For the first time, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office will pair its annual National Night Out with its inaugural Halloween Trunk-or-Treat event on Oct. 6 at the Rymfire Elementary bus loop, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Flagler County Sheriff
Rick Staly, Flagler County Sheriff Candidate: The Live Interview
Rick Staly is the incumbent Republican is a candidate for Flagler County Sheriff, facing retired Sgt. Larry Jones, a Democrat, in the Nov. 3 election. This is a rematch from the 2016 race, when Staly defeated Jones in a three-way race, with 54 percent of the vote.
Flagler Sheriff’s New Real-Time Crime Center Merges Tactics, Technology and Powerful Surveillance Tools
The age of command, control, surveillance and crime-fighting in real time is here, and its nerve center at the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, operational since spring, is the Real-Time Crime Center. The sheriff opened it to reporters on Wednesday.
Sheriff’s Office Partners With 7-Eleven in 25th Anniversary Celebration of ‘Operation Chill’
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office (FCSO) will be collaborating with 7-Eleven Inc. for their annual ‘Operation Chill’ Campaign. For a quarter-century, Operation Chill, 7-Eleven Inc.’s longest running community service program, has given local law enforcement an opportunity to make a positive connection with kids through free Slurpee drink coupons. Each coupon can be redeemed for […]
Haunted by Covid, Palm Coast and Sheriff Prepare for Halloween With Balance of Tradition and Safety
While such standard events as the Palm Coast Fire Department’s Hall of Terror have been cancelled, Parkview Church’s mega trunk-or-treat event will unfold as a drive-through version, and the sheriff is adding a drive-through event in early October.
Police Chiefs Issue Use-of-Force Report With Premium on ‘Preservation of Life’ and Calm Communication
The Florida Police Chiefs Association has issued a report calling for a series of steps, ranging from largely banning chokeholds and other neck-related restraints to stepping up recruitment of police officers who would better reflect communities.
Calling Himself a ‘Scapegoat,’ Colon Pleads to 30 Years in Prison in Murder by Heroin of Savannah Deangelis
Joseph Colon, 37, pleaded to 30 years in prison in the death of Savannah Deangelis, 23, in 2017, after she took delivery of two $40 bags of heroin from him.
Ex-Sheriff’s Deputy Arrested in July in Bizarre Stalking Case Is Re-Arrested Over Lurid Accusations
After a Palm Coast resident complained that deputy Dedorius Varnes, 28, had shrugged off a criminal complaint, Varnes allegedly and anonymously told the man he was having an affair with his wife, taunting and bullying him with threats.
State of the Sheriff: Staly’s Self-Evaluation Touts Low Crime, Initiatives and ‘Open Carry,’ Stoking Campaign
Sheriff Rick Staly spent some of his “Addressing Crime Together” presentation in campaign mode, appealing to Second Amendment advocates, though the greater majority of his presentation focused on more factual accomplishments, initiatives and developments to come.
Traffic Safety at Premium as Deputies Deploy Alongside Return to School
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office will have increased patrols in school zones and bus stops throughout the county from August 24 through September 4 to help get the school year off to a safe start.
County Sells Long-Plagued Sheriff’s Building at $400,000 Loss, With Substantial Debt Remaining
The sale unloads a burdensome white elephant and political eyesore from the county’s inventory, if at a dear price, and preempts the need for the county to demolish the building and try to sell the property itself.
Department of Justice Awards FCSO $92,501 Grant for Recruitment, Hiring and Retention
The Department of Justice announced $2.2 million in grant funding to law enforcement agencies through the Department’s Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office). Those funds will be distributed to 29 agencies with amounts ranging from $15,090 to $100,000.
Sheriff Issues Desist Letter to Ex-COP Featuring Lynching Symbol and FCSO Patrol Car on Facebook
The man, whose Facebook page name is Scott van Ostran, was never a sheriff’s deputy, Sheriff Rick Staly said, but may have been a volunteer with the department’s C.O.P., or Citizens on Patrol, program several years ago.
