Mark Richter, the first announced candidate for Flagler County Commission in 2016, was seriously fact-challenged in a brief appearance before commissioners today as he took on jail costs and the planned jail expansion.
All Else
Monday Briefing: Varn Park Flush With Colors, Bunnell Garbage Costs, Confederate Battle Flag Embattled
Varn Park’s renovations are celebrated at 1 p.m. today in a ribbon-cutting, Bunnell recalibrates its garbage rate for the school board, Marco Rubio veils his support for the Confederate flag.
Flagler Chamber Seeks Applicants for Leadership Flagler’s Next Class
The Flagler County Chamber of Commerce is currently accepting applications for Leadership Flagler, a program that nurtures and engages the leadership skills of potential and current community leaders.
$780 Million More for Education in Florida, But a $500 Million Property Tax Increase
The special session’s much-touted tax cut of $427 million is wiped out by a nearly $500 million tax increase to pay for education funding increases.
That Other American Exceptionalism:
Right-Wing Terrorism
For all the wasted blood spilled on ISIS and al-Qaeda, the real terrorist threat is neither far away nor foreign. It speaks English. It’s white. It’s American. And it’s sanctified by the NRA’s liturgy of guns today, guns tomorrow, guns forever.
Weekend Briefing: Lynching By Gun in Charleston, “Mental Illness” Lies, Health Fair at AACS
The terrorist attack on a black church in Charleston is a modern-day lynching, Obama, Stephen King and Jon Stewart take on a culture of complicity, and other local happenings.
Florida’s Nature Conservancy Gets It:
It’s About Land Management
Most Florida environmental groups this special session made a lot of noise and spent a lot of money, but came away empty-handed and unhappy. Not The Nature Conservancy.
Giuseppe Verdone Is Found Guilty on All Charges in Brutal Assault of Chinese Food Delivery Driver; He Faces Life in Prison
The jury took barely 50 minutes to reach a verdict of guilty on all five felony counts in the case of Giuseppe Verdone, the 24-year-old Palm Coast resident who two years ago was accused of assaulting and kidnapping the co-owner of a Chinese food restaurant in November 2013.
Palm Coast’s Jim Landon Retaliates Against County in Series of Accusations, Then Says Conflict Is All But Resolved
Landon put the city’s trust of the county in question, implied the county runs a less professional organization than the city, accused the county of deceiving a state agency, and accused the county manager of using bullying tactics before conceding that all is just about well between the two sides.
Thursday Briefing: Vote For Office Divvy’s Grant, World’s Largest Swim Lesson at Frieda Zamba, Home Prices Stabilize
Palm Coast’s Office Divvy wants your vote, the largest swim lesson at Frieda Zamba pool this morning, Job Bush slow-jams the news, Jon Stewart thanks Donald Trump.
Quit Turning Your Backs on Desperate Migrants. Help Them Instead.
Like Americans’ ancestors, migrants are fleeing poverty, war, or oppression, or are searching for a better life in a new land. Blocking that flow, argues Kofi Anann, is bound to fail, with disastrous consequences for human lives.
Flagler County’s Dust-Bowl Era Soil and Water Conservation Board Is Dissolved For Inaction
Florida’s Agriculture Commissioner ordered the 5-member elected board, established in 1937, dissolved for not complying with reporting requirements. It had not met in years.
The End of Phoenix: Divided School Board Votes to Replace It With STEM Academy at Wadsworth
A contentious vote reflecting the board’s unhappiness with lack of transparency nevertheless led to the creation of a new STEM academy at Wadsworth, closing the long-embattled Phoenix Academy next fall.
Tractor Trailer Crashes Into 3 Parked, Mostly Empty School Buses on I-95, Four Injured
A tractor trailer on a route from Miami to Jacksonville crashed into three parked and empty school buses as the buses’ drivers were working on one of them on the side of I-95 just north of the Palm Coast Parkway exit at 11 p.m. Tuesday.
Wednesday Briefing: Benefit Concert For Flagler Beach Family in House Fire, the TDC’s Empty Kitty, Extinct Cougar
A fund-raiser for the the Johnson-Ghormley family twho lost their home in May is at the Beach Front Grille in Flagler Beach at 5:30 p.m. The Flagler Tourist Development Council is out of money for certain grants. The federal government is ready to declare the eastern cougar extinct.
School Board Seals Agreement Reforming Disciplining of Black Students, Ending Civil Rights Complaint
The Flagler County School Board this evening voted 5-0 to ratify an agreement with the Southern Poverty Law Center that seeks to eliminate racial disparities in school discipline, resolving a federal civil rights complaint the center filed three years ago.
