Flagler County Fire Rescue held a “Pinning Ceremony” on Monday for its hires since January 2020, and for the promotion of three of its own to lieutenant.
News Briefs
Road to Success Program Pays Businesses to Employ Its Youths
Road to Success (RTS) is a youth program that helps 16- to 24-year-olds who exited from high school earn their general education diploma (GED). It has been in existence since September 2012 and graduated 272 to date. For the current year, we are scheduled to serve 53 young adults. RTS is closing in on graduating 300 students overall.
Flagler County Fire Rescue Hosts ‘Push In’ Ceremony for New $224,485 Ambulance
The new rescue, housed at Station 62 cost $224,485 and was purchased from Ten-8 Fire and Safety. It is a 2021 Ford F450 gas powered Braun Chief XL Ambulance with state of-the-art features.
DeSantis Warns Businesses Against Being “Woke”
Appearing before a group of business leaders last week, Gov. Ron DeSantis warned about following a “woke” ideology, which he called “very dangerous” for the country.
Palm Coast Fire Department’s 20th Year of the Hall of Terror
This year marks the 20th year of the highly anticipated annual ‘Hall of Terror’ event and the Palm Coast Fire Department (PCFD) is ready to bring on the frights!
Traffic Stop Leads to Recovery and Controlled Explosion of Grenade
A man said he had cleaned out a veteran’s home and found the grenade and decided to keep it. He was unaware if it was active or not. The grenade was removed from the vehicle and safely detonated by St. John’s County Explosive Ordinance Disposal experts at a nearby county-owned facility.
Barry Brady and Daniel VanDeusen Promoted to Flagler Fire Rescue Battalion Chief
Barry Brady and Daniel VanDeusen were promoted of the 10 applicants who tested. Barry Brady was hired by Flagler County in May of 2007. Daniel VanDeusen began his career in Flagler County over 16 years ago in 2005.
50th Palm Coast Citizens Academy Graduates 13
Thirteen Palm Coast residents graduated from the 50th session of the Palm Coast Citizens Academy on Tuesday, October 19th, at the City Council meeting.
Stetson University Celebrates the Holiday Season with Four Christmas Candlelight Concerts
The joy and magic of the holiday season comes alive during Stetson University School of Music’s four Christmas Candlelight concerts at historic Lee Chapel in Elizabeth Hall on campus.
Dr. Stephen Bickel, Flagler Health Department’s Medical Director, Renews Specialist Designation
Dr. Stephen Bickel, medical director of the Florida Department of Health in Flagler County (DOH-Flagler) recently renewed his “HIV Specialist” credentials by passing an exam sponsored by the American Academy of HIV Medicine. Dr. Bickel received his initial HIV specialist designation in 2018.
Florida Led the Nation in Nursing Home Deaths Between August and September
Florida led the nation in the rate of Covid-19 nursing-home deaths during a four-week period that ended Sept. 19, according to a report published Thursday by the senior-advocacy group AARP. The report, which relies on federal data, said Florida nursing homes reported 289 resident deaths from Covid-19 during the period.
Florida Marks 30 Years of Silver Alerts
October 8 marked the thirteenth anniversary of Florida’s Silver Alert program. Since the program’s inception in 2008, 2,721 Silver Alerts have been issued, and Florida’s Silver Alert program has been directly responsible for 268 recoveries of missing senior citizens.
Flagler County Senior Procurement Analyst Shannon Nolan Earns National Certification
Flagler County Senior Procurement Analyst Shannon Nolan earned a professional certification – a Professional Procurement Certification issued by the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing – marking her entrance into a prestigious group who successfully demonstrated the competencies anchored in the nationally recognized public procurement framework.
Fried Urges ‘Endangered’ Status for Manatees
State Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried asked the federal government to again list threatened manatees as “endangered,” as Florida has had a record number of manatee deaths this year.
Scholarships for ‘Career Online High School’ Diploma and Certificate Program Available at Flagler Public Library
Flagler County Public Library is offering the Career Online High School program to adults, 19 and older, who want to earn a career certificate and a high school diploma. Scholarships are funded through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
Federal Judge Refuses to Reconsider Decision Backing DeSantis Ban on Mask Mandates
Rejecting arguments by parents of children with disabilities, a federal judge has refused to reconsider a decision that backed Gov. Ron DeSantis in a battle about student mask requirements in schools.
Nicole Critcher Appointed Principal at Old Kings Elementary
Critcher has been with Flagler Schools for 20 years. She taught at Rymfire Elementary School and Indian Trails K-8 for 13 years. She was an instructional coach at OKES for three years. Following a year with the Teaching and Learning Department before taking the assistant principal position at Matanzas High School.