Sheriff’s Investigation Finds No Criminal Wrongdoing in Death of Inmate Anthony Fennick
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office concluded no criminal wrongdoing surrounded the death of former inmate Anthony Fennick in February 2019 shortly after he was rushed to AdventHealth Palm Coast, seizing and unresponsive, and after complaining of high fever and developing an allergic rash for several days before that.
Sheriff Staly Calls Defunding Police ‘Knee Jerk’ as Study Calls for 70 More Flagler Deputies by 2025
If in Flagler, the school board, Palm Coast and the county are nowhere near defunding law enforcement, Sheriff Staly credits a policing approach focused on collaboration rather than confrontation.
Replacing Mullins, Sheriff Takes Leadership of Public Safety Council and Pledges More Focused, Productive Approach
Sheriff Rick Staly was elected chairman of the potentially powerful Public Safety Coordinating Council, which in the past couple of years had “wandered” away from its mission. The Family Life Center’s Trish Giaccone is vice chair.
In Palm Coast, More Fervor than Fury, More Solidarity than Rage in March for George Floyd
The first of two marches in Flagler County against racism and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of police drew upwards of 200 people in Palm Coast and unfolded peacefully through the heart of town.
Flagler Sheriff Addresses Killing of George Floyd and Wednesday Protests in Palm Coast and Flagler Beach
“Policing should not be policing the community but instead it should be policing with the community, which is the model we use in Flagler County,” Sheriff Rick Staly said in the statement. Palm Coast Mayor Milissa Holland also issued a statement.
Flagler School District Builds Mosaic Honoring Decades of Graduates on Front Lines of Covid Pandemic
The district’s Jason Wheeler sought out graduates of FPC and Matanzas who’d gone on to fill health care and public safety jobs anywhere in the county, the state or the country, and honor them on the district’s Facebook page. There’s been some 200 responses, and counting.
New Sheriff’s HQ in Bunnell Will Be Built On Site Formerly Reserved for New Branch Library
A new Sheriff’s Operations Center will be built on an 8.4-acre site south of Commerce Parkway in Bunnell, but that bumps out a library planned for that site. The library will be built across the street, assuming negotiations with a church that owns the acreage are successful.
Surprise Proposal to Raze Moldy Sheriff’s Ops and Build There Anew Introduces New Uncertainties in Projects
The Flagler County Commission chairman on Monday discussed the possibility of razing the building and constructing anew there–either a sheriff’s operations center or a south branch public library. That approach would nullify a recent agreement to locate both the operations center and a south branch library off Commerce Parkway in Bunnell.
Flagler County’s Crime Rate Falls 19% in 2019, After 22% Drop Year Before; Staly Credits Innovations
Much of the crime drop was in non-violent crimes, burglaries and larcenies especially. Vehicle thefts increased 26 percent despite the increasing use of license-plate readers. Rapes increased, and murders matched the previous year’s total: three.
Palm Coast Location of Sheriff’s District Office Is Out: Flagler Commission Moves Building Back to Bunnell
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Operations Center will not be built in palm Coast after all, but will rise on Commerce Boulevard in Bunnell, next to a planned branch library, the County Commission decided Monday.
2 Flagler Sheriff’s Deputies, “Multiple” EMPros and AdventHealth Palm Coast Personnel on Quarantine as Protocols Evolve
The two Flagler sheriff’s deputies were on a death investigation involving a man who died of the flu. EMPros manages emergency departments in several cities in Volusia and Flagler. One of its physicians and the Assistant EMS Medical Director for all EMS agencies in Flagler County was placed under quarantine.
Long-Awaited CDC Report on Disused Sheriff’s Operations Center Lands With Thud
County and sheriff’s officials have moved on, making the recently delivered CDC report on the old Sheriff’s Operations Center essentially moot, and largely redundant anyway.
