Matt Doughney, Flagler Beach’s police chief for the past seven years, can’t be Flagler Beach’s interim city manager after all: the city commission had appointed him last week to replace the late Larry Newsom, pending a permanent replacement following a search. But if Doughney were to hold the interim post, he’d have to stop being a police officer, which wasn’t an issue for him, but he’d also have to withdraw from his police pension, which was an issue.
“I just can’t keep this position without losing what I have invested in the police department,” Doughney said this afternoon during a special meeting, after sitting in as the interim manager for the previous five hours, as the commission was workshopping its budget for the third time in two weeks.
Instead, the commission made a surprise appointment: Rick McFadden, its long-time building official, who said he was willing to take on the role if it helped. He did not exactly jump on the opportunity, as even Doughney half-joked. “He’s looking like maybe there’s a second Rick McFadden in the room,” Doughney said as McFadden was called to the podium.
McFadden said he was willing to take the job “knowing that Matt and Bobby would be there, if for no other reason than to make sure that position would be filled, and to cover that position.” Bobby is Bobby Pace, the fire chief. Among his more premonitory decisions in his final months Newsom had established a succession list of city directors who’d step in for him in his absence, starting with Pace, Doughney and Penny Overstreet, the city clerk. Doughney had switched places with Pace in more recent weeks. As McFadden himself all but acknowledged indirectly, Doughney would still clearly be fulfilling the role of interim manager, but without the title.
McFadden would have to drop his building official role as interim, though he could still conduct building inspections. He said there wasn’t much commercial construction going on, enabling him to pass off the rest of his duties to another official. “Time-frame, before you find another city manager, I don’t think we’re going to have anything that big start up,” he said. He said Palm Coast and Flagler County also offer help when needed.
“How would you handle the general workload? I know you work a lot of hours now,” Commissioner Eric Cooley asked him. “You can;’t do both, you have to do dedicated city manager work.”
“I understand that. I’m perfectly aware,” McFadden said. He was the only internal candidate who showed interest.
Commissioner Ken Bryan commended McFadden for the “no non-sense” way he deals with the public and with city staff.
“Whoever sits here whether it’s Rick or anybody else,” Doughney, who wasn’t even aware McFadden had been interested, said, “anybody in this city who’s a department head is going to be really behind the person in this seat to get the job done.”
The city had other options, but commissioners were not comfortable with those options, given the time crunch they are under.
Ken Parker, for decades the former city manager in Port Orange and now a senior advisor with the Florida City-County Managers’ Association, wrote Mayor Linda Provencher and offered his services to help the city find an interim. Parker would provide a list of retired city and county managers willing to put in a temporary assignment at Flagler Beach’s helm, he told city officials. The group Parker represents was previously known as the “Range Riders.”
Doughney had also forwarded some suggestions. He’d contacted County Administrator Jerry Cameron, who was offering one of his directors to Flagler Beach (Jarrod Shupe, the son of a former Flagler Beach commissioner, runs the city’s IT and is the county’s IT director; he’d been short-listed for the county’s assistant administrator job but was passed over.)
Commissioners don’t have the luxury of time, their attorney, Drew Smith, said: they have to appoint an interim. “You have an office that is unfilled, the duty is being fulfilled by an ex-officio,” Smith said, referring to Doughney. “This cannot string on indefinitely, because we have an empty office right now.” Doughney would continue to be the city’s spokesman, among many other duties.
Cooley said despite the McFadden appointment, a back-up plan was still necessary–such as examining the Range Riders. But Jane Mealy, who chairs the commission, said she wasn’t sure the Range Rider option would work. Mealy was also “not thrilled” with using another proposed option, GovHR, a public management consulting firm.
“So, have we hired a city manager?” Mealy asked toward the end of the half-hour special meeting. The city manager called for a motion. Bryan made the motion. He had to ask what McFadden’s full name was. The appointment is in effect “until such time as we have recruited a full-time” manager.
“Congratulations, I think,” Mealy said.
“To be clear, do you accept the appointment?” Smith asked him.
“Yes I do,” McFadden laughed, paused, then added, “without reservations.”
Newsom was paid $122,000 a year. Commissioners agreed to award McFadden the same salary. McFadden’s first request was not to take the job until Sept. 14, and would have a substitute sitting in at the next city commission meeting.
The Parker option is still very much on the table for the permanent appointment. Parker would essentially be the city’s guide or shepherd in its search, helping the city craft its job description and profile over a month’s time. It would be advertised for 30 days. Parker’s group would help narrowing down the list of applicants if the commission so chose (Mealy had adamantly opposed going that route just last week). Parker’s group would also conduct extensive background checks. The commission agreed to go the Parker route.