Desmond Meade, Leader in Restoring Felons’ Voting Rights, Wins $650,000 MacArthur Fellowship
Desmond Meade, a former drug dealer who has received international accolades after leading the drive to pass a 2018 Florida constitutional amendment to restore voting rights for felons, has been awarded a MacArthur Foundation fellowship, the program announced on Tuesday. Meade is one of this year’s 25 fellows selected for “originality, insight and potential,” according to the program’s website. They receive $625,000 grants, paid out over five years.
Friends of the Library Book Sale Saturday
The Friends of the Library is having a Welcome to Fall book sale Saturday, October 2, at the Flagler County Library. The sale is from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Seven Flagler County Fire Rescue FireFlight Medics Complete Shallow Water Egress Training (SWET)
All seven Flagler County Fire Rescue FireFlight medics trained September 18 to complete their Shallow Water Egress Training (SWET) to ensure they can escape from the helicopter’s cockpit should an accident leave it and its crew upside down in the water.
Charles and Elizabeth Duva’s Seed Gift Kicks Off $5 Million Embry-Riddle Fundraising Initiative to Promote Entrepreneurs
Charles “Chuck” Duva, M.D., and his wife, Elizabeth “Beth” Duva, Ph.D., longtime community leaders in Volusia County, Florida, have made a generous half-million-dollar gift to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. The gift will kick-start an ambitious $5 million Embry-Riddle fundraising initiative to elevate the school’s Launch Your Venture competition.
Palm Coast Fire Department Honor Guard Presents Colors on House Floor at Rep. Renner’s Invitation
Florida State Representative Paul Renner invited the Palm Coast Fire Department Honor Guard to present the Nations Colors on the House Floor at the Speaker Designee Ceremony in Tallahassee on Tuesday.
Stetson University Achieves 70% Vaccination Goal on Both Campuses
The DeLand campus hit its +70% vaccination rate following its recent on-campus vaccination clinic on Wednesday, Sept. 22. The campus includes nearly 3,000 undergraduate students, along with more than 400 graduate students and approximately 400 faculty and staff. Stetson’s College of Law campus in Gulfport topped the 70% vaccination rate nearly two weeks ago and is currently closer to 77%.
Replacing David Ottati, Audrey Gregory Is Named President and CEO for AdventHealth’s Central Florida Division, North Region
Audrey Gregory, PhD, has been named president/CEO for AdventHealth’s Central Florida Division – North Region, which includes the AdventHealth facilities in Volusia, Lake and Flagler counties. Gregory replaces David Ottai, a former CEO of AdventHealth Palm Coast, who was named CEO of AdventHealth’s West Florida division.
Flagler Sheriff’s Office Thanks Community for Support for Fallen Hero Detention Deputy Paul Luciano’s Family
The Flagler Sheriff’s Employee Assistance Trust (F.S.E.A.T.) established a GoFundMe account to support DFC Luciano’s family in his line-of-duty death from complications of COVID-19 and the community graciously donated $7,655.
Over 1,600 Pounds of Trash Collected During 14th Annual Intracoastal Waterway Cleanup
Since 2008, volunteers participating in the event have collected over 20,000 pounds of trash. This year, over 250 volunteers participated in the event and recovered over 1,600 pounds of trash!
Palm Coast Fire Department Hosts September 11 Remembrance Ceremony and Survivor Tree Dedication at Heroes Park
The community is invited to attend the September 11th Remembrance Ceremony on Saturday, September 11, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. at Heroes Memorial Park in Palm Coast.
Palm Coast Government Receives the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award
The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) announced that the City of Palm Coast has received GFOA’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its Fiscal Year 2021 budget.
Embrace ‘Prepare to Protect’ National Preparedness Month
Flagler County urges residents to do as it has and recognize September as National Preparedness Month, which is done to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time. This year’s theme is “Prepare to Protect.”
Flagler County FireFlight and Paramedics Practice Marine Rescue Techniques in Intracoastal
Flagler County Fire Rescue Marine Rescue Team and FireFlight last week (August 25) practiced marine rescue techniques on the Intracoastal Waterway to hone their skills should they be called out to save a swimmer or boater. Would-be rescuers also used the county’s jet ski as part of the training exercise.
Palm Coast 2021 Senior Games–Golf, Tennis, Pickleball–Set for Sept. 10-19
The Palm Coast Senior Games September 10-19 offers 3 sports: golf; singles, doubles, and mixed doubles tennis; and single, doubles, and mixed doubles pickleball. The registration fee is $15 per sport. Adults from the age of 50 up to over 100 are invited to participate.
Flagler County Fire Rescue’s Jake Gonzalez, Jon Moscowitz, and Dylan Pontorno Promoted to Lieutenant
Three of Flagler County’s firefighters have been promoted to the rank of lieutenant after distinguishing themselves within their former roles, extensive education and training, and comprehensive testing. Jake Gonzalez, Jon Moscowitz, and Dylan Pontorno were promoted out of the 13 applicants who tested.
Flagler Lands 25 projects on State Transportation’s 5-Year Project Priority List, Many in Western Flagler
The projects include paving, resurfacing, and reconstruction of roadways, as well as traditional bridge replacement among other projects – many of which are in the western reaches of Flagler County. county.
