The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday blocked a Texas law similar to one in Florida that prohibits large social media companies, such as Facebook or Twitter, from banning or removing users’ posts based on political viewpoints. A three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last week ruled that Florida’s law unconstitutionally restricts free speech.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Code enforcement board meeting, the Beatles’s Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album, the Second Amendment as the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence interpreted it, Penny Lane.
Mass Shootings Are a Boon to Firearms Stocks
A week on, and the market rally of gun stocks following the latest mass shooting hasn’t subsided. That’s been the case with recent mass shootings–but it contrasts with shootings a decade or more ago, when gun companies’ share prices would fall.
Florida Teacher Union Declares Backing of Charlie Crist in Governor’s Race
Local educator unions across the state also showed support for Crist, a former Republican governor, Attorney General and, notably, the state’s former Education Commissioner in Florida.
Person Killed in T-Bone Crash at Cody’s Corner, Where DOT Renounced Building Roundabout
A 32-year-old woman was killed in a two-vehicle, t-bone crash at the intersection of State Road 11 and County Road 304, also known as Cody’s Corner, south of Bunnell this afternoon.
Flagler 3rd Graders’ Reading Scores Fall Again, to Lowest Level in 7 Years, Yet Rank 12th in State
The percentage of Flagler County 3rd graders achieving a reading level of 3 (out of 5) or above–that is, reading at a satisfactory level–fell to 58 percent, the lowest level in at least seven years of comparable testing results, and down from last year’s 59 percent. Scores had peaked at 69 percent in 2017 and 68 percent in 2019, the year before the pandemic.
Another Unprovoked Attack at a Local Business Lands 35-Year-Old Palm Coast Man in Jail
Dustin M. Patrick, a 35-year-old resident of Breeze Hill Lane in Palm Coast, was booked at the Flagler County jail on a felony child abuse charge after allegedly attacking a teen employee Friday at Red Crab in Palm Coast. It was the second unprovoked attack by a stranger against another in six days at different Palm Coast businesses, in front of others.
Gas Prices Ease Off By a Few Pennies in Palm Coast But Oil Prices Again Rise Sharply on Embargo News
Prices had eased off somewhat in Palm Coast and Flagler County on Tuesday, but announced new sanctions on Russian oil sent oil prices sharply higher, matching the year’s record and portending further higher prices for gas ahead.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, May 31, 2022
An uneventful day-after- memorial Day in Flagler County. It is the anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921. Linda Greenhouse on abortion and the 13th Amendment.
Memorial Day’s Forgotten History
Memorial Day was born in the former Confederate States in 1866 and adopted by the United States in 1868. Cities and towns across America have for more than a century claimed to be the holiday’s birthplace, but we have sifted through the myths and half-truths and uncovered the authentic story of how this holiday came into being.
Measure Up to What Vets Fought For: A Call to Flagler’s Community and State Leaders
It is time county commissioners, governors and legislators exhibited some plain common sense, balancing serious gun-safety regulations with responsible gun ownership. The politicians who let the carnage continue are the cowards for not taking action.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, May 30, 2022
Memorial Day commemorations in Palm Coast at 8, at the county in Bunnell at 10, in Flagler Breach at 1 p.m., and all about Voltaire’s complete works, finally completed.
Roadside Safety Messages Distract Drivers and Increase Crashes
A study showed there were two to three per cent more crashes within one to 10 kilometres downstream of each dynamic message sign during the week fatality messages were shown. This suggests that this specific behavioral intervention backfired.
Our National Pathology Over Guns Is Inhuman
Insanity, as has been famously remarked, is doing the same thing over and over again, and hoping for a different result. And that is the story of our lawmakers’ ongoing inability to pass even the simplest of gun violence reduction measures. And, then, under our very noses, we’re hit with another Sandy Hook.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, May 29, 2022
Grace Community Food Pantry, Houston’s divide over guns, Orhan Pamuk’s Istanbul, G.K. Chesterton’s Catholic obsession, Palatka’s Blue Crab Festival has its last day.
