St. Mark by the Sea Bazaar and Sale, Vincent Adejumo on the Destruction of Rosewood, “The Mountaintop,” at City Repertory Theatre, the 80th anniversary of the order to intern Japanese Americans in concentration camps in the West.
The GOP Is Now Openly Aligned Against Democracy
Majorities of Republicans report believing the ridiculous lie that the 2020 election was stolen — something not even GOP-led investigations have found a shred of evidence for. And an alarming 40 percent of Republicans now say violence against the government is justified.
On False Flag Attacks
In the past few weeks, U.S. officials have warned several times that Russia plans to create the appearance of an attack on its own forces and broadcast those images to the world. Such a “false flag” operation, they alleged, would give Russia the pretext to invade Ukraine by provoking shock and outrage.
Another Self -Storage Facility for Old Kings Road, a Car Wash Near Starbucks and Taco Bell on SR100
The Palm Coast Planning Board cleared the way for the third self-storage facility approved for Old Kings Road in the past four weeks, and a car wash near Aldi and Taco Bell on State Road 100. The self-storage facility was not permitted to have boats and RVs.
Palm Coast Fire Lieutenant Jason Wagner Celebrates 25 Years of Service
Jason Wagner began his career with Palm Coast Fire Department on February 3, 1997 as a Firefighter-EMT. He was promoted to Lieutenant in October 2000 upon the fire department coming under control of the newly incorporated City of Palm Coast. Wagner grew up in Palm Coast.
Daytona Solisti Chamber Orchestra Presents ‘Romancing the Strings’ March 6
A Franz Schubert sonata originally composed for piano and arpeggione, a now-rare, almost forgotten instrument, will be featured in an arrangement for viola solo and strings, when the Daytona Solisti Chamber Orchestra presents its annual “Romancing the Strings” concert March 6 in Ormond Beach. The concert also will feature music of Vivaldi, Bach and Holst.
Big Changes Afoot for Bright Futures Requirements as Lawmakers Shift to Paid Work Instead of Volunteer Service
Florida High school kids vying for a scholarship could compile hours for paid work, not volunteer service, to qualify for Bright Futures scholarships, a popular merit-based scholarship program that can shave off thousands in college tuition, requires a high GPA, top college entrance exam scores, at least 75 hours of volunteer service, plus a project on civics or social issues.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, February 18, 2022
“The Mountaintop,” at City Repertory Theatre, reimagines Martin Luther King Jr.’s last night, dying languages, Bach’s “Here, in My Father’s place” from a cantata, reason’s salvation from extremism.
Blue-State Cities Led the Wave of Anti-Asian Violence in Pandemic
Before 2020, the average number of Asian Americans killed or injured in anti-Asian attacks was just over eight per year. In 2020 and 2021, however, 49 were physically harmed, an average of almost 25 per year. Almost half of the anti-Asian attacks in 2020 and 2021 were motivated, at least partially, by anger and animosity associated with COVID-19, a disease first identified in Asia.
New Bunnell Police Chief Dave Brannon Steps In as Interim Snead Offers Valentine of Firsts to City
Dave Brannon, for 26 years a member of the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office and the commander of the DeLand and Deltona districts, will take-over as Bunnell Police Chief on Feb. 28 as Interim Chief Brannon Snead neared the end of his three-month tenure by presenting the commission with a series of firsts, including the department’s first-ever strategic plan.
A Flagler Palm Coast High School Student’s Message to Lawmakers: Stop Policing My Education
A spate of GOP bills in the Florida Legislature seek to sever the trust and safety inherent in the confidentiality of student-teacher discussions, putting the safety of students at risk and further accelerating an exodus of teachers and other education professionals from the profession at a time of critical teacher shortages in Florida.
