
BJ’s Wholesale Club on State Road 100 will open in a matter of weeks, its parking lot paved on Monday and its certificate of occupancy soon to be issued, Flagler County’s planning director said, while Palm Coast government today took the first step toward annexing the property. But county officials raised concerns about traffic lights and traffic patterns ahead.
The 32-acre property, part of the Cornerstone strip-mall development, will consist mostly of BJ’s and its gas station, along with Miller’s Ale House, opening around Aug. 1, and Longhorn Steakhouse. “The timing on BJ’s will be shortly after Miller’s,” Mengel said, and Longhorn will be after that. There will also be a Chase Bank. Two additional stores along State Road 100, called “outparcels” in development lingo, remain unleased. The lawyer for the developer said BJ’s would open in “late August.”
The Flagler County Commission approved the development’s final plat Monday evening. The recording of the plat triggers annexation into the city–the acreage was on county land, part of the extension of the county airport to the south–but actual annexation is tied to BJ’s getting is certificate occupancy. (Traffic concerns date back two years. See: “Future BJ’s Wholesale Club Raises Traffic Concerns as Palm Coast Mulls Annexation” and “County Approves BJ’s Wholesale Club Despite Unresolved Jam of Traffic Problems Ahead.”)
With what’s expected to be a surge in traffic in and out of the BJ’s complex, traffic concerns remain. Commissioner Greg Hansen wanted to know whether a cut-through access road passing south of the RaceTrac from the complex’s paring lot, to Seminole Woods, was dead. “Because that was a good idea,” Hansen said. It would have alleviated a great deal of traffic pouring in and out of the already congested State Road 100.
“There’s still a dispute,” Mengel said. “Everyone is pointing at it and saying it’s in the common best interest, and I think ultimately cooler heads may prevail, there may be some movement there, but right now with the two gas operations proposed, it’s a conflict with the RaceTrac.” Instead, there will be barricades at the eastern edge of the property even though right now during construction, there’s been some limited use of an existing access road.
Commissioner Dave Sullivan called potentially “dangerous” an unsignalized lefthand turn, going west, from State Road 100 onto the complex. “I think hopefully it will be cautiously used. You’re always worried about that. We’ve got such volume on 100 Right now, my hope will be that when that signal is at red, and there’s folks coming out making the right turn, there will be an opportunity for enough spacing there with the traffic to be able make that left turn safely.”
The turn was not the county’s doing, but approved by the state Department of Transportation, Mengel said.
A new signal has been built at the main entrance to the BJ’s complex. It will continue flashing yellow, alerting drivers to its existence, for another week or so before it goes live.
Commission Chair Andy Dance, who also chairs the Community Traffic Safety Team, a group of local public safety, school and other agencies that seek out traffic safety improvements, raised questions about that bane of Palm Coast drivers: poorly timed traffic signals.
“We talked about this at the Community Traffic Safety Team, right now the contractor is controlling the timing. They took it from the city of Palm Coast,” Dance said, “but I’m worried about this interim process where we’re still under construction and now we’ve opened up BJs and this parcel, and it’s not efficiently operating under the current contractor. Whatever system he’s using is not as efficient as it was before. I’m just worried about the the traffic when this opens. I don’t know if we’ve got any influence on how this is going to work moving forward.”
Dance is worried that the signal timing will be controlled by the developer of the complex, but Mengel said the signal will be coordinated by the city once it is fully operational. Jay Livingston, the developer’s Palm Coast-based attorney, confirmed it: Once BJ gets its certificate of occupancy, “at that stage the traffic light will go active and will be integrated into the city system.” Everything leftover will be internal matters to the development.
“I think you’re missing the point,” Dance told Livingston. “The entire 100 is under construction. So all the lights, Seminole Woods light is under construction. So the contractor is controlling all the lights.” The synchronicity in use right now is not in sync with city lights, Dance said.
That’s true, but it will change once the system is integrated, Livingston said. “I don;t think anybody has any interest, including BJs, to have difficulty reaching the site,” Livingston said.