Arming Teachers: Risks and a False Sense of Security
There are documented incidents of school staff using their firearm to neutralize a shooter. However, researchers have not found evidence that arming teachers increases school safety. Rather, arming teachers may contribute to a false sense of security for teachers, students and the community, when even highly trained police in gunfights hit their target only 18% of the time.
Cancel Student Debt and Bail Out Ordinary People for a Change
Donald Trump and the Republican Party passed a $1.9 trillion, high-end tax cut in 2017 that’s been called “socialism for the rich.” It led to billionaires paying a lower average tax rate than the working class for the first time in U.S. history. That sounds a lot more radical than helping regular people, Robert P. Alvarez argues.
DeSantis Appoints Ex-Education Commissioner Corcoran to University System’s Board of Governors
The Board of Governors oversees Florida’s 12 state universities and is tasked with such responsibilities as adopting regulations designed to carry out state laws related to higher education. Corcoran, a former Republican House speaker, served three years as the state’s top education official overseeing Florida’s public-school and college systems.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, May 28, 2022
Flagler-Palm Coast High School and Matanzas High’s graduations, LGBTQ+ ice cream social at Sally’s Ice Cream, the NRA’s unconscionable conventions, the guillotine, Amnesty International.
Yes, Muslims Are Portrayed Negatively in American Media
The warm welcome Americans and Europeans have given Ukrainians in 2022 contrasts sharply with the uneven – and frequently hostile – policies toward Syrian refugees in the mid-2010s. Negative opinions on Muslims were mostly influenced by what they heard and read in the media, which projects “stereotypic beliefs, negative emotions and support for harmful policies” toward Muslim Americans.
5th District’s Judge Meredith Sasso Among Applicants to Florida Supreme Court Vacancy
After reshaping the Florida Supreme Court to reflect his legal and political ideology, Gov. Ron DeSantis is poised to pick a new justice who will give him four appointees on the state’s highest court. Judge Sasso is a member of the American Enterprise Institute Leadership Network and the ultra-conservative Federalist Society, whose faculty advisors included Robert Bork and Antonin Scalia.
Palm Coast Hosts Memorial Day Ceremony at Heroes Park
Join the City of Palm Coast for a Memorial Day Ceremony, “Remembering America’s Heroes,” on Monday, May 30 at 8 a.m. at Heroes Memorial Park.
Flagler Beach Commissioner Has ‘Zero Confidence’ July 4 Will Be Pulled Off as Planning Drags
As the Flagler Beach city manager is giving a fireworks producer until just 24 days before July 4 fireworks to sign a contract, City Commissioner Eric Cooley said he had no confidence that the fireworks or other preparatory plans for Independence Day could be pulled off safely, absent more detailed information.
Apparently Unprovoked, Palm Coast Man Throws Coffee and a Punch at 76-Year-Old Customer
Flagler county Sheriff’s deputies arrested Sean Michael Ruel, a 39-year-old Palm Coast man, for what appears to be a brazen, unprovoked attack on a 76-year-old man at a convenience store four days before.
Stand-Off With Armed Individual Ends Near 8-Hour Mark With Arrest
What started as a potential domestic violence situation at 6 Welling Place in Palm Coast in mid-afternoon today turned into a nearly 8-hour stand-off between 51-year-old Mark Francioni, who had barricaded himself in his house, with firearms, and the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office’s Crisis Negotiating Team.
2.2 Million Floridians Expected on the Roads This Weekend Despite Record High Gas Prices
More than 39 million people are expected to travel 50 miles or more across the country this Memorial Day weekend, including 2.2 million Floridians–10 percent of the state’s population–even as gas prices hit a new record of $4.58 a gallon in the state on Thursday.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, May 27, 2022
A vigil in memory of the Buffalo and Uvalde massacre victims, Rachel Carson and Silent Spring, and if you want to go a bit west, it’s Palatka’s annual Blue Crab Festival.
