John Rogers won re-election to the Bunnell City Commission Tuesday, taking the most votes in a four-way race, and Bonita Robinson won the seat formerly held by Jenny Crain-Brady. Rogers and Robinson defeated Daisy Henry, the former commissioner trying to make a come-back, and Randall Morris, who had been a no-show in most ways through the election period.
Rogers got 131 votes, or 27.23 percent, Robinson got 123 votes (25.57 percent), Morris got 117 votes (24.32 percent) and Henry got 110 votes (22.86 percent).
Incumbent Crain-Brady was not among the candidates, though she’d planned to run. She was disqualified when she was late with a required state fee for qualifying.
Seven referendum questions were also put before voters, all of them proposals to change the city charter following a charter review committee’s work that produced the seven recommendations. All seven passed with 80 to 90 percent of the vote. (See below.)
The questions, some of them explicitly patronizing of city commissioners, the mayor and city employees, asked whether candidates for office should be city residents and registered voters for at least a year before qualifying; whether commissioners and the mayor must resign their seat if seeking another public office; whether the city manager should live within a 40-mile radius of Bunnell; whether the notice for emergency meetings be extended to three days, from 24 hours; and whether the Florida Ethics Code should govern commission conduct.
The election was relatively low key, though one undercurrent was unmistakable: it was also a referendum on the future of City Manager Larry Williams. A three-vote bloc controlled his fate, with Commissioners Rogers, Elbert Tucker and Bill Baxley favoring his tenure, and Mayor Catherine Robinson and Crain-Brady opposing it. The latter two would have kept former manager Armando Martinez.
The bribing for votes was not hidden this time: Pastor Sims Jones, who has a church in Bunnell but lives in Palm Coast, had set up a burgers-and-hot-dogs stand “for all registered voters in Bunnell” on an empty lot owned by Charles Cowart about two blocks south of the old city hall, at Pine and Booe Streets. Jones said Supervisor of Elections Kimberle Weeks cleared the giveaway as long as it did not endorse a particular candidate.
“This is all about getting people to vote,” Jones said. “Like the sign says over there, ‘be heard, vote.’” The city counts just under 3,000 residents, but barely half are registered, and of those, just 15 percent vote. Last year there were just 238 ballots cast in a three-way race that re-elected Elbert Tucker and elected Bill Baxley in place of Daisy Henry. The previous year, 265 ballots were cast.
Henry had spent quite a bit of time with Jones at the giveaway stand, though other candidates—John Rogers and Bonita Robinson—also stopped by for shorter periods. Henry later in the afternoon was in her red truck, within sight of the polling place, reading the Bible as she often does. She’s a preacher. She was reading Ezekiel (the chapter on false prophets, “jackals among ruins”). Did she feel good about her chances?
“Whatever the lord’s will is,” she said. “I feel pretty good,” adding: “It’s not over ‘till the fat lady sings.”
There was a colder feel to this Election Day in Bunnell, and not just because the temperature, which began the day in the mid-60s, insisted on dropping a degree every hour. In previous elections, the candidates tended to all line their booths or stand almost in a line together on the south side of the fountain, chatting each other up more than often than chatting up voters, since voters were always few and far between. Today, each candidate had clustered his or her operation as if on opposite ends of the fountain, with Bonita Robinson, John Rogers and Henry at one point looking like three different cardinal points (though Robinson and Henry had clustered together, too).
There was a fourth candidate in the race, Randall Morris, and other candidates reported seeing him walk around, but he’d made himself scarce: he was a no-show at the only candidate forum of the election last month, and he put up no election signs.
Robinson, a newcomer to Bunnell’s electoral politics but certainly not a newcomer to Bunnell politics—she worked for a half dozen years as a city employee until last fall, when she took a job with the school district—was with a group of supporters almost opposite city hall, all in bright yellow-orange shirts with the words “GROWTH” and “EQUALITY” emblazoned on the back, above and below a flying eagle.
James Hall, one of Robinson’s supporters, was at a picnic table reading a book slightly more thematically violent than Ezekiel: “Serial Murderers and Their Victims.” (Hall is a criminal justice student at Florida Tech in Melbourne.) “I know her very well,” he said of Robinson. “I know her values, I know her concerns, I know her goals, I know her ideals, and they’re everything that the city of Bunnell needs.”
