No more free and reduced-lunch applications. No more stigma associated with the applications. No more walking up to the register only to find out that the lunch account is empty, or in debt. No more debt. No more growling stomachs for students or heartbreaks for lunchroom staff, and no more masses of paperwork for school staff.
An expanding Obama-era child-nutrition program will allow Flagler County Schools to provide free lunches in addition to the existing free breakfasts to all students, regardless of income, year-round at all nine of its traditional public schools starting on Aug. 10, when classes resume in the district.
The program, intended to improve child nutrition, reduce hunger, reduce stress on family grocery budgets, and reduce bureaucracy, will be in effect for at least three years, and may be renewed after that.
“We’re pleased to have the opportunity to provide lunches at no charge to all of our students,” said Angela Bush, the food services director at Flagler Schools and an ebullient advocate for child nutrition. “For the next three years, and possibly beyond, families will not have to worry about meal debt. Nor will our staff members. That is a peace of mind to be grateful for.”
The program is made possible through the federal Community Eligibility Provision of the National School Lunch Program for schools in low-income areas. The USDA under the Obama Administration proposed the program through a rule change at the end of 2013. Put simply, it enabled schools or groups of schools to join as long as they could show that 40 percent or more of their students met a needs-threshold. That need is calculated from different factors, but in large part from the percentage of students whose families receive food assistance–the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or food stamps.
The USDA in March proposed a rule change lowering the threshold to 25 percent as part of President Biden’s plan to end hunger in the country by 2030. The president’s 2024 budget includes $15 billion over 10 years to expand CEP. “Now that CEP has been available for almost a decade, States and schools are generally more familiar and comfortable with how CEP works, mitigating some of the concerns that may have prevented earlier CEP elections,” the USDA said in its rule-change proposal. That would essentially remove any any obstacles to participations, if any remain.
In Flagler schools, the 40 percent threshold is met, since 56 percent of students as of last May were on free lunches already, and another 5.5 percent on reduced lunch prices. And federal reimbursements increase the more students participate in the CEP program.
Flagler County’s Food and Nutrition Services, now going by the name of Café EDU, announced the expansion of the program to Flagler schools this week, after getting approval from the school board last week. “That’s awesome,” was Board Chair Cheryl Massaro’s reaction.
The proposal took some members aback. “So every kid in Flagler County would get free lunch?” Board member Collen Conklin asked.
Yes, came the simple answer.
Of course, neither the district’s presentation nor the subsequent district release made mention either of Obama or the current Biden administration plan to further expand the program: those names are anathema among some board members.
The district had tried to join the program previously. “Previous calculations when we looked at it wouldn’t work, we would run major deficits and wouldn’t be able to serve the students at all,” Matthew Mounkes, a district food service specialist, said. This year, the numbers work.
The program originally went in effect on July 1, 2014. Some 14,000 schools joined in the first year. The Food Research and Action center reported that over 40,000 schools participated in the program last year, up from 33,300 the year before. A National Bureau of Economic Research study found that the CEP program reduced median households’ grocery bills between 5 and 19 percent.
Ironically, the Covid pandemic spurred participation, because for two years of the pandemic, all meals were free, and both schools and parents saw the difference it made. But pandemic-era waivers ended before the beginning of the last school-year, even though the waivers helped sharply reduce food insecurity among households with children and reduced child poverty overall. “The Covid-19 pandemic,” in other words, the USDA wrote, “provided an unintended experiment that highlighted the critical role that schools play in providing food and nutrition security to millions of children.”
According to Café EDU, the enhanced student nutrition program offers the following key benefits:
- Comprehensive Meal Solutions: Students will receive well-balanced lunches consisting of nutritious main courses, a variety of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products, ensuring their dietary needs are met.
- Diverse Menu Options: The lunch menu will feature a diverse range of options, including vegetarian options, accommodating various dietary preferences and restrictions, while promoting inclusivity and striving to meet the unique needs of every student.
- Promoting Healthy Habits: By offering nutritious meals, Café EDU aims to educate and inspire students to develop lifelong healthy eating habits, leading to improved overall well-being and academic performance.
“This is truly an exciting endeavor for our students, families, district staff and our food service team.,” Bush said in an email. “You have no idea the stress it puts on my staff to have students come for meals with no money in hand or in their account (if they aren’t qualified for free meals). And the scope of the problem is unmanageable with the resources we have. This is a win-win-win for everyone.”
Meanwhile, the USDA’s proposed rules has generated upward of 10,000 public comments as part of the Federal Register public comment process. Most repeat the same supportive language. Opposing comments are hard to find (though separately, the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation is opposing CEP, accusing it of being wasteful in money and food, and arguing that subsidies should only go to the needy).