The NRA’s Evolution from Gun-Control Advocacy to Anti-Restriction Zealotry
Despite the proximity in time and location to the Texas shooting, the NRA is proceeding with its plans to hold its annual convention in Houston on May 27-29, 2022. The featured speakers include former President Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican.
Voluble on All Things National and Ideological, DeSantis Is Mum on Robb Elementary Massacre
About the mass murder this week in Uvalde, Texas — where an 18-year-old shot to death 19 small kids and two teachers — Gov. Ron DeSantis has uttered not a peep beyond ordering flags at state and local facilities flown at half staff — and it was President Joe Biden’s proclamation.
New Law Would Require State, Not Local School Board, to Set Emergency Drill Guidelines
Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday formally received nine bills from the Legislature, including a school-safety bill that would direct the State Board of Education to develop rules for school emergency drills.
From One Massacre to Another: Friday Vigil in Veterans Park Will Mark Mass Murders in Uvalde and Buffalo
A vigil in memory of the 31 victims of the Buffalo and Uvalde mass-shooting victims is scheduled for at 8 p.m. Friday, May 27, at Veterans Park in Flagler Beach. The vigil will have no speeches. Participants are encouraged to bring candles or lighters. A bell or a gong will be rung 31 times.
Provider Still Hasn’t Signed Flagler Beach Fireworks Contract or Shown Insurance. City Chief ‘Not Yet’ Worried.
Less than six weeks from July 4, and two weeks after the Flagler Beach City Commission voted to approve a $24,000 contract with Ryan Allen to set off Independence Day fireworks, the contract is still not signed, Allen has still not provided proof of insurance, and the city has therefore not issued a deposit check.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, May 26, 2022
Building Your Business On A Strong Foundation, a seminar at Cornerstone, the Flagler Beach City Commission meets, it’s the Youth Center Talent Show at the Flagler Auditorium, John Wayne seen by Mark Rydell.
After Mass Shootings, Federal Gun Control Fails and States Loosen Regulations
Congress has declined to pass significant new gun legislation after dozens of shootings, including those that occurred during periods like this one, with Democrats controlling the House of Representatives, Senate and presidency. States have been more active, but mass shootings do not regularly cause lawmakers to tighten gun restrictions.
Travis Smith Found Guilty of Battery In Lyft Driver Attack, But Acquitted Of Felony Charge
Travis Schriever Smith, the 38-year-old Palm Coast resident who assaulted a Lyft driver in an unprovoked and drunken attack in the early days of the pandemic, was found guilty of battery, a misdemeanor, but not guilty of burglary at the end of a three-day trial in Circuit Court in Bunnell this evening.
In Response to Texas School Massacre, Biden Calls for More Gun Regulations, Florida GOP for Prayers
In the wake of the latest mass shooting at a school, President Biden called for tougher gun controls and for Americans to stand up to powerful gun lobbyists. Florida’s GOP leaders maintained opposition to gun restrictions and offered prayers.
Two Jacksonville Motorcyclist, 22 and 29, Are Killed on I-95 at Old Kings Road Overpass
A group of four Jacksonville motorcyclists who had been at a bike meet in Palm Coast crashed on I-95 near the Old Kings Road overpass as they were riding home Tuesday evening. They were each on his or her own motorcycle. All four were ejected. Two of the four riders were killed.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, May 25, 2022
The trial of Travis Smith before Circuit Judge Terence Perkins enters its third and likely final day, the Flagler County School Board first meets in closed session then open session to talk health insurance for employees, that SNL ad on stupid voters, and Raymond Carver.
Did Biden Just Commit U.S. Forces to Defending Taiwan? Probably Not.
The comment, which Biden made during a trip to Japan, was taken by some observers as a deviation from the official U.S. line on Taiwan, in place for decades. But officials in Washington walked back that interpretation, saying instead that it only referred to military assistance.