Bunnell Referendum on City Charter, March 4, 2014
Referendum Question | Approval |
1: Shall the Bunnell City Charter be amended to require that each candidate for the office of City Commissioner or Mayor shall have been, at the time of qualifying, a resident and elector of the city for one year prior to qualifying, and be a registered elector of the city? | |
2: Shall the Bunnell City Charter be amended to specify that the Mayor is to represent the will of the City Commission in all agreements, requiring that the Mayor communicate information relating to the public welfare on at least a quarterly basis, revising Mayoral powers relating to the City Manager, moving the State of the City Address to the second Commission meeting in April, and clarifying that the Mayor is a City Commission member? | |
3: Shall the Bunnell City Charter be amended to clarify that Commissioners and the Mayor are subject to the requirements of Florida’s Resign-to-Run law as amended from time to time, requiring that an officeholder irrevocably resign his current office to seek another state or local office if the terms overlap? | |
4: Shall the Bunnell City Charter be amended to require that the City Manager be selected on the basis of experience, education, expertise, and management ability relating to running municipal government, require that the City Manager establish and maintain residency within the City or a 40 mile radius from the City limits within six months of appointment, and provide mechanisms for designating an Acting City Manager upon absence or incapacity? | |
5: Shall the Bunnell City Charter be amended to require ample prior public notice of Commission agenda items added by Commission members, with exceptions for emergencies, to change the notice equirements for a Special Meeting from 24 hours to 72 hours notice, and to specify duties of Commission members relating to professionalism and actions in the public interest? | |
6: Shall the Bunnell City Charter be amended to require that the City Commission establish the membership, timeline and procedures for the Charter Review Committee, specify that the Charter may be amended pursuant to Florida’s citizen petition process, and to streamline certain special election procedures? | |
7: Shall the Bunnell City Charter be amended to specify that the Florida Ethics Code governs conduct related to Commission and employee conflicts of interest and ethics, require the Commission to appropriate sufficient funds to provide, require and attend annual training regarding the ethics code, and provide that penalties for ethical violations be as provided by general law or ordinance? |

Perry Mitrano says
Congratulations to the new Commissioners, welcome>Perry
haw creek girl says
Great job, John. Great choice, Bunnell.
Will says
Thank goodness that Randall Morris did not win. From what I’ve heard from several sources, but not knowing him, it would be difficult to take him seriously.
confidential says
Great held elections in Bunnell. Hopefully the wish of its people at the ballot box will produce the results they expect. Was really rewarding to see Bunnell residents campaigning all day long along Rte 1. Was a joy to see those voters exercising their rights, in spite that I believe of the total electorate of the 1,400 Bunnell City residents maybe close to 21% only voted as per the numbers published above. Good job of our SOE.
Sure the city of Palm Coast voters need to keep this in mind as I believe in the last city elections having a much larger number of voters, less percentage showed up to vote and that is why we got the 5% percent Mayor. We better look forward and demand that our PC city elections be conducted by our SOE and not by the city officials, as Manager, Council and Mayor are planning so far just for refusing to sign the inter local agreement. Then will be a waste of tax payers funds as “challengers for the results in the hands of the city” probably will materialized and lawsuits will ensue. City of Palm Coast should not be in the business of conducting or handling elections, that is the work of the SOE and that is why she was elected to do so.! We always vote absentee and I want my ballot to count! If SOE is prevented from managing the incoming Palm Coast city election, “who is going to print and handle and count or recount our ballots” There would be absentee ballots available? I wonder why this push from the Palm Coast city officials to “handle our city elections themselves” other that our SO. I do not trust them. If Palmcoasters really care to vote for change, we all need to demand that our city administration and current elected officials abide by the rules and have our Constitutional Elected Official Flagler County Supervisor of Elections to manage our city elections, likewise she does with all the other county cities. The city officials unjustfied reason to refuse the SOE working the polls, probably has an underline.
Congratulations says
From what i have seen and heard, the city and Kimberle Weeks worked very well together, and as a result, it seems as though this was a very smooth election. Congratulations to Bonita Robinson and John Rogers on your win.
Bunnell Citizen says
Great job. More citizens need to pay attention and VOTE. If you don’t vote, you can’t grip!
And there is NO chance in Martinez getting his claws back in the City of Bunnell!!! So, all of the secret meetings with Martinez, the Mayor and Judy Stetson didn’t work!
I’m not sure yet how I feel about Bonita Robinson.
Congrats to John Rogers!!!
Charles Gardner says
Good win for status quo. Time to quit picking on the city manager and get on with the business of the city.
haw creek girl says
I want Jenni’ cronies marched out!
Lordrobot says
Bunnell, once again getting in touch with its inner mondex. Why don’t they just rename Bunnell Losersville and call it a day?