Palm Coast’s Palm Harbor Golf Club Sets Record in Usage
At 160 acres, Palm Harbor allows for plenty of space to stretch your legs, practice your putting, and play a leisurely 18-holes all while enjoying the palms, ancient oaks, ospreys, and even American bald eagles that call the course home. And since summer 2020, it has been humming with activity.
Two Healthcare Heroes Appreciation Drive-bys Friday at AdventHealth Palm Coast
The thank you procession parade will be held at two separate times on Friday, August 27, 2021: Noon and 8:00 p.m. The community is encouraged to attend and bring and wave signs of support from their vehicles.
Flagler’s Legislative Delegation Meeting Set for Oct. 1
The purpose of the meeting is to elect a Chair and Vice Chair of the Flagler County Delegation and take public testimony on legislative issues, appropriations and local bills.
DSC’s Ryanne Gouveia Selected as 2021 Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise Scholar
Daytona State College student Ryanne Gouveia is one of 207 Phi Theta Kappa members nationwide who have been named a 2021 Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise Scholar.
Free Computer Classes and Mobile Technology Classes Offered at Flagler County Public Library
Flagler County Public Library continues to help residents connect globally by offering a variety of free mobile technology and computer classes focused on teaching and improving the skills necessary to stay in touch remotely.
Aquifer Levels in Flagler and Surrounding Counties Are Rising, Thanks to July Rains
July started with Tropical Storm Elsa making landfall on Florida’s northern Gulf Coast, bringing rainy conditions to the St. Johns River Water Management District, and the month wrapped up with above-average rainfall across the District except for its two southernmost counties.
Flagler’s Prescribed Fire Program Supervisor Assigned to Northern California’s “Monument Fire”
Flagler County Prescribed Fire Program Supervisor Michael Orlando has been assigned to the Monument Fire in Northern California’s Shasta-Trinity National Forest, well north of Sacramento.
Flagler County Fire Rescue Lt. Andrew Keppler of Storied Local Family of Firefighters Retires
Fire Rescue Lt. Andrew Keppler recently retired after a 28-year career that began in 1993 with the St. John’s Park Volunteer Fire Department, which is now Flagler County Station 71.
Catholics for Choice Condemns U.S. Bishops for Urging Supreme Court to Restrict Abortion Rights
Catholics for Choice, which uplifts and amplifies the voices of the majority of Catholics who believe in reproductive freedom, denounced the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) today for asking the Supreme Court to uphold a Mississippi law banning abortion after 15 weeks.
Sheriff’s K-9 Unit Named Trailing Team of the Year For 2nd Year in a Row
K-9 Holmes joined the FCSO in April of 2018 and began working with Commander Gimbel. The K-9 Unit made national news after FCSO requested the help of the community in naming the first bloodhound the Agency has had in decades.
Northeast Florida Regional Airport in St. Johns Lands $700,000 Grant
This week, the U.S. Department of Transportation announced a $700,000 grant award to the St. Johns County Airport Authority through the Small Community Air Service Development Program (SCASDP).
Construction Begins on $9.5 Million Pedestrian Bridge over State Road 100, Linking Trail Network
Construction work for a long-anticipated pedestrian bridge crossing over State Road 100 began July 26. When completed, the bridge will link the Lehigh Trail, Old Kings Road sidewalk, conservation lands, and the Flagler County’s Bulow “Parcel D” property.
Pre-Register for Free Virtual Skywarn Storm Spotter Class August 16
Kip Bricker, meteorologist with the National Weather Service, will teach the class. It will cover everything from cloud formations to thunderstorm development to visual predictions.
Flagler Airport Director Roy Sieger Named Chairman of Florida Airports Council
Flagler Executive Airport Director Roy Sieger has been installed as the chairman of the Florida Airports Council for the coming year, increasing his leadership role with the organization he has been a member of for 15 years.
Florida Sheriffs Task Force “Operation Breaking Chains” Nets 363 Arrests in 16 Counties
“Amplifying the safety on our roads and waterways is crucial for all Floridians, including our children, and those who visit the Sunshine State,” said FSA President and Gilchrist County Sheriff Bobby Schultz. “The dedicated enforcement of state laws that deal with businesses suspected of human trafficking and online operations will help to keep us all safe.”
Palm Coast Arts Organizations Looking for $3,000 Grants? Here’s Your Chance.
As $30,000 in funding is expected to become available for Fiscal Year 2022 for events or programs taking place between October 1, 2021 and September 30, 2022, the City is looking for new grantees. As always, preference is given to first time applicants that meet the grant requirements.
Palm Coast Wastewater Treatment Plant Honored With Award
The recognition rated the Water Treatment Plant based on its size, number of employees, hours worked, chemicals used in process, accidents and lost time injuries. In 2020, the plant proudly reported no lost time injuries and not a single accident.