A string of three stabbings and eight domestic violence incidents, all but one of them on Saturday, resulted in eight arrests in Palm Coast, Flagler Beach and Bunnell, an unusually high tally for barely a 24-hour period: there are usually eight to 12 domestic violence arrests a week in the county.
The hellish Saturday prompted Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly to issue a release Monday afternoon highlighting the violence and underscoring the need for a concerted, county-wide task force to combat domestic violence, an effort he is seeking to lead: That summit is scheduled for June 28.
“Domestic violence is a chronic crisis in Flagler County and we need to find a community-driven solution,” Staly was quoted as saying. “Yes, we need strong prosecution of domestic violence perpetrators even when a victim is reluctant, but we also need the community to come together and say ‘this is unacceptable behavior and here are the ways we can work to fix it.’” In an interview later this afternoon, he spoke further about the summit and his goals for the panel. (See below.)
The following is a tally of the violence, all of which took place on Saturday except for one incident early Sunday, and all of which was domestic-violence related except for one of the three stabbing incidents police responded to. The following incidents do not include a dozen or so additional domestic-disturbance calls police responded to over the weekend, and that did not result in arrests.
Saturday afternoon, Brandon Scuchoza, 43, of 13 Richmond Drive, was stabbed and found laying on the floor at his house by the back sliding glass door when a sheriff’s deputy got there. His shirt and pants were full of blood and he was not responding to the deputy, but he was breathing. He had called 911 to report the injury. The deputy detected a two-inch stab wound as he tended to the victim until he was airlifted to Halifax hospital in Daytona Beach in critical condition.
There were no immediate arrests. “While I was on scene I did observe an approximate six inch hunting knife on top of a portable toilet that was in the living room approximately six feet to the left of where the victim was laying,” the deputy reported. “I also observed a brown lather sheath (empty) on the couch in the living room.” The scene was turned over to the Investigative Service Division. The incident report lists only one other person at the address, James A. Schaffer, 48.
Hours later, Florida Hospital Flagler reported another stabbing after the victim, Jimmy Quintero, 38, of Botany Lane in Palm Coast, arrived at the hospital with a four-inch stab wound to the shoulder. His wife, Elen Puerta, 39, had driven him there in their vehicle. Puerta told a deputy that the two of them had been arguing over her husband’s phone, and that he’d fallen several times because he was barefoot, getting stabbed in the back once when he fell. Quintero also told a doctor that he hurt himself when he fell and hit a coffee table. But the doctor told a deputy that “the injuries are not consistent with the reported mechanism of injury,” according to the incident report.
Quintero was taken to Halifax hospital. The case is still being investigated as a criminal incident.
The third stabbing also took place Saturday afternoon, though that one does not involve domestic violence—though a domestic argument appears to have been at its origin–but rather a drug transaction. As Tyler W. Dutton, a 25-year-old resident of South Stone Street in Bunnell, described it to police, he’d been arguing with his girlfriend and needed to buy some pot to relax. He met a man who goes by the name of “Duck” in Bunnell—Louis D. Jackson, 45, of 1109 Sherman Street in Bunnell (his middle name is Donald). They had a standoff: Jackson asked Dutton to show him the money. Dutton asked him to show him the pot. Somehow the two ended up in a mutual lock of sorts, and Jackson, according to Dutton, produced a knife, swung it widely, and cut him.
Both men were arrested: Dutton for carrying a firearm (he said he had previously been marking sites for deer hunting, to which police told him he was in a residential area, where hunting is prohibited), and Jackson was arrested for aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, a felony. The Bunnell Police Department carried out the arrest.
Dutton is in another pending court case as he faces a DUI manslaughter charge in the death of 25-year-old Jordan M. Rineer in October 2015. His arrest on June 10 led to a motion to revoke his $25,000 bond. A bond hearing is set for Thursday at 1:30 p.m. before Circuit Judge Dennis Craig, at the Flagler County courthouse (Courtroom 401).
The string of domestic violence incidents not involving weapons had begun Saturday before dawn in Flagler Beach, where a mother-daughter issue drew police to a house in the 700 block of South Daytona Avenue. There, a 56-year-old woman, the alleged victim, told cops that her 31-year-old daughter, Amanda Shanklin, was having drug and mental health issues. When her mother caught Shanklin snorting her prescription medication, matters turned violent, with Shanklin allegedly pummeling her mother on the floor then hiding a phone to keep her from calling for help. Her mother did so from a neighbor’s house. She was arrested on charges of battery, tampering with a witness and drug possession without a prescription.
