Election Day in Flagler Beach and Bunnell, the Palm Coast City Council reckons with a grim evaluation from residents about its own behavior, the St. Johns River Water Management District board meets, as does the Flagler County Planning Board, with a look at Russian oil exports and know-nothings who think they know it all.
Battles Over Book Bans Reflect Conflicts from the 1980s
The attacks on books in the 1980s bear similarities to the current attacks. Both object to the critical teaching about race and racism, historical as well as contemporary. Both accuse schools of tearing down America and weakening patriotism. Both object to teaching about gender roles, sexual orientation and alternative models of the family. Conservative institutions like the Heritage Foundation have been involved in both periods.
Senate Moves to Cloak in Secrecy Businesses and Drugs Connected with Florida’s Executions
The Florida Senate on Monday passed a measure that would more broadly cloak information about people and businesses involved with state executions and the drugs used for lethal injection, positioning the proposal for action by Gov. Ron DeSantis.
Flagler County Firefighters Deploy to the Panhandle to Combat Chipola Complex Wildfires in Bay County
Firefighters from the City of Palm Coast and Flagler County Fire Rescue are deploying to the same area that was devastated by the eye of Hurricane Michael in October 2018. Much of the activity related to the fires are from blown down timbers caused by Hurricane Michael, making it very difficult to fight wildfires.
Council Members’ Boorishness Appears to Take a Toll on Residents’ Confidence in Palm Coast Government
Only 41 percent of respondents see the city’s overall direction in positive terms, the lowest proportion in 20 years, and an 11-point decline from 2019, when the survey was last conducted. Only 37 percent of respondents have confidence in Palm Coast government, down nine points from two years ago. It is the lowest confidence level since the survey started including that category in 2013.
‘Handful’ of Students Suspended Up to 3 Days Following Thursday ‘Say Gay’ Walkouts and Fight Over Trump Flag
At least one student involved in a fight over a Trump flag that was deployed during the FPC suspension is among those who were suspended. The flag appears to have been deployed as a provocation of the students demonstrating, and was accompanied by taunts against the students, who were repeatedly called “faggots.”
Joe Rizzo, Dynamism Behind Education Foundation and Buoyant Booster of All Things Flagler, Is Dead at 47
Joe Rizzo, executive director of the Flagler Education Foundation, former co-owner of Woody’s BBQ and other restaurants, and an unflagging cheerleader of all things Flagler, died overnight or early this morning. He was 47.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, March 7, 2022
The Flagler County Commission talks federal stimulus dollars without giving credit to the source, the Beverly Beach commission meets, Piet Mondrian’s 150th birth anniversary, Princeton’s dullness.
Conservatives Profit from Anti-Transgender Agendas to Rally Their Base
Anti-transgender health care bills and legal interpretations are part of a package of initiatives that mark 2021 as a “record-breaking year” for anti-LGBTQ policies introduced in state legislatures across the country. And 2022 is already on track to surpass this record.
Ukraine and the Fallacy of ‘All Lives Matter’
Every war brings out the best and the worst in human beings. Ukrainian resistance has been heroic and inspiring as Russia carries out its war crimes. But there’s also a strong element of bias at work in the public reaction. You know, the way a blue-eyed blond child gone missing will get page one sympathy while a missing Black child will be ignored.
A ‘Renewed’ Bunnell Police Force Sends Message With ‘Operation New Day’
The operation lasting from 2:00 PM until 11:00 PM was very successful and resulted in 40 traffic stops, 34 warnings being issued, 6 uniform traffic citations being issued, 1 criminal uniform traffic citation being issued, 1 field interview report being written and 3 misdemeanor arrests being made.
‘We the People’ Are In Dangerous Territory
The state of the union is precarious because some of us have lost faith in democracy and have begun to flirt with other means to achieve political goals, other means to obtain and keep power, means based more on brute force and intimidation than on persuasion and compromise.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, March 6, 2022
Remembering the Dred Scott decision’s atrocity, “Company,” the 1970 musical by Stephen Sondheim, is staged by Flagler Playhouse, Poe’s macabre toothy grin in “Berenice,” the so-called “Fall of the Alamo.”
Death: How Long Are We Conscious For, and Does Life Really Flash Before Our Eyes?
