Dylan Osborne, a 17-year-old Flagler Palm Coast High School student on a bicycle, was killed in a collision with a dump truck and at a separate location in Palm Coast a 60-year-old man was died in an almost simultaneous three-vehicle crash in mid-afternoon Monday.
The crash involving Osborne was reported to Flagler County’s 911 center at 4:17 p.m.
According to the Florida Highway Patrol, a dump truck was stopped at the stop sign on Pine Grove Drive, facing Belle Terre Parkway. Osborne was on a motorized bicycle, riding south on the sidewalk along the east side of the parkway.
The driver of the dump truck “accelerated,” according to FHP, to make a right and head north, and collided with Osborne and his bike. The student was dragged along Belle Terre until the truck stopped in the median, north of Pine Grove.
That intersection has been the scene of several grave and fatal crashes involving vehicles, or vehicles and bicycles and motorcycles. The intersection is one of several along Belle Terre due for safety improvements. Deceleration turning lanes will be added, though it is unlikely that particular improvement would have prevented Monday’s crash.
Osborne suffered severe head injuries. A physician was almost immediately at the scene and provided CPR before rescue units arrived. A paramedic declared Dylan Osborne deceased at the scene within 10 minutes of the report of the crash, according to 911 dispatch notes.
According to a crowdfunding page set up by Osborne’s family members, he had been on his way to his first job. He had four siblings and had just begun his junior year.
A spokesperson for the Flagler County school district said a crisis response team was ent to the school today to counsel students who request it. It was the second time in less than three weeks that the Flagler Palm Coast High School community–and the community at large–was contending with the loss of a student. On Aug. 31, Felicity Cate, 16, took her own life at her Z-Section home, according to a sheriff’s report.
The crash that took the life of the 60-year-old Palm Coast resident had taken place minutes earlier: it was reported to the dispatch center at 4:10 p.m., and was immediately reported as an apparent medical episode: the driver had “passed out,” according to 911 notes.
According to the FHP’s preliminary investigation, the driver was driving an SUV, traveling west on Palm Coast Parkway when, nearing the intersection with Old Kings Road, his vehicle struck two other vehicles in quick succession that had been stopped at the light–sideswiping one, then striking the rear of the other.
A 61-year-old man and a 54-year-old man were driving the vehicles stuck in the sequence. Neither was hurt. The SUV driver was not breathing when paramedics arrived at the scene. A emergency helicopter was summoned, then cancelled, and the man was transported to AdventHealth Palm Coast, where he was pronounced deceased.
Charles says
There are way too many accidents in Palm Coast. I never see FCSO pulling over drivers for traffic offenses. There needs to be more patrolling out there.
Billy says
Really sad! There is just too much population in this area. House on top house. This is the result of overcrowding.
JimboXYZ says
Rules of the road for bicycles, ride with the flow of traffic. Don’t be a salmon & ride against traffic flow. Too many motorists assume the right at the stop light is clear & when it isn’t. A traffic light, sutop sign, makes no difference there. Motorists approach the stop sign and their heads are turned looking at the northbound traffic coming. That’s always been a problem up & down the entire length of Bell Terre. The 17 year old is another of Alfin’s grow Palm Coast casualties, the most recent prior fatality was the 70+ year old woman that tried to make a left onto Royal Palms Parkway during peak traffic. And motorized bikes have horns & lights on them, use them. If it doesn’t have a horn, install one.
On some of he bike paths, electric vehicles aren’t allowed to ride on them. These ebikes can do 22-32 mph ebike mode or pedal assist with ebike mode engaged. 25-30 mph is moped speed and it doesn’t end well for a cyclist when they hit a car, even worse vs a dump truck.
Jairo Castro says
Going on the ‘against traffic’ side of the sidewalk is always risky because motorists turning to get on are not usually looking in that direction; they’re focusing on the cars coming the other way. Of course I’m not trying to assign blame on this terrible tragedy but I can understand what happened. And it’s heartbreaking.