Around sunup, dispatcher’s attention shifted to Flagler Beach, in the 800 block of North Oceanshore Boulevard, where Keith O’Dell, 38, was arrested after an argument with his 36-year-old girlfriend. She’d gone to that address to speak with O’Dell about his children. Her told her to “fuck off,” according to a police report, and when she persisted, he came outside and allegedly threw a bicycle at her, striking her. He then walked off. The alleged victim picked up the bike and started riding it toward him, only for O’Dell allegedly to turn around, “violently” grabbing the bicycle from her, causing her to fall, hitting her in the eye, then riding the bicycle over her foot before riding away. The alleged victim waited several hours to report the incident, which had taken place after midnight, because she didn’t want O’Dell to get in trouble, she told police. The two have been dating for a year.
Deacon had actually been arguing in the garage with her twin sister when her other sister intervened to separate them, according to an arrest report. Her twin described the incident as a “normal sister argument” that had begun the day before. Deacon was swinging a lanyard at her twin when her other sister intervened, and allegedly got struck with it in the eye. A deputy later located Deacon at the parking lot of a community pool (presumably, Freeda Zamba pool). At the jail she told a deputy that the argument had been over who would get to use a vehicle.
Early Saturday evening, David G. Findley, 39, of Wellwater Drive in Palm Coast, was arrested on charges of battery and aggravated domestic violence charges after an argument with his 35-year-old live-in girlfriend of a little less than a year. The argument started over drugs. His girlfriend was concerned that he was leaving the house on his bicycle to go buy some. He left. Upon his return, she was sitting outside with her 12-year-old daughter. Mother and daughter were talking about the mother’s son and how he is like his mother. Hearing that, Findley allegedly agreed, only to accuse the mother of arrogance. The 12-year-old got up and left, and the mother told Findley not to be disrespectful.
Kristy Priotti, 33, was arrested Saturday night before midnight at a house on Bradmore Lane in Palm Coast after allegedly biting her brother and dropping her daughter on the ground during the altercation. The daughter, who was checked out by paramedics, was not hurt. Priotti allegedly bit her brother after her brother and his mother were concerned that Priotti had been drinking—her mother located four empty bottles of “liquor,” according to the arrest report–and was in no state to care for her daughter. An altercation developed. After Priotti allegedly dropped her daughter, her brother and mother were able to get the child to safety, only for the argument to resume, at which point Priotti allegedly struck her brother.
Priotti was arrested on a domestic battery, her second since 2015, when she was arrested at the same address, in similar circumstances: she was “drunk and irate” over not finding a pair of earrings, according to her arrest report, her brother and mother were trying to calm her down, and she allegedly struck her brother. The charges (which included resisting arrest) were dropped.
Sheriff Staly will be host David Ayres’s guest on WNZF’s Free For All Friday in a show segment Ayres is calling “The Enemy Within,” focusing on domestic violence. Ayers said he contacted State Farms’s Tim Hogan and asked if the insurance agency would be willing to donate teddy bears that deputies would carry in their cruisers and provide children caught in the middle of domestic violence situations. Ayres said State Farms immediately donated 100 teddy bears, with more available.
The June 28 summit will take place at 2 p.m. at the Hilton garden Inn (the sheriff preferred that location to the Sheriff’s Office itself because he wants the task force to be seen as primarily a community wide effort, not a sheriff’s office-driven initiative).
“My goal in this first meeting is to bring partners together and community leaders and lay out the scope of the issue,” Staly said, “then kind of give this group the charge, with subcommittees, to go wherever they feel they need to go to then bring back in 60 or 90 days a comprehensive community driven plan to impact domestic violence.” There’s no intention to reinvent the wheel so much as to look at model programs in other communities and see what may work in Flagler.
The first meeting will include the participation of the Family Life Center, Flagler Cares, the State Attorney’s Office, possibly other police agencies in the county, one or two victims willing to speak of their experiences, and deputies or detectives who will speak about the issue from their perspective.
Mike T says
Holy Crap!!!!!!
Veteran says
I’m moving to Jacksonville; less crime.
Anonymous says
When domestic violence is tolerated and enabled by the justice system, this is the result. Domestic Abuse victims often do not cooperate with follow through on the disposition of these charges, whether out of fear or other reasons. The system must clearly show zero tolerance for such criminal acts and go after the abusers whenever a case be made with or without the active cooperation of the victim–because we are ALL endangered by this. So, we are all of us, victims. Also, the silent victims are the children caught in the middle. Who in Palm Coast speaks for them?
SouthFlorida says
This place has nothing to do. It’s no wonder there are so many problems.
truth says
wow, 12 crimes in a city of 100000 people in a weekend. In other news water is wet and fire has been deemed hot
Mark101 says
And we thought we had a peaceful little county.
Just My 2¢ says
They say when the world at large is fraught with turmoil and chaos – it filters down to the people in most distressing ways.
People just don’t know how to deal with difficulties in their lives.
They lash out in violence.
They are chaotic, just like the world at large.