Flagler Beacher says
I like Rick. Good choice. Congrats Rick.
Larry Newsom’s Former PR Guy says
Flagler Beach should consider a change in government from a weak-mayor to a strong-mayor that would run the meetings, prepare the budget, and appoint a city administrator and other department heads. These meeting theatrics have become common place over the decades. Bernie was subjected to this and then Larry. Bruce handled these best. You saw Larry’s temperament. Wait until you see Rick’s. Rick would not pass a background check nor have a positive referral from a former employer. An interim appointment with conditions? A preview of things to come.
Change to strong-mayor form and search for a city administrator.
Ask Ken Parker how he forgot to bill Daytona Beach Shores for $2,000,000 in water usage while he was in Port Orange. And he is an advisor to cities?
Lance Carroll says
Rick McFadden is an excellent choice for interim city manager. Evidently, you do not have an ounce of experience with Mr. McFadden, “Larry Newsom’s Former PR Guy.” Rick has been a great asset to the citizens of Flagler Beach since his first day on the job as building official. He is a professional and level headed individual. I see you failed to state your name: “Larry Newsom’s Former PR Guy.” Please state your name for the records? I have reservations concerning elected officials in Flagler Beach, as well. In turn, I believe that the Flagler Beach Commission and Mayor have made an excellent choice in Mr. McFadden. Thank you Rick for filling this position as to continue your great service to the citizens of Flagler Beach.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lance Carroll
I have a tape recording of Mc Fadden and Newsom . Mcfadden said he didnt inspect a roof he signed off on and newsom said he wasnt” losing sleep over it “if someone died as a result of FLAGLERS building department not properly inspecting . Thats a great way to treat residents and emergency responders , right ?? !! I dont consider that a : great asset “.. the city also allows Rick to be an inspector when they clearly knew he wasnt inspecting roofs . He was paid to inspect and the city collected permitting money . EVERY commissioner was made aware of this . Its time for an overhaul .
Lance Carroll says
Time for you to state your name.
Furthermore, Mr. McFadden is the building official in charge of his jurisdiction. Therefore, he makes the call.
How many rooftops have you been on and how many State Certified Roofing Contractors have you, personally, and directly, dealt with in the work environment, “Overhaul? I guarantee Rick McFadden has been a great service to this community. Please state your name:”Overhaul?” Please state the address of roof that was not inspected and the contractor performing the work? Otherwise, simply hide in obscurity behind your keyboard!
Lance Carroll
Jane Gentile-Youd says
WOW! Trianon Park v, Flaglship Bank and City of Hialeah 1978 – 1/2 building roof collapsed 2 years after CO because roof inspector did ‘drive by’ roof inspector. Our attorney ( Alan Becker) at trial caught inspector who didn’t know where the main roof access was located.
Disgraceful and inexcusable. I was lucky – lived on the other side of the U shaped condo. Condo Insurance refused to pay damages because roof was not properly built. Many unit owners suffered loss of use of their condo and had to throw out destroyed furniture all because of a lazy ass roof inspector, Bad new folks
Lance Carroll says
I would like to know what your comment has to do with MrMcFadden? Furthermore, there are no details in the claim of the alleged uninspected roof.
Jim Dandy says
The new interim manager coming from this building department? Seriously? Is he the same guy that can’t manage silt fence or the orange fence rule on construction sites that impact our environment and natural aesthetics? Does he even live here? How about hiring the keystone cops to replace law enforcement while we’re at it?
Dennis says
Sorry, don’t understand the city mayor, manager concept. Up north, we had one who run the city, and that was the mayor. Try it, you may like it.
Dottie's fed up says
What were they thinking? This defies common logic. One more out of towner to run things. The Commission just spent 3 days pouring through the budget to save money finally reaching into the piggy bank to fund unnecessary spending then in one fell swoop rubber stamped a 50% raise.
for real says
Matt, Bobby and Rick are all great guys who care deeply about our community,
I can tell you, I personally have watched Rick for years go above and beyond his job description for
the city of Flagler Beach and our entire county. I expect no less from him as interim city manager.
For Real
Richard Neutz says
Rick is not qualified to be an inspector let alone run the city. This makes no sense to give him a pay raise and a new title when he isnt going to do that work either . The city needs to run like a business , not a high school clique.
“McFadden himself all but acknowledged indirectly, Doughney would still clearly be fulfilling the role of interim manager, but without the title.”
So , Rick states in the meeting ( see above ) , he will again NOT do his job and get paid and the commitee says ” perfect , sounds good ” .