Experiments have been conducted in an attempt to better understand reports from people who have had a near death experience. Such an event has been associated with out-of-body experiences, a sense profound bliss, a calling, a seeing of a light shining above, but also profound bursts of anxiety or complete emptiness and silence.
15 Year Old Charged With Hate Crime for Brutalizing Palm Coast Boy for Being Gay, at a Shelter
A 15-year-old Orange City boy was charged with a felony battery count after allegedly assaulting and brutalizing a 16-year-old Palm Coast boy while calling him a “faggot.” The incident, captured by surveillance cameras, took place at a secure SMA Healthcare facility in Daytona Beach. The victim was so severely beaten that his right eye was partially shut and he may have suffered a broken wrist.
Flagler Sheriff’s Citizens Academy Spring Session Registration Is Open
Learn all about the FCSO including District Policing, Investigative Services, Drug and Gang Enforcement, Victim Services and SWAT. Also, class members get to see Motor Unit and K-9 Unit demonstrations, take part in “Shoot, Don’t Shoot” demonstrations, visit the FCSO communications center and detention facilities and go on patrol with a Deputy Sheriff.
Broward’s Jared Moskowitz, DeSantis’s Ex-Emergency Management Chief and a Democrat, Will Run for Congress
Broward County Commissioner Jared Moskowitz, a Democrat who served two years as Gov. Ron DeSantis’ emergency management director, announced Friday he will run for a congressional seat that will be open this year because U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch is not seeking re-election.
Trump Just Endorsed an Oath Keeper’s Plan to Seize Control of the Republican Party
The “precinct strategy” widely promoted by Steve Bannon has already inspired thousands of Trump supporters to fill local GOP positions, intent on preventing a “stolen election” despite endless evidence that there’s been no such thing.
Flagler Beach City Commission Election Profile: 2 Incumbents Speak Experience as a Newcomer Promises
The Flagler Woman’s Club on Tuesday hosted a forum for the three candidates running for Flagler Beach City Commission–incumbents Jane Mealy and Rick Belhumeur, and newcomer James Sherman. Here’s a complete report and analysis of the evening.
Beyond Ballot Suppression, Florida Lawmakers Are Shackling Voters’ Rights to Change Constitution
Floridians have relied on the ballot-initiative process in recent years to legalize medical marijuana, increase the minimum wage and limit the expansion of gambling in the state. Efforts like that may soon become much harder to pull off as Republican lawmakers aim to restrict the process.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, March 5, 2022
A closer look at DeSantis bullying students for wearing masks, Stephen Sondheim at the Flagler Playhouse, The First Saturday Creative Bazaar Arts and Craft Market in Palm Coast’s Town Center, Dostoevsky on brutifying human beings.
Zelenskyy’s Putin Antithesis: Grit and Grace of Leadership
Putin demonstrates a tendency toward authoritarianism in both political action and in political style. Zelenskyy, in contrast, presents a more modest and understated vision of political leadership – one more appropriate for democratic institutions, in which the leader is not thought to be morally superior to the governed.
Court Says City-Owned Golf Course Managed By a Private Company Can Be Required to Pay Property Taxes
The court decision could potentially have ramifications in Flagler Beach, where the city owns Ocean Palms Golf Club, a nine-hole golf course, but has been leasing it to a private company since 2015, tax-free. The decision this week suggests local property appraisers may legally deny a local government’s exemption for such privately run amenities.
Flagler Fire Rescue and Police Training Tower Will Be Renamed for Firefighter John R. Keppler Jr.
Flagler County Fire Rescue on March 19 will memorialize the life of volunteer firefighter John R. Keppler Jr. -– 20 years after his death -– with a dedication ceremony at the training tower on Justice Lane. The facility, which has always been referenced as “the training tower,” will be named for Keppler.
Flagler Sheriff’s 911 Communications Center Re-Accredited
From the efforts of the FCSO 9-1-1 Communications Center to the cutting-edge technology used by the FCSO Communications Center, the TAC team members were impressed with the overall professionalism of the Agency’s dispatch center and each individual on staff they interacted with.
