A 16-year-old Buddy Taylor Middle School student on his way home from school with a friend Tuesday afternoon reported to police, through his mother, that he was set upon by a group of five students from the school and was injured as a result.
The child’s mother learned of the confrontation on Parkview Drive when she got a call from the school administration informing her that word of the fight had been going around school. The alleged victim said that the group started threatening him and his friend, offering to fight one of them. When the boy told them to leave them alone, “one of the males pushed him and said to move or fight him,” he incident report on the altercation states.
The alleged aggressor then proceeded to push the boy again, dropped his backpack and raised his fists. Again the boy told him he was not interested in fighting. Again the alleged aggressor egged him on, pushing his bicycle away and telling him to fight. The boy then put down his backpack and tried to dodge and ignore the aggressor’s swings, but eventually, according to the report, punched the other boy in the stomach.
The alleged aggressor then pushed the 16 year old to the ground and asked him if he was hurt, to which the boy laughed. At that point, another one of the boys in the group allegedly stomped on the victim’s face, leaving a mark that sheriff’s deputies documented. A pedestrian eventually stopped and contacted 911.
Though all those involved attend Buddy Taylor Middle School, the victim said he was not familiar with them. He only knew they attend school there. H was not sure if he would be able to identify the aggressor, he told police. “He just wants to be left alone and is afraid that it will happen again,” the report states. His mother, however, wants to pursue charges should the person who stomped on her son were identified.
The incident was to be further investigated through the school resource officer.
Racism-Motivated Burglary at Kangaroo
Christopher Confusione is a 24-year-old resident of Palm Coast’s P-Section. Wednesday evening, he stopped to fill up gas at the Kangaroo station at the southwest corner of Palm Coast Parkway and Belle Terre Parkway. He was playing music on his car stereo.
Before police arrived at the scene, Confusione told the 911 operator that he was involved in a verbal altercation with a white woman he didn’t know, about his music, an incident report states. He was at pump 2. She was at pump 1. She found his music too loud and “began to yell at him,” the incident report states, saying, “I don’t want to listen to your nigger music.”
Confusione ignored the woman, walked into the store and carried out his transaction. He was in there about five minutes. When he went back to his car, the woman was gone, but the radio was off, and the system itself, a Boss Audio radio, valued at $70, was pulled from the center console and damaged. Confusione “believes the female unlawfully entered his vehicle,” the incident report states, “and pulled the radio from the center console.”
Surveillance video had not been available on Wednesday, and had not yet been reviewed as of Thursday, a sheriff’s spokesperson said. The investigation is ongoing.
The incident recalls somewhat similar circumstances of a notorious case at a gas station in Jacksonville where Michael Dunn, the evening after Thanksgiving in 2012, pulled up to fill gas near another car where the radio was playing loud and Dunn, also using a racially-motivated epithet about the music, told the teen-age occupants to turn it down. One of the occupants refused. The confrontation escalated. Dunn eventually pulled out a gun and started shooting as the boys in the car fled. One of them, Jordan Davis, was killed. Dunn was found guilty of first-degree murder in October.
Man Threats 10-Year-Old Boy With a Gun in Boy’s Backyard
A 10-year-old boy told police that while he was cutting wood in his backyard on Elder Street in Bunnell just before noon Wednesday, a white bearded man with red hair pointed a firearm at him and threaten to shoot him.
The boy told police that the same man had appeared in or near the backyard the day before. When the boy reported the appearance to adults in the house, they told him immediately to order the person off the property. That’s what took place on Wednesday, the boy said, according to an incident report.
“After he told him such,” the report states, “he stated the male chambered a round in a handgun that he had in his hand and pointed this gun at him. He further stated that the male told him that he would shoot him. The gun was described as being black in color and possibly a Glock. After the male stated this he fled east into the woods from the back yard area. He had a shotgun strap on his back.
The man was described as being a white, red hair, red beard, medium build.
Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies, including a K-9 unit, searched the area but turned up nothing. The boy’s brother was at the house when the incident occurred, but he was inside and saw nothing. A neighbor told police she hadn’t seen anyone in the area matching the suspect’s description.
A White-Powder Incident
Tonell O’Daniel-Smith, a 44-year-old resident of Palm Coast, couldn’t figure out what the envelope, mailed from Bahrain, was all about: she knew no one in Bahrain. When she felt the nvelope, she thought she sensed a powdery substance. Wednesday evening, her husband, Keith Smith, 43, took the envelope to the sheriff’s Palm Coast precinct, saying the envelope contained an unknown white powdery substance. The envelope was left on the front seat of the car.
“I approached the car and through the window I observed the envelope and observed several indications which made me take caution,” a deputy reported. “The address where the envelope was mailed to was in the return address spot, the address was typed onto the envelope, there was an excess amount of postage placed on the envelope, the postage and stamps were from Bahrain and the envelope had been in circulation since January 5, 2015.”
Smith turned over the envelope and deputies called in St. Johns County’s Hazmat team, which conducted a series of tests.
