have already lost their businesses, jobs, and homes and shutting down again will send those numbers skyrocketing. So please, if you have an idea to IMPROVE the situation, at least have the decency to make sense when you speak.
Jen says
The fish stinks from the head. If the president cared about keeping our states UNITED, maybe he should have led our country when it started to get even a little scary. Or, is he purposely destroying America so he can make it great again?!? *eyeroll*
TheBoldTruth says
Why is it the only response you can come up with is to bash the president? We are talking specifically about Flagler county as that is what the article is about. I see that you have no vaild argument against the data I presented which proves my point. Perahps you should remove your “feelings” and stick to facts. Those who are concerned should stay home, but you cannot reasonably expect everyone to adhere to such nonsensical advice from alleged “experts”.
Jen says
I’ve been CoVid tested twice. The first time, I called my Flagler doc who reported my flu-like symptoms and sent me to a non-ER facility in Volusia. I was approved for a test, results were negative but I don’t have any type of documentation.
The second time, I went to Advent Health ER in Flagler to report my symptoms. They admitted me for testing, results were negative, and I was able to get documentation.
Then, my fiancé was tested at a government hospital ER in Alachua but has yet to receive results.
Valid Argument: Where are we counted for what? I don’t trust the numbers and that’s a fact. Especially since my results from my 1st test took 5 days to report, while my 2nd test took less than an hour.
If you don’t think Federal action or inaction doesn’t affect Flagler County and what this article is about, it is my “feeling” that you have no reason to cast anything other than your local vote this November.
I have no expectations of adherence, which circles back to the article. Many readers expressed their concerns because they, too, have no expectations of adherence.
Who are YOU bashing when you say “nonsensical advice from alleged ‘experts’”?
The Bold Truth says
Let me begin by saying I am glad that you tested negative and hope the same for your finace.
Now, Governors are responsible for mandating the use of masks not the President. Since everey state is different, governors are the one’s to make that decision. I do agree with you that I do not trust the numbers either as someone who has stage four terminal cancer, if they come down with Covid, their death will be counted as a Covid death. Seems rediculous to me and many feel the same way.
To answer you question about who I was bashing, I am referring to Fauci who is a liar and incompetent. First he said masks don’t work, then he said they did, then he said they didn’t, now he’s telling us to wear them again. By doing that, he allowed people to believe they did not work and it’s difficult to change people’s minds. He lied because he eventually said that he said they didn’t work to ensure that first responders would have enough masks. So, you have an alleged expert who misguides the public on masks and hides the true numbers of Covid related deaths. That’s a resious problem.
Stay healthy and see you at the polls!
Jen says
The only reason the president isn’t responsible for mandating the use of masks is because he said so.
I do agree that there’s an incompetent liar, who thinks he’s an expert, who “misguides the public on masks and hides the true numbers of Covid related deaths!”
I won’t see you at the polls. I’m mailing in my ballot.
T says
Come on you all you know money is more important then lives to them they live in candyland everything is fine no virus
Care says
So if all of us residents stay home, all of the restaurant workers wear their masks and use precautions, let the people who have no sense come and mingle. Then the following day when all is clear, let residents go back out.
Restaurant’s make the much needed income so their happy.
tulip says
I see that St Johns county beaches and volusia county beaches will also be open, so I would think there wouldn’t be too many from out of town coming to Flagler , at least I hope not. As it gets more crowded the six feet distancing will disappear quickly and people won’t care and I worry that the restaurants won’t space out either because there will be so many people that the temptation would be to avoid the rule and jam people in and try to make more money. The shuttle bus, while a good idea in theory, is a disaster in the making.
We are going to stay home in our cool air conditioned house and just relax and find some fireworks on tv or something. I
Donna Heiss says
Why isn’t anyone blaming the governor? He doesn’t want another shutdown? Could it be because this pandemic hasn’t hit his sheltered home? I think him and his family should come out in public, take a shuttle bus and come to the beach in Flagler. Don’t know what he is thinking. Maybe that’s the problem. He isn’t.
TheBoldTruth says
The pandemic is a joke from a statistical standpoint in Flagler County. The rate of death is low in Flagler County (0.004% of the population) and cannot compare to Leon County (where the Governor resides) where the population is 293,582 (Census.gov) and has 1,148 confirmed cases. That still only equals 0.39 percent of the populataion in Leon County and has recorded eight deaths which equals 0.7% of the infected rate and merely 0.
003% of the total population in Leon County. So your request that the the Governor come to Flagler Beach is meaningless in comparison to the numbers I just presented. Stop with the “feelings” already and use “FACTS” to guide your thought. If you feel unsafe stay home, but do not expect everyone who is guided by facts to abide by such a rediculous asserion that the beaches and businesses should be shut down again.