BJ’s applied for “voluntary” annexation into Palm Coast in February 2024. The development had little choice: it is receiving water and sewer utilities from the city, which in most circumstances compels annexation, based on a local agreement signed between the county and the city in the mid-2000s. “Because of the utility settlement agreement or the water settlement agreement, we are mandated to annex in, in order to get water from the city,” Livingston said.
Notably, however, the city’s annexation today did not include the planned 240-unit apartment complex on a separate property near BJ’s Wholesale Club’s. But it will, once that plan advances. “We don’t have any other requests for any additional annexations at this point,” Brittany Kershaw, the city’s communications director, said. but if there are future projects, “there would be an annexation agreement needed for utilities.”
Today’s annexation, which drew an unsurprising unanimous vote, was on first reading. Second and final reading is in two weeks.
Bobbi says
I think they should have planned the road parts, before even thinking about wether to build. It’s going to be a nightmare!
Jim says
Typical planing here . Another lane should of been put in before they started building BJ. Instead o just paving what was already there.
FSU business college grad says
So the county is just NOW raising concerns about traffic at the new BJs?
1. One entry/exit only.
2. The one entry/exit is on 100 . . . Where traffic regularly gets backed up at the light NOW.
And the county is JUST becoming concerned about traffic once BJs and the other retail and restaurants once everything opens?
That area is about to become a bottlenecked parking lot of traffic that will never move.
I remember learning about real estate development and planning at Florida State University years ago. Maybe the powers that be should contact me in the future before making such catastrophic decisions.
And, yes, I am fully aware there was a problem with Racetrack not allowing ingress and egress onto Seminole Woods. Reason why the BJs project should never have been allowed in that location.
But the whole project was political from the beginning as well as a huge money maker for the well-known county official who sold that property as well as the realtors and developers who were involved.
Richard says
Check out the brains on this dude. FSU. Wow you’re really tearing it up. Glad to see you were one of the 85% accepted.
Billy says
Exactly, corruption is fully on display in palm Coast!
Late To The Party says
The primary election is right around the corner. While stuck in traffic on SR100, take a moment to think about whom to vote for.
Old Rumrunner says
NOW they worry about the traffic after it’s built. Typical…..
Concerned in Palm Coast says
Just curious, where does the County Airport get their water and utilities and why was it not annexed to the City?
Doug says
I’m sure it’s public record, do your research.
VOTE for Change says
Another example of Growth at Any Cost and cart before the horse. Danko, Alfin, Klufas need to go away, We the People see where their loyalties lie, and it is not with the residents or our heath, safety, and welfare.
Stop The Insanity says
I agree with the FSU Business grad and others on this thread. I don’t think Palm Coast or Flagler County has the proper knowledge to develop our city/county. Before this project came to light, one of my pet peeves was the exits and entrances of various shopping centers in PC. One way in, one way out. What a disaster! I’ve never seen such ridiculous parking lot situations until I came to PC. I’m worried about my family and others who will be traveling in the area of the BJs location. There needs to be an investigation on how they came to these decisions. The people who approve the destruction of PC and Flagler County need to be held accountable. Follow the money!
JimboXYZ says
“Commissioner Dave Sullivan called potentially “dangerous” an unsignalized lefthand turn, going west, from State Road 100 onto the complex. “I think hopefully it will be cautiously used. You’re always worried about that. We’ve got such volume on 100 Right now, my hope will be that when that signal is at red, and there’s folks coming out making the right turn, there will be an opportunity for enough spacing there with the traffic to be able make that left turn safely.””