Money Issues Raise New Questions on Locating Sheriff’s Operations Center Near Palm Coast Library
Architectural and engineering plans are continuing for the new Sheriff’s Operations Center in Palm Coast, but its location is again in question as the county faces new financial challenges and commissioners consider options.
County Opts to Sell Sheriff’s Plagued Operations Center, or Demolish It Absent a Buyer
Sell it as is, presumably in the next 90 days: that’s the consensus of the Flagler County Commission for the Sheriff’s Operations Center off of State Road 100 in Bunnell, the 27,000 square foot building evacuated a year and a half ago and swamped before and since in an environmental and political tangle that keeps blighting county government.
2020 Flagler Jail Bookings, Sheriff’s, Bunnell and Flagler Beach Crime and Incident Reports (Archived)
Archived 2020 Flagler County jail bookings, commanders’ crime and incident reports, Flagler Beach and Bunnell police shift reports and archive.
Jon Reckenwald and William Kennedy Are Sheriff’s Deputies of the Year at Annual Fund-Raising Gala
In addition to the funds raised for the Gala, the men and women of the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office (FCSO) donated $24,764.00 to FSEAT through payroll deductions throughout 2019.
Daniel Engert, a New York Town Manager and Jail Administrator, is Flagler Sheriff’s New Jail Chief
Daniel M. Engert, who will run the Flagler County jail and the sheriff’s courts division, was a 29-veteran of the Niagara County Sheriff’s Office and an elected councilman and town manager in a small Upstate New York community for the last 13 years.
Charges Will Be Dropped, But Flagler Deputy Petkovsek Returns to Duty Facing Stiff Disciplinary Measures
Flagler County Sheriff’s detective Richard Petkovsek was off duty when he was arrested outside a St. Augustine bar for disorderly intoxication and resisting arrest. He was reinstated after losing 42 days of pay and will be on probation for a year, among other disciplinary measures.
In Flagler, Life-Saving Policing You Can Be Proud Of
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office is entering its eighth year without a single officer-initiated shooting of a civilian, a heroic achievement that contrasts tragically with jurisdictions across the country where 900 to 1,000 civilians lose their lives annually.
School Deputies Now Equipped With Ankle First Aid Kits and Bullet-Proof Rifle Plates
The Flagler County Sheriff’s school resource deputies are now all equipped with rescue tactical ankle medical kits and rifle plates in case of traumatic incidents. The ankle kits were acquired through a grant, the plates through sheriff’s funds.
First of Two Christmas With a Deputy Events Tonight as Cops Donate Record $19,000 for Kids
For the 12th year of the event, there will be two Christmas with a Deputy in Flagler County, thanks to a Walmart grant and a record fund-raising drive by the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office’s employees.
New Report Concludes Sheriff’s Operations Building ‘Should Be Ready for Re-Occupancy’ With Repairs
There are continuing issues at the sick, former Sheriff’s Operations Center in Bunnell, but they are repairable, or treatable, a moisture and concrete evaluation report to the county concludes even as it lists a series of problems.
Space Study for Sheriff’s Palm Coast Operation Comes In at More Than $30 Million; County Will Scale Back
Flagler County government is not prepared to build a structure larger than 50,000 square feet, at a cost of $15 million at most. That design will take place over the next six months, with groundbreaking expected in the spring of 2020.
Veracity at Issue After a Cyclist Is Seriously Hurt in Crash With Flagler Beach Commissioner Belhumeur’s Truck
Flagler Beach City Commissioner Rick Belhumeur is raising questions about the accuracy of the crash report he was involved in, but the commissioner himself was not entirely truthful about the circumstances of the crash, which sent Garey R. Sharpe, 60, to the hospital more than a week ago.
Sheriff’s Domestic Violence Initiative Points to Some Gains as Offenders Are More Closely Tracked
Domestic violence arrests have edged down this year and 40 GPS monitors have been issued to offenders, who are violating their release conditions less–or ending up in jail again when they do.
