It was a brief but violent fight at Finn’s, the popular restaurant and bar in Flagler Beach, the night of Aug. 30, resulting in at least two arrests so far, charges against at least one other person, trespass notices against several Finn’s patrons that night, and a severe injury to a woman, who may end up losing sight in one eye. For several of the people involved in the fight, including the victim, it wasn’t the first instance of trouble with the law: of eight people named in the Flagler Beach Police report summarizing the incident, six have previous booking records at the Flagler County jail, including one–Harley King–who was just released from state prison five weeks ago.
The fight took place just before midnight, the night of Thursday to Friday, on the upstairs deck of the bar, overlooking State Road A1A. Salvatore Kilday, a 29-year-old resident of South Flagler Avenue in Flagler Beach, was on the deck with his 32-year-old sister Jessica Kilday and their aunt, 53-year-old Angela Bordieri, also of Flagler Beach.
Kristin Howard was also there. Howard, 28, of Riverdale Lane in Palm Coast, is Salvatore’s ex-fiancee.
According to Salvatore’s account to cops, what triggered the fight was Kristin trying to trip him, then throwing her drink on him and his aunt. According to Kristin’s account, Salvatore and his aunt were walking by, gave her dirty looks, and then Angela–the aunt–threw her drink at Kristin, so Kristin retaliated by doing the same. “Kristin stated that the next thing she knew is Salvatore hit her in the head twice and Angela or Jessica clawed the side of her face and her back and one of them had her by the hair,” according to the report. “Kristin said she felt she had to defend herself and started to fight back.” In Salvatore’s version of events, he said, “he tried to hold back his aunt but that Kristin started assaulting them. Salvatore said that his sister then jumped in and this is when Jessica got bit on the nose and Angela got punched in the mouth.”
After reviewing surveillance video Finn’s provided police, it appeared, according to the report, “that Angela was the aggressor. The video shows Angela walk past Kristin and disappear from view,” the report states, “then reappear and get into Kristin’s face. At no time can Kristin be seen turning or aggravating the situation. Out of nowhere Salvatore, Angela and Kristin can be seen in a tight group moving west on the deck. Jessica can be seen later rushing into the disturbance without being provoked.” But Howard was arrested this evening just after 6 p.m.
That wasn’t the worst of it.
Carey Ann Farquhar, a 41-year-old resident of Selma Trail in Palm Coast, was standing at the bar about 10 feet away from the parties when, according to the report, the video shows her “jumping in on the fight” and walking away after it was broken up. But another fight broke out, that one near the west stairs of the establishment, “and Carey can be seen getting involved in it. Carey is seen in the video holding Kristin, while a friend of Kristin’s is talking to her and Harley [King] is seen standing on the other side of the group,” the report states. King is a 29-year-old resident of Ryland Drive in Palm Coast.
The report continues: “A few moments later Harley can be seen swinging toward Carey and within seven seconds on the video Cary is seen falling. Multiple witnesses describe a white male with a black tanktop and tattoos hitting carey and then being grabbed by Finn’s security and being escorted downstairs.”
Carey Ann Farquhar was taken to Florida Hospital Flagler and “injected with an opiate reversal drug” called Narcan, the report states, “and responded to the drug immediately.” The drug is usually administered after surgery to reverse the effects of narcotics, or to people who may have had too many narcotics. Farquhar was then taken to Halifax hospital in Daytona Beach with a severe injury to her left eye socket. Another police report stated she had internal bleeding.
The reporting police officer visited her on Sept. 1 at the hospital. “Carey’s left eye was swollen shut,” he wrote, “and she stated that her eye socket was crushed and the ligaments around her eye were damaged. Carey said the hospital was waiting for the swelling to go down before they would take her into surgery for repairs and evaluation. Carey said the staff told her that she may lose vision in her left eye.”
When King was questioned about the fight, he told police that he did punch someone, according to his arrest report, but that he thought it was a male. On Sept. 3, King was charged with aggravated assault and booked into the Flagler County jail on $5,000 bond, which he posted. The Ft. Lauderdale native has a long history of arrests in Flagler County, and was sentenced in April 2009 to a nine charges, including trafficking in stolen property, grand theft auto, child neglect, drug possession, and carrying a concealed weapon as a felon. He served in state prison from May 2009 until July 1, when he was released from Charlotte Correctional Institution in Punta Gorda.
But others involved in the fight have a history of arrests as well. Kristin Howard was charged with domestic violence battery in 2009 and 2008, and faced an aggravated battery charge that year. Salvator Kilday was booked on charges of armed burglary, aggravated battery and firing a gun in public in April 2011. The first two charges were dropped that June, he pleaded no contest to the third, a misdemeanor.
Even Farquhar was arrested on a charge of battery on a law enforcement officer in April 2010, a charge the State Attorney did not pursue. While she was in the hospital this week–a week after the fight–an eviction notice was issued against her. And subsequent to the fight at Finn’s, a battery charge was filed against her, too.
On September 4, Bordieri filed for an injunction against Howard in Flagler County Circuit Court. On Sept. 7, Howard returned the favor, filing her own petition, but today (Sept. 10), Circuit Court Judge Dennis Craig denied Howard the injunction. The hearing for Bordieri’s injunction is set for Sept. 13 before Craig.
Outsider says
Flagler Beach was such a nice town when I first moved here. Now, with all the bars and strip type atmosphere, we’re attracting losers by the dozen. As they say, as goes Palm Coast so goes Flagler Beach…..or something like that.