When that traffic light on SR-100 goes live, that whole are is going to have to be rezoned for a speed limit. Adding an apartment complex nearby really makes that a reality to slow the game of commuting down for the dumbest ones among us. It’s 50 mph there, +/-35 mph is more realistic for highest volumes of traffic & the light at Costco & the Seminole Woods Parkway light being that close to one another. This is Palm Coast’s version of SR-40 to Dunlawton in Port Orange for speed limits East of I-95 there and it might as well be changed all the way to I-95 & further East. There are going to be peak hours when Costco is open, off peak in the middle of the night when everyone is sleeping. The growth culture knows what kind of motorists Flagler County has always had, there will be a learning curve, they created this mess. The quality of life just gets better doesn’t it ?
Billy says
What a mess these corrupt developers and politicians created!
gerry kukta says
And some people still call this place paradise! That’s a laugh.
JimboXYZ says
My bad, I typed Costco, it sb BJ’s, same difference though ? A warehouse shopping club. Really, a membership to walk inside & buy products ? Excluding the poorest again is just a better quality of life for all ?
James says
Well Jimbo, if a person goes to Costco and buys a five pack of ketchup, then find they bought too much, they could always split-off two and donate it to the local VFW or food pantry.
Just say’n.
Shark says
Finally some cheaper food and gas. Tired of getting ripped off.
Eric says
Wont be any cheaper
Joey says
Guaranteed it will !!!!
SMD says
Atwp says
Why didn’t they at least try to iron out the traffic woes? Are they just figuring out we will have a traffic mess on 100? When school opens it will be a big city nightmare during opening school hours and closing hours.
Dennis C Rathsam says
Traffic,s already a nightmare there now! This will be another P/C klusterfuck!
Cherie Lohnes says
I would say that the City of Palm Coast put its cart before the horse. WHY WASN’T THIS SUBJECT ADDRESSED BEFORE THE PROJECT WAS EVEN STARTED!!
Eric says
Hope this place fails, its terrible what all the construction has down to this town
Billy B says
Just because the republicans in this town screwed up and you hope the place fails. I’ll be thinking about you when I’m getting cheaper gas and every other item.
Sick Of It Already says
Enough is enough blaming the republicans. I’ve said it before and I guess I will have to say it again. It does not matter if you are a republican or a democrat if you are greedy and money hungry you don’t care what happens as long as your bank accounts are getting bigger. And as for the cheaper gas you will be getting, I will be thinking about you wasting all that cheaper gas trying to get the gas and then trying to get out of there and off of 100. GOOD LUCK!
Old Guy says
I suspect Race Trac is waiting to get paid to drop their opposition to the egress to Seminole Blvd. After all there will be plenty of non BJ’s members to purchase gas from Race Trac. It’s all about the Benjamins.
wow says
So typical. Build then plan.
Jim says
Nice, Stick to us. Not having the access rode. It would’ve made it a bit easier to get in and out of the place. Now we’re going to double down on traffic on 100, miserable! Good job city of Palm coast. Bunch of amateurs.
Jay Tomm says
Mr. property appraiser should have never been allowed to sell that land to a developer, or commercial entity. Major conflict of interest that no one seemed to care about. He’s the property appraiser for the county!!! Stinks like a landfill on an august day.
The only way to get to or from 95 is now bottle necked. Better off going down US1 & circle around. Oh wait that road is also going to be a bottleneck once the expansion road from 100 gets built! The county & the city just doesn’t listen to any of their residents.
Voting in or out, D or R…doesn’t matter. Flagler is being built into a 95 rest stop.
Mary Lumas says
Well was going say something but the comments I see already says it all. Our country has no idea what there doing. I already have too set though two light at Seminole woods going east bound. Now our country worried about traffic. As usual our local fall us again.
Travis says
This is a well written and very informative article. Thank you.
Me says
The planning in Palm Coast is horrible, when will the City Officials start caring about the major traffic problems in this town? IT sure didn’t plan this town very well. Every road is a disaster and there isn’t a road that you don’t see an accident on.
dave says
This is going to be a real mess, 100 in that area is already a mess, but for the city its more money in taxes with all the tenants that will occupy that area, heck with traffic issues, “not my problem” is their answer, it will work itself out, right!. Palm Coast is on the fast track for commercial and residential expansion and there is ZIP, NADA existing residents can do about it, well ya can move to another sleepy little town somewhere in Anywhere USA. It’s just not the same anymore.