We will see more and more of this.
woodchuck says
After reading that article- man,do I lead a boring life
Argon says
Its the swamp gas leaking up thru the top soil that ATT trucked in 40 years ago. The gas is a type of fungus poison that affects the brain. It makes people violent. Don’t believe me ? Prove me wrong.
Jw says
It’s not an excuse but financial difficulties is a front runner for reasons for domestic violence. Bring more REAL jobs and build the middle class up in the county and you will see less. Also tell the hard working Yankees who have made a good living for themselves to quit bringing their spoiled and juvenile 30 and 40 year old delinquent children to Flagler. Leave those bad ass kids up north where they belong!
Sherry says
Drinking and drugs played a major part in almost all these incidents. These people. . . every one of them. . . need some good mental counseling/therapy.
But, NO. . . Florida doesn’t have any funds for treating “mental illness”!!! Our state prefers building prisons instead!!! It’s all about MONEY and American GREED:
At least 11 states spend more money on prisons than college. . . take a moment to listen and read:
Michael says
What a disaster the City of Palm Coast has become. Now they want to add more low income housing. With all the section eight housing already in place, this will just breed further violence and crime.
nah fam says
Less crime?!? someone gets shot in jacksonville like every day!
Brian says
“WNZF’s Free for All Friday” – how appropriate!
PCer says
How many of these involved drugs and/or alcohol?
Toni Soprano says
So tired of hearing “this place has nothing to do.” There’s actually plenty to do here if you just look around. If you can’t find something to do, I’m sure a volunteer organization such as Habitat for Humanity will find plenty for you to do.
Buy Local says
Full moon was the day before
Heather says
Most of these incidents involve drugs or alcohol. Flagler County needs to address not only the drug/alcohol problem here but the mental health issues and financial burdens, these create the situations in this article. The Sheriff has to carefully and meticulously go after each issue and find working solutions otherwise good luck trying to reduce these types of crimes. Stop outsourcing mental health or rehabilitation to other counties, it isn’t helping our county. We are suppose to be a city yet we can not offer these services like other cities do and send people away where they end up not getting the help needed due to various reasons, one of which is the fact they have to commute to another city rather than the one they live and pay for. Also maybe if we started a program or offered services 24/7 rather than just the typical M-F 9-5 would help. Drugs, alcohol and financial issues don’t just go away after hours. Offer training/education incentives for people to become qualified to provide such services, this will create more jobs, allows more people to make a difference in the community. Just a couple ideas.
section8office says
Here we go again…. Section 8 causes all of these problems….
Dave says
Alcohol and pills are the problem. It’s a shame the one guy was forced to buy marijuana from the black market,which resulted in a dangerous situation. If he had safe access to marijuana the dangerous situation would have been avoided. Also when repeat offenders like Priotti have there charges dropped, after putting that baby in danger, what kind of messege does that send?
Sw says
Good they deserve it
Sherry says
And. . . those horrible, terrible “section 8” people. . . they are most often mentally unhealthy/addicted/poor. They should be . . . What Exactly??. . . Executed? Shot at sunrise? Put in Prison? Shipped to another planet?. . . for falling on hard times and needing help????
There is actually an acronym for “haters of the needy” AKA “Haters of Humanity” . . . it’s called “NIMBY”. . . “Not in My Back Yard”. . . “Outta Sight, Outta Mind” . . . Right????? May YOU live a life so perfect and fortunate that you never need another human being!! Karma is waiting for YOU!!!!!
carol says
Chicago has less crime!!!!
George says
This is what happens when “Grabbing women by the pussy,” is viewed as acceptable by mainstream culture.
woodchuck says
Nothing to do?Get a job,Get two jobs even if it;s at minimum wage.Idle hands are the devils workshop.
Heather says
George this has nothing to do with sexual harassment or grabbing anything by the pussy so leave the bs political rant for another article. This county needs to address the drug, alcohol and financial issues in the community. We need to start working on community issues, start using money to better the community rather than wasting as much as they do on the Beautification. Sorry but you can plant all the pretty little flowers and bushes all around town yet it isnt going to matter how pretty the side of the road appears when no one wants to live or work here and the crime continues to rise. Continue to spend $$ on making the city beautiful yet neglect to invest that money in what would actually make the city better and more appealing to live and work, neglect real issues and just keep investing in aesthetics because that is working out well for this so called city.
Shawn says
No just most of those living in that section, let’s be honest!