In Trial of Lyft Driver’s Attacker, Dramatic Moments for Prosecution Yield to Lapses by Alleged Victim
The prosecution and defense traded successes today in the trial of Travis Smith, the 38-year-old Palm Coast resident accused of violently attacking a 49-year-old Palm Coast Lyft driver unprovoked and spitting on him during Covid’s early days in 2020. Smith faces from 21 months to 17 years in prison if convicted.
DeSantis Veto of Modest Bankruptcy Relief Will Hurt Stressed Floridian Families That Need It Most
The bill would have afforded a measure of relief for Floridians already beset by bankruptcy, by giving them a little credit for equity in their primary vehicle. DeSantis voted no, claiming, ridiculously, that it would “incentivize” people to file for bankruptcy. But no one wants to file personal bankruptcy.
At His Sentencing, Another Aggrieved Weeks Duels With a Judge: ‘This Isn’t Going to Work For Me’
Duane Weeks Jr., son of ex-Elections Supervisor Kim Weeks and a repeat offender, was sentenced to prison Monday but took on his plea deal and the judge over a no-contact order with his victim, once he’s released from prison.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, May 24, 2022
The trial of Travis Smith, accused of attacking a Lyft driver in Palm Coast in 2020, continues, EGG screening for high school athletes, the Commitments try a little tenderness, celebrating the first telegraph message, the Palm Coast City Council hears from its major departments.
Beyond Media Spectacles: The Nuances of Domestic Violence Behind Heard v. Depp Trial
The spotlight of the Heard-Depp trial affords the opportunity to openly discuss the nuances of intimate partner violence, or domestic violence, that are often overlooked and perhaps may empower some victims to feel less alone. However, many have consumed the trial as a form of entertainment, exposing a tendency of online observers to armchair-label the parties involved either as the “real” victim or perpetrator of abuse. IPV is experienced by an estimated 6.6 million women and 5.8 million men each year in the U.S.
Palm Coast Fire Department Dedicates New Fire Engine to Cpl. John T. Schmidt III, Felled in Iraq War
The Palm Coast Fire Department hosted a Gold Star Dedication ceremony in which they dedicated a new Fire Engine in memory of Marine Lance Corporal John T. Schmidt III on this past weekend. The ceremony took place at Fire Station 21 with the family and friends of Lance Corporal Schmidt, Gold Star Families, and Fire Department personnel.
3 Republican-Appointed Judges Call DeSantis-Inspired Law Targeting Social Media Unconstitutional
Dealing a major setback to Gov. Ron DeSantis, a three-judge federal appellate panel of judges appointed by Republican presidents, including Donald Trump, on Monday ruled that a 2021 Florida law targeting social-media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter unconstitutionally restricts the companies’ First Amendment rights.
Palm Coast Man Accused of Strangling Cat Is Sentenced to House Arrest and Probation
Darren Kuback, the Palm Coast resident charged with a felony count of animal cruelty in the death by strangulation of a cat, pleaded to the charge today and was sentenced to two years of house arrest followed by three years of probation. His trial was scheduled to start this morning.
Trial Begins for Lyft Rider Accused of Attacking and Spitting on Palm Coast Driver in Early Days of Pandemic
Travis Smith, 38, faces up to 17 years in prison if convicted of assaulting a Palm Coast Lyft driver. Smith turned down a plea deal that would have had him serve 180 days in jail and two years of house arrest, but no felony conviction. The driver, an American citizen of Turkish descent and a Palm Coast resident of many years, claims Smith called him a “terrorist.”
Hundreds Turn Up For Flagler Beach’s 1st ‘Hang 8’ Dog-Surfing Contest, Putting Event on Map
Flagler Beach’s inaugural Hang 8 dog-surfing competition drew close to 1,000 people over the five-hour event, giving the city what its organizers say will be an established annual draw.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, May 23, 2022
Trial week in Flagler’s felony court including the trial of Travis Smith, accused of attacking a Lyft driver, the Bunnell City Commission meets, Clarence Thomas and the alleged leak, Bonnie and Clyde.