Bob Pickering says
I have been going to Finns regularly since 2009 to the Harryoke shows. What happened that night was not in the downstairs harryoke show, matter of fact none of us knew that the fight had even happened upstairs until law enforcement started arriving. This was a very rare and extraordinary event for Finns, since 2009 I may have seen 2 fights and Finns security is usually right on top of it stopping problems before they start. Of course when you have a large amount of people with drinking there will be the occasional problem. (I do not drink) Finns draws a whole mix of people, the majority of the regular customers range from well educated professionals to blue collar workers to even a few retirees. It is a true mix of people of all ages.
I would like to ask that this incident does not reflect on the majority of us who are regular Finns customers. We are good people, we all have a great time each week when we go and most of us know each other. As said before…I have been going to Harryoke shows since 2009 with very few incidents being witnessed and many of my friends have been going there a lot longer than me and say the same.
Ben Blakely says
It’s not Flagler, it’s the sinking American society. The leftist vision of a welfare state is fundamentally flawed, defective and dangerous.
We have population of people dropping babies like rabbits to collect welfare. No family, no fathers, orphaned children. They grow up without the benefit of parental modeling and teaching.
So now we have wild young people devoid of ethics, no respect, no understanding of civility, no idea of how to act or behave in society. This article shows what is happening to America in microcosm. And the country is on a downward spiral so it will only get worse. Common sense and conservative values must be reinstated if this country is to survive.
Yellowstone says
Play the video! Everybody loves a bar fight.
Anonymous says
So glad I moved away..
jc says
I have a good friend that moved also.
so sad
Hill says
lol, i think your comment is stretch. First of all, the bars in Flagler Beach are not new establishments, they have been in operation in the same location for quite some time. Can you name a new bar or “strip type atmosphere” that has opened within the last 2 years in Flagler?? Seriously, if you can let me know, because I need to go check it out. Also, the bottom line is that people drink when they go to a bar, and sometimes bad things happen when people drink, and this event is proof of that. Flagler isn’t attracting “losers”. The bar scene, in any city, town, or state is all the same and fights happen. It’s unfortunate everyone involved didn’t learn from their past experience being arrested and just walk away.
Chauncey Smith says
Wow what a rumble how many chairs did they knock over , I’ve seen better brawls at a VFW Bingo Night !!
glide10 says
Just goes to show that some people don’t know how to act, then throw in drinking with it.
Geezer says
This is an example of how jailbirds behave. I can spot them a mile away.
Alcohol makes these marginal people even uglier. “Marginal” is a kind term here.
You behave like an animal – you richly deserve to be caged.
Why are people tattooing their necks? For I.D. purposes? Drunken stupor related?
Not the type I want to ruminate over a scotch with.
really? says
Having tattoos has NOTHING to do with how people behave….i have a tat, been to plenty of bars…never been in a bar fight
Geezer says
I have tattoos also, (upper arms) but not on my neck. Coney-Island-Freddie did my tattoos.
(Damn, that was long ago)
Tattoos on the neck, face, head, hands and fingers are a bar to employment.
Contemplating getting more tattoos? Spend your money on nice clothes instead.
Put sunblock on your tats – they tend to fade fast in Flori-duh (especially red tattoo ink).
Ciao pardner!
Ben Blakely says
What sweet looking young people! Wouldn’t you like to encounter this crew some dark night?
Thankfully, they are in a cage now that protects the public from their violent behaviors.
local says
please keep these people out of flaglers bars and restaurants…..scum like this only comes around during ladies night when drinks are free and stupid things like this happen and ruin the times of people who are there to have a good time…not watch a bunch of losers drink to much and fight…..do away with ladies night!
happening now says
What happened at Finns is rare, or any of the Beach eatng and drinking establishments. You want to see a fight> Watch Marines and Navy on liberty. Now that;s a fight!!!!!!
Bob Pickering says
With all due respect…Ladies nigh though gets a little crazy is not the problem. Harryoke has been doing Ladies Nights at Finns for 14 years with VERY few incidents and the very few have been very isolated and rare. This was a very rare event with people who for the most part knew each other…
I am quite sure Finns is taking action to make sure that things like that don’t happen again. The simple rule (and if more patrons with follow it there would be almost no problems) is IF someone is bothering you go right to management ASAP. They WILL handle it.
LadyRyder says
I’m a snowbird who’s had a home in Palm Coast for 9 years and love it. I agree with Bob Pickering in that my husband and I have been going to Finn’s for about 6 years and have never experienced any issues. Although I must admit we go for the entertainment, both Harryoke and the other patrons who like to “put on a show”, we enjoy the Karaoke but leave earlier than most because drinking can contribute to small scuffles. Harry, security and the bartenders do not tolerate ANY questionable behavior and address and/or remove anyone who contributes to it. Having said that, we do not go upstairs, (which is only open during the summer) because it draws a younger, rawdier crowd.
But you can’t hold it against Flagler County, Finn’s or it’s regular patrons because of this one incident that got out of hand. Finn’s took immediate action to rectify further incidents and I hope something was learned from it and that all can move on.
NewResident says
I bought a house in Grand Haven three years ago but i work overseas so I have spent a total of 8 weeks in Palm Coast. I go to Finns when i am back and I have seen multiple fights there. I now only go there late in the afternoon and leave when the moonbats start showing up. There are some bad elements that hang out there.
Jeff says
Sad but this could happen anywhere. Finns is so much nicer than it was several years ago when we moved to Palm Coast. I think the owners have done a great job and it’s a great place to watch sports on the weekend. The bartenders do a great job and I’ve never had a problem.