Ann says
Oh that is rich😆
Now they’re worried about traffic 🤪🤔
Same thing they’ll say when all these houses and apartments are built !!!!!
Buck Fifty Dawg and a Coke at BJs? says
Man I swear every time I read through comments here its as if y’all never even been to any measurable-sized city in America. Ironically y’alls probably come from some big city up north with your black socks in white tennis shoes. I mean really. A big box store on a 4 lane split road in a mid-size town. A whole big fat juicy nothingburger.
Hmmm says
I agree. And most of them probably just moved here in the last few years, acting like they dont contribute to the traffic or population spike.
Andre says
Ready….fire. .aim. Klusterfvck is an understatement. Everyone knew this was going to happen so to feign some type of concern interest now is a word salad.
Henry says
At least it’s not another storage facility – pizza joint or publix !!
Bethechange says
Is “y’all’s” plural?
aeiou says
I believe the correct plural for “y’all” is “all y’all”.
Mike says
You can see that this city lacks the use of brain smarts. It’s all about what crooked politicians can make the deals with the money hungry developers. Better think about all this come November!
Doug says
What is wrong with our county’s elected officials, that they are now raising concerns about the traffic around BJ’s. Had they listened to the same people they represent and read the comments about the traffic concerns during the so-called “planning process,” we wouldn’t be having this conversation. This issue is a significant concern that should’ve been addressed long before they approved this project. It’s called “planning” for a reason, which obviously isn’t a prerequisite to becoming a county commissioner. Again, the ineptness in county politics is disgraceful and embarrassing.
My Take says
Google maps has a recent picture of the development and as long as there is an entrance/exit on Seminole Woods I don’t think it will be too crazy…though it will be crowded. I agree that this was a bad location to begin with, but we will all have to deal with it or not shop there. I’m going to take the chance and see for myself. But if they put a Chik-Fil-a in there like I’ve heard it will be just like you all descibed.
Crystal Lang says
Wasn’t there suppose to be a Sam’s Club built on Old Kings Rd several years ago? What happened to that? The only good thing for me is I won’t have to drive to Daytona but now I’m starting to think that maybe driving to Daytona is not such a bad idea, I would probably get there and back faster than getting to/into/out of the BJ’s going in on 100. I can imagine it looking like Bucee’s one big block of cars going nowhere and waiting 30 minutes for gas!
James says
Too bad those new EVs don’t have solar panels on their roof tops… then you would be able to charge your battery while you wait in line to buy that “buck-fifty dawg and coke.”
Just say’n.
Momma Mia says
All I read on here and Facebook are complaints. If you don’t like it do go there or better yet move. It is inevitable that Palm Coast was going to grow. I knew that when I moved here in 98. I for one am glad we are getting more options. Publix is just too expensive for young families and seniors.
Crystal Lang says
I agree we do need more options, between Publix and Winn Dixie all we have left is Walmart and the small mom and pop stores that I don’t shop in. However, BJ’s, Sam’s Costco they are big box stores and with the exception of household items when you are just two people most of the food goes bad before you have a chance to finish it. I don’t have a big freezer nor do I have a pantry anymore so I don’t have enough storage space. Not to mention I am on a fixed income that is getting smaller and smaller.Now from what I read there are more and more families (including kids) moving here so maybe BJ’s would work for them and I hope so cause when all the houses are occupied no one is going to be able to shop anywhere. So my opinion is if I have $50.00 a week for food shopping and I go to BJ’s, Sam’s or Costco chances are I will be walking out of there with 3 items in my cart, if I go to Publix, Winn Dixie or Walmart chances are I’m going to walk out of there with let’s say 10 items in my cart and by the end of the week 99% of what I bought will have been consumed by my husband and I and not the garbage bin. And as for PC growing, of course all cities grow but don’t you think the growing of PC at this rate is questionable?