Florida’s cumulative total is near 94,000. Flagler’s total is 224, a one-day jump eight cases–one of the largest one-day increases since the beginning of the pandemic, and a warning sign that the county’s relative success in containing the disease may be eroding.
Staffer at Grand Oaks and Resident at Tuscan Gardens Test Positive; Florida Cases Again Soar to New Record
The Covid cases at local long-term care facilities break a streak of negative testing as Flagler officials wearily eye surging numbers around the county and plan some strategies to keep Flagler’s low.
Flagler Unemployment at 14.8% in Slight Improvement from April, But Florida Rate Rises to 14.5%
Flagler County’s unemployment rate was at 14.8 percent, a slight decline from the 15.2 percent rate in April but a smaller decline than expected as the economy began swiftly reopening at the beginning of the month.
Ex-Employee at Palm Coast Medical Practice Accused of Fraudulently Ordering Prescriptions
Renee Caruso-Izarry, 37, a former employee at Coastal Health Care Partners, a chiropractic clinic in Palm Coast and Volusia County, faces seven felony charges stemming from allegedly ordering prescriptions and practicing medicine without a license.
Florida’s ‘Dreamers’ Hail Supreme Court Decision Barring Immediate Deportation
The U.S. Supreme Court’s 5-4 majority found that Trump failed to adequately justify the decision to shut down the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA, but the door remains open for him to do so.
Man Found Hanging From a Tree Near Cracker Barrel, an Apparent Suicide
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office is conducting a death investigation following the discovery early this morning of a white man who died by hanging off a tree behind Cracker Barrel restaurant in Palm Coast.
Long-Awaited, Weirdly Revered Wawa Finally Opens to Cheers in Palm Coast
At 8 this morning, Palm Coast’s Wawa, with its hoagies, its coffees, its interiors lit brighter than the set of a sitcom, and of course its plexiglass and social distancing markers, opened to the public after a four-year wait.
Wawa: Behind the Name, a Rich Etymology from Around the World
The Wawa name has come to be almost synonymous with the company, as if it were its origin. In fact, the word–the sound, the name–has innumerably rich applications around the world.
Protesting for Black Lives in Trump Country
“It was surreal following a police cruiser to our destination, considering my drive to attend came from anger about the police brutality black people face. This was a recurring theme in the other protests I attended in nearby DeLand, Ormond, and Daytona.”
DeSantis Promises Big Cuts from $93.2 Billion Budget to Account for Revenue Shortfall
A late May report from the Legislature’s Office of Economic & Demographic Research said revenue collections in April were more than $878 million below estimates, with a large chunk of the drop due to the decline in tourism.
School Board Chair McDonald Shuts Down Speaker Critical of Her at Public Meeting, Drawing Rebukes
School Board Chair Janet McDonald stopped a student speaker from delivering his comments at Tuesday’s meeting, allowing him later to deliver it only sanitized from mention of her by name. Two board members condemned McDonald’s move and want the public-speaking rules revised.
18% of Florida’s Total Covid Cases Have Been Recorded Just in Last 7 Days in ‘Astronomical’ Spike
Flagler County public health, emergency and government officials are concerned about sharply rising Covid-19 numbers across the state, even though locally numbers have been kept in check for now. But Gov. Ron DeSantis says there is no rolling-back on reopenings.
Just Out of Prison, Bunnell Man Is Arrested on Armed Burglary and 8 Other Charges After Cop Chase
Capers J. McClendon, 26, allegedly led law enforcement on a chase on U.S. 1 and State Road 100 in Bunnell after a woman accused him of seizing her minivan.
The Unedited Statement School Board Chair McDonald Censored at a Public Meeting
The original text of Jack Petocz’s statement is presented here unedited. School Board Chair Janet McDonald shut Petocz down the moment he mentioned her name in the context of a statement critical of her offensive tweeting activity.
Scaled Back Gardens Development, at 453 Homes, Expected to Clear Regulatory Hurdle
The Gardens, at one point a 3,966-home and apartment development planned for the two sides of John Anderson Highway in Flagler County, is now almost a tenth the original proposal.
Palm Coast Council Raises Parks and Fire Fees on Builders, Largely Returning to Pre-2012 Levels
The Palm Coast City Council voted to raise fire and park impact fees, the one-time levies builders pay on residential and commercial construction. The fees will defray the cost of a new fire station in Seminole Woods and a new community center, among other plans.
Landmark Ruling Spurs Calls for LGBTQ Protections in Florida, Where No Law Bans Discrimination
Florida is one of more than two dozen states that do not have laws banning discrimination based on gender, and Republican legislative leaders during the past several years have thwarted efforts to pass such measures.
