Linda Schoenholz, a 77-year-old Bunnell resident, died late Saturday night after driving her car into a retention pond off the Grand Reserve golf club in Bunnell, police report. Schoenholz was a resident of Grand Reserve since 2020.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, May 22, 2022
Free Used Tire and Bromeliad Plants Disposal Day at East Flagler Mosquito District, Jules Massenet’s “Meditation from Thais,” “The Odd Couple: Female version,” another view of American exceptionalism.
Whataboutism: Behind the Deflecting Tactic in Arguments
Whataboutism is an argumentative tactic where a person or group responds to an accusation or difficult question by deflection. Instead of addressing the point made, they counter it with “but what about X?”
Appeals Court Sides with DeSantis on Elimination of Black-Access North Florida Congressional District
A court order issued Friday means that Gov. Ron DeSantis’ congressional redistricting plan, which dismantles a North Florida district likely to elect a Black candidate, will be used for this year’s primary and general elections, at least for now.
2nd Judicial Circuit Judge Barbara Hobbs Hit With 60-Day Suspension and $30,000 Fine
The Florida Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that a Tallahassee-area circuit judge should receive a 60-day suspension and pay a $30,000 fine after she acted as an attorney for her son following his arrest in a shooting incident.
6,566 Permits Issued in Gator Hunt Lottery that Drew Record Applicants
A record number of applicants sought permits for alligator hunting this year, though they had to wait an extra day to find out if they won a lottery for the permits. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said Thursday that 6,566 permits were issued from 19,358 applications submitted in a first round of permitting.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, May 21, 2022
The inaugural “Hang 8” Dog Surfing Competition in Flagler Beach, Touch-a-Truck in Palm Coast, WaterSafe’s event at Belle Terre Swim and Racquet Club, a book sale at the library, two Flagler Woman’s Club events, Bud Powell, Richard Flanagan’s “Gould’s Book of Fish.”
Buffalo Mass Shooter Threatened a Shooting While in High School. Could More Have Been Done?
Accused mass-shooter Payton S. Gendron’s story is not unlike the dozens of stories that typify one of the biggest challenges that schools face when it comes to averting school shootings – and in the case of Buffalo, mass shootings in general. And that challenge is recognizing and acting upon warning signs that mass shooters almost always give well before they open fire.
‘There’s a Lot of Covid Out There’: Virus Spiking Again in Flagler, But This Time Response Is Left to Individuals
Covid is back in force again in Flagler and Florida, and is on pace to be raging in the next few weeks. The public health response is vastly different than it was in the first two years of the pandemic, with a focus on a hands-off approach that leaves everything to personal choices while making a vast array of health measures freely available–if people choose to use them, and if they’re aware of them. Neither is necessarily the case, thus accelerating the spread of the latest variant.
James Hirst Appointed Palm Coast Parks and Recreation Director
Hirst joined the City of Palm Coast in June of 2014 as an Aquatics Supervisor and has risen through the ranks, achieving Outdoor Recreation Manager in September of 2018.
Flagler County’s Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low of 2.6%, Beating Housing and Pre-Pandemic Booms
In the two previous booms on record, Flagler’s unemployment rate had fallen to a low of 3.6 percent in December 2005, at the crest of the housing boom, before starting to rise the following year. In the late 1990s boom, the county’s unemployment hit 2.7 percent in September 1999 (when 486 people were unemployed), until now the lowest rate recorded.
Costco Opening Wholesale Club on International Speedway Boulevard in Daytona Beach in 2024
Costco Wholesale is opening a 150,000-square-foot store in Daytona Beach in 2024, bringing the members-only wholesale club retailer within 30 miles or less of most Palm Coast and Flagler County residents–just as a BJ’s wholesaler is planning a store on State Road 100 in Palm Coast.
Jury Finds Ian Davis of Palm Coast Guilty of Molesting His 14-Year-Old Niece
The verdict Friday followed a four-day trial, including jury selection, before Circuit Judge Terence Perkins. Each of the second-degree felony charges carry a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison when Davis, formerly of Seabreeze Trail in Palm Coast, is to be sentenced on July 18.
