Flagler County government owns the unmarked, unguarded road segment of Pamela Parkway in the Hammock that ends as a boat ramp and that once cost a woman her life as she unknowingly drove into the Intracoastal. The county wants to give away the right of way to two homeowners in exchange for the homeowners building a seawall. Other residents object.
Flagler County Commission
Flagler Government Planning Code Amendment Specifically to Permit Boat Storage Facility in the Hammock
After losing two court decisions, Hammock Harbour, the developer of a planned 240-boat storage facility near Hammock Hardware on State Road A1A, has filed a new application while the county is preparing an amendment to the Land Development Code that would specifically allow the business.
Appeals Court Sides With Hammock Association Against County and Developer on 240-Boat Storage Facility
The Hammock Community Association won another victory today as a district court denied the appeal by a developer of a lower court decision quashing redevelopment of a boat yard into a 240-boat storage facility next to Hammock Hardware on State Road A1A.
Almost 20 Years Later, Construction Begins on The Gardens Along John Anderson, But Lawsuit Looms
Crews began clearing acreage for The Gardens, a development along John Anderson Highway first proposed under a different name almost 20 years ago, but the controversies and obstacles that have dogged the project since continue, including a lawsuit filed just weeks ago.
‘Zero Doses’ of Vaccines for Flagler This Week, ‘Few If Any’ Over Next 5 as Covid Surges Amid Warnings of Bleak Months
The state is sending what little supply of vaccines it has elsewhere for the next five weeks: The Villages qualify, Flagler does not. So even people due for their second shot may not get it as Flagler County’s Covid numbers surge to their worst levels yet. Bob Snyder, who heads the Flagler County Health Department, spoke as if at a wake when he updated government officials this morning, and in many ways it was.
Flagler Commissioners Again Give Defiant Mullins a Pass as Dance’s Call to Talk of ‘Behavior’ Gets Tepid Reception
County commissioners–who three times last year refused to discipline or censure Mullins–again mostly declined to address his recent talk of beheading liberals or sponsoring a trip to Washington, with one exception: newly-seated Commissioner Andy Dance recommended a commission “retreat” to discuss “commission norms, expectations and behavior or procedures.”
Ken Bryan, the Flagler Beach City Commissioner, Says Joe Mullins Violated Oath By Sponsoring Trip Before Insurrection
Addressing the Flagler County Commission this morning, and with Joe Mullins on the dais, Bryan said Mullins should resign his commission seat after calling on fellow-citizens to be beheaded and sponsoring a group of dozens to Washington last week, where the Capitol was overrun by a mob in an insurrection that went from rhetorical to violent.
Flagler Emergency Chief on Vaccines: ‘We Are Doing Our Best with the Resources that We Have’
Flagler County Emergency Management Chief Jonathan Lord explains the county’s covid-19 vaccine response, its constraints, what it’s learned from the experience and what lies ahead in the rollout.
Trump’s Fascism and Republican Responsibility
By the time Trump was spitting sedition and inciting violence Wednesday he’d had five years of encouragement from the same Republican charlatans who would later stand on the floors of the Senate and the House to declare themselves shocked, shocked that the rioters they’d courted had desecrated and bloodied their little sanctum.
Flagler Commissioners Strongly Repudiate Mullins Letter On County Letterhead Disputing Biden Election
Flagler County Commissioner Joe Mullins used commission letterhead, without other commissioners’ approval, to plagiarize a letter and send it to Florida’s congressional delegation, repeating baseless, false, misleading, conspiratorial and widely discredited claims that Biden’s election was fraudulent.
On WNZF, Flagler County Commissioner Joe Mullins Calls for Beheading Liberals
A few minutes into his latest weekly infomercial on WNZF radio Saturday morning, Joe Mullins, the Flagler County commissioner, called for the beheading of liberals while decrying responses to the Covid-19 pandemic.
At Groundbreaking on $23 Million Sheriff’s Operations Center, County Hopes ‘Difficult’ Years of Errors Are Over
Sheriff’s, county, Bunnell and Flagler Beach officials broke ground today on a 51,000-square foot, $23 million Sheriff’s Operations Center on the future Commerce Parkway in Bunnell, possibly ending eight years of costly errors and misjudgments and what will be a four-year exile for the sheriff’s agency from a place of its own.