R.S. says
Do I assume correctly that the bicyclist had the right of way? In that case, the truck driver was looking for motorized traffic and not for bicycle traffic, a general malady in Palm Coast, where bicyclists’ right of way is frequently overlooked, particularly if the bicycle is coming from the drivers’ right, where s/he isn’t even looking. Signage to call attention to bicyclists’ right of way from either side might help. Enforcing proper stopping at the white line might help also. That young man did not have to die.
venus sanon says
dylan was a senior, not a junior
Will says
JoAnne says
I was there when the boy was hit and drug bc I immediately did a u turn to go help and when I stopped I already knew that poor boy was gone and I still can’t get the image out of my head or dreams it was horrid I cried the whole way home for that boys mother who sent her son out into the world not knowing she would never see her baby again. I live off whiteview in the p section and people are just not watching anymore
JimboXYZ says
I always give a pedestrian or cyclist that right of way in his type of situation. I look 1st for any cyclist salmon-ing the sidewalk because my car will injure or kill either. It’s just a matter of protecting the most vulnerable, right wrong, the preservation of life in spite of their actions saves any motorist having to lawyer up & explain it away in a courtroom. Sometimes the cyclist is going to fast for that condition. I see ebike cyclist all the time on Belle Terre and quite often they are running that ebike at full throttle. I’ve seen them at the Town Center Publix shopping area riding their ebikes North on the Southbound side of traffic flow. That’s just as dangerous as riding South on the Northbound side of traffic flow. And the ebikes are easily moving considerably faster than what that cyclist would be going if they were pedal only for human powered only.
Maybe that was the case here, maybe it’s not. No witnesses to confirm nor deny that the ebike wasn’t going thru that sidewalk & approaching any cross walk zone at unsafe speed. The Dump Truck, most likely never saw the cyclist, either a case of didn’t look in that direction, or perhaps a blind spot as all motor vehicles do have. Could even be that the speed & angles of the ebike & truck in relation to each other and the cyclist was in that relative phasing of being in a blind spot continuously.
Tired Eyes says
“Osborne was on a motorized bicycle, riding south on the sidewalk along the east side of the parkway.”
Flaglerlive article line 8 & 9
A bicycle that has a motor is not bicycle, it’s a scooter requiring an operator to have a TRAINING, a LICENSE, INSURANCE AND A REGISTRATION not to operate on the sidewalk at a high rate of speed with no adherence to traffic regulations.
Back in the 70’s the streets were plagued with “MOPEDS” a different version of the dame vehicle which were unregulated with inexperienced operators in and out of traffic. I remember weekly news reports of someone getting killed on them. The legislators said enough is enough.
Tragedies like this shouldn’t happen !
BMW says
I have read a lot of your nonsensical comments over the years and must say that taking the tragic loss of a young life and turning it into a slanderous statement against the Mayor tops the list. Truly disgusting commentary at a time when we should all consider how we can be more cautious drivers and reflect on the horror experienced by the families involved. Truly, truly shameful.
Denis says
Motorized bikes should not be allowed on the sidewalks. They are a motor vehicle and should be on the raid like all other vehicles. This is a VERY sad accident. My prayers for their loss.
Celia Pugliese says
Never place the fault in a victim cyclist or a jogger or a walker or an animal because at the steering wheel, if we care to preserve life, to me, they all have the right of way first and I give them plenty room and will stop for them, as they have no defense from the vehicle I am driving! Unless we make as drivers, a fatal mistake! My heart breaks for Dylan and his family. One more angel in heaven a good hard working young man. We are loosing lives over traffic safety needed in our roads because is needed improved infrastructure and enforcement!
MyTwoCents says
We need a light at that intersection, a “deceleration lane” will do absolutely nothing. How many people have to die at that intern for them to do something?
Morgan Monaco says
I’ve seen ebike riding like savages on these side walk, with no respect for pedestrians. Also, there used to be a stop sign removed by the city.
FlaPharmTech says
I noticed a person on a motorized bike and was super alert to his position, not wanting to hit him. They use the sidewalks as well as the road. In this case he stayed on the sidewalk. I remember thinking ” what are the rules for a motorized bike?” I’m so very sorry for the loss of life.
R.S. says
That’s a bit like splitting hairs. If I ride a fast moving ten-speed, I could probably keep up with the an e-bike. Whether or not an e-bike is indeed “motorized is a matter of conjecture and debate. Either way, something that moves on the bikepath has the right of way.
R.S. says
I’m not sure that a light will do it. I have experienced many a near-miss when the driver is looking left to turn right on red and doesn’t have a clue that I’m trying to cross or bicycle across the visibly marked bikepath. Perhaps there should not be a turn-right-on-red permission where pedestrians might cross
Never cease to amaze me says
A young person lost their life after getting hit by a dump truck while riding a bike on the SIDEWALK!
It doesn’t matter if it was an electric style bike or not. It was daylight!! Do you have no empathy for
his family?