“I support the proposed rule to lower the CEP threshold from 40 percent to 25%,” Jody Berman of Pompano Beach commented. “Hungry kids can’t learn, and families of hungry students have the hardest time with the paperwork necessary to access school meals. This proposal would eliminate unpaid meal charges, minimize stigma, reduce paperwork for school nutrition staff and families, and streamline meal service operations. It’s a win for kids and schools!”
R.S. says
Wonderful program!
Janet says
Uh-oh. If DeSantis realizes this originated with Obama, he will try to squelch it.
GA says
Just a matter of time before Rhonda Santis sticks his fat nose into this and messes it up. Just wait
Barbara says
Great news for all families! The price of food as well as other things have skyrocketed over the past few years so this will undoubtedly help many families who didn’t previously qualify.
Atwp says
Will the Republicans stop this after three years, probably.
Pat Stote says
Let’s hope not. He can be pretty nasty. Kids need to eat
Pat Stote says
Hopefully he will show a kinder and more humane side of him. He could shock us all. 🤞
Dont say Ron says
Republicans dont care about hungry kids, wait till all those public dollars go to for profit schools and then watch education crash especially among lower income kids. This what voting for republican idiots get you. We literally made child poverty grop by 50% with the child tax credits but guess who voted to stop those….you guessed it good ol republicans (literally every one of them). Child hunger and poverty are on the rise again. Cant forgive millions of predatory student loans for 10 billion but we will happlily give one poorly run bank 60 billion no questions. Not much to celebrate this 4th of July we have lost decades of human rights and climate rights in just a few years under the stolen supreme court. we will need to move on from the peacful protest that are easily dismissed.
cgm says
it should only be for the ones in need
who is paying for this – oh of course the tax payers.
Michael Cocchiola says
Every school system in this once compassionate country should provide no-cost breakfast and lunch to students.
No one should go hungry in America. No student should go to school hungry through no fault of their own. Our students cannot learn on an empty stomach.
Jim Dana says
Ed says
Don’t say Ron says:
Does anyone really believe that anyone wants children to be hungry?
Aren’t colleges really responsible for all the predatory college loans?
If tuitions were not over priced, it would be affordable.
And what did you mean,” we have to move on from peaceful protests that are easily dismissed”?Am I correct that violence is being suggested?
Pat Stote says
To egm: we as taxpayers pay for plenty of programs we don’t use. Let’s not penny pinch on school children whose parents are strapped. Let’s feed all the kids in need.
Atwp says
Michael, you are soooo right. Seeing a hungry child really bothers me. Am glad my tax dollars will help hungry children. Prefer to help feed a hungry child than to help fat rich politicians.
R.S. says
Well, the tax payer is also supporting the Waltons of Walmart fame because the Waltons underpay their employees by so much that these employees qualify for SNAP [Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or “foodstamps”]. I’d rather support the kids.
Mark says
Just curious since this program is in place, is whether or not it is taken into consideration for WIC and Food Stamps since when school is in session there is a lesser burden for providing nutrition? It’s all taxpayer funded, so just asking if it is taken into consideration?
DontsayRon says
I believe republicans do thats why they voted against feeding children, they would rather ban books than feed kids. https://www.businessinsider.com/free-school-lunches-in-america-republicans-will-end-2022-6
College costs increased dramatically over past few decades due to continual cuts from state and federal governments especially under GOP rule. Pushing costs onto 18 year olds. Wages havent kept up with rising costs for decades as republicans favor corporate profits over human rights.
All public colleges and universities are non profit so…..why the increased costs?
As far as protests. Im saying they dont work and need a new plan or be revamped. They are truly easily dismissed. tell me when was the last sucessful one? Also in rons Florida you will be charged with crimes if you peacefully protest so all that will be is detrimental to your future. https://www.npr.org/2021/04/19/988791175/florida-adopts-nations-toughest-restrictions-on-protests
DontsayRon says
So yes republicans voted against feeding kids
state and federal government cut funding to public schools. All public universities are non profit so what makes tuition affordable?
So tell me when was the last sucessful peaceful protest in america?
In rons florida its basically illegal to protest. https://www.npr.org/2021/04/19/988791175/florida-adopts-nations-toughest-restrictions-on-protests
So maybe if you turned off the Fox propaganda you seem to believe without a second thought you will see its quite obvious that there are people to blame and they call themselves republicans
Sherry says
@mark. . . please consider the FACT that if “Billionaires” paid their fair share of taxes. . . in addition to getting huge tax breaks from Republicans. . . none of this would be an issue at all. We would be able to balance the Federal budget and have plenty of $$$ to pay for school lunches and higher education. Why is it that “conservatives” only try to balance a budget by squeezing the last penny out of the poor, while refusing to increase revenue by giving a free pass to the wealthy?
R.S. says
We got to talk, Coach; when was this country ever compassionate?
R.S. says
Right you are!
Ban the GOP says
Republicans only care about lining the pockets of their donors> Corruption is rampant in American politics, they spend lots of money getting dumber people to vote against their own self interest so a select few can live like gods.