An emphatic Sheriff Rick Staly late this evening took to Facebook Live to broadcast a warning against anyone who may be planning a retaliatory hit on the perpetrator or perpetrators of the shooting death of 16-year-old Noah Smith on a Bunnell street Wednesday night.
Ocean Heat Set New Record High in 2021. Consequences Ahead.
Globally, it was the sixth hottest year on record for surface temperatures, according to data released by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in their annual global climate report on Jan. 13, 2022. But under the surface, ocean temperatures set new heat records in 2021.
Supreme Court Blocks Vaccine Mandates for Big Employers But Backs Mandates for Health Workers
After Florida and other states fought the plans, the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday blocked a Covid-19 vaccination mandate for large employers while clearing the way for a requirement that health-care workers get shots to try to curb the virus.
FPC Student Noah Smith, 16, Is Gunned Down in Drive-By Shooting in Bunnell
Noah Smith, a 16-year-old student at Flagler Palm Coast High School and a Bunnell resident, was gunned down in a drive-by shooting late Wednesday night in Bunnell. Smith died later at the hospital.
The Conservative vs. the Rebellious Upstart. Sounds Familiar? ‘Mass Appeal’ at Flagler Playhouse Rings a Bell.
“Mass Appeal,” the Tony-nominated play about an elderly, too-comfortable, don’t-rock-the-boat priest and an idealistic, young-buck seminarian, may be set in a church, but its themes overlap with plenty of current conflicts between old and new, the challenge of doctrine and the limits of rebellion.
Flagler Emergency Management Chief Jonathan Lord Wins State Award for ‘Dedicated, Unselfish’ Service
Flagler County Emergency Management Director Jonathan Lord will be presented the Florida Emergency Preparedness Association (FEPA) “Gary Arnold Award” at its annual meeting in February. This award is provided to an individual for dedicated, unselfish and enthusiastic service to improving the emergency management community in Florida.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, January 13, 2022
The Flagler Beach City Commission will receive the final report of the July 4 committee, “Mass Appeal” opens at the Flagler Playhouse, William Faulkner on his native soil in Oxford, and Neil Postman on smoke signals.
How the Vietnam War Pushed MLK to Embrace Global Justice
By 1967, King’s religious vision for nonviolence went beyond nonviolent street protest to include abolishing what he called the “triple evils” crippling American society. King defined the triple evils as racism, poverty and militarism, and he believed these forces were contrary to God’s will for all people.
NPR’s Deft Interview of a Totalitarian Liar
Donald Trump has an iron grip on his cultish party, so it’d be a dereliction of duty to ignore him – and the existential threat he represents. But by indulging him in an interview, does that not give him more oxygen? Steve Inskeep at NPR found a way Monday to thread the needle, argues Dick Polman.
Sen. Travis Hutson’s Bill Giving Business Power to Suspend Ordinances Through Suits Worries Local Officials
The Republican-controlled Senate Community Affairs Committee voted 7-2 along party lines to approve the proposal (SB 280), which would require counties and cities to produce a “business impact statement” before passing ordinances and to suspend enforcement of the ordinances amid legal challenges.
David Ayres Is Named President of Flagler Broadcasting and Its 6 Radio Stations
Jim Martin has named David Ayres president of Flagler Broadcasting. Ayres had been its vice president and general manager since 2008. He’ll fill a role previously filled by Martin, who is taking a step back from day to day operations at the network. Martin will be chairman of the company’s board.
Cops and Firefighters Discover Power of GIS in Search and Rescue Drill at Princess Place Preserve
Flagler County Fire Rescue personnel joined with Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies, Flagler County Emergency Management and the county’s IT and GIS teams this morning and into the middle of the afternoon at Princess Place Preserve for the first joint exercise in more than half a decade. Some 75 participants were involved.
Slow Way in Seminole Woods Will Not Close After All as Palm Coast Council Ends Long and Winding Slog
After voting to close Slow Way last year, the Palm Coast City Council has reversed course for good, opting to keep the tiny street open now that no-truck signs appear to have reduced traffic woes and a backlash from residents made council members reluctant to close the street.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, January 12, 2022
The Public Safety Coordinating Council meets, and the Flagler Playhouse hosts its Community Night for “Mass Appeal,” which opens at reduced price tonight, regular price tomorrow.
