A 40-year-old Ormond Beach woman was killed and her 45-year-old husband was seriously injured when both were struck by a pick-up truck as they rode their bicycles south on U.S. 1, just north of the Old Dixie Highway roundabout, in midafternoon Thursday (Sept. 7).
The black Dodge pick-up, driven by a 32-year-old Ormond Beach man, was traveling south on US-1, on the outside lane. The husband and wife were traveling south in the same area, in the bicycle lane, according to the Florida Highway Patrol.
The pick-up truck crossed over the solid white line and into the cycling lane, striking both cyclists before coming to rest on the outside shoulder. The collision sent the woman cyclist into the woodline. Neither cyclist was wearing a helmet, according to FHP. The highway patrol is still investigating, and has not issued a determination as to why the driver of the pick-up truck swerved right. The driver of the Dodge was not injured.
The crash was reported to 911 at 4 p.m. Flagler County FireFlight and Trauma One, the emergency helicopters, were not available. But paramedics, who were at the scene within minutes, determined that the woman had no pulse and was not breathing, and pronounced her deceased 10 minutes after the crash was reported.
U.S. 1’s southbound lanes were closed at Seminole Woods Boulevard and through the roundabout for several hours as the traffic homicide investigation–conducted by FHP Cpl. Justin Bowen–carried on.
The woman’s death was the second fatality of a cyclist on Flagler County roads in five weeks. A 50-year-old cyclist was killed in a collision with a vehicle on State Road 100 on July 31. It is at least the 11th road fatality in Flagler County this year.
Flagler County Fire Rescue and the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office responded to the crash, among other agencies.
nomorepitbulls says
Really Sad….although Bicycling is SO dangerous…and even if there IS a cycling lane….so what? Those bike lanes are SO narrow…and your back is turned to every car that is coming down the road approaching you….so you can’t even tell what might occur.
I had a friend have a squirrel run into his spokes…bike flipped…was wearing helmut but still died.
Former Co-Worker got hit…hurt his leg so bad was 1 year of bedrest so all veins, etc etc in leg could heal…lost his job over it…
It is just TOO dangerous to be riding a bike on major roads….especially with all the horrible speeding drivers as well.
May she RIP and may he recover quickly.
Laurel says
So sorry to read this. People out for a pleasant bike ride, and it ends in tragedy. My condolences to the family.
Anyone who has ever spent a little time bowling, knows that if the lane to the right of you has a left pin up, your peripheral vision will unconsciously go there, meaning you will aim more to the right than you intended. There is no way you can get me on a bike path on the road edge.
BTW, bikes go with traffic as they are to follow traffic rules as any other vehicle does. To go against traffic would be a possible head on.
Sheila says
This was my dear niece Jen we as a family are truly heartbroken , it was so senseless the guy was obviously driving erratic n ppl had made calls to 911 n one was on the phone with the operated when it happened officers were there within couple minutes as they were on their way to pull the driver over . Yet he hasn’t been charged hasn’t even got a ticket or anything in his drivin record that he was careless n killed some one !!! Sickening she left three kids behind and a family that is just devastated over the horrible loss of her my dear Jennifer I love you forever
palmcoaster says
What a lack of consideration for human life! Run cyclist in their bike lane. My daughter is a competitive cyclist and have seeing so many of her friends killed riding their bikes in FL and AZ. She says is not as bad in CA at all as the laws there punish the aggressor driver pretty bad. She lives in CA now.
TR says
Sorry this happened. The only problem I have with the cyclists that wear those spandex outfits are they seem to have an attitude when riding in groups. I have seen them ride in a bike lane but they ride side by side and sometimes one rider is in the car lane. They think they own the road just because they are on a bike. Apparently the spandex outfit is to tight and it causes their brains to shut down. I’m not saying this was the case with the husband and wife. But I do agree that US1 is not a road to be traveling on a bicycle with cars going 65mph or higher. Bike lane or not.
James says
Perhaps all those automobile drivers that think they own the road are wearing tight spandex as well?
One can’t really tell now, can one?
Not like with all those bicyclists.