Father Is Jailed Over Whipping 7-Year-Old Girl, 3rd Palm Coast Case of Parental Child Abuse in 10 Days
Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies arrested Charles Nazworth, 69, of Palm Coast’s W Section on a charge of child abuse Tuesday after he was accused of whipping his 7-year-old daughter with a belt and causing her to run away from home. The girl was found bruised, shoeless and coatless on Pine Lakes Parkway Tuesday afternoon.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, February 17, 2022
Another round of listening in a town hall about Flagler Schools’ dress code, but no one showed up at the first one; Blame Biden? UK inflation hits 30-year high, how Republicans exploit the word “freedom.”
Women’s Freedom and Autonomy? Not in Florida.
These magnanimous Republicans will allow women and girls to have control over their own bodies until the fetus inside them gets to be about the size of an apple. After that, ladies, you’re nothing but a “host body,” as former Florida House Speaker Jose Oliva famously said.
Florida House Passes Bill That Would Require Initiatives to Improve Fathers’ Parental Skills
The bill would require that grants be geared toward helping fathers in “finding employment, managing child support obligations, transitioning from a period of incarceration, accessing health care, understanding child development and enhancing parenting skills.”
When Presidents Lie. And Why.
Presidents who lie to save their own public image or career are unlikely to be forgiven. However, those who appear to lie in the service of the public are often celebrated.
2 Dead Cats, a Malnourished Dog Result in 2 Felony Animal Cruelty Charges for 32-Year-Old Woman
Michelle Lynn Church, 32, faces two charges of animal cruelty involving a death and a misdemeanor abandonment charge after the animals were found in her RV at the Royal Palms RV Park in Bunnell, formerly known as Thunder Gulch.
Metronet Adds Flagler Beach and Bunnell to Gig Cities as Broadband Wiring of All Neighborhoods Starts in Spring
Metronet, the broadband company that announced it would make ultra high-speed service of 1 gig available across Palm Coast available by 2023, has now sealed similar agreements with Bunnell and Flagler Beach. Those agreements were secured with a lot less fanfare, if any, than the one with Palm Coast, which the city announced in mid-December.
Reimagining Martin Luther King Jr.’s Last Night Before Assassination in CRT’s ‘The Mountaintop,’ Warts and All
“The Mountaintop,” Katori Hall’s 2009 play staged by Palm Coast’s City Repertory Theatre starting Thursday, imagines imagines King during his last night on earth, as a pretty motel maid named Camae visits him to deliver room service and finds the civil rights icon in a very un-glorious state: Smokin’. Cussin’. Drinkin’. Flirting. Stinky feet.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, February 16, 2022
The Palm Coast Planning Board hears a site plan application for a 36-acre self-storage facility off Old Kings Road North, a school board committee hosts a “listening session” about the district’s dress code, John Cleese on extremism, Herbert Hoover on poverty’s eradication.
Sarah Palin’s Appeal of Libel Loss Could Set up Supreme Court Test of Decades-Old Press Freedom Rule
Before the 1964 Sullivan standard Sara Palin’s appeal could potentially overturn, the libel landscape in the U.S. consisted of a patchwork of state laws that made it easy for political figures to selectively persecute newspapers and public speakers who espoused opposing or unpopular views.
Proposed Florida Law Would Crack Down on Social Media ‘Pop Up’ Events
Authorities would be able to impound vehicles for days and double fines on noncriminal traffic infractions to crack down on large unsanctioned events put together through social media, under a measure heading to the Senate floor.
Florida’s New Elections Restrictions Are Driving Local Supervisors from Office
Some of the officials who supervise Florida elections are considering retiring under the threat of $25,000 fines if they make mistakes, according to testimony produced Tuesday in the federal trial over the GOP-dominated Legislature’s new voting restrictions.
Palm Coast Approves ‘Shocking and Staggering’ Garbage Rate Increase as Mayor Warns Waste Pro
The Palm Coast City Council this afternoon voted 4-1 to approve the one-year contract extension with Waste Pro with a 47 percent rate increase and several cut-backs on services and fines. The mayor warned the company that the rate will not be an acceptable starting point for Waste Pro’s expected bid for a five- or seven-year contract later this year.