My heart goes out to them as I remember my kids rode that area with no sidewalks and I was always
Bartholomew says
A blind spot in those tall vehicles is when a pedestrian or bike are close the driver cannot see something close and low. School buses have this problem. That is why they have the long arm swing out. To prevent some young student crossing in front in the blind spot.
My thoughts and prayers are with the family.
Kelly says
As a parent who lost a son in 2019, its an immense pain that never heals years later. Continue to honor his memory. My heart goes out to the family.
JimboXYZ says
What is a slanderous statement about the ex-mayor. The growth & vision of Palm Coast is all his leadership of approvals. Ask yourself why the dump truck was in that residential. I don’t live far away from that location, since Alfin became mayor, the traffic throughout the residential has increased exponentially. I stopped counting at 30 for the new residential duplexes in the immediate streets surrounding my own residence. The new neighbors that have been attracted to the area are low functioning mouth breathers that exceed even a higher than normal 30 mph speed limit on streets that lack street lights. I often get tail gated before I get to Belle Terre & I’m slowing down for the overutilized duplexes that I know have children that play in the streets, dart in & out of their own parked cars at those duplexes. Don’t get me started on the motorcyclists that pass other vehicles in the residential.
Someone’s child is bound to get run over, whether they are aware enough to realize that not every motorist sees a child & it should not be assumed that even with a stop sign that anyone’s life is not safe & guaranteed. Trust me, I’ve ridden that sidewalk up & down the entire length of Belle Terre since 2019. I realized it was dangerous long before Alfin, and during Alfin it has only gotten worse.
Here you go, here’s the story of the elderly woman that died because of higher traffic. Also happened in an area that has experienced higher growth in that residential between Rymfire & Royal Palms Parkway. Not sure how long you’ve lived here, some folks aren’t the brightest bulbs of humanity here. Can’t save them all & in too many cases they’re the one’s perpetrating the mayhem on the road ways, relatively self inflicted casualties. Is this attrition ?or just a failure to address the traffic increases as the new construction seems to be rubber stamped by the out going Palm Coast administration. I’m a cause & effect type of guy, these fatalities aren’t random, have increased with alarmingly higher frequency. Alfin has grown the Tennis Center for pickleball that’s close enough to where this fatality on Belle Terre happened as well to have affected traffic volume as well. And I’ll remind you, Mayor Alfin was not re-elected over these exact issues of growth of Palm Coast & Vision of 2050. Unfortunately, it was too late & enough new residential has been & was even approved post election (pre-runoff election from the Top 2 candidates), so we’re heading deeper into that rabbit hole for that direction, whether anyone likes it or not.
JimboXYZ says
I have empathy, but even that only goes so far. None of us can do anything about this beyond learn from the example. I’ve kind of moved on from the fatality earlier than most in the comment section. Again, nthing I can do about it, maybe commenting solutions for future cyclist & motorists accomplishes a greater good ?
Anyone that ever has ridden that sidewalk knows that at peak traffic that virtually every right turning motorist is trying to make their right turn to beat North or South bound traffic that is traveling at 45 mph. Every subsection has several residential roads that ultimately have a single road that connects to Belle Terre. If I had a child, & thank God I don’t. I would teach that kid that going in the same direction of the flow of traffic is the only sidewalk riding they would do. I would make sure they understood that there are only traffic lights that they would cross the East West sides of Belle Terre & I would certainly make sure that “mini-me” would understand that regardless of right of way at every street crossing that they are to make a motorist confirm that they are actually yielding them their right of way to cross the street. The kid would wear a bike helmet per FL Statutes that require a child to wear one under the age of 16. and that as long as that minor lived under my roof, they would continue to wear a helmet until they moved elsewhere & on their own. Back in the 1970’s there wasn’t this high a density of population, sometimes one has to be more than proactive to figure out that “riding to live” is not just a slogan for motorcyclists anymore. The world is a dangerous place, unforgiving of those that don’t take on more responsibility for others when it comes to crossing the road. The slogan “you can be right & dead right” applies. Anyone that trusts another that much with their life is fool’s gold. I’d rather wave on motorists than blindly trust some of the people I’ve encountered. It’s not the many, but the few. There is a zero tolerance for being involved with a collision, cyclist vs motorist. It never ends well for the cyclist. Never has, never will. I just value my own life more than the impatient motorist. And we have more than our share. I take responsibility for my own life over giving someone else that much control over whether I would live or die crossing the street. It’s really that simple. In the end I just don’t see how another few seconds to allow, even help a dump truck get underway onto Bell Terre is worth insisting they should have stopped for the 17 year old. Those few seconds was the difference between living & dying. I honestly don’t believe because of the dump truck’s physical design for blind spots, that the driver ever saw the kid ? I mean, how far did the truck drag him down the road ? I would think the driver would’ve heard or felt the ebike’s collision, but could also think that a fully loaded dump truck isn’t like a 2,500 lb economy car that was hit by 250-300+ lbs of ebike & cyclist ?