Will says
Is this an Onion article? I won’t be attending. Undoubtedly we will have a further increase in spread. This is irresponsible.
Karen says
Are you lawmakers crazy. Are YOU going to drive the shuttles? I’m thinking NOT! You state the surge has increased in Flagler and you now give more parking elsewhere with shuttles to further the surge! Who is going to overlook the beach to see if distancing is being practiced? Very..very..BAD IDEA! Thanks for the heads up…I will be staying home and let non residence of our beautiful County frolic on our beaches and hope they do not leave the virus here for our County to surge even further!!!!! Shameful ……
Melanie says
Truly, have you looked at YOUR beach, Flagler? How about the ones directly to the north, in St. Johns County?
I have a picture I took 2 weeks ago, just north of Butler Beach–on a Saturday–and I wish I could post it here, because in my line of sight for damn near most of the day was “one or two people in front of me”. I had no less than 50 feet between me and EVERYBODY ELSE.
Come on, you people are acting like all of our beaches are these tiny little strips that can’t accommodate more than a hundred people at a time. I submit to you that if you’re seeing anything else outside of Miami, Jacksonville or Tampa, the photographer did not use the appropriate lens to shoot the picture. ANY beach can look crowded with the right equipment.
Get a grip, please. Either shut the whole country down or don’t, but shuttering things at random while leaving other things open is not going to accomplish anything of any substance at all. The fact that we’ve had a “resurgence” since the first “shutdown”–which was, again, random and not all-inclusive–demonstrates that quite clearly.
Chris says
Did you know that we never get the true count of Covid19 cases? People who live here or are visiting with a drivers license address from out of state & are diagnosed with Covid19 here in Flagler county (or any county in FL) aren’t counted, they are counted for the state their from. A source from the hospital was telling me about a individual who has the Covid19, was being released & had no intention of self-quarantine for 2 weeks, family members tested positive (no symptoms yet) & they’re out shopping, dining & going to the beach, so why should he quarantine? Let people ride the buses, dine & spend money… it’s their choice . I’ll just stay home
JF says
@flagler beach, I can assure you that if anyone gets COVID from your stupidity you are not gonna look good. Shut everything down this year!
Party Planner says
Anyone know what day Trumpy said this would all magically disappear? I’d like to mark my calendar.
Thor says
The lightning is sure to kill off any covid 19 scattered on the beach.
The nurse on the frontline says
THOR says
Read the weather report
Ray says
WOW, this is all about money. These elected people are jokes to say the least! I can’t understand what there thinking is other than money, and not caring for the people that pay there salary’s.
I would never go any where near that beach anytime soon. Bunch of Morons! We will find out how many get sick real soon.
Take care and wear a mask for now.
Palmcoaster says
This is so tragically wrong that I can’t even comment. But also my heart breaks for all those business owners and their employees in restaurants, bars and tourist geared merchandise that are put out of business by this monstrous virus. Too bad that the proper leadership was not and still is not present to protect us from this pandemic…Please people be very careful out there while celebrating the 4th with this invisible killer… We are staying home.
TheBoldTruth says
So you are upset for the business owners, yet, you are annoyed that the leadershit of the state is lacking? Choose a side based on FACTS!!! It’s that simple.
The nurse on the frontline says
In this day in age that we are living in I thought that people had common sense… However I am wrong as Fourth of July approaches we have stupidity stepping up to the stage…
Leaving the beaches open disregarding the other people that are putting their life in danger to take care of people that have and will contact COVID. As we can see the numbers do not lie…COVID is on the rise why would Flagler keep the Beach open… it is time for whoever decides to keep the beaches open to grow a backbone and stand up for what is right… Don’t people have morals anymore don’t people care about one another and what happens to us as a population people.. looking at the bigger picture it is a small sacrifice to close down the beach on Fourth of July compared to the many lives that may be lost… As we can see the world is not ready for that we are ill-prepared as is just something for you to think about dot-dot. It could be your mother your father or your grandparents that died from cold it are you willing to take that risk ????😔😔😔
Lu says
You know if Flagler beaches are opened, everyone from everywhere will be there.
Our county has been doing ok as far as cases go, so far. I’m afraid this will definitely change things.
I would love to go to the beach. But guess what….. I’m staying home. This is really not the time.
These county officials will have to live with the guilt of people getting sick and possibly dying.
Sometime I Visit From Up North, Not This Year says
Really all you have to do is watch the movie “Jaws” to understand how local governments work, especially where tourism drives most of the economy. Replace “Shark” with “Virus”
Sherry says
If you would like to do more than complain about this very dangerous plan on Flaglerlive, make some calls:
Erickson- 503 6143
Sullivan- 276 0384
Hanson- 262 3633
Mullins- 222 8443
O’Brien- 276 0502
Flagler Beach City Commissioners and Mayor Linda Provencher 517 2000