The government just canceled its contract with the company that makes the card readers necessary to read food stamps cards at farmers markets.
Guest Columns
Local Police Should Not Collaborate With Immigration and Customs Enforcement
As reports of abuse at ICE emerge and increase, robust sanctuary policies that end the collusion with local law enforcement that ICE relies on gain urgency.
Before Vilifying Russia, U.S. Policy Apologists Might Try Looking in the Mirror
A bellicose stance toward Russia has become so routine and widespread that we might not give it a second thought. That makes it all the more hazardous.
Sheriff Staly on Operations Center: “I Will Not Tolerate Blaming Victims of This Building, My Employees”
Sheriff Rick Staly delivered a 2,000-word statement on the troubled Operations Center during Monday’s workshop on the matter. The full text is reproduced here.
What’s At Stake If Brett Kavanaugh Joins the Supreme Court
All Americans say they value personal freedom, especially the right to make our own decisions about our private lives. Expect that to end.
Drug War Blowback: Why Those Central American Immigrants Are Still Coming
Between the drug war and the backing of brutal regimes, the U.S. created conditions in Central America that families are desperate to flee — even if they risk being separated.
Abolish ICE
Immigration and Customs Enforcement is supposed to keep Americans safe. Instead, it’s terrorizing refugees, families, and small children.
From Food Stamps To Housing Allowances, There’s an All-Out War On Kids
It’s not just on the border: the Trump administration is targeting food stamps eligibility, rent subsidies and other safety-net measures that protect children.
A Dagger in the Heart of Unions, Workers and Democracy: Behind the Janus Ruling
Their end game is to overturn a fundamental premise of majority rule, and lock in place permanent Constitutional changes to bar any limits on oligarchical rule.
Being Separated From My Child Nearly Destroyed Me
The administration’s policy of separating families is torture, and Trump’s executive order to incarcerate families together doesn’t solve the crisis.
Ralph Nader’s Open Letter to Amazon’s Jeff Bezos
Given your successful tax avoidance mania, you should be ashamed of yourself, Nader tells the Amazon founder. “You should spend some personal time” with the homeless.
We Get It. Trump Is Awful. But Standard-Issue Democrats Are Not an Alternative.
The neoliberal establishment that runs the Democratic Party party holds fast to the very policies that are making it shrink into oblivion, argues John Atcheson.
If Trump Is Giving Diplomacy a Chance in Korea, His Critics Should, Too
The North Korea negotiations are far from over, and could still tip from a fragile diplomacy back to middle-school insults, but diplomacy isn’t just the better way. It’s the only way.
The Truth About ‘Sanctuary Cities’
The term “sanctuary city” typically refers to a jurisdiction that wants to limit the use of local law enforcement resources to carry out federal law enforcement work, in violation of constitutional protections.
Ex-Sheriff Jim Manfre on Troubled Operations Center: How We Got Here
Former Sheriff Jim Manfre, who completed his term in 2016, offers his side of the history of the acquisition of and subsequent issues with the potentially sick Sheriff’s Operations Center.
Questioning War Is No Disrespect to Veterans. It’s a Civic Duty.
Americans remain unconcerned about wars the U.S. is currently fighting (at last count, we’re bombing at least 7 countries) though they foot the bill both in tax dollars and lives.
Want to Attract Women? Try Not Hating Us.
The recent attack in Toronto by a man who identifies as an “incel” has called attention to the disturbing and flourishing online incel community.
Advice for High School Graduates: Learn a Trade
The shameful practice of tracking poor students into blue-collar jobs contrasts with millions of rewarding, high-paying trade jobs sitting empty.
For Working Poor’s Sake, Bring Back May Day
Nearly one in five families have zero or negative net worth. That number rises to over a quarter of Latin American households and 30 percent of black households.
The Latest Assault on Food Stamps Holders
The draconian work requirement to receive food stamps could throw 1 million people off the rolls and cause more job losses than job gains.
With Social Media Surveillance, Flagler School District Is Breaching Community Trust
With its contract with Social Sentinel, a social media snooping company, the Flagler school district is going into the secretive surveillance business for a much heavier cost than advertised.
105 Missiles Fired at Syria Is 10 Times The Number of Syrian Refugees We’ve Taken In All Year
“This is about humanity,” President Trump said of attacking Syria. A look at his response to other regional catastrophes shows his claim doesn’t begin to add up.
It’s Up to Grown-Ups To Stop Bullying, Not Kids
Speaking of her own experience with bullying, the author holds the adults who watched and did nothing far more responsible than those who perpetrated it.
Nurses Are Calling #TimesUp on Domestic Abuse, And on Those Who Doubt Victims
Emergency room encounters reveal the work that remains to be done to curb intimate partner violence. Too often, helpers abandon victims if they return to their abuser after attempting to leave.
No Love for Working Families This Valentine’s Day
A secretary gets an extra $1.50 a week from the GOP tax bill. The Koch brothers get an extra $27 million (minus a $500,000 thank-you note that went to Paul Ryan’s re-election committee).
Urging Opposition, Flagler Beach’s Jane Mealy Says Vacation-Rental Proposals Could Change City’s Look
In an open plea to residents circulated by letter, Flagler Beach Commission Chair Jane Mealy warns of vacation-rental proposals that could change the make-up of the city, eliminating distinctions between residential and commercial zones.