18 Years Later, Flagler Finally Recognizes Firefighter John Keppler Jr.’s Line-of-Duty Death With a Memorial
An 18-year effort to get Flagler County to recognize former county firefighter John R. Keppler Jr.’s line-of-duty death in 2002 finally ended Monday evening with the county commission’s decision to rename the fire rescue training facility on Justice Lane after Keppler. But he will still not get benefits owed those who fall in the line of duty.
County Approves $20 Million Loan to Build Sheriff’s Operations Center, With Groundbreaking Wednesday
The Flagler County Commission voted 5-0 this evening to approve a $20 million commercial loan with CenterState Bank to finance a 51,000-square-foot Sheriff’s Operations Center south of the Government Services Center in Bunnell.
County Scraps Rent-Free Space for Senior Meals in Flagler Beach to Pay $3,000 a Month, With $1,200 Yearly Increases
County commissioners Monday evening were set to approve a plan that would move the senior meals program from the Wickline Center in Flagler Beach to Church on the Rock in Bunnell and pay the church $3,000 a month in rent the first year, rising by $100 a month per year over the potential 15-year life of the lease, ending a 38-year, rent-free relationship.
Why Was Flagler’s County Administrator Allowed to Illegally Start a Public Meeting With a Christian Prayer?
A county commissioner read out a long and explicitly Christian prayer prepared by County Administrator Jerry Cameron at Monday’s commission meeting, breaking decades of precedent without prior legal review, public discussion or commissioners’ prior knowledge.
$21 Million Sheriff’s Building Would Be Financed With 15-Year CenterState Bank Loan at 1.83% Interest
Flagler County commissioners on Monday will consider approving a $20 million loan from a commercial bank to finance the proposed Sheriff’s Operations Center in Bunnell, significantly adding to the county’s current debt load of $142 million and annual debt servicing of more than $11 million.
$21 Million Flagler Sheriff’s Operations Center Unveiled, But Questions About Financing Remain Unanswered
The Flagler County Commission approved a $21 million, 51,000 square-foot Sheriff’s Operations Center. But questions remain unanswered about the project’s financing, which was not presented to the commission today, and its ultimate cost, which would reach nearly $23 million when financing it over 15 years is included.
Flagler’s Cold-Weather Homeless Shelter, In New Home, Opens for 15 Guests With a Few Dollars’ Help from Local Governments
Flagler County’s only cold-weather shelter for the homeless moved from its old location after 12 years to Church on the Rock on U.S. 1, where it operated for the first time this year, on Monday and Tuesday nights, with security, privacy from formerly resentful neighbors, and elbow room to spare.
Powered by Vacation Rentals, Flagler’s Tourism Revenue Is Up Significantly as State’s Drops 30%
Flagler County’s tourism-tax revenue has gone up three successive months between July and September, substantially so in August and September, in contrast with statewide tourism revenue, which plummeted 30 percent in the third quarter. Vacation rentals, the beach, and vacationers traveling shorter distances account for the county’s success.
Calmer Swearings-In at County and School Board; Mullins Will Not Be Commission Chairman This Year
The Flagler County School Board and the Flagler County Commission held swearing-in ceremonies for a combined six new and re-elected members. Donald O’Brien was named chairman of the commission, Trevor Tucker chairman of the school board.
Flagler Commission Bids Charlie Ericksen Farewell After 8 Years as ‘Model for Comportment and Friendliness’
A pragmatist and a statesman-like county commissioner for eight years, Charlie Ericksen was a quiet, forceful contrast to some of the more boorish and crude elected officials who’ve managed to win seats in recent years.
Heralding ‘Big Change,’ County Approves Gardens Development on John Anderson With Few Conditions
The Flagler County Commission at a minute after 11 p.m. Monday approved The Gardens development of 335 homes on the east side of John Anderson Highway in a 3-2 vote, with few conditions, possibly ending the developer’s nearly two-year, three-front battle with county regulators, Flagler Beach government and a community organization that had opposed the proposal. But opponents hinted at litigation several times.
Judge Denies County’s Motion to Dismiss Captain’s BBQ Suit But Cracks Open a Way to Get There
While all but ridiculing the county’s claim that it had broken the law by approving a lease amendment with Captain’s BBQ without putting it out to bid, Circuit Judge Perkins was far more receptive to the county’s claim that the amendment had not yet kicked in, and so could not have been breached. He all but drew a map for the county’s next attempt to dismiss the lawsuit, pending the taking of depositions.