Chris says
I’d like to give a big shoutout to Flagler county first and foremost for completely ignoring the obvious mental health issues going on in our communities. Drinking and drugs are a major factor, yes, but let’s look at the real fucking problem here; 0 focus on mental health and wellness. In middle school I had a depressive episode where I attempted suicide, and I was carted 3 counties south to spend a week in a mental health center to help me deal with my problems. 3 f**king counties. People wonder why alcoholics and drug users can’t quit, and why the suicide rate in Palm Coast and Flagler has gone up, but also fail to realize the assistance they need all lies outside our county. We spend so much fucking money planting new trees and building new strip malls, and close to none on street lights to make sure kids aren’t getting fucking hit by cars who can’t see them, sidewalks so bikers aren’t getting hit by drunks, mental health centers to help people who can’t help themselves, and addiction counseling outside of the cozy 9-5 hours that a majority of these people reuse to work outside of. Mental health issues are 24/7, 365 days a year, so why the fuck are we pretending that we can fix them by having probably 2 therapists offices in BUNNELL, and none anywhere else?? Moreso, why the FUCK are we giving better pay to the people running the city, when they seem to not address a goddamned thing we ACTUALLY NEED????
As a psychology major studying at DSC, at a time when mental health issues are more prevalent and more predominant than they have been for a while, it sickens me to say that a measurable portion of my graduating class, and those before/after, are either dead or in prison, due to mental health issues they’ve never been able to get treated for, due to cost or availability. How many more teen suicides is it going to take before SOMEONE stands up to fix our “we don’t want it here” mentality????
pc says
Just back from Japan, 2 weeks in a city, population 200,000 , not one crime, never saw or heard a police car……Im moving there!
Veteran says
Yes PC, lived in Japan 2 years. No graffiti on trains, buses and subways either. Kids are raised with respect by two parents!
Jim Neuenfeldt says
Studies have shown that there are many sides to Domestic Violence, as a practitioner/facilitator of the Batterers Intervention program in St. Johns County, I can tell you from experience and in dealing with the offenders professionally now for 3 years that there are many excuses “WHY” however the root cause is indeed parenting and what the child is exposed to during their formative years. Typically the Boy’s learn to be men and make the rules, and the girls learn that “All men” do that from time to time it means nothing.
Duluth Minnesota established a system that addresses the Domestic Violence Offender as a community effort. Everyone from Law Enforcement, State Attorney, Probation,and the Judges are all involved. The program is not Anger Management, because Domestic Violence committed by men on woman comes from the status of privilege, not necessarily anger.
A proper B.I.P. program funded by the offenders 100% is easily achievable, when the entire community, everyone listed above and every citizen simply takes the position, that Domestic Violence is never okay. You won’t let it happen in your house, and if you see it happen anywhere, the proper agency is notified and the offender is made to participate, at their own expense. Those that won’t/can’t are then sentenced to do the time for the crime they have committed, no exceptions. You do not have to reinvent the wheel, the wheels are there, you just have to work together to establish the simple fact that FLAGLER COUNTY will not accept, condone, or tolerate domestic abuse in any shape, by anyone.
Once you have done that, the children of the offender, see immediately it is never okay…You may not change the offender every time, but you will have an effect on their children. A positive effect for both the boys and the girls. Rather than just growing up with the fact that over half of today’s kids come from homes where divorce has happened at least once, and many times more than one time, what do you expect them to do when they get older? Who teaches them what a healthy relationship looks like? Their parents probably don’t have much of an idea of what a healthy relationship is either.
Good Luck
Let me know if you need help!
Falsely Accused says
How about those who are falsely accused, my ex-wife used a fake domestic violence accusation to legally kidnap my child while she was held up with her new/ongoing boyfriend in a trailer. The system automatically sided with her and allowed her to take my child from his home, into a unknown place sleeping on a couch. When i finally had a hearing on the restraining order it was found unsupported and dropped, her accusation was
“he said ********** to me 6yrs ago” which also never happened BTW but still a simple unsupported accusation was enough to remove my kid from his home until the protection order hearing. At this point you would of thought that she would of been charged with a false report or something.
just saying its not a one sided ordeal when it comes to domestic violence. And even when all facts point to there being no domestic violence the system still sides with the female party. If anything she should be charged with battery one evening when i refused to discuss her insecurities and accusations in front of our child, as i walked away out the door to anywhere but there she got pissed and beamed me in the back of the head with her cell-phone which naturally I said nothing about, as it didn’t hurt, well it hurt her phone :) and well I would of probably been a laughing stock if i whined about that. In hind sight i should of had her thrown in jail and that would of prevented the whole legal kidnapping.
Anyways life so much better now, and divorcing her was the best thing that ever happend for the sake of my child. There were not too many nights that went by without full out screaming over some of the dumbest stuff, like forgetting to take the garbage out, dishes etc.
Whats really funny is no one in this community knows how she really is, they all think she’s some kind of yoga guru that walks in the peace and light. When behind closed doors she is the definition of that movie Misery.
I moved over 500 miles away just to be done with her and yes Palm Coast as well. And have never been happier.