The only item in the envelope was a “Chanel Sticker,” an incident report states, “which through the shipping label, was determined to have been ordered by Tonell.”
m&m says
Racism is now worst then it has been in the last 40-50- years. The reason I believe is because Obama fuels it and incourages it by his own actions..
Nancy N. says
Obama’s actions? Oh, that’s right – you mean breathing? Because that is all he has to do to upset the conservative right, who are threatened by his very existence. He could adopt their entire agenda and they would still declare him to be the anti-Christ simply because of his skin color.
Racism isn’t rising because of the actions of President Obama. It’s rising as a knee jerk reaction of a white population that feels their grip on power in this country slipping away as they themselves are becoming a minority. It’s rising for the same reason that all sorts of anti-gay laws are suddenly being passed – the last gasp of a bigoted group that feels their dominance slipping away and are lashing out.
The Truth says
In some people’s eyes, President Obama can’t do anything right. He acknowledges the fact that racism is still alive in our country. Please stop overreacting and making excuses for those who have racism in their blood. It’s clear you do not like the President which is fine, but to insinuate that racism is worse than it’s ever been because he fuels it is a ridiculous statement.
We-go-now says
Obama is the worst of the worst.
Pierre says
I wonder how much that costed the tax payers?
BR549 says
I wish that I was there to witness the 16yr old get hit those punks should be delt with by the sheriffs office hope that they can be identified. As to what happened at kangaroo was totally stupid and uncalled for .As long as I can remember I still crank up my music all the time and my wife does also I don’t care if you are black,white or green you have the right to do so .Ps: We are great drivers too.
I’m sure this loud music incident happened just as this fine yound man said it did, NOT.
If your ignorant loud music offends ANYONE, turn it down.
Of course they couldn’t care less who is offended, don’t even know what the word means.
Schottey says
Privilege at its finest.
The Geode says
You have a RIGHT to play your music as you see fit. If it’t THAT offensive – call the cops or ignore it, pump your gas and drive away. All you “tough guys” need to realize things can go horribly awry pretty quickly when damaging someone else’s property.
Ray Thorne says
So the 10 year old boy tells adults in his house about a man being in or near the yard and they tell the 10 year old to go tell the man to leave? And when the kid does, the man points a gun at him. Good job “adults”
Ray Thorne says
If the woman caused damage to the radio, she had no right to do so and should be charged if surveilance shows it was her but I don’t think race had anything to do with it. The “N” word is every third word in the lyrics of music kids listen to today and that’s probably what she was referring to.
JohnStanton134 says
DPDKING, I’m sure he refused because the woman was rude about it. It’s also just not her place, or anyones for that matter, to order someone to turn their music off. If you cant put up with an annoying sound for a couple of moments whilst filling your tank, you have some serious problems.
barbara says
Why would you leave your car running when going into the store anyway. I can’t believe this story
confidential says
I have to put up with the wheeled boom boxes of white kids too driving by…so then we are to tell them to shut up to? What an ignorant brainwashed statement regarding that “Obama fuels racism” when is totally the opposite that actually because we elected a black President the bigots of America have raised again infuriated for their loss attacking minorities trying to intimidate us, in not ever electing a black Commander in Chief again!
The GOP as become more fanatic than ever before in their ultra extreme conservatism fueling this inflamed latest racism allover our nation. Shame on them! Then all the one’s we elected Obama should continuo pressing and voting Democrat! We have two of them right now running on this special election. They are two good men that do not come to us propelled by the big money of the super rich and are good old Southern Democrats David Cox and Adam Morley and if we want change lets vote for them April 7, 2015.
stand for Jesus says
m&m your statement makes no sense and shows your own racism. So for the history of this country can we say that the racist actions white people took and are still taking is based on past presidents actions? Your only whites can do the right thing is a slowly dying breed. You’re the type that will hate blacks until your daughter walks in with a black boyfriend and say “Dad this is Tyrone and I am pregnant.” Lol…..
MEB says
Does anyone see anything wrong with a 16 year old student in Middle School? Is that a typo?
FlaglerLive says
The sheriff’s incident report lists his date of birth and age: 16. There is nothing “wrong” with a 16-year-old in middle school except for wild speculations about why a 16-year-old would be in middle school. The district has its criteria and reasons, not least of which the legal requirement–not applicable to private or charter schools–that all students are provided an education, whatever their circumstances.
Sherry Epley says
Right On, Nancy N! Couldn’t have said it better myself!
A.S.F. says
I’m sorry that the 16 year old got ripped off but he did the right thing to walk away from a confrontation the alleged thief was obviously trying to provoke. As bad as losing money and a radio are, the perpetrator may have been angling to cause even more harm than that.
m&m says
The posts reinforces my belief that racism is alive and thrives with us. That’s not all bad because when they continue, there will be a civil wars.
A.S.F. says
m&m says–Be careful because when you point your finger at somebody else, there are three pointing back your way.