Me says
They are wearing a mask by themselves in the car restricting oxygen flow to the brain.
James says
And those O2 levels are already diminished, considering all the CO seeping into the driver compartment.
GeeBee says
TR, there is NO SUCH THING as “the car lane”. Bicyclists have just as much right to our public roadways as cars and trucks. It is up to an overtaking vehicle, of ANY type, to do so safely. Drivers tend to either forget or are just plain too stupid to know how to share the road.
On the flip side, there ARE cyclists who forget that they are subject to the same traffic laws as vehicles, including traffic signals and stop signs. Road safety education is severely lacking all around.
TR says
You’re wrong, The Car lane is applied when there is a marked bike lane. It is also referred to in the drivers manual as such. Just because it isn’t marked doesn’t mean there isn’t any. It is up to the overtaking vehicle to do it safely, you are correct. But it’s also up to the bicyclist to ride on the side of the road SAFELY especially when there is a MARKED bike lane and not ride outside of that lane where the safety factor goes out the window and could be tragic.
Bottom line is share the road, use common sense, get rid of the attitudes and ride safe.
jeffery c. seib says
The major roads are very dangerous for drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians alike. In fact, most roads in Palm Coast, even with bike lanes, are extremely dangerous. Forget walking on your neighborhood streets. On Bird of Paradise Drive, no one can walk, jog, or ride a bike without great fear and trepidation of bodily harm. Sidewalks are needed along many of the local roads. Everybody just shrugs and goes inside but if we all demanded actions like this, something would be done.
TR says
Good luck with your request. But I hate to tell you, the city council will not do anything no matter how many people complain because thy don’t care. I have been dealing with a different situation for about 2 years with the city council. Even though it is a different situation, it still has to do with a safety matter. So again I wish you good luck. Maybe (and I don’t wish this on anyone) it will take the death of someone close to a council member before something is done pertaining to the safety of the citizens of PC.
jeffery c. seib says
TR, safety matters are very important for us all to consider. We sh0udn’t have to wait until the inevitable tragedy to ‘wake’ us up. Public safety is number one priority in city affairs. If it isn’t, then the folks in charge are not who we need to be in charge. It’s never too expensive to save lives.
TR says
I agree, but like I said good luck getting the city council to do anything about it. Maybe the next city council will do something to prevent tragedies like this from happening.
Sheila says
My dear niece my hearts shattered I love u forever shock is all I feel like a zombie in a daze my sweet jen
Incredible Flagler says
Riding southbound on US 1 approaching the White Eagle roundabout during rush hour without protective gear.
What the hell is wrong with people USE YOUR COMMON SENSE !
Richard says
People are dead and this is what you chose to post? Who posts something like this?
Robert Joseph Fortier says
A self consumed idiot…I am guessing.
Pat Stote says
Really. How about about offering thoughts and prayers to the family. Kind of of a pompous, non caring attitude.
You says
The driver is at fault. He/she crossed the solid line into the bike lane.
Bill Zeilman says
When I looked at the Google satellite map of the area in question, low and behold there is a tractor trailer impinging the bike lane! This tragedy is just so senseless. Way too many drivers have forgotten (or never learned) that they are in control of a potential killing machine and need to operate it accordingly.
Celia M Pugliese says
I can’t believe some here blaming the victims for nit wearing their gear…other envious of the great physical fitness of cyclers in groups or not criticize their spandex outfits that provide them with pedaling flexibility! What is wrong not mentioning the criminality of the vehicle hitting them while violating their bike lane? Victimizing the victims won’t resolve the tragedy and will further hurt their relatives or memories!
jospeh hempfling says
and may GOD look after the brave or should I say, stupid, people on MOTORCYCLES;i.e. the
truly INVISIBLE vehicle on today’s roads.
TR says
I take offense to your comment. I have been riding a motorcycle for over 40 years and the things that I have seen or been involved in a situation or two have been dealing with the stupid people in cars. So maybe your the stupid one for your comment. People are only stupid on any vehicle when they don’t pay attention or use common sense. People have a right to drive/ride whatever they want, but they ALL have to use caution and follow the rules of the road at all times.
