The number of Florida residents who have died of Covid-19 since early 2020 is nearing 91,000. As of Thursday, 90,740 resident deaths from Covid-19 had been reported, according to Florida Department of Health data released Friday.
That was up from 90,232 reported deaths two weeks earlier. Because of lags in reporting, it is unclear when the additional deaths occurred. The Department of Health releases Covid-19 data every two weeks. The new data said 70,533 of the deaths, or nearly 78 percent, involved people age 65 or older.
Also, 77,371 of the deaths, or about 85 percent, involved people 60 or older. The data also indicated that reported numbers of new Covid-19 cases decreased during the past two weeks after steadily increasing this summer.
The Department of Health said 19,019 cases were reported during the week that started Sept. 1, and 15,690 cases were reported during the week that started Sept. 8. That was down from 23,978 cases during the week that started Aug. 25.
Enough says
Don’t tell Racist Ron or the Voodoo Doctor he appointed as his ass wipe!! I wonder if the people who lost loved ones because of the poor advice from these two, (to not take the vaccine) can take legal actions? I would certainly look into it, and if possible, would sue the State and them personally, for billions!! Really tired of this Governor’s ignorance. But you can bet DUH Santis is vaccinated, contrary to what he says. In fact, when Covid first appeared, he was asked if he took the vaccination; he refused to answer. I’ll take that as a “yes”. He’s such a transparent loser!!
Robert Joseph Fortier says
Humans have brains and can, in most situations, decide for themselves.
I don’t make my health decisions based on others, but rather on my experience and the data at the time.
Stop relying on others and make your own decisions…There…I fixed it for you.
Kat says
And the Florida surgeon general is telling people not to get vaccinated, just when you think the state couldn’t get any stranger…
Florida is now leading the country in new Covid infections. Please people get your flu vaccine, Covid booster, and RSV vaccine (if you are immunocompromised or over 60).
James says
That’s what happens when you get a want to be dictator as governor. He is killing off his own supporters and doesn’t care.
His ratings are going down and he can only blame himself because he is so disliked all over the country and now it is even happening in Florida. It sure didn’t take long to figure him out.
Deborah Coffey says
Um, do we believe the Florida Department of Health? There was a lot of hanky panky with the reporting system….We could probably add another 50,000 or so.
John says
DeathSantis won’t allow the Department of Health to report the truth on what is going on with the COVID Virus.
He is hiding the truth as usual from the people of Florida as he is hiding the truth about slavery. If that isn’t a dictator tactic I don’t know what else you would call it?
melly c says
Fearmongering is going to get you nowhere in Florida. When do you guys get it?
Pogo says
But wait!!! Keep electing the Republican Party and you can make things much, much worse:
Endless Dark money says
ha republicons know better than any doctor in the nation. Profits over people.
DaleL says
Vaccines are generally very safe and effective. The COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are no different. The general recommendation by the CDC is very sound. However, the benefit to harm ratio increases with age and comorbidities. A young healthy person, who has been previously vaccinated and has recovered from a COVID infection within the last 12 months, can safely skip the latest booster. Just about anyone else, particularly anyone who has managed to not get COVID, should definitely get the new booster.
Vaccination at any age has far less risk (almost zero) that the disease.
mRNA vaccines trick the cells near the injection site, for a limited time, to produce the spike proteins of the COVID virus. This trains the person’s immune system to recognize those proteins and to be ready in the case of a real infection. mRNA encodes for proteins and cannot alter a person’s DNA or cause actual disease. However, the immune system, by responding to the foreign proteins, can cause temporary symptoms.
I have scheduled my Moderna COVID booster and my annual Flu vaccination for this coming Monday.
Flapharmtech says
Just to clarify, the newly released Moderna Covid vaccine, Spikevax, is not a booster. It is a new Covid vaccine to fight the prevalent strain of Covid circulating, just like your annual flu vaccine.
JimboXYZ says
While they may call the other shots “boosters”, since they are new variants of the Covid vaccine, would any of them have truly been only a booster. Makes no sense to discover new strains & not address the new strain in any vaccine, which may include a booster for the one’s that disappeared or recent strains that may still be active/exist ? The flu shot is called a booster by some, but it’s also a best guess to predict the flu season’s virus ? We’ve all seen how well that ever worked out. They haven’t prevented a flu season ever.
As usual 60+ year olds are the one’s most at risk.
DaleL says
The initial vaccination with the Moderna mRNA vaccine is TWO shots. Subsequent SINGLE shot vaccinations “boost” the immunity of the initial series. NPR, among others, calls additional vaccinations after the initial series to be a booster. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/09/13/1198803134/covid-boosters-updated-vaccines-fda-cdc
The National Institutes of Health: “What is a COVID-19 booster vaccine?
A COVID-19 booster is a vaccine dose that you get after you’ve already had your primary COVID-19 vaccines. Booster shots increase or restore how well the vaccine protects you from severe illness and death.”
The term “booster” in this context has little to do with the composition of a vaccine, but rather whether the vaccination is intended to boost a person’s immunity after the primary vaccination.
Right says
If a person had an underlying cause but had covid at the time of their death, it was listed as a covid death and not the underlying cause. This is widely known and it blows the number of actual covid deaths way out of proportion.
Pogo says
It never fails, remark that no one is that stupid, and some bird will prove you’re wrong.
Related reading
DaleL says
There are many factors which influence “cause of death”. The wife of a guy that I used to occasionally play golf with contracted COVID-19 in the summer of 2022. They are both young (under 35) and did not get vaccinated. Shortly after they recovered from COVID, she suffered from acute liver failure. She received a liver transplant and has not died from her condition. If she does die from complications in the next few years, it will not be attributed to her COVID infection. However, I am reasonable confident that a percentage of people who do die as a result of complications from COVID and other infectious diseases do not have their cause of death correctly attributed to the disease which ultimately caused their death.
So yes, in some cases a person, who has an underlying health condition and is near death, will be “pushed over the edge” so to speak by a COVID infection. However, in other times, a healthy person, who contracts COVID, survives/recovers, only to have later sequela from their illness. This can lead to a decline in their health and ultimately cause their death months or years later.
Dave says
The people of Fla need to understand Ronny doesn’t care about you or your children. HE cares about his mimic of little Donald Trump and his wacko chance at becoming President. Just like Trump DeathSantis bases his reasoning not on facts but slanted studies. It’s been proven COVID kills and measures the he took before he started this backtracking on mask did save lives. Interesting back in OCt 2020, DeSantis made mask mandatory . ” In his order, the governor also targeted requirements that people wear face coverings in public places. Despite repeated requests from local officials and infectious disease experts, DeSantis refused to issue a statewide face covering mandate.” Then he flip-flopped. The man is only looking after himself.
Alex says
DeathSantis and his Uncle Tom Voodoo Quak Dr. ride again with COVID deaths up again this year. Once again DeathSantis feels he has they right to tell people how to care medically for their own bodies which by law he has no legal right to.
Look at the news how his ratings are at the lowest for his run for the White House, why is that because he is a racist, bully with no common sense of reality.
He wasted taxpayers money flying him and his family all over the world and country. Keep watching his ratings go down because that is all they have doing since he got into the race and it sure is well deserved after we have watched him destroy the representation of the State of Florida.
endless dark money says
you can rest easy knowing that the numbers have been purposely manipulated by the gop since the inception of covid. Remember when the police raided the lady that posted the accurate numbers…… This is why covid will never go away we botched our response thanks to the orange stain only hating on asian people. We never cure anything anyways its just not profitable enough better to treat people instead.