The Florida Highway Patrol is seeking anyone who may have been a witness to the crash. If you were, please contact Cpl. Young at this email address.
Last Updated: Monday, 6:10 a.m.
Travis E. Stewart, 56, of Palm Coast, was killed when his motorcycle crashed with a pick-up truck at Ponce deLeon Drive and Belle Terre Parkway in Palm Coast late Sunday evening. Susan Lynn Horne, 56, who was riding with him was critically injured. She’d moved to town only two weeks earlier.
The incident capped a horrendous six hours in late afternoon and evening that totaled four serious crashes on Palm Coast roads, including one other motorcyclist who was in critical condition after a crash on Seminole Woods Parkway and U.S. 1. The crash at Belle Terre and Ponce DeLeon was the only one that resulted in a fatality, so far.
That crash took place at about 8:45 p.m. Residents at the southeast corner of an intersection that has been the site of a number of crashes over the years–most of them in the same circumstances as tonight’s–said they heard the “boom” of the collision. Soon they saw Flagler County Fire Rescue transport a woman from the scene.
Horne was supposed to be flown to Halifax hospital by Volusia County’s Air One emergency helicopter. But the patient developed complications on the way to the landing zone. The rescue turned around and rushed to AdventHospital. The woman was eventually transported by ground to UF Shands in Jacksonville, according to the Florida Highway Patrol.
FHP investigators confirmed that Stewart was heading north on Belle Terre, while Joseph Michael Scarpone, a 71-year-old resident of Palm Coast, was driving his dark-green-colored 2015 Dodge Ram pick-up south with Mary Ellen Scarpone, 67. Joseph Scarpone made a left turn to go onto Ponce DeLeon. The motorcycle appears to have struck the rear-right side of the pick-up, then careened toward the median, where it either struck or came to rest against a metal street sign.
Scarpone, an FHP report states, “turned left into the path of the motorcycle.” Charges are pending against him. Neither occupant of the Dodge was injured. Under “alcohol related,” FHP’s report notes: “Unknown.”
Both Belle Terre Parkway’s northbound lanes were shut down at Rymfire Drive. Southbound Parkway traffic was reduced to one lane at least in the early part of the investigation, which the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office turned over to the Florida Highway Patrol and a traffic homicide investigator. The investigation took several hours. FHP early Monday morning said the identity of the woman in critical condition had not been released because her next of kin had not yet been notified.
Traffic fatalities have been few in Flagler County this year, especially relative to recent years, though all five fatalities have involved motorcyclists. Sunday night’s fatality is the sixth. There’s also been two deaths involving cars that have been categorized as traffic fatalities, but in both cases the driver was suffering a medical episode. Neither of those incidents involved other drivers.

Chad says
I think they better put a round about there so sad prayers to all involved
Motorcycle rider says
That is the truck that almost hit me 2 minutes before he got into that accident. He swerved head on onto my lane on whiteview almost hitting me and the other biker behind me. Definitely should investigate drug/alcohol use.
B says
All these unnecessary trees in the medial are growing and blocking our view down the road. Another mistake. Should have put safety above beauty.
A.J. says
Very sorry for the death. Everybody please be very careful on the roads. A very sad situation.
mark101 says
Nothing wrong with the trees its drivers that are not paying attention or driving while distracted or under the influence. .
Truth says
There are no trees anywhere near that intersection, only idiot drivers that aren’t paying attention.
Bizarre says
Belle Terre is way too dark and very dangerous driving at nighttime… When are the lights going to be on?
Richard says
So sorry for the loss of this motorcycle rider who was most likely paying attention, driving safely but lost his life to someone who wasn’t. For all riders, regardless of whether you are riding in daylight or worse yet at nighttime, you MUST not only drive for yourself but CONSTANTLY drive for everyone around you. You have to constantly think about what others MAY or MAY NOT do as you motor along the highway and be prepared for ANY possibility.