James says
Just another (and in this case, tragic) reminder of how dangerous it is to be a cyclist or pedestrian in the state of Floriduh.
Robert Joseph Fortier says
Just another (and in this case, tragic) reminder of how dangerous it is to be a cyclist or pedestrian who thinks it makes sense to ride side by side with cars and trucks on high speed roads.
Sheila says
Our hearts are truly broken , my dear niece is gone I pray she didn’t know what happened and suffer any pain or fear, we loved her more than she could ever imagine . Our family will never be the same . She leaves behind three kids she loved sooo much , all that road why at that split second did driver swerve over into them? Why !? I don’t care if I get a ticket and normally she would also ride facing traffic n on sidewalks when there is one . Better chance to maybe see a car coming too scary with back to them but it’s the law ! Stupid I’d rather collide with a walker than a car . And that roundabout is a nitemare I’m still confused for a second when I come to it!waste of money n a mess! So driver swerved into bike lane!? He had to have saw them up ahead yet stil paid no mind to them as he approached them? Why probably on phone ?? Said he was wearin his seatbelt … who says ? Him? Like he’s not bein a careless driver ? Obviously he was bein careless becuz we lost someone so dear to us that I can’t even begin to absorb this loss of my first niece my dear Jen :(
Concerned driver says
Sad news…again. So sorry to hear. Condolences to loved ones. Riding in any bike lane in Flagler County is extremely dangerous, and that probably goes for bike lanes anywhere. If not riding on a sidewalk, path ot trail, you are gambling with your life. Helmets do help, as do daytime/nightime running lights, blinking red lights, reflector equipment and reflective bright apparel, but still, distracted driving is proliferative today making defensive driving a necessity. And therein exists the dilemma for bicyclists – they are defenseless. Please people. Drive Safe.
John says
No disrespect to the deceased but bikes need their own lane or path. Put a toll booth on 95 on the Georgia line or make people that move here pay more to register their vehicle from New Yawk to Florida. Whatever it takes. Most people driving aren’t doing it for fun. They are either working or going to or from work home. People out there exercising or having fun are putting themselves at risk. Ideally, yes we should look out for people, but it’s not a person’s responsibility to make sure a risk taker is safe. If someone goes out in the woods and gets eaten by a bear, it’s the hiker’s fault, not the bear. Roads are for transportation and commerce. It’s not an individual’s park just so they can have fun and exercise. Perhaps we need to ban biking on major roads. So drivers don’t need to worry about protecting people who are oblivious to danger they take on themselves. My job is to keep myself safe. Your job is to keep yourself safe. You don’t get to employ me at will to watch over you. Facts. The days of biking around safely in Flagler County is over as long as the powers that be continue to jam the entire population of Northeast America up our (locals) ass.
Pat Stote says
“no disrespect to the deceased but”
John says
It’s not disrespectful. If a sky diver dies and I say well they knew the risk and jumped anyway, it’s just an observation of fact. I’m suggesting a tax or whatever to keep people more than inches from semis going 60 mph. Because I care. It’s well known that US 1 is one of the deadliest roads in the US. Personally I would not ride a bike on it and Ubers are fairly cheap so…
MeToo says
Pretty insensitive to not be disrespectful. They had just as much right to be there. How about when people get a driver’s license, they take responsibility for operating a multi-thousand pound weapon! My deepest condolences to Jennifer’s family and especially her babies. Praying for Blue and all of you. This is a tragedy. Please ignore the insensitive know-it-alls on this site.
James says
Well, quite a few of the comments made here (and whenever a tragic story involving a bicyclist unfortunately comes up it seems) just reenforces my opinion that people here really hate folks who ride bikes… sounds like some kind of strange anger displacement issue with some of these folks in my opinion.
Again… these all are just more reminders of how dangerous it is for cyclists (and pedestrians) in the state of Floriduh.
Jens aunt says
Also idc I’ll take a ticket I won’t ride with my back to traffic if I can get to other side laws are stupid bikes can’t be on sidewalk ! Seems a crash with bike n walker safer than bike n truck !!!