After weeks of negotiations, a 90-minute debate between Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis and California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom hosted by Fox News’ Sean Hannity will take place on the Fox News Channel on November 30 in Georgia. The specific location has not been announced yet.
Hannity hosted Newsom on his Fox program back in June, where he proposed the idea of the governors engaging in a debate. “I’m all in. Count on it,” Newsom told Hannity at the time. DeSantis responded a month later to Hannity that he was up for the event as well.
The two lawmakers represent two of the three biggest states in the country (Texas is second behind California in population) and are completely on opposite sides of the political spectrum. DeSantis has presided over Florida moving from a swing state to one now considered solidly red, while Democrats control all levers of power in California under Newsom, the former Mayor of San Francisco and Lieutenant Governor in California.
Both men were elected in 2018 and reelected in 2022, though Newsom had to survive a recall election in 2021.
The two men have taken shots at each other for years, and they both traveled cross country to denounce each other this year.
DeSantis criticized Newsom’s handling of the pandemic in an appearance at the Reagan Library in Southern California in March, and Newsom blasted DeSantis when speaking to a group of students and faculty at the New College of Florida campus in Sarasota a month later.
Speaking to Newsmax in an interview on Monday, DeSantis said he looked forward to the event, but said that the debate between which state is better was already “over.”
DeSantis said in the interview that California had lost “massive amounts of population,” though he did not provide statistics.
That said, California still has the largest population in the United States, which is about 39 million. But it did lose 600,000 people between January 2020 to July 2022, according to the Public Policy Institute of California.
–Mitch Perry, Florida Phoenix
JimboXYZ says
Looks like DeSantis will get in some D vs R debate experience 10-11 months ahead for Presidential debates should he be the one nominated by the R’s. Not sure if Newsom is actually running for POTUS, or just trying to do some damage to DeSantis chances for Biden ? Is Newsom even running or prepping for something should there be at least impeachment fallout, should Biden be at least impeached by the House of Representatives. Can Biden hold his own for 2024 Presidential debates ? Or is that when the “Big Guy” gets his act together ?
Dennis C Rathsam says
What a joke, Newsomes California is underwater finacally, taxes are out of control, homelessness runs rampet. Drugs, needles tent cities are a way of life there. Children have to walk on needle covered streets, with human crap on the sidewalks! People are leaving everyday. I gotta laugh, Newsom cant fix shit, his time as governor is a total disaster. And the democrats want him to run for president????? ON WHAT????? Certainly not his record. On the other hand FL is booming, record numbers are comming here. Homes are being built everywhere. We have no tent cities, we dont have needles covering FL streets in the big cities. Fl is 10xs better than Cal, home of tax & spend Newsome!
Laurel says
Your stats are always interesting, wherever you get them.
I found a needle on Boca Raton beach, and reported it to a lifeguard who retrieved it. How’d you like to step on that barefooted?
People coming to Florida is nothing new. It’s certainly not because of DeSantis. Enjoy him while you can.
Sherry says
“I” actually moved away from Florida, the state where I was born, to return to amazing Sausalito, CA. A gorgeous place of natural beauty, with educated, friendly, kind people, much better weather, great public transportation, world class art, music, restaurants, food, wine and theater, etc. etc. Yes, we prefer to live in the “best” place in the USA. . . not just the “cheapest”!
Where as “you” obviously can only repeat FOX BS about California.
Dennis C Rathsam says
My son & daughter in law live thier… My son has a PHD, and a college proffesor, & his wife is the assistant dean at the University of Ca @ Irvine. They hate Ca. 1/2 thier pay goes to taxes, gas is $629 a gal. Yes the weathers nice….But it doesnt make up for all the crime, drugs & murder!
Sherry says
Wow! Just Wow! Well dennis, hopefully your son has much better use of the English language than you seem to manage. Don’t know why in the world your “educated” family is staying in such a horrific place. . . what does it say about them that they would they choose to do that?
Or, is it at all possible that “you”, as usual, see things as one sided, and massively blown out of proportion in order to satisfy your completely FOX warped perspective?
KMedley says
Why would DeSantis, or any Presidential candidate, provide such a platform for someone who has repeatedly stated he’s not running? Is it just for primetime attention? Granted, the contrast will be interesting to say the least, but, again, why elevate someone who is not a declared candidate?
Nephew Of Uncle Sam says
Because DuhSantis gets to do what he does best…Pose and Grandstand with useless rhetoric.
Pogo says
A preview of things to come
Sherry says
I personally will take great interest in this debate. . . I’m willing to lay odds that Newsom will be taking ole’ de Santis to school, big time! Hoping for a Big Smack Down!