Flagler Court Clerk Throws a Switch, and Mass of Criminal and Civil Records Becomes Accessible Online
Flagler County court records, from arrest affidavits to civil, criminal, county and probate court are now all available online, 24 hours a day, in a vast improvement of public record access ordered by the Florida Supreme Court.
Tuesday Briefing: YMCA Taking Over Belle Terre Racket Club, Yet Another Dollar General, Yet More Trump
The school board this evening may ratify an agreement with the YMCA to take over Belle Terre Swim and Racquet Club, a Dollar general is planned for the west side of the county, the pope’s global warming encyclical is leaked.
County Rips Into Palm Coast Government Over Shackled Airport Water Deal
County frustration boiled into outright criticism of Palm Coast’s administration Monday as the city has yet to sign a deal both sides agreed to seven months ago, controlling water service at the county airport.
Flagler Government Embraces Socialized Medicine in Striking Drug Deal with Canadian Rx Company
The Flagler County Commission voted 4-0 Monday to contract with CanaRx to provide prescription drugs to county employees at 50 percent of their U.S. cost.
1,200 Customers in Palm Coast’s P-Section Lose Power Due to Underground Cable Issue
A problem with an underground cable emanating from a Florida Power and Light substation toward the south end of Palm Coast cut off power to around 1,200 customers north of State Road 10 and west of I-95, especially in the city’s P-Section.
June 27: Safety F.I.R.S.T. and Playing It Safe! Expo in Palm Coast
The fourth annual Hurricane Expo has been renamed the Safety F.I.R.S.T. & Playing It Safe! Expo, and is scheduled for June 27th in Palm Coast.
Flagler Sheriff’s Police Athletic League (P.A.L.) Offers Free Summer Activities for Youth
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office Police Athletic League (P.A.L.) is now offering “KIDS, KOPS and K9” during the months of June and July. This free summertime program is being offered to children ages 4-18
Monday Briefing: Cottages for Princess Place, Canadian Drugs for County Employees, New Health Department Director
The design of the proposed vacation cottages at Princess Place Preserves is unveiled to county commissioners, who also are expected to appoint Robert Snyder as Flagler County’s Health Department administrator, replacing Patrick Johnson.
Palm Coast Flagler Beaches Senior Games, Sept. 12-19: Registration Open
Active older adults can now sign up for the second annual Palm Coast & the Flagler Beaches Senior Games – offering competition in 14 sports.
Swimming Lessons and Lifeguard Classes Available at Frieda Zamba Swimming Pool
Palm Coast offers swimming lessons at Frieda Zamba Swimming Pool for all ages. All classes are taught under the supervision of a Red Cross-certified swim instructor.
ISIS and Barack Obama’s Dumb War
Sending US troops back to Iraq to fight ISIS, Obama is doing what no American president has ever done before: re-start a war long lost. He’s doing it illegally, without Congressional authorization.
Mark Richter Files to Run for Ericksen’s County Commission Seat as DeLorenzo Mulls Move
Richter, an ex-felong with a history of obscene and threatening communications to local media, ran on a Ronald Reagan Republican Assembly platform in 2012. Palm Coast Council member Jason DeLorenzo is exploring a move away from the council.
Sedated We Stand: Medicare Paid for Nearly 40 Million Tranquilizer Prescriptions in 2013
Florida had more doctors who prescribed large amounts of benzodiazepines than anywhere else in the country with some 144 Florida doctors wrote at least 2,000 prescriptions for them to Medicare patients.
Weekend Briefing: Celebrating George Hanns’s Quarter Century, Lacrosse at Indian Trails, Nukes Everywhere
Flagler Commissioner George Hanns’s 25 years in public service are marked Sunday at Hijackers Restaurant, the Legislature passes a series of health care bills today, Palm Coast graduates another academy class.
Thursday Briefing: Emergency Drill at FPC, Ty Pennington Digs Palm Coast, Denali Dims McKinley
Avoid the area around Flagler Palm Coast High School Thursday morning, Mt. Denali wants to kick out McKinley, Ty Pennington grills in Palm Coast.
Don’t Panic: FPC Will Be the Scene of a Large-Scale “Active Assailant” Exercise Thursday
Emergency management is not releasing more detailed information than that because the aim of the exercise is to simulate a stressful emergency as close to the real thing as possible.
The War on Women, Cont’d: Enough with Mandatory Vaginal Exams, Florida
It’s not enough that in 2011 our Legislature passed a draconian law forcing women to schedule, pay for, and look at an ultrasound of their fetus if they choose to exercise their right to an abortion.
Fossil-Fuel Utilities Band Up to Block Solar-Power Initiative Aiming to Unshackle Industry
Florida’s largest electric utilities, AG Pam Bondi and business groups want the Supreme Court to block a proposed solar-energy ballot initiative that would go before voters in 2016.