Disinformation and Allegations of Government “Threats” Are Delaying Dunes Project in Flagler Beach
False claims, disinformation, made up fears, “fairy tales” and allegations of government threats are hampering the county’s efforts to secure the necessary easements from a small group of hold-out property owners. Without the easements, the U.S. Army Corps will not proceed on its $25 million portion of the fully-funded project to protect 2.6 miles of beach.
In Latest Lawsuit Twist, Captain’s BBQ Wants County Attorney Hadeed and County Manager Cameron Deposed
On the eve of a hearing in circuit court that may decide the fate of Captains BBQ’s breach-of-contract lawsuit against Flagler County government Thursday, Captain’s lawyer is asking the court to compel County Attorney Al Hadeed and County Administrator to submit to depositions in a setting where they’d have little control on the questions asked or the ultimate direction of the deposition. The county is objecting.
County Defense Against Captain’s BBQ Lawsuit: The Commission Illegally Approved Lease Amendment, So It’s Void
Flagler County government is actually arguing that since it approved the controversial lease amendment with Captain’s BBQ without seeking bids first, it was an illegal move, so the agreement is null and void. And with that approach, the county is now seeking to have Captain’s lawsuit against it thrown out. That hearing is set for Thursday.
Holland and Klufas Hold On, Staly Wins Re-Election, Don O’Brien and Andy Dance Win County Commission, Ed Danko, Victor Barbosa Win Council Seats
With all early voting results counted, Sheriff Rick Staly had an insurmountable lead to win re-election to his second term, as did County Commissioner Donald O’Brien. Andy Dance, the school board member, also had an insurmountable lead to win the County Commission seat Charlie Ericksen opted not to contest.
‘Outraged’ Elections Supervisor Rips County Administrator Jerry Cameron Over ‘Contempt’ for Voters and Bad Planning
Flagler County Elections Supervisor Kaiti Lenhart on Saturday wrote county commissioners to ask for help in suspending construction at the GSB during election weeks after County Administrator Jerry Cameron responded to her personal pleas with contempt.
‘If They Can’t Understand the Detour They Shouldn’t Be Voting,’ County Administrator Says, Reversing Pledge to Suspend Construction at GSB
County Administrator Jerry Cameron is refusing to suspend construction for the two weeks of early voting, even though voters must detour through a confusing maze to get to the county elections office in back of the Government Services Building.
County Mixes Reassurances and Threat of Eminent Domain to Convince 11 Hold-Outs to Sign Off on Flagler Beach Dunes Project
Flagler County government may have to start eminent domain litigation against two property owners even as the remaining nine appear close to signing easements allowing for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to rebuild dunes on 2.6 miles of shoreline in Flagler Beach.
Denise Calderwood, Flagler County Commission Candidate: The Live Interview
Denise Calderwood is an independent candidate for Flagler County Commission, District 5, facing incumbent Republican Donald O’Brien and independent Paul Anderson. All registered Flagler County voters may cast a ballot in the race regardless of address or party affiliation.
Paul Anderson, Flagler County Commission Candidate: The Live Interview
Paul Anderson is an independent candidate for Flagler County Commission, facing incumbent Republican Donald O’Brien and independent Denise Calderwood. All registered Flagler County voters may cast a ballot in the race regardless of address or party affiliation.
In Friendly But Sharp Terms, Flagler Beach Draws a Conditional Roadmap for the County on The Gardens Development
Flagler Beach’s city attorney has drawn up a nine-page document that amounts to a roadmap for the County Commission as the county attempts to balance The Gardens’ development on John Anderson Highway with residents’ serious concerns about the plan.
Health Department Chief Rips Social Club of Palm Coast for Preventable Covid “Illness and Tragedy”
The County Commission asked Flagler Health Department Chief Bob Snyder to explain the superspreader event at the Social Club of Palm Coast that led to dozens of infections and two deaths, and Snyder did not hold back placing the responsibility for the “tragedy” squarely on the club’s non-enforcement of masking and social distancing rules.
Firefighter John Keppler Jr. Is Flagler’s Only Line-of-Duty Death. Florida and U.S. Honor Him. Flagler Does Not.
Even as John Keppler Jr., who died in 2002, has been previously honored by the state, Flagler County refuses to recognize his line-of-duty death–a recognition Keppler has received from two state memorials and one national memorial.
Flagler Beach Commission Will Lay Down 4 Conditions for The Gardens Development, Adding to County’s Pressure
Placing its full weight behind its new approach, the Flagler Beach City Commission will condition its support for The Gardens on more explicit assurances about road, utility, flooding improvements, and more certainty about a “cap” on future development.