What Trump Wants on Immigration Is Ethnic Cleansing
Trump’s offering a fig leaf of legal status for a relatively small slice of the undocumented population in return for a drastic cut of all immigration to the U.S.
America, Oprah is Not Your Savior
This country has a history of looking to black women to save Americans from themselves — while not recognizing or respecting their efforts.
Gov. Rick Scott’s State of the State: Full Text
Gov. Rick Scott’s State of the State address, his last, as prepared for delivery today at the Florida Capitol, before a joint session of the House and Senate.
Not To Worry, Estate Planners: Help For Struggling Millionaires Is On The Way
The estate tax was just slashed to exempt millionaire families up to $22 million, a doubling of the previous exemption, which had covered 99.8 percent of taxpayers.
As Seas Rise Over South Florida: When’s the Last Time I’ll Go Home for Christmas?
By the author’s count, she’ll get 13 more holidays before the sea threatens to swallow her family’s home in South Florida, where the risk of a storm surge within four feet of high tide lines has doubled.
3 Reasons The Trump Tax Plan Is a Disgrace
Robert Reich’s three-step guide on the rubbish of the Trump-Republican tax plan for when you confront your Republican Uncle Bob during the holidays.
The Trump Tax Scam
The deeper costs of the $1.5 trillion tax plan are so large and so obvious that the failure of Republican leaders to disclose them is, for all practical purposes, a lie.
A U.S. Soldier Died in Niger. What on Earth Are We Doing There?
If you were surprised to learn the U.S. has nearly a thousand troops in Niger, you’re not alone. But we’ve deployed troops to literally most of the planet, and our leading lawmakers don;t know it.
Washington, Jefferson, Madison: There’s No Defending Founders Who Practiced Slavery
It is still common, if not a norm, to hear founders’ ownership of slaves excused as part of the prevailing practices of their times rather than a contradiction with founders’ ideals.
Short-Term Rentals in Flagler County: The View From Home Owners’ Associations
Paul C. Pershes, president of the 1,100-home Ocean Hammock Property Owners Association, addresses members of a key senate committee that will be hearing proposed regulations of short-term rentals.
Why Lakeside By The Sea Residents See a Pair of Proposed Developments Turning Their Properties Into “Little Lakes”
A developer plans to build 185 homes at the north and south ends of Lakeside By The Sea, the subdivision in the Matanzas Shores area at the northern end of Flagler County, on the barrier island.
Corporations Rejecting Racism Is a Low Bar When Many Still Profit Off It
White supremacy can also wear a business suit on Wall Street. Of the top five Wall Street firms, the highest level decision makers are 86 percent white. That’s no coincidence.
The Brutality Behind Trump’s Arpaio Pardon
The president called Joe Arpaio, a man who chronically violated people’s constitutional rights, a “patriot.” What does that make his victims?
Mitt Romney: “There May Commence An Unraveling of Our National Fabric”
In forceful terms, the former GOP p[residential nominee calls on Donald Trump to apologize and denounce white supremacists and other racists without equivocation or equivalencies.
Patriotic Millionaire: There’s No ‘Free Market’ Solution to Health Care
Republican leaders claim they want affordable access to quality health care for all. It can’t be done by lowering taxes on businesses and the rich and letting the market run it all.
There’s No Good Reason for Your Boss to Make 347 Times What You Do
It’s business executives through outsized CEO pay — not movie stars, professional athletes, or heiresses — who grabbed the dollars that once flowed to the American worker.
Elections Supervisor’s Plea to Flagler Voters: Stay Registered Despite Commission’s Data Grab
In an open letter to Flagler County’s registered voters, Supervisor of Elections Kaiti Lenhart says the federal commission’s data grab through the state should not diminish their trust in the system.
America First and Trump’s Word Wars
While other countries try to work together to solve problems and continue to lead on global progress, we’ll get left behind chanting “America First,” argues Olivia Alperstein.
The Problem with Dividing
‘Good Muslims’ from ‘Bad Muslims’
The “good Muslims” support those “war on terror” policies that result in the expansion of violence against mostly innocent people. The “bad ones” don’t — and are called terrorists.
50 Years Later, Israel’s Attack on the USS Liberty Still Provokes Unsettling Conclusions
On June 8, 1967, during the Arab-Israeli war, Israeli jets and gunships attacked the USS Liberty in the Mediterranean, killing 34 Americans. Israel called it an accident. Survivors doubt it to this day.
The Coming Assault on America’s National Monuments
President Trump is on track to throw away part of our national heritage, remove some national monument protections to make way for mining corporations and other extractive industries to operate there.
School Board Veto Call to Scott: “Legislators Didn’t Follow Basic Tenets We Teach Students in 7th Grade Civics”
The Flagler County School Board complete letter to Gov. Rick Scott asking him to veto an education bill that would “shortchange” Flagler County students. The bill was passed at the last minute with little discussion.
House Bill 7069 Will Change Education in Flagler For Generations, Not For the Better
Flagler County School Board Chairman Trevor Tucker explains his opposition to a massive education bill, focusing on the bill’s preferential treatment of charter schools at the expense of traditional public schools.
Trump, You Bombed Syria Because You Care. Now Get Rid of the Muslim Ban in Any Form.
Both versions of that order, now held up in the courts, would have indefinitely banned all migration from Syria — and suspended refugee resettlement from everywhere.