Record Quit Rates in the Job Market? Don’t Be So Sure.
The so-called Great Resignation was one of the top stories of 2021 as “record” numbers of workers reportedly quit their jobs. The problem is the data only goes back a little over two decades, which means it’s certainly possible that the rate could have been higher at several points in the past.
DeSantis Scripts State of the State’ ‘Freedom’ Rhetoric With Eyes on Re-Election and Presidential Ambitions
Gov. Ron DeSantis opened the 2022 regular session of the Florida Legislature on Tuesday by crowing that he has kept Florida “the freest state in these United States” during the Covid crisis and promising to continue to oppose a “coercive biomedical apparatus.”
District Court Rejects Vitaly Tsabak’s Latest Appeal of 20-Year Sentence in F-Section Arson and Burglary
Vitaly Tsabak was 28 and the bearer of a lengthy prison record, felony convictions and prison stints when he was arrested on charges of first-degree arson, burglary, grand theft and possession of burglary tools in November 2016 after setting fire to a duplex on Fenimore Lane.
Flagler Access Center for Mental Health and Substance Disorders Opens as Glimmer of Help in Crisis
Flagler Access will provide guidance and services to people with mental health or substance disorders through a partnership involving SMA Healthcare and Flagler Health+, and mostly state funds, operating from the building that used to house the Bunnell Branch Library and Sally’s Safe Haven on State Road 100 and U.S. 1.
Full Text: Gov. DeSantis State of the State Address
The prepared text of Gov. Ron DeSantis’s 2022 State of the State Address before the Florida Legislature as he opened the session. “We have 60 days to work together to build upon our rock of freedom,” he said.
‘You Had Me at 8-Inch Shells’: Palm Coast Would Shift Fireworks to Airport, But on July 4, Clashing With Flagler Beach
While the Palm Coast City Council is fine with moving Independence Day fireworks to the county airport, three council members want to see fireworks only on July 4, which would clash with Flagler Beach’s iconic show and create coordination problems that the city and the Sheriff’s Office may not have the resources to provide simultaneously.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, January 11, 2022
The Community Traffic Safety Team meets, the Palm Coast City Council discusses fireworks, its future manage and its video meetings, Flagler County marks the opening of a mental health center in Bunnell.
How Social Media Can Crush Your Self-Esteem
Comparing ourselves on social media to people who are worse off than we are makes us feel better. Comparing ourselves to people who are doing better than us, however, makes us feel inferior or inadequate instead. The social media platform we choose also affects our morale, as do crisis situations like the Covid-19 pandemic.
Senate Panel Backs Change That Would Make Drug Overdose Prosecutions Easier
A bill that seeks to change the burden of proof in first-degree murder cases involving drug overdose deaths began moving through the Senate on Monday as the 2022 legislative session is set to kick off. The measure (SB 190), sponsored by Sen. Jason Brodeur, R-Sanford, was approved in a 7-3 vote by the Judiciary Committee.
2 Pedestrian Bridges on Rymfire Drive Will Be Fixed Over the Next Few Weeks
The City of Palm Coast will make repairs to the Rymfire Drive Parkway pedestrian bridges due to deterioration. These bridges are part of the pedestrian walkway near Rymfire Elementary School. The repairs will begin on Monday, January 10 and the completion is expected to take four to five weeks.
In Ultimatum, US Army Corps Tells Flagler It May Lose $17 Million for Now If Dunes Impasse Isn’t Resolved
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers told Flagler County that it is at risk of losing $17.5 million in federal funds earmarked for a 2.6-mile dunes restoration project in Flagler Beach if the county doesn’t show by early February that it has either acquired three remaining holdouts’ easements or that it will take the owners to court to acquire the easements.
Flagler District Rescinds Letter of Reprimand in Case of Wadsworth Teacher Who Told Story About ‘Black Boy’
The Flagler County school district has rescinded a letter of reprimand to Wadsworth Elementary teacher Stacey Smith after Smith appealed the penalty. It had resulted from Smith telling her fifth grade students during Math class about an experience she had with “a beautiful Black boy” or “poor little Black boy” while teaching in Chicago at the beginning of her career.
