Gov. Ron DeSantis Wednesday appointed Derek Barrs, the former Florida Highway Patrol troop commander and chief who lost to Janie Ruddy by 290 votes in a School Board race in August, to the board seat Sally Hunt resigned a month after the primary.
Barrs, 51, will serve out the two years remaining on Hunt’s term, but being a resident of Palm Circle in Flagler Beach–in District 3, which will be represented by Ruddy starting next month–he would have to move to District 1 in Palm Coast if he were to run and win in 2026. “Right now my focus is not on the next election, but rather fulfilling this vacancy to the best of my ability and serving our community,” Barrs said Wednesday evening.
“As someone with a strong commitment to service, and building relationships, I’m honored to have been selected to fill this role,” he said. “My background has taught me the dedication and discipline needed to ensure the safety and well-being of our children. I believe these qualities resonated with the Governor’s administration, and I am deeply humbled by their trust in me. I am ready to apply my experience to help shape a brighter future for our students and serve our community to the best of my ability.”
Barrs’s appointment is not a surprise: DeSantis had endorsed him in the primary, and has been more aggressively involved in school board races than in any other local government elections. He had also endorsed Christy Chong and Will Furry for Flagler’s school board two years ago. Barrs will now form an ironclad, staunchly conservative majority with Chong and Furry. It isn’t the first time the board has had a Republican majority: it’s had one for most of the past two decades. But it’s the first time that majority has been as ideologically defined by and aligned with the governor’s “parental rights” movement.
While the movement made its mark during and after the Covid pandemic with opposition to masks and vaccines and a slew of book-banning, including in Flagler, those controversies have receded, ceding the place to an enduring and more far-reaching one: “school choice.” Thanks to a 2023 bill championed by Paul Renner, the Palm Coast Republican and Speaker of the House for a few more days, that initiative has accelerated the exodus of students from public education to private, at public expense.
“Flagler County has experienced an increase in enrollment over the past year, which I see as a sign that the district and our educational staff are building on past successes and making strides toward future progress,” Barrs said in his Live Interview last August. “However, parents must continue to make the best choices for their child’s education and where they decide to enroll them.
Barrs since 2020 has been deputy program manager and associate vice president of the HNTB Corporation, the Kansas City-based infrastructure design firm, describing his rule as a consultant “on various traffic related and commercial motor vehicle safety projects, training, and program support within the State of Florida and various other States.” At FHP for several years before that, he’d led the Office of Commercial Vehicle Enforcement. He is also a member of the board of the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office’s Employee Trust.
“We’re looking forward to the experience Mr. Barrs will bring to the board,” Superintendent LaShakia Moore said in a statement her office issued Wednesday evening. “His commitment to next generation learning environments and student success is a strong fit with our mission here in Flagler.”
Next month Colleen Conklin, who has been on the board since 2000, will log her last board workshop, as will Cheryl Massaro, who was elected in 2020. Neither opted to run for an additional term. Ruddy will take the place of Conklin. Lauren Ramirez, who Massaro had endorsed, will take Massaro’s place. Ramirez defeated Vincent Sullivan in the primary, but with a more decisive 60 percent of the vote. The Ruddy-Barrs race was not part of last August’s recounts, though Barrs turned up for one of the Canvassing Board meetings to reviewing the process of recounting the closest races.
“I seek to be a sensible voice in our School Board discussions and decisions, aiming to elevate our educational standards and outcomes,” he said when asked what he thought might have made the difference in his interview for the appointment. “I look forward to working together with the board and our Superintendent to reach our full potential and provide a world class education for our students and supporting or teachers and staff in Flagler County.”
He did not address a question about his anticipated dynamics of serving alongside Ruddy, though their race–in contrast with 2020 races for the board–was distinctly civil, even courteous, as had Barrs been before and after his loss.
The School Board next meets for a workshop on Nov. 12, when Barrs will be seated. Ruddy and Ramirez, who will be invited to sit with the board at that workshop, will be sworn-in on Nov. 19.
Joseph Barand says
He will be getting marching orders from Tallahassee, he is simply put a plant to disrupt and degrade public education while pushing the religious right private school agenda.
Craig says
What Board isn’t he on? The good old boys club rides again.
Laurel says
So DeSantis appointed the person Flagler County residents rejected.
So Flagler County residents, do you feel your politicians are listening to you, or give a damn?
Alex says
DeSantis doesn’t listen to any like TRump is idol they only listen to themselves. Greed, revenge, and unqualified follows them where ever the go.
Judith G. Michaud says
So unfair, but no surprise! I always thought the PEOPLE vote for who they think is best their children ! Just another MAGA ! Why do we even vote ?
tulip says
They listen but they don’t HEAR us most of the time. The Republicans are going to do what they want and the rest of us, including independents will have to live with it It’s the Trumpean way
Celia Pugliese says
Rejected only for 291 votes? Welcome Mr, Barrs, I was one emailing the Governor asking to appoint him. He is for the students, teachers and the taxpayers that sustain our school taxes. Mr, Barrs credentials and his professional resume should make us proud that he lives among us. ill be a very positive contribution to the Flagler County school board.
