In recognition of diabetes as a chronic disease with serious medical complications, the Florida Department of Health in Flagler County (DOH-Flagler) and AdventHealth Palm Coast are encouraging residents ages 18 and up with diabetes to sign up for a special Covid-19 vaccination event on April 8 at the hospital.
According to Dr. Stephen Bickel, medical director for DOH-Flagler, people with diabetes are particularly vulnerable to Covid-19 and complications resulting from the virus.
“Early studies have shown that about 25% of people who went to the hospital with severe Covid-19 infections had diabetes. Those with diabetes were more likely to have serious complications and to die from the virus,” explained Bickel. “One reason is that high blood sugar weakens the immune system and makes it less able to fight off infections. Also, patients with diabetes often have other comorbidities, such as hypertension, kidney disease, or heart disease, which substantially increase their odds of developing severe Covid. For these reasons, all patients with diabetes are extremely vulnerable, and we want to help them get vaccinated as soon as possible.”
The event is scheduled for 9 a.m. to 12 noon on Thursday, April 8 at 60 Memorial Medical Parkway in Palm Coast. Those interested in receiving the Moderna vaccine must preregister with DOH-Flagler’s Diabetes Education Center by calling 386-313-7263 or 386-313-7264. As advocates for and members of the Flagler County DiaBEATes Alliance, staff from the Health Department’s Diabetes Education Center will be on hand with samples, recipes, giveaways, information and answers to your questions.
Guests should enter the hospital near the outpatient entrance and follow signage to Classroom D.
For more information about treating and preventing diabetes in Flagler County, please visit http://flagler.floridahealth.gov/programs-and-services/wellness-programs/diabetes-center.html or https://www.adventhealth.com/diabetes-care.
Click to access advent-event-8.5-x-11revised.pdf