Prosecution Drops Felony Fraud Case Against Terry McManus of Flagler Beach’s Ocean Palms Golf Club
Terry McManus, whose company runs the Flagler Beach city-owned Ocean Palms Golf Course, was convicted on a DUI charge and sentenced to four years in prison last fall. He was scheduled to go on trial on a felony fraud charge this morning. The prosecution dropped it in exchange for his plea to a misdemeanor charge. He claimed the state did not have the evidence to convict him on the fraud charge.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, January 10, 2022
It’s trial week at the Flagler County courthouse. The Flagler County Commission meets for the first time this year, as does the Bunnell City Commission, the latter returning to the Government Services Building for its meetings, now that it’s homeless again.
Sidney Poitiers’ Biggest Role: Civil Rights
Before the 1950s, Black movie characters generally reflected racist stereotypes such as lazy servants and beefy mammies. Then came Poitier, the only Black man to consistently win leading roles in major films from the late 1950s through the late 1960s. Like Martin Luther King Jr., Poitier projected ideals of respectability and integrity. He attracted not only the loyalty of African Americans, but also the goodwill of white liberals.
Why We Are Appealing Flagler Court’s Decision Clearing the Way for Development of The Gardens on John Anderson
John Tanner, the lawyer representing Preserve Flagler Beach and Bulow Creek, the organization opposing the 335-home Gardens development on John Anderson Highway, explains why the organization appealed a circuit judge’s decision clearing the way for the development. The appeal is pending at the Fifth District Court of Appeal.
I Saw Firsthand What It Takes to Keep Covid Out of Hong Kong. It Felt Like a Different Planet.
On a visit to Hong Kong, reporter Caroline Chen encountered a 21-day quarantine, a bevy of Covid tests, universal masking and, finally, a fear-free family holiday. Hong Kong’s quarantine procedures are among the strictest in the world. The city is committed to a “zero-Covid” policy, which means it will take every possible measure to prevent a single case.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, January 9, 2022
Richard Nixon at 109, Simone de Beauvoir complains about how there’s always some holiday going on in America, and Octavio Paz explains why nature didn’t stand a chance.
The Paris Agreement is Working, But…
The Paris Agreement agreement alone can’t save us. The global response to climate change is not generating transformation at the pace or scale we need to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.
The Party of January 6
Trumpism, which started out as a simple-minded rejection of the status quo, has become something else: a thorough rejection of democratic procedures and a darkly conspiratorial hatred of federal power. This corrosive ideology is now orthodoxy within the Republican Party, and that party remains just popular enough to win back Congress this year and, potentially, the White House in 2024.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, January 8, 2022
Free tree recycling at Palm Coast fuel depot on Utility Drive, American Association of University Women (AAUW) Flagler’s January meeting with Dr. Mary Gatta on Generation X women, the morality (or immorality) of watching Squid Game, Isaac Asimov on Letterman.
May a Christian Flag Fly at City Hall? Supreme Court Will Decide
On Jan. 18, 2022, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Shurtleff v. Boston. The case addresses whether the city violated the First Amendment by denying a request to temporarily raise the Christian flag on a flagpole outside City Hall, where Boston has temporarily displayed many secular organizations’ flags.
Be Considerate: Do Not Go to Hospital’s ER for a Covid Test
With the recent spike in new Covid-19 cases, local health officials are doing their best to continue maintaining sufficient capacity at AdventHealth Palm Coast’s emergency room for genuine medical emergencies.
Palm Coast Man Who ‘Tortured’ His Child Draws Character Letter from NFL’s Emmitt Smith, and 20 Years in Prison
Deviaun Toler, the 30-year-old former Palm Coast resident a jury found guilty of burning his infant son’s arm with boiling water, leaving him black and blue with marks from whippings and breaking his skull in brutal beatings over “weeks of abuse,” as the prosecutor described it, was sentenced to 20years in prison today, followed by 10 years on probation.