Palm Coast Passes on Supporting County In Anti-Fracking and Drilling Resolutions
The Palm Coast City Council chose not to sign on to a pair of resolutions opposing fracking or seismic testing for oil offshore of Florida, saying the county has already spoken.
Wednesday Briefing: Golden Lion’s Saucy Reach, Brotherhood Ride at Palm Coast Elks, Bail’s Injustice
Flagler Beach’s Golden Lion donates 50% of profits from its tartar sauce sales to feed the needy, the Brotherhood Ride in Palm Coast honors 10 Fallen Florida First Responders, how the bond system screws defendants and ruins families daily.
News-Journal Employees File Charges of Unfair Labor Practices Against New Owner GateHouse Media
The press room union filed charges with the National Labor Relations Board on June 3, charging that GateHouse Media illegally abrogated their collective bargaining agreement and is trying to bust the union.
Childhood Cancer Clusters in Florida and The Department of Health’s Lethal Silence
Five years have passed since the University of West Florida’s Dr. Raid Amin and his team alerted the state to the presence of cancer clusters in Florida, the state Department of Health remains mum, seemingly uninterested in investigating the issue.
Tuesday Briefing: Swim Lessons at Frieda Zamba, Texas Pool Party Video, Michael J. Fox at 54
Video of Texas police shown abusing a 14-year-old girl at a Texas pool party surfaces, the Palm Coast council takes on Florida Park Drive again, Michael J. Fox is still powering Parkinson’s battlers, and the Women’s World Cup continues in Canada.
Sheriff’s $2.5 Million Budget Request Increase Is Largest in 10 Years, With 5% Raise For Ranks
The increase reflects additional staffing at the new jail, money for 10 new patrol vehicles, a 5 percent across-the-board raise and state-required retirement contributions accounting for the bulk of the increase.
Monday Briefing: Flagler’s Entertainers of the Year, Navy SEALS Vigilantism, Money Growing on Trees
Entertainers of the year are listed, the Flagler Education Foundation celebrates 25 years, forests have become a rich investment, the Baiata Bird Sanctuary wants your vote to win a $25,000 prize, and Harley the lost dog has been found.
In Breakthrough, Lawmakers Agree on Health Budget and “Significant” Increase for Education
Florida House and the Senate reached tentative agreements Saturday on money to hospitals and providers for the poor, and a $207-per-pupil increase in education funding.
Stupid Pot Busts
The conviction for pot smoking of a Palm Coast resident who’d never had so much as a traffic ticket illustrates the sickness of a police and judicial system’s wrongheaded marijuana fixation.
Palm Coast Resident Accused of Operating A Crack-and-Pot Operation in Bunnell
Tyrone Patterson, a 37-year-old resident of Palm Coast’s R-section who was charged with child abuse in March, is being held on $720,000 bond for trafficking cocaine and growing pot near Carver Gym in Bunnell.
Judge William Parsons Is Resigning to Join Cobb Cole Firm in Daytona
Circuit Judge William Parsons, twice the chief judge in the judicial district that includes Flagler, will end 17 years on the bench to return to private practice next January.
When LOL Means Loss of Life: Flagler Students Rap Texting-and-Driving In Video
A coalition of local agencies initiated by Chiumento Selis Dwyer led to a student video project at Matanzas High School and a 150-second public service announcement video warning of the dangers of texting and driving, which premiered Wednesday.
Weekend Briefing: Matanzas Has a New Principal, Leadership Flagler Wants You, Ferris Bueller at 30
Earl Johnson of Volusia County Schools Selected New Principal for Matanzas High School, the Chamber’s Leadership Flagler Class of 2015 wants applicants, First Friday in Flagler Beach.
Opelka’s Fabulous Run in Paris Ends in Quarterfinal Defeat, But He’s Warming Up for Wimbledon
The 17-year-old Palm Coaster lost to fellow-American and friend Michael Mmoh, but he will be climbing the world’s junior rankings as he heads for two grass-court tournaments in England.
Thursday Briefing: Talent Show Night at the Auditorium, Varn Park Reopens, Social Media Day Proclaimed
Spotlight on Flagler Youth Variety and Talent Show is at 7 tonight at the auditorium. Varn Park’s half-million renovation is done. Americans want more equality.
At Sea Ray Boats, a $10,000 Gift Marks Millions of Working Hours Without an Accident
Brunswick Corp. CEO Dustan McCoy marked Sea Ray’s safety record while tracing the Flagler Beach plant’s success through the Great Recession, and linking its safety record to its continuing operations.