JimboXYZ says
jay says
im begging other commenters to stop trying to make this a statement. he was barely outside his house, he rode on the bike trail for most of it. he called me to show me once. he’d send me photos of the animals he saw (otters! ive never even seen those here) he never was anything but respectful. he was saving up for a car, this was his most consistent mode of transport. everyone misses him so much. please let us grieve. your thoughts and prayers mean nothing if you take advantage of this tragedy in this way
jay says
im so sorry. he was such a beautiful soul. my ball of light. i’m never gonna stop missing him. thank you for trying to be there for him
JimboXYZHater says
I hate you, JimboXYZ. Long Live Dylan. 🕊️
Haley says
And while you’re living in fantasy-land full of hypotheticals about your non existent “mini me” a family is grieving the loss of their real son. Show some empathy and stop making up scenarios about what happened. Just because you have “moved on” from a fatality that has nothing to do with you doesn’t mean the family and people who knew the person that lost their life have.
JimboXYZ says
Not really a fantasy-land of hypotheticals when you’ve been a cyclist for decades when the same concepts have applied since the death trap vehicles of the 1960’s & 1970’s to the safer cars, smarter cars of 2020’s that have more cameras, self driving, etc.. My own parents (RIP) taught brothers & I very well that sometimes you have to stand back of heavy equipment. There are signs on the 18 wheelers & dump trucks, “stay back” which includes “staying clear”. There’s a reason a work truck has cones placed around them when they are in operation at a job site. They don’t want anyone trying to walk around that for the dangers that are involved. Operating that special equipment requires licensing. The rest of us aren’t qualified to operate & need to maintain a safety zone around that where that if something goes wrong, is a harmless event. Anyone go out & play in a Cat 2/3 hurricane or when a tornado passes thru ? Take cover, in this case of a dump truck, get far enough away from where the sidewalk & road create a cross walk. There’s a reason that the grass is bare at that turn location. A motorist cuts the asphalt & concrete driving thru the grass. That’s not a fantasy land, it’s planet earth, not just Palm Coast.
JimboXYZ says
I can take the hit for you hating me. The 2nd part of your comment unfortunately is an impossibility beyond a memory. Don’t let that hatred cloud your own judgement(s) in your commuting, whether as a pedestrian, cyclist or motorist. Machines don’t feel pain, the human body does & one has to live, enduring that pain the rest of one’s life, assuming one survives the collision. Don’t believe me, go out and walk into your car’s bumper area as hard as you can and see if the car gives any ground, wait to hear the car cry in pain. Maybe that exercise for a lesson will get the message across ?
True story, one of my neighbor’s is permanently blind in both eyes from a motorcycle accident that happened back in the late 2000’s 1st decade. He recovered relatively for the rest of his body & brain. He’s been like that for closer to a couple of decades now. He had right of way that day too. I watch out for him & his seeing eye dog every chance that I get when they walk by the property here. Unfortunate that I have neighbor’s that speed thru the residential with no clue as to his condition or his story of a past life.
Reiterating, if you or anyone takes any advice(s) I’ve commented & live longer, hate away on this messenger, I can take that. 10-15-20 more seconds at that intersection is not worth a news article to be the example to learn from. Ultimately, any of us have that much control over the situation at any street corner Palm Coast, FL, USA, planet Earth. Never assume that another ever saw you. That fact applies to me the same as anyone else. It’s not taking sides, lacking empathy or whatever else. It’s raising the bar for anyone’s own personal accountability & responsibility to ensure I live a longer life, die in my sleep of older age, not some misread of a dangerous situation. Any of us would’ve had that much control over li9ving & dying at that street corner, that or any other day. And I will preach that again & again when the next similar event happens. That message has to be repeated, never forgotten.
Osborne MOM says
You no nothing on his knowledge of riding bikes, nor the status of his e-bike. Thanks.