Joe Mullins’s Cowering Enablers
By refusing to censure Joe Mullins for insulting Greg Hansen and Charlie Ericksen, Commissioners Donald O’Brien and Dave Sullivan are cowering enablers of Mullins’s bigotry, his bullying, his indecency. They all demeaned the County Commission and the constituents they represent.
Corinne Hermle, Flagler County Commission Candidate: The Live Interview
Corinne Hermle is the Democratic Candidate for the Distritct 1 County Commission seat, facing Republican Andy Dance in the Nov. 3 election. All registered Flagler County voters may cast a ballot in the race regardless of address or party affiliation.
Andy Dance, Flagler County Commission Candidate: The Live Interview
Andy Dance is the Republican candidate for Flagler County Commission, District 1, facing Democrat Corinne Hermle, for the seat previously held by Charlie Ericksen. All registered Flagler County voters may cast a ballot in the race regardless of address or party affiliation.
Commissioners O’Brien and Sullivan Block Motion to Censure Joe Mullins Even as They Call Behavior ‘Unacceptable’
Don O’Brien and Dave Sullivan refused to censure Joe Mullins for insulting fellow-commissioners, saying it would be bad for Flagler’s reputation. Sullivan didn’t want to be the first chairman on whose watch a censure vote passed.
Flagler Beach Commission Makes It Explicit: The City Will Provide Water and Sewer to The Gardens Development
Flagler Beach can and will provide water and sewer to The Gardens, one of the more controversial proposed developments on any local government’s agenda. Monday evening, the County Commission was set to hear The Gardens’ development applications in one of the last hurdles before it can start building.
With No Mention of Hansen or Ericksen, ‘Vague’ Joe Mullins Apology Contradicts Continuing Insults Online
Joe Mullins’s brief apology today was more focused on back-patting and dissembling his role while never taking responsibility for the abuse he’s continued to heap on Commissioners Hansen and Ericksen. The email doesn’t materially change anything, Commission Chairman Dave Sullivan said, with a discussion about Mullins set for next Monday’s meeting.
Joe Mullins Again Erupts in String of Abuse Against Commissioner Hansen at 9/11 Event, Spurring Calls for Censure
Less than 48 hours after insulting Commissioner Greg Hansen at a County Commission meeting, Commissioner Joe Mullins unleashed another string of worse abuse on Hansen, to his face–at an event commemorating the death of 3,000 victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks. But Commissioners Sullivan and O’Brien are resisting saying whether they’d censure him.
County and City Taxes Will Stay Flat for Most Homesteaded Properties Except for Spike in Bunnell
Residents of Flagler County and each of its cities will again see little to no change in their property tax bills next year as governments are adopting tax rates that either stay flat or roll back a little, with the exception of Bunnell.
Joe Mullins Fires Demeaning Personal Insults at Commissioners in a Meeting, Repeating ‘Dangerous’ Pattern
Flagler County Commissioner Joe Mullins called fellow-Commissioner Greg Hansen a “fat sonofabitch” and Charlie Ericksen a “useless old man” at a meeting Wednesday just months after Ericksen had felt so threatened by Mullins that he called on Sheriff Staly for help.
Opponents of The Gardens Development Win Commissioners’ Concern Even as They Lose Appeal
Preserve Flagler Beach, a group largely opposing the proposed 335-home Gardens development on John Anderson Highway, lost a procedural battle but gained commissioners’ sympathy and concerns on substantive grounds in a hearing Wednesday.
County Commission Meeting Turns Circus as Defiant Anti-Maskers Spread Falsehoods Before They’re Asked to Leave
A group of anti-mask militants held up the county commission meeting for 30 minutes today before addressing the panel in brews of misinformation, social media memes and alternative facts and calling for the removal of the Health Department’s Bob Snyder and Dr. Stephen Bickel. The commissioners explicitly rebuffed the militants in turn.
Jorge Salinas, a Transparency Ace, Appointed Deputy County Administrator In Largely Secretive Process
County Administrator Jerry Cameron appointed Jorge Salinas, 53, an assistant city manager in an Oregon town for the past five years, as his “chief of staff,” ending a largely secretive process that had involved the county commission.
Jerry Cameron, Chief of Sham
Flagler County Administrator Jerry Cameron put on a show behind closed doors of interviewing what may be his successor. Though 121 people applied, Cameron knew who he was going to pick from the start, skirting public record and open meeting laws along the way.