Jury Finds Ian Davis of Palm Coast Guilty of Molesting His 14-Year-Old Niece
The verdict Friday followed a four-day trial, including jury selection, before Circuit Judge Terence Perkins. Each of the second-degree felony charges carry a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison when Davis, formerly of Seabreeze Trail in Palm Coast, is to be sentenced on July 18.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, May 20, 2022
The Lost Roadside Attractions of Florida, a free lecture at the Palm Coast library, Friends of the Library book sale, “The Odd Couple: Female version,” Amelia Earhart’s flight across the Atlantic, Balzac on journalists, an FYO trio performs a Haydn trio.
Intermittent Fasting to lose Weight? Here’s What the Science Says.
Numerous studies have shown that the weight reduction from intermittent fasting diets is no greater than the weight loss on a standard calorie-restricted diet. There are no studies on the long-term safety and efficacy of following this type of diet. And studies show that intermittent fasters don’t get enough of certain nutrients.
Replicating Math Textbook Censorship, Florida Tells Publishers to Kill Social Justice and CRT in History Books
The department is accepting bids from companies through June 10 to provide social-studies books for a five-year period starting in 2023. The department posted to its website a 29-page document that lists criteria for what is expected to be included in the books — and what’s expected to be left out.
Rezoning Would Clear the Way for 243 Apartments on Old Kings Road, Against Public Opposition
The Palm Coast Planning Board recommended approval to rezone acreage off Old Kings Road north of Town Center Boulevard for a 243-unit apartment complex. The proposal drew mis-statements by opponents of the project. A cover letter with a 100-name petition opposing falsely claims apartment dwellers do not “contribute anything to a community.”
Sharply Rising Property Values Could Net $12.3 Million for County Government, But Commissioners Want Prudence
Flagler County Administrator Heidi Petito projects a windfall of $12.3 million in addition to current revenue, yielding $7.5 million in new revenue for county government operations, $3.7 million for the Sheriff’s Office, and a little over $1 million between the other constitutional offices. Again, that’s assuming the county commission does not lower the property tax rate to account for the new revenue.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, March 19, 2022
Daytona State College’s Falcon Experience Night for Prospective Nurses, “The Odd Couple: Female version,” at the Daytona Playhouse, Malcolm X on self-criticism, an FYO ensemble performs Celtic Force.
Bad News for Hurricane Season: Loop Current, Fueler of Monster Storms, Looks a lot like in the Year of Katrina
The Loop Current is the 800-pound gorilla of Gulf hurricane risks. When the Loop Current reaches this far north this early in the hurricane season – especially during what’s forecast to be a busy season – it can spell disaster for folks along the Northern Gulf Coast, from Texas to Florida.
Trial Scheduled for Next February Over ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Law
A federal judge has scheduled a February trial in a legal battle over a new state law that restricts teaching about sexual orientation and gender identity in Florida schools.
Taylor Morland Selected to Represent Flagler Beach at Miss Florida Teen USA 2022
Taylor Morland has been selected to represent Flagler Beach at the Miss Florida USA/Miss Florida Teen USA Competition this May 27-29, 2022, on stage at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts! Tickets for both nights of competition available online and at the box office.
TSA Agents Pay Early Morning Visit to Flagler County School Bus Drivers in Surprise Inspection
As they were preparing to roll out early this morning Flagler County schools’ bus drivers got a surprise inspection from members of the Transportation Security Administration, the at-times dreaded federal agency and division of the Department of Homeland Security. It was a quietly pre-arranged safety drill by Transportation Director Dontarrious Rowls through the TSA’s “Security Enhancement Through Assessment” program.
Several Road Projects and Lane Closures planned Along Sesame Boulevard in Coming Days and Weeks
There will be periodic lane closures at the intersection of Sesame Boulevard at the eastern Smith Trail starting today (May 18), and on May 31 a portion of Sesame Boulevard near Sedgwick Trail will be closed as Stormwater Crews replace a pipe that has become faulty.
Sheriff’s Contingent Escorts Families of Fallen Deputies Luciano and Celico at National Police Week in D.C.
Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly and the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office (FCSO) Honor Guard, Motors Unit and dedicated family escorts accompanied the families of two of FCSO’s fallen heroes during National Police Week ceremonies in Washington, D.C. this past weekend.
95-Home Subdivision in R-Section Draws Concerns Over Smaller Lot Sizes, But Council Approves
The Palm Coast City Council on Tuesday voted 4-0 to approve a gated subdivision of 95 homes, most on 6,000-square foot lots, on Ryan Drive in Palm Coast’s R-Section, against objections by residents that the development is built of smaller lots, would generate more traffic and could impact children’s safety at a bus stop.
Knife Pulled, Then Swung, Then a Gun Is Drawn in Road Rage Incident in Palm Coast’s W Section
Tuesday afternoon, Rafael Vincent Rivera, 50, and G.P., also 50, were involved in a road rage incident on Pine Lakes Parkway in Palm Coast that escalated, with a knife getting pulled, then swung, then a gun getting drawn, and Rivera getting arrested and facing a felony aggravated assault charge.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Indians’ great replacement theory, the county commission meets for a budget overview, the Palm Coast Planning Board, the Contractor Review Board and the Technical review Committee all meet, Pamuk’s memories of Istanbul.
How Media Reports of ‘Clashes’ Mislead Americans About Israeli-Palestinian Violence
In a recurring pattern of crudely biased media coverage in the United States, there is no mention in headlines about who instigated the violence between Israeli forces and Palestinian mourners, nor any hint of the power imbalance between a heavily armed Israeli police force and what appeared to be unarmed Palestinian civilians.
Palm Coast Resident, 72, Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison After ‘Gygabites’ of Child Abuse Materials Found
John Ridgley Gardner Jr., a 72-year-old resident of Zonal Geranium Court in Palm Coast, was sentenced this morning to five years in prison followed by 10 years in probation on 13 second-degree felony counts of possession of sexual abuse video and images of minors.
Flagler County Will Take $1.2 million Out of Reserves to Pay for 2 New Firetrucks in Unbudgeted Spree
The Flagler County Commission approved spending $1.24 million out of reserves to buy two firetrucks in one fell swoop, thus replacing half of Flagler County Fire Rescue’s four front-line fire trucks when the two new engines are delivered in about 14 months. The proposal is to address an ageing fleet and was approved unanimously after little discussion.
Damaging Trust with Unions, Flagler School Board Rejects a Rebate to Employees that Its Own Teams Had Agreed To
The Flagler County school district’s teacher and service employee unions have suspended collective bargaining negotiations with the district following what both unions say is a breaking of a pledge by the district to award one-time health insurance premium rebates to employees. The unions consider that “bad faith,” breaking trust in the district, damaging what for many years had been cordial relations between the two sides, and raising the possibility of more formal measures.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, May 17, 2022
The Palm Coast council will hear a somewhat contentious rezoning application for a 28-acre property called Ryan’s Landing, the school board meets, Food Truck Tuesday, Brown v. Board of Education.
Mass Shootings Are Increasing, Becoming Deadlier, and 13% Are Targeting Minorities
Mass public shootings in which four or more people are killed have become more frequent, and deadly, in the last decade. And the tragedy in Buffalo is the latest in a recent trend of mass public shootings taking place in retail establishments, similar to an August 2019 shooting at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas. On that occasion, the 21-year-old white suspect posted a racist rant on social media before allegedly driving some distance to intentionally target racial and ethnic minority shoppers.
Vietnam War Veteran Cecil Hengeveld Speaks at Flagler County’s Memorial Day Service
Join Flagler County at its Memorial Day Ceremony at 10 a.m. Monday, May 30, featuring special guest speaker Cecil Hengeveld, Colonel, U.S. Army (retired), a Vietnam War veteran, whose decorations include Legion of Merit, Air Medal with “V” device and 30 oak leaf clusters, Army Commendation Medal, and the Pennsylvania Commendation Medal.