Millerh says
Just getting too many people here! Palm Coast is squeezing too many people here, no problems years back with less people.
steve says
After my brother died I sold motorcycle. Too many not paying attention. RIP
john dolan esq. says
Just another case of left turns and the Boulevard rule. The driver on the Boulevard (Belle Terre) has the Right of Way. Unless your Drunk.
America Rinaldi says
I agree, the trees have nothing to do with it. Cars and trucks think the streets are a speedway. Pay attention and drive the limit and under. People switch lanes constantly , ridiculous.
Land of no turn signals say's says
Once again somebody’s else’s fault..Trees, dark road, man in the moon.
Land of no turn signals says says
Once again somebody’s else’s fault..Trees, dark road, man in the moon.
CB from PC says
I am a motorcylist with 45 years riding off and on-road.
Sick of reading about these types of avoidable accidents.and
I have had my share of close calls since I took up riding again after a 5 year hiatus due to another at-fault driver.
Yes, I am very lucky to be alive.
I am very sorry for the rider and family who is not alive, and his passenger who was severely injured by someone driving without regard to anyone else on the road.
Time to get some legislation mandating serious criminal charges and jail time for at-fault drivers causing serious inju
ries or death to others.
This driver was AT FAULT as stated in the article:
Scarpone, an FHP report states, “turned left into the path of the motorcycle.” Charges are pending against him. Neither occupant of the Dodge was injured. Under “alcohol related,” FHP’s report notes: “Unknown.”
Debi says
It’s not the trees or anything on Belle Terre I was involved in a motorcycle accident 2 1/2 months ago on Belle Terre at White view someone just turned in front of us when we had the right of way I broke my jaw and suffered other injuries because people don’t pay attention to what’s going on around them we tried to avoid being hit and then the driver stopped in front of us after he turned into our path
Matthew B says
Palm Coast government spends too much on beautification and not enough on public safety!
Why no lights!
Clermontgirl says
Grew up with Travis. Such a great guy. He will be missed by so many. Are hearts are broken. RIP Travis❤️
FlaglerLive says
The driver of the pick-up truck did submit to a blood test. The results are pending.
just me says
everybody! be kind! The people are dealing with enough! You are passing judgement without knowing the facts! You know it is called an accident for a reason! Maybe the gentleman in the pick up just didn’t see him . It happens! someone lost their life and someone has to live with the fact that they caused it . Leave them alone and just wait to see what the results are.
Defensive Driving says
These are my neighbors and I pray for the family. Travis was a very responsible rider and he made sure his companion was safe. Unfortunately this can happen to cars and bikes. As an ex truck instructor (and beforeteaching) I know that people do not follow through with their turns. There need to be more training to the drivers and they used to retest drivers after a certain age. But anyway people please follow through with your turns and don’t procrastinate getting across these streets. If you was walking across a street you would hurry to not get hit. Praying for the family it’s going to be hard to look next door and not see my friends.
Keri Lynn Timlin says
Motorcycle Rider – can you private message me your contact info? I’m a friend of the family and want to make sure that the police have you as a witness. [email protected] Thank you
Dawn Schutz says
I’m so sorry to hear about neighbors. I feel terrible that Travis lost his life in this horrible accident. Susan and I have been friends for 20 plus and I pray for a speedy recovery for her.
Justin Stewart says
Thank you everyone for your support. My father Travis was a good man with 3 sons, 3 grandchildren and another one on the way just cruising home from dinner with his fiancee. I ask for anyone who witnessed this tragic accident to please come forward. To everyone else please pay attention while driving, it is the most important thing we do everyday. One second of not paying attention can turn into devastation for everyone involved. RIP Pops
Michelle says
Hello Justin I’m the neighbor call me when you have a chance 3865030743. Praying for y’all and your dad was the first one I met when they moved next door.. great man
Inaccurate info says
That is a VERY inaccurate statement! If they HAD been on whiteview, then they would have made it home and not gotten into a wreck. Please don’t spread rumors! Unfortunately a terrible ACCIDENT, that everyone involved now has to live with.