She just keeps talking- to herself again says
Who cares who you want for anything! I’m sure the Governor listened to you.
Nancy N. says
It’s not exactly breaking news that today’s Republicans don’t believe in democracy.
Joe D says
Hopefully BARRS will be an improvement over the DISASTROUS Sally Hunt…he just HAS to be better, or Flagler County Schools are completely doomed with the EXTREMELY COMPETENT Conklin gone and Chong and Fury still there to disrupt things!
Deborah Coffey says
He won’t be.
Doug says
Clearly the voters didn’t know what was best for them. This man, with an intense political bias and no background at all in education, is obviously who they should have elected to the county school board. So grateful that we have politicians out there who can circumvent the democratic process and fix our mistakes.
The dude says
As always… when it comes to all things MAGA… there is no bottom.
If Gov. Meatball likes this guy, he’s bad for the education, which is bad for the kids.
Do Better People says
Okay, come on people this is wrong. This man lost. The people didn’t want him. Yet our authoritarian governor handpicks him. Why? Gee, I wonder. He will do whatever DeSantis says. Do better people. Vote for better people. People that don’t run our government like they’re stuck in the third grade acting on revenge rather than common sense. Our elected leaders should work for all of us but clearly some in FL only work for themselves. We should demand more of our leaders, not less. They represent us, the people, so do better.
Kc says
The third stooge has been named.
How very sad for our children that the Furry Chong dysfunction has been bolstered by this clown.
Celia Pugliese says
Please stop the innuendos and give Mr. Barrs the chance to prove what he says his priorities are : students, teachers and the taxpayers that sustain the schools. His credentials are stellar and what we need in the school board.
Marek says
He has no credentials in education. He is just a puppet
The dude says
His benefactor’s track record on education, combined with the fact that he actually WANTS to be on this board makes it impossible to come to any conclusion other than he’s going to be a disaster for the kids of Flagler County Schools.
He was rejected by the actual constituents here. Their choice should not be circumvented by partisan hacks. This is not democracy.
Nancy N. says
He endorsed Furry and Chong. Unless he’s since withdrawn those endorsements after seeing their performance on the board (and it seems he hasn’t since DeSantis loves him)…that says it all.
Marek says
He has no credentials in education . He does not belong on the School Board.
Just like Furry who has no education at all.
Not my board member says
Great. We now have the guy who shoved his application into the wrong slot the day he filed to run for public office: If you read his resume, he obviously missed the sherriff slot, and his application went into the school board slot.
Back to School training next year topics include: Grenade and stop stick throwing 101, ticket writing etiquette, and dismantling AK’s in under 20..
Jim says
Well, this isn’t a surprise to me. I fully expected DeSantis to appoint one of his cronies to the board. I hope everyone in the county expected this as well. While I 100% agree with the comments here about what this means going forward, we should all recognize that – essentially – it just represents a continuation of the sad, poor performance of this board since the most recent members came on board.
We all just have to make up our minds that when the next elections come around, we get a better group of candidates and work to right this ship. But in the meantime, I don’t expect anything positive to come from this board. And that must makes me feel really bad for the current students, teachers, administrators and parents.
Jim Dana says
WOW – it just keeps getting worse and worse – even though we voted – he lost – he gets position anyway – guess I shouldn’t be surprised – but I am – and saddened as well.
Sick of the status quo says
All you have to do in this place is join the Flagler Republican Executive Committee . . . the day you arrive from out of county or out of state. That group will be only too happy to get you into office.
They hand out “slate cards” telling Republicans exactly who to vote for all the while claiming they don’t “endorse” anyone. But there messaging on Facebook is very clear. “This is who you vote for”.
I know, I was part of that group longer than I like to admit. That group is responsible for a lot of the disasters in public office.
But remember, they don’t “endorse” anyone. They just tell all Republicans which candidate to vote for.
And you wonder why things are in such a mess. That group doesn’t even look into these people’s backgrounds. But remember, they don’t endorse, they tell all Republicans who to vote for. Sick
Bethechange says
Ugh, feel for Ruddy. If Massaro leaves, she could be the only board member with rationale based on educational experience in the public domain. Hang in there!
Nancy N. says
Why any rational person would run for office in this town I don’t know. It’s a fast track to the loony bin.
Land of no turn signals says says
And he’s worse than Hunt? Please.
Celia Pugliese says
About the one thing this FL governor done right!
exasperated says
DeSantis endorses Barr.
Hunt waits to resign so DeSantis can name replacement.
Barr loses.
And everyone knows the rest of the story.
Heads I win tails you lose.
Samuel L. Bronkowitz says
One step closer to period tracking high school teens and checking panties to make sure that they’re really girls. Congrats, Florida!
James says
On a different note.
What ever happened regarding Gavin?
Did she have to go the litigation route, or did they give her her appropriate severance payment package and she decided to “disappear” like so many others?Not that I’d blame her much for doing so, realizing now how slimy Flagler County is.
Just wonder’n.