Rocco Joseph Grassi, Obituary
Rocco J. Grassi passed away Friday afternoon at his home in Crozet, Virginia. He was 91.
Sheriff Investigating Apparent Drowning of 18-Year-Old Man Who Washed Up at Varn Park
Flagler County Sheriff’s detectives are investigating the death by apparent drowning of an 18-year-old man who washed up in the surf at Varn Park, just north of Beverly Beach, Monday afternoon.
Fecal Matter Detected in Plantation Bay Water, Requiring Boil-Water Alert Until Further Notice
The detection of E. Coli was in one of the Plantation Bay wells supplying the system, based on a test conducted late last week. The well was shut down.
Sheriff Staly Calls Defunding Police ‘Knee Jerk’ as Study Calls for 70 More Flagler Deputies by 2025
If in Flagler, the school board, Palm Coast and the county are nowhere near defunding law enforcement, Sheriff Staly credits a policing approach focused on collaboration rather than confrontation.
Stunning Victory for Transgender and Gay Rights as Supreme Court Makes Protections Explicit
The decision will have far-reaching consequences regarding LGBTQ rights beyond employment, as it now explicitly lays out a prohibition against discrimination that cannot apply in employment situations without also applying in housing, education, the military and elsewhere.
Still Unsigned, Florida Budget Is Eyed for Cuts as Virus Hits Revenues
Florida TaxWatch wants more than $136 million in projects cut from the proposed state budget, but the fiscal-watchdog group acknowledges that might be far less than what is needed because of the coronavirus pandemic’s impact on state revenues.
Jim Tager’s and Janet McDonald’s Tweets Bisected the Flagler School Board. McDonald Won.
If School Superintendent Jim Tager left this week, it’s not because he had to–he amassed an excellent record–but because the School Board let just one of its members–Janet McDonald–drive him out. It’s an unsettling precedent.
Don’t Let Bogus Claims Fool You: Voting By Mail in Flagler County Is Safe and Secure
Flagler County Supervisor of Elections Kaiti Lenhart counters bogus claims and misinformation by explaining the safety, reliability and accuracy of voting by mail.
With Coronavirus Cases Climbing, Texas Gov. Abbott Says ‘No Real Need’ to Scale Back Business Reopenings
In Texas as in Florida, new cases of Covid-19 have been breaking records as the two states have continued reopening, but the Texas governor says available hospital beds make the trend less than alarming.
Statewide Elections Take Shape as Qualifying Ends, With 387 House and Senate Candidates
As Florida Democrats hope to dent Republican majorities in both legislative chambers, the major parties will clash in 96 of 120 state House seats and 17 of 20 Senate contests.
Half the Car Crashes Under a Semi Truck on I-95, But Three Occupants Escape Major Injuries
A woman and two men escaped serious injuries after their car’s roof was sheared off and half the front end of the car ended up under a semi on I-95 Friday evening.
Public Health Officials Are Facing a Wave Of Threats and Firings Amid Coronavirus Response
Rebekah Jones, a top Florida Department of Health data manager Gov. Ron DeSantis fired last month, is just one of many officials in 27 states who have been fired or been forced to resign over Covid-related matters.
As Florida Breaks New Record of Covid-19 Infections, Jacksonville Pledges ‘Safe’ GOP Convention
Jacksonville’s mayor called landing the GOP convention a “big win” as Florida broke a new record for daily coronavirus infections, with 1,902 reported by the Florida Department of Health today, after Thursday had broken a previous record, with 1,698.
Special Session Set to Discuss Larry Newsom’s “Behavior” After He Is Asked to Leave Flagler Beach Commission Meeting
The mayor asked Flagler Beach City Manager Larry Newsom to leave a city commission meeting and start his vacation early Thursday night after Newsom had two public confrontations with constituents. Newsom said he was defending himself against insults.
Bexley, Johnston, Gardner and Lenhart Re-Elected Without Opposition in Near-Sweep for Flagler Constitutionals
Three dozen candidates will contest local Flagler County and Palm Coast elections, while Clerk of Court Tom Bexley, Tax Collector Suzanne Johnston, Property Appraiser Jay Gardner, and Elections Supervisor Kaiti Lenhart were re-elected without opposition.
Extensive, All Night Air-Ground Search Leads to Rescue of Kayaker Lost in Bulow Creek Marshes
An all-night search and rescue effort involving more than half a dozen public safety agencies led to the rescue of a 62-year-old Flagler Beach man who’d taken his kayak through the waters of Bulow Creek Thursday afternoon and gotten lost deep in its marshes.