Jimaya Baker, Ringleader in Armed Robberies and Shooting that Left a Man Paralyzed, Is Sentenced to 15 Years
Jimaya Baker, 20, was sentenced to 15 years in prison, the maximum prosecutors asked for, in her role as ringleader of two armed robberies in Palm Coast, in 2018 and 2019, one of them leaving an 18-year-old man half paralyzed and an invalid for the rest of his life. She was one of six co-conspirators in the two robberies. All have pleaded to prison time.
DeSantis and Guthrie Admit to Expiration of Between 800,000 and 1 Million Covid Test Kits
Gov. Ron DeSantis and Kevin Guthrie, director of Florida’s Division of Emergency Management, acknowledged Thursday that 800,000 to a million Covid tests had expired in a state stockpile, with the omicron variant spreading and residents facing long lines for testing.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, January 7, 2022
Deviaun Antriel Toler, whom a jury found guilty of first-degree felony charges of aggravated child abuse and two other charges in October, is scheduled for his sentencing. And W.E.B. DuBois asks: Your country? How came it yours?
See the Truth, America, Biden Urges as he Blasts Trump’s ‘Dagger at the Throat of Democracy’
Biden’s speech of Jan. 6, 2022, is of interest not only because of the circumstances that led to its being necessary, but also because of the visual language it employed. The speech expressed a powerful faith in the plain truth. It asked Americans to believe their own eyes. That reflects a long philosophical tradition in Western culture equating sight or light with the truth.
Flagler County Firefighters Jon Moscowitz and Jimmy Melady Deliver Baby on New Year’s (Not Theirs)
Flagler County Fire Rescue Lieutenant Jon Moscowitz and Firefighter/Paramedic Jimmy Melady started 2022 on a joyous, unplanned note this weekend, when they responded to mom-to-be Traci Kuehn’s call on New Year’s Day.
Native American Festival returns to Princess Place After a Covid Hiatus
The Native American Festival that is fast becoming a February tradition at Princess Place Preserve returns in 2022 after a hiatus last year because of COVID-19. It will be the seventh Pow Wow held since its inception in 2015.
Palm Coast Government Will Propose Shifting July 3 Fireworks Event to Flagler County Airport
Palm Coast is considering shifting its July 3 fireworks show away from Town Center’s Central Park and to the nearby Flagler County airport’s grounds–to accommodate more people, easier parking, smoother traffic, and bigger fireworks.
Flagler Covid Deaths Increase by 8 Since Christmas as Omicron Surges and Health Experts Warn: It’s Not a Cold
The coronavirus’s omicron variant is far more infectious and less virulent than its predecessors, but it is not the common cold. The Flagler Health Department is reporting covid outbreaks in all sectors–schools, nursing homes, assisted living facilities and the Flagler County jail, and a significant increase in covid-attributed deaths in Flagler County since Christmas. As of Dec. 24, 277 Flagler County residents had died of Covid-19. As of today, 285 have.
Incumbents a Crowd as Qualifying Soon Closes in Flagler Beach, Bunnell and Beverly Beach for March Elections
For an off-year, 2022 will not be short of elections in Flagler County, starting with elections in Flagler Beach, Bunnell and Beverly Beach on March 8. A combined seven incumbents in the three municipalities are making a play to keep their seats, and absent additional candidates filing to run, Bunnell and Beverly Beach could end up with uncontested elections.
Abortion, CRT, Elections Police, School Boards: 10 Issues to Watch in 2022 Legislative Session
With the Covid-19 pandemic continuing and fall elections looming, Florida lawmakers will start the annual 60-day legislative session Tuesday, with major issues including potential abortion restrictions, a $100 billion budget, prohibitions on teaching critical race theory, more elections policing, and other ideological issues that may give the session a retro feel.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, January 6, 2022
James McIntire sentencing before Circuit Judge Terence Perkins, recalling the Jan. 6 insurrection, hunting deer instead of hippies, a seminar on Ritchie Robertson’s “The Enlightenment: The Pursuit of Happiness.”
Why Omicron Transmission in Triple-Vaxxed Should Not Alarm You
On the surface, it appeared that the vaccines were not working. But this depends on how vaccine protection is defined. So far, the vaccines have proven to be very good at preventing severe disease. This protection is just as important, if not more so, as they keep the vast majority of infected people out of hospital and from dying.