Florida Senate Approves 15-Week Ban on Abortion, No Exceptions for Rape, Incest, or Human Trafficking
Late in the evening Thursday, amid tears, personal stories, and fears about women’s freedom, the Florida Senate approved a 15-week abortion ban for Florida, allowing the legislation to go to Gov. Ron DeSantis’ desk for his consideration.
Economy Adds 678,000 Jobs, Lowering Unemployment to 3.8% and Nearing Pre-Covid Levels
The economy added 678,000 jobs in February, the largest one-month gain since March 2021, lowering the unemployment rate to 3.8 percent and nearing pre-Covid employment level of 3.5 percent, when 5.7 million people were unemployed. In February, 6.3 million were unemployed. The economy still has 2.1 million jobs to recover before matching pre-covid employment, however.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, March 4, 2022
First Friday in Flagler Beach, Stephen Sondheim at the Flagler Playhouse, The 13th Paralympics Games open in (sigh) Beijing, a few bad memories of Grover Cleveland, the chauvinism behind the Russia-Ukraine war.
Stripping Bare the Illusion That Sports Are Apolitical
FIFA has suspended Russia from international competition, potentially excluding Russia from the World Cup in Qatar later this year. There are several reasons why the Ukraine invasion has served to break FIFA’s policy of viewing national teams apolitically. The brutality of the Russian aggression is one, the self-evident innocence of Ukraine is another.
Javian Neesmith, Is Sentenced to 15 Years in prison in Fentanyl Overdose Death of Dimitry Popkov, 39
Javian Neesmith, a 22-year-old former resident of Buttermilk Drive, was sentenced to 15 years in prison on Wednesday in a plea to manslaughter in the death by fentanyl overdose of
Dimitry Popkov, 39, on Karas Trail in September 2020.
A Parent’s Counsel to FPC Principal Greg Schwartz: Accommodate LGBTQ Students, Don’t Suspend Them
Randall Bertrand, the parent of an LGBTQ student who was at the forefront of the effort to protect gender-identity rights in the district, recommends to Flagler Palm Coast High School Principal Greg Schwartz how to diffuse the situation at FPC after the principal opted to suspend student-protest organizer Jack Petocz following today’s walkout protesting anti-LGBTQ legislation.
‘Say Gay! Say Gay! Say Gay!’ FPC Students Chant in Walkout Protesting Bills; Organizer Jack Petocz Is Suspended
Hundreds of students at Flagler Palm Coast High School staged a 12-minute walkout this morning to protest bills nearing passage in the Legislature that would silence educators’ freedom to discuss certain topics, including gender identity, sexual orientation and certain anti-racism themes. Jack Petocz, the organizer of the protest, was suspended after the event.
Walmart Voids Trespass Warning Against Ex-Councilman Victor Barbosa
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office has voided the Feb. 27 trespass warning against ex-Palm Coast City Council member Victor Barbosa after receiving a request to do so from a Walmart employee.
With Average Gas Price in Florida at $3.57 a Gallon, Some Begin to Change Driving Habits
The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine caused oil prices to surge above $110 a barrel for the first time in a decade. Oil is now $19 a barrel more than Friday’s settlement. An increase of that magnitude could signal a 40-50 cent jump at the pump.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, March 3, 2022
Jack Petocz, a junior and student leader at Flagler Palm Coast High School, speaks at the Palm Coast Democratic Club, “Company,” the 1970 musical by Stephen Sondheim, opens at the Flagler Playhouse, discriminating among refugees from Ukraine.
Ultimatum from Flagler Beach, Husband in Prison: Ocean Palm Golf’s Unintended Owner Tells Her Story
Belle McManus had to take over the city-owned, privately managed Ocean Palms Golf Club in Flagler Beach after her husband was imprisoned on a DUI conviction. The city and the golf course already had rocky relations, and now the golf course faces a lease termination ultimatum. McManus describes her attempts to save the business in her new, unexpected role.
DeSantis Heckles Students to Take Off Face Masks and Derides ‘Covid Theater’
While Gov. Ron DeSantis has touted a law called the Parents’ Bill of Rights, he didn’t take into consideration Wednesday that he could be imposing on parent rights when he aggressively told masked students they they didn’t have to wear them.