In Georgia, Voter-Suppression Becomes Systematic
What Georgia did Tuesday was criminal, a racist crime against our democracy, and it’s time to criminalize voter suppression once and for all, argues Thom Hartman.
Florida’s Police Union Wants Cops’ Identity Kept Secret Under Victims’ Rights Law
Keeping secret the identity of a police officer who shot a black crime suspect might seem anathema during a national time of reckoning about police brutality and racial disparity. But that’s what a Florida police union is seeking.
What Flagler County Schools May Look Like as They Plan to Reopen Aug. 10
Flagler County schools plan to reopen on time on Aug. 10 for the 2020-21 school-year, but state recommendations issued today mean campuses will be vastly different, more restrictive places than students, parents and staff are used to.
$6.6 Million Headed to Flagler County and Cities as DeSantis Releases Covid Aid After Withholding It 2 Months
More than two months after Florida received the money, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Wednesday that the state will start to release nearly $1.3 billion in federal funds to cash-strapped counties struggling amid a recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Critics of Riots Are Forgetting their American History
From riots, rebellions, and acts of insurrection in the early days of the Republic to race riots, anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic “Know-Nothing” riots, to name a few, make the practice as American as apple pie, argues Ricky Riley.
Matanzas High and Rymfire Elementary Teams Take Top Honors at International Problem Solvers Competition
A Matanzas High School team was crowned Grand Champion in its division and a Rymfire Elementary team was one of the first-place winners at this year’s Future Problem Solvers International Competition, held virtually because of the coronavirus.
DeSantis Seeks Fast-Track Appeal to Stop Hundreds of Thousands of Felons from Voting
Lawyers for Gov. Ron DeSantis have made a rare move of asking a full appellate court to consider a challenge to a voting-rights ruling that would pave the way for hundreds of thousands of felons to cast ballots in the November elections.
Gregory Charles Jelm, May 11, 1960 – June 4, 2020
Gregory Charles Jelm passed away peacefully from cancer at his home, in the company of his loved ones.
Palm Coast Considers Sharply Raising One-Time Fire Levies on Future Homes and Businesses
Homeowners would see a negligible impact on fees despite a proposed 65 percent increase in the one-time levy assessed on a new home, a cost generally folded into the price of that new home. The impact fee is not levied on existing homes.
Replacing Mullins, Sheriff Takes Leadership of Public Safety Council and Pledges More Focused, Productive Approach
Sheriff Rick Staly was elected chairman of the potentially powerful Public Safety Coordinating Council, which in the past couple of years had “wandered” away from its mission. The Family Life Center’s Trish Giaccone is vice chair.
165 Teachers and Other Staffers Qualify for School District’s Offer of Voluntary Early Retirement
Nearly 10 percent of the Flagler County school district’s workforce qualify for an early-retirement offer, the first in a decade as employees contend with Covid-19 anxieties and the district weighs difficult budget years ahead.
A Confederate Flag Is Spray-Painted on a Gym Wall At Matanzas High School
The Confederate flag graffiti, left at Matanzas High School over the weekend, stands in aberration to the more civil and conciliatory atmosphere of the last few days in the county.
Flagler Keeping New Covid-19 Cases In Check Better Than Florida, Where Cases Are Rising
Flagler County has tested 3,000 people in the last three weeks, more than the total for the previous eight weeks, with just 1.3 percent of those testing positive for Covid-19, and not a single person testing positive in a nursing home or assisted living facility.
Society Is Reopening. Prepare To Hunker Down At Home Again.
So while it may seem counterintuitive as people finally come out of the woodwork, now is an opportune moment to talk about doubling down on preparations for the duration of the pandemic.
School Board Chairman Janet McDonald’s Twitter Feed: Misinformation and Derision Abound, Empathy Does Not
Flagler County School Board Chairman Janet McDonald’s twitter feed is a seethe of conspiracy theories, contempt for government, the press, “leftists,” conventional medicine, and plenty of derision and contempt for protest movements.
Flagler County Courthouse and Proceedings Reopen to the Public, With Limits
Starting at 8 Monday morning, most courthouse and court facilities in Flagler, Volusia, St., Johns and Putnam counties reopened to the public, in line with Gov. Ron DeSantis’s “Phase 2” reopening, but with several restrictions still in place.
Short-Term Vacation Rental Regulations Vary Unpredictably From County to County
Some counties are mandating a 24-hour wait between bookings, while others are requiring “sufficient” or “adequate” time for cleaning and disinfecting.