DeSantis Signs New Law Banning Protests Outside Private or Elected Officials’ Homes
Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed legislation providing for jail terms of up to 60 days and $500 fines for protesting outside the homes of public officials and private citizens — like what’s been happening to U.S. Supreme Court justices since the leak of a draft opinion reversing Roe v. Wade.
Gas Prices Set a New Record in Palm Coast, Reaching $4.49 After 30-Cent Rise Over the Week
In Palm Coast, gas today was selling at $4.49 a gallon at Wawa and both RaceTrac stations on State Road 100. It was selling at $4.51 at the Shell closer to Flagler Beach, and $4.49 almost everywhere else in the city as $5-a-gallon gas is now a possibility.
A Month Out from Sentencing on Felony DUI Conviction, Dan Priotti Is Back in Jail on Domestic Charge
The latest incident is the result of an alleged confrontation between Dan Priotti and his ex-girlfriend, less than a week after a judge ruled against his lawyer’s motion for a mistrial in the DUI conviction. Priotti had been out on bond pending sentencing on May 17. The prosecution may now use the incident as a further argument against leniency.
Setting Aside Transparency Concerns, Flagler Beach Commission Reaffirms Support for $420,000 Dumpster Project
The $420,000 reconstruction and expansion of the dumpster pad outside the Funky Pelican in Flagler Beach–$450,000, including architectural drawings–will go forward, the Flagler Beach City Commission decided last week, despite questions by two commissioners and the mayor.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, June 16, 2022
The Flagler County Commission considers spending $1.2 million for two fire engines, The trial of Ian Davis is scheduled to begin with jury selection, Lise de la Salle plays Bach.
Video Games May Boost Your Child’s Intelligence
Many parents feel guilty when their children play video games for hours on end. But a new study points to evidence of a beneficial, causal effect of video games on intelligence. For example, a child who was in the top 17% in terms of hours spent gaming increased their IQ about 2.5 points more than the average child over two years.
DeSantis Signs Records Expungement Bill
After the measure received unanimous approval in the House and Senate, Gov. Ron DeSantis on May 12 signed a bill that will expand minors’ ability to have arrest records expunged if they have completed diversion programs.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, May 15, 2022
The killing of journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh, one Million Covid Deaths, Grace Community Food Pantry, Antonin Scalia and Stephen Breyer in conversation, reclaiming the night sky.
The Ethics of ‘Personhood’ in the Abortion Debate
Current constitutional law grants a right to have an abortion until a fetus becomes viable – in other words, until there is a reasonable probability it could survive outside the womb with care. Today, this typically occurs between the 22nd and 24th weeks of pregnancy. But “what is a person?” How people answer this question shapes how they think about a developing human being.
Why I Took Part in The National Women’s March in Flagler Beach
“I was born in 1968 in a Catholic home for unwed mothers in Philadelphia,” the author, a long-time Hammock resident, writes of pre-Roe America. “My biological mother was 15 when she became pregnant. She was forever scarred for life by her experience in one of these homes. She was 16 when she gave birth and had no say whatsoever in what happened to me. Let that sink in: my mother was completely powerless over what happened to her and to her child.”
Flagler’s Inimitable Bob Pickering Earns Distinguished Service Award at Governor’s Hurricane Conference
Emergency Management Specialist Bob Pickering received the Distinguished Service Award Thursday at the Governor’s Hurricane Conference in south Florida for being a jack of all trades within his department.
The First Organized Women’s Basketball League Comes to Palm Coast
The Palm Coast Parks and Recreation Department is organizing its first-ever women’s basketball league this summer, beginning June 8 and continuing through July 27.
A Record 36 Million Tourists Visit Florida in First 3 Months of the Year, Beating Pre-Covid Numbers
Visit Florida, the state’s tourism-marketing agency, posted information Friday showing that 35.982 million people traveled to the state between the start of January and the end of March.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, May 14, 2022
Dedication of a mural in memory of former Mayor Jon Netts at the Palm Coast Historical Society, National Women’s March to preserve the right to an abortion, Flagler Palm Coast High School Thespians’ production of “Singing in the Rain,” Lewis and Clark set off.