51-Year-Old Woman Is Killed in Crash Between SUV and Classic Car on Belle Terre Parkway
A 51-year-old woman died following a two-vehicle crash at Belle Terre Parkway and Pine Grove Drive Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m.
Sanctions Won’t Topple Putin
Putin’s support was not so big anyway: why else would the administration indulge in massive election fraud? Sanctions that make Russians poorer are therefore unlikely to motivate them to vote differently.
In Bunnell, a Group of Volunteers Seeking to ‘Secure Our World’ Clean Up ‘Decades’ of Trash Down Avenue
Tiyona and Tyona Ash, 21-year-old twins born and raised in Bunnell, partnered with the Flagler Housing Authority and organized what appears to be Bunnell’s very first clean-up, picking up trash that had accumulated for “decades” down Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue. The effort is the first of many, the Ash sisters say.
Florida Wildlife Officials Clear the Way for 24-Hour Alligator Hunting
Concerns were raised, in part, that the 24-hour proposal would conflict with other outdoor activities, such as bass fishing and duck hunting, and that there is the potential for meat spoiling from alligators harvested during the hottest part of the day.
A 246-Unit Apartment Complex Will Rise on Old Kings Road, With an Eye on the Site’s Historic Value
The historical nature of the old and no longer readily visible Old Kings Road was a matter of discussion Tuesday evening at the Palm Coast City Council as developers presented their plans for a seven-building, 246-unit apartment complex off the new Old Kings Road, just north of State Road 100, paralleling the historic roadbed.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, March 2, 2022
The Palm Coast Code Enforcement Board meets, “Company,” the 1970 musical by Stephen Sondheim, is staged by Flagler Playhouse starting with a Community Night tonight, Colin Thubron on the fabrication of Uzbekistan.
Can Rich Nations Stop Buying Russian Oil?
Sanctions against Russia’s oil industry would have a greater impact than limiting natural gas flows because Russia’s oil receipts are higher and more critical to its state budget. Russia earned over US$110 billion in 2021 from oil exports, twice as much as its earnings from natural gas sales abroad.
Palm Coast Mayor and Council Call for 365% Pay Increase for Themselves, to $44,670 a Year
In a day of stunning developments, Palm Coast Mayor David Alfin capped a City Council meeting this evening by asking for a 365 percent pay raise for council members–from $9,600 to $44,670 a year–and for a similarly hefty raise for the mayor, to $44,670. The council went along, voting 3-1 to move forward with the proposal.
Following House, Florida Senate Poised Wednesday to Impose 15-Week Abortion Limit
After weeks of speeches and raucous protests, numerous votes in legislative committees and a full vote in the state House, Florida is at the endpoint for a decision on a 15-week abortion ban that doesn’t include rape, incest and human trafficking.
New Bunnell Police Chief’s 1st Hours: Cop Assaulted and Injured, Car Thief Tased, Shooting Near Carver Center
Within minutes of new Bunnell Police Chief Dave Brannon’s swearing in Monday evening before the City Commission, one of his sergeants was involved in a high-risk pursuit and was assaulted by a car thief and injured. Hours later, Bunnell was the scene of burst of shooting reported by several residents near Church Street or the Carver Center.
Victor Barbosa Resigns Palm Coast Council Seat, After Report of Shoplifting; He Cites Threat to His Life
Victor Barbosa, the volatile Palm Coast City Council member whose brief tenure since November 2020 was dogged by boorish behavior on and off the council, by a sheriff’s investigation and a state inquiry into crimes he allegedly committed in Costa Rica, and by an accusation of shoplifting at Walmart over the weekend, has resigned.
In Unusual Break with Meeting Customs, a Flagler Beach Commissioner Blasts Another Over Campaign Claims
Flagler Beach City Commissioner Ken Bryan described fellow-Commissioner Rick Belhumeur’s claims on the campaign trail of extravagant spending by the commission as “offensive” and “wrong” in statement unusually critical of a fellow commissioner–at a commission meeting. Bryan isn’t running in the March 8 election. Belhumeur is, and Bryan is backing a challenger.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, March 1, 2022
A status hearing is scheduled in the case of Cornelius Baker, whose death sentence has been in a legal twilight zone for a few years, the School Board holds a workshop, the Palm Coast City Council discusses apartments, Russian writers assess the Russian character.