Victor Barbosa Decides to Run for City Council Again, Abandoning County Commission Race Until 2026
In a nearly six-hour meeting rich in surprises and reversals, add Palm Coast City Council member Victor Barbosa’s decision to drop out of his run for the Flagler County Commission and seek to keep his seat on the council instead.
Denise Bevan Is Appointed City Manager in Unanimous Vote, Aborting Palm Coast Council’s Search
The Palm Coast City Council appointed Denise Bevan permanent city manager in a unanimous vote, ending her eight-month role as interim and aborting a a search Mayor David Alfin called disappointing.
Palm Coast Council Sharply Reverses Course on Green Lion After Crush of Unanimity Against Severing Lease
Faced with a rare, unanimous backlash against its arbitrary decision to end the city’s lease with the Green Lion restaurant at Palm Harbor Golf Club last week, the Palm Coast City Council executed a 179-degree turn Tuesday morning, dropping its order to sever the lease and opting instead to reopen negotiations with the restaurant, toward a five-year extension of the current lease.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, February 15, 2022
The Palm Coast City Council will hear from the Green Lion restaurant’s owners and supporters, the Flagler County School Board hears another update on library books and Susan Anthony is not happy with Florida.
Canada Should Be Preparing for the End of American Democracy
As Canada’s closest neighbor fractures at the seams and slides toward dangerous forms of authoritarianism, we should be deeply worried. The worst-case scenario in the U.S. — blood in the streets — isn’t necessarily the most likely, but we ought to resist the tendency to assign too low a probability to events that could have serious, catastrophic consequences.
Elite Airways Adds St. Augustine-Portland, Maine, Non-Stop Beginning March 26
The new service starts March 26 and will operate on Saturdays traveling southbound and Sundays going northbound.Tickets are $199 each way for Portland/St. Augustine.
Flagler County Tries to Buy More Time in Dunes Easement Dispute in Face of Army Corps’ Eroding Patience
Faced with an ultimatum from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Flagler County government has outlined a timeline to the federal agency that it hopes will buy it more time before the Corps redirects $17 million earmarked for dune reconstruction in Flagler Beach.
33-Year-Old Father Faces Felony Child Abuse Charge for Throwing and Bruising Boy, 9
A week after a 33-year-old Palm Coast parent was arrested on a felony charge of abusing his high school son over the boy’s sexual orientation, another 33-year-old Palm Coast father with a history of violence was arrested on a similar charge after allegedly attacking his 9-year-old son over a purchase he made on an iPad.
Tom Gargiulo, Palm Coast’s ‘Unwavering, Steadfast Champion’ of the Arts for 25 Years, Dies at 83
Tom Gargiulo, co-founder of the Gargiulo Arts Foundations and the Flagler County Artist of the Year award, prolific artist and patron to innumerable shows and artists, and the conceptual energy and fund-raiser behind Palm Coast’s Sculpture Garden in Town Center, died after complications from surgery Sunday in Palm Coast.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, February 14, 2022
The Bunnell City Commission hears a strategic plan for its police department, Mamie Smith’s “This Thing Called Love,” the end is near, democracy’s sorry state, Peter Taylor’s “Demons.”
The Black Death Was Not as Widespread or Catastrophic as Long Thought
In popular imagination, the Black Death is the most devastating pandemic to have ever hit Europe. A new study of 1,634 samples of fossil pollen from 261 lakes and wetlands in 19 European countries suggests the pandemic’s toll was not as universal as currently claimed, nor was it always catastrophic.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, February 13, 2022
The cold weather shelter opens tonight as temperatures go back into the 30s, “Calendar Girls” at the Daytona Playhouse, Teddy Roosevelt’s dead Indians, the firebombing of Dresden, one of the great war crimes of World War II.
Patriotism, Dissent, ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ and the NFL
Playing the national anthem at every game became a flashpoint in the 1960s. Today, the NFL’s promise to play the anthem at every game cuts both ways. For Super Bowl LVI, three songs performed by four Black American female vocalists will offer a musical suite of unity in the face of division.