“White Power” Or “I’ve Got the Power”? A Flagler School Deputy’s Words to Children Triggers Investigation
Flagler County Sheriff’s Cpl. William Lowe, a 13-year veteran with a reputation for coarse and unfiltered humor, was investigated and cleared over allegations that he’d used the words “white power” in front of children at a summer camp, but was disciplined for a lesser statement.
Flagler Jail Joins Growing List of Counties Adding Full-Body Scanning of Inmates
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office installed a $149,000 full-body scanner at the jail (the cost includes training) to better control contraband and improve inmate and deputy safety, joining a growing list of counties in the state and the country doing likewise.
Firehouse Subs Donating 16 Defibrillators to Flagler Sheriff’s Deputies
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office will celebrate $20,153 worth of lifesaving equipment awarded, thanks to Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation, during a dedication event on Wednesday (Oct. 9) at 3:00 p.m. at Firehouse Subs, at 1475 Palm Coast Parkway.
Rick Staly, Unusually Popular for a Flagler Sheriff, Announces Re-Election Run as Challengers Have Yet To Appear
Sheriff Rick Staly, riding continued popularity, announced his run for a second term by pointing to more work and new initiatives ahead. In 2016 he broke campaign finance records. He says he’s ready to do what’s necessary to win, but it is unlikely that he will face the challengers he did in 2016, when nine candidates ran.
Zero Tolerance For Threatening Students? Not Exactly: Flagler District Enacts More Reasoned Approach
Even though one law calls for zero tolerance regarding threats on campus, another requires local districts to use a “threat assessment tool” that opposes zero tolerance and applies more careful, less drastic responses to students or anyone making threats.
Sheriff’s Investigation Found Charges Against Deputy Who Punched Disabled Inmate Not Warranted
Though responding corrections deputies were uncomfortable with Jared Tazewell’s punching a disabled and mentally incompetent inmate, a criminal investigation stopped short of charging him, but recommended charges against the inmate, documents show.
Flagler Deputy Resigns, Without Charges, After Accusation of ‘Excessive Force’ On Older, Mentally Ill Inmate
Jared Tazewell, 34, was a detention deputy at the Flagler County jail for three years. He allegedly punched 54-year-old Mark Duncanson after Duncanson threw his walker at him. The sheriff’s office released no documentation Tuesday.
Sheriff’s Office Awarded $3,000 to Continue Domestic Violence Initiative as Numbers Improve
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office has been awarded equipment totaling over $3,000 from the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence to assist in FCSO’s community initiative against domestic violence.
Sheriff Mike Chitwood Smears Our Judges
Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood’s call on Chief Judge Zambrano to “overturn” another judge’s ruling on a convicted sex offender’s bond shows contempt for and misunderstanding of the very laws Chitwood was sworn to uphold. He sets a noxious tone.
With No Chance of Appointment, Jim Manfre’s Pledge to Run for Judge in 2 Years Still Sways Nominating Commission’s Questions
Former Sheriff Jim Manfre’s candidacy for county judge was dead on arrival at interviews for the job Wednesday, but he still managed to influence the process by advocating for a Flagler choice.
Flagler Schools Quietly Dropped Controversial “Social Sentinel” Surveillance to Pilot More Targeted Alert System
The Flagler school district dropped the $18,000-a-year Social Sentinel surveillance system in April and replaced it with an entirely different approach, called CrisisGo, a crisis-management system accessible to faculty, staff and students.
Mother of Inmate Who Died After Illness at Flagler Jail Says Autopsy Vindicates Her Claims He Was Neglected
Anthony Fennick died of a stroke in February after being hospitalized from the Flagler jail, an autopsy report shows, with an allergic reaction to a medicine possibly playing a role his mother says points to neglect from the jail’s health providers.