What I learned From Watching More than 500 Jan. 6 Videos
The Jan. 6 insurrection was brutal, and no amount of spin and obfuscation will alter that truth. Hundreds of videos prove that violence did not just occur sporadically as an extreme expression of the crowd’s displeasure but rather dominated the mob’s collective energy. The full weight of the crime that occurred on Jan. 6 is hard for Americans to measure because it is hard to imagine it could have occurred in America.
Deputies seize 42 Pounds of Pot and $23,000 in Cash at L-Section Home in Palm Coast
An alleged drug dealer is out on $55,000 bond this morning after the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office (FCSO) Special Investigations Unit (SIU) seized 42 pounds of marijuana, more than $23,000 cash and other drug paraphernalia in a Friday morning bust in Palm Coast.
The Insurgent History Calendar: February 13
The firebombing of undefended Dresden in 1945, one of the great war crimes of World War II, and Kurt Vonnegut’s memories.
Life After the Covid Pandemic
There will not be a single moment when social life suddenly goes back to normal. Instead, gradually, over time, most people will view Covid-19 as a background risk and abandon the trappings of pandemic caution. There are major caveats to when the pandemic will wane, and trust in public health agencies has declined significantly.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, February 12, 2022
American Association of University Women hears about “The Contextualization of Confederate Iconography,” Daytona Playhouse stages “Calendar Girls.” the Jacksonville Symphony is all brass and organ, big days for Abraham Lincoln and Bill Clinton.
Trump and the Vaporization of Presidential Records
Boxes of documents and other items that should have been handed over to the National Archives were found at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence. Among the records reportedly incomplete or missing from Trump’s tenure in the White House are phone logs from Jan. 6, 2021.
Flagler Beach Reduces Its Lifeguard Zone By Two Towers, and Asks County for More Money
Reducing Flagler Beach’s lifeguard-protected zone by four blocks will save about $25,000 a year, but the city is still seeking more than the $84,500 it is getting from the county to run the $240,000 lifeguard program.
Your Garbage Rates Are Going Up 47% in June, Services Cut Sooner, as Bid Flub Forces Waste Pro Contract Extension
Waste Pro garbage rates for Palm Coast residents and businesses will go up nearly $10 a month starting June 1, some services will be reduced, and fines levied on Waste Pro when it fails on the job will be cut in half according to a one-year extension of the city’s contract with the hauler, required because a bidding process for a new contract went awry last year.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, February 11, 2022
Flagler Technical College Director Renee Stauffacher and Sheriff Rick Staly talk about giving convicted criminals a second chance on the job, Meowy Hour at Sea Casas Boutique and Uncork’d, Lincoln on xenophobia.
How Joe Rogan Became Podcasting’s Goliath
Joe Rogan is not just a purveyor of right-wing ideologies. He is also someone who has built an empire by introducing these ideas – and a wide range of others – to listeners from across the political spectrum. His truly unique skill is drawing in from that spectrum a massive, young, largely male audience that advertisers highly covet.
Calling it ‘An Embarrassment to the City,’ Flagler Beach Manager Issues 30-Day Ultimatum to Golf Operation
Flagler Beach City Manager sent a harsh letter to Flagler Golf Management, the company running the city-owned golf course at the south end of town, giving it 30 days to “cure” a long list of problems, including compliance with a requested audit of the company’s books. It’s the latest showdown in a seven-year history of showdowns.
Supreme Court Rejects DeSantis Request on Cutting Up Congressional District Held by Black Democrat
The Florida Supreme Court on Thursday denied a request by Gov. Ron DeSantis for an advisory opinion about his proposal to revamp a sprawling North Florida congressional district that has been held by a Black Democrat.
In Sharp Retreat from County’s and Builders’ Barrage, School Board Adopts Much Smaller Impact Fee Increase
In inflation-adjusted dollars, the impact fee rate for single family homes the Flagler school board approved Wednesday–$5,450–is not an increase, but merely an adjustment in keeping with inflation. In constant dollars it is the same rate set in 2004. It was a major concession to home builders and the county commission.