Alan Lowe, 60, is one of six candidates in the July 27 special election for Palm Coast mayor. The candidates who filed to run are: David Alfin, Kathy Austrino, Carol Bacha, Doug Courtney, Lowe and Cornelia Manfre.
Lowe is the only candidate who refused to participate in the Live Interview. Lowe had initially said he would participate. He then did not answer a follow-up email to confirm. He was again invited to participate after FlaglerLive re-extended the invitation through Ed Danko, his campaign manager (or campaign adviser, as Lowe now refers to him, though Lowe appears to do little without Danko’s direction, making it unclear to what extent he is his own voice). Lowe never responded. He also refused the Observer interview. (“We’re the front runner; why would we want to participate?” Danko reportedly told the Observer publisher, after Lowe deferred the question to Danko.)
Until last year’s election, when he was himself on the ballot, Lowe had also not registered or voted in elections.
When he ran for mayor last year, Lowe stole the FlaglerLive questions–which are copyrighted–and answered them on his own site, evading the follow-up questions. He also stole FlaglerLive-owned photography, and kept using the stolen intellectual property despite requests to remove it from his sites. And he disseminated false information, proven false months before he disseminated it about his opponent, during that election campaign.
FlaglerLive submitted identical questions to all candidates, with the understanding that additional questions might be tailored to candidates individually. Specific questions to Lowe would have asked him whether he intends to show the same contempt for the press as a mayor that he is showing as a candidate, and whether–considering that he still wears a Trump campaign button at campaign functions–he considers the election of Joe Biden illegitimate, as most Trump supporters do, raising questions about his respect for the electoral process, the legal rulings of some 60 courts and judges, and constitutional government, which ultimately controls Council functions beyond the city Charter. He has not answered those questions throughout his current campaign.
When he was in his 30s–a full adult, well-past the vagaries of adolescence–he had declared himself a “sovereign citizen,” renouncing the U.S. Constitution and declaring himself answerable only to God. He claims it was just a phase, and that he abandoned those convictions. His conduct in this election raises further questions about the claim that he’s moved on as unequivocally as he claims. Lowe has allied himself to Danko and to Victor Barbosa, the Palm Coast councilman who took part in the Jan. 6 pro-Trump rally in Washington, that degraded into an attack on the U.S. Congress. The three would form a majority voting bloc on the council.
It’s ultimately up to the reader to judge the quality and sincerity of a candidate’s answers, whether the candidate answers them or not.
The Questions in Summary: Quick Links
- Basics
- Comparison with previous mayors
- Coucil dynamics
- Mayoral power
- Goals
- Continuity or change
- Commercial vehicles
- Next city manager
- Development
- Taxes
- Policing
- Character
- Rap sheet
Place and Date of Birth: May 5, 1961.
Current job: Alan Lowe did not disclose it.
Party Affiliation: Republican.
Financial Disclosures: Alan Lowe did not disclose it.
Resume: Alan Lowe did not disclose it.
Website: Alan Lowe did not disclose it.
The 2021 Special Election for Palm Coast Mayor
1. Palm Coast has had just three mayors, the last two, Jon Netts and Milissa Holland, accounting for 14 of the city’s 21-year history. We assume that with your interest in being mayor, you are familiar with Netts’s and Holland’s years as mayor and their legacy. Tell us how you would compare yourself to them, and whether you see your mayorship as a break from that legacy or as a continuation of it, understanding of course that you’re your own person. Put another way: would Palm Coast residents see your mayoral style in a recognizable light, or would they discover in you someone quite different—radically different?—from your predecessors?
Alan Lowe did not answer the question.
How the others answered:
David Alfin | Kathy Austrino | Carol Bacha | Doug Courtney | Cornelia Manfre
2. Of Flagler County’s five major government boards (the cities, the county and the school board) the Palm Coast City Council right now is the most splintered, the most unpredictable—not in a constructive way, but a loose-cannon sort of way—and the most prone to doubletakes, to put it gently. First, give us your impression of council dynamics. Second, tell us how you as mayor intend to bring consensus, and whether your aim is to work primarily toward a majority of three, or toward the consensus of the entire board.
Alan Lowe did not answer the question.
How the others answered:
David Alfin | Kathy Austrino | Carol Bacha | Doug Courtney | Cornelia Manfre
3. What is in a mayor’s power, and what isn’t? What is your understanding of when and how, if ever, you may direct or in any way exercise any authority over administrative staff other than the city manager and the city attorney? How would you deal with a problem, perceived or real, regarding a city employee, a manager (not the city manager) or a director?
Alan Lowe did not answer the question.
How the others answered:
David Alfin | Kathy Austrino | Carol Bacha | Doug Courtney | Cornelia Manfre
4. You will have a somewhat abbreviated term of a little over three years, coming in—as all candidates in this election do—without prior experience in office, which will steepen your learning curve. What three specific goals, in that shorter time span, do you think you can realistically achieve as mayor before the next election.
Alan Lowe did not answer the question.
How the others answered:
David Alfin | Kathy Austrino | Carol Bacha | Doug Courtney | Cornelia Manfre
5. Former Mayor Milissa Holland had a direct imprint on bringing about the Town Center Innovation District and Arts District and luring the University of North Florida and Jacksonville University to Town Center. Assuming you agree—you may tell us if you do not, and explain why—what are your intentions either in fostering or retrenching from these initiatives, and what will you, as mayor, leave us as imprints of similar consequence?
Alan Lowe did not answer the question.
How the others answered:
David Alfin | Kathy Austrino | Carol Bacha | Doug Courtney | Cornelia Manfre
6. Three initiatives have drawn considerable attention: Palm Coast Connect, the expansion of the tennis center, and the relaxation of commercial vehicle rules in residential parkways. The first two are in the books, but could see revisions with a different council. The third is in the proposal stage. Tell us your [position on each: would you vote to continue with PCC and the expansion of the tennis center? Would you vote for or against relaxing the commercial-vehicle rule, say, to allow one such vehicle with uncovered commercial lettering be parked in a driveway?
Alan Lowe did not answer the question.
How the others answered:
David Alfin | Kathy Austrino | Carol Bacha | Doug Courtney | Cornelia Manfre
7. If you’re elected, you will be responsible with your four colleagues for hiring the next city manager. Looking back at the sort of city and county managers there’s been in Flagler over the past five years or so—Jim Landon, Matt Morton, Larry Newsom, William Whitson, Alvin Jackson, Craig Coffey, Jerry Cameron (and what a boys’ club it’s been)—which of them do you think reflect the temperament and managerial style that most closely aligns with what you’re looking for? How do you define that style in your words?
Alan Lowe did not answer the question.
How the others answered:
David Alfin | Kathy Austrino | Carol Bacha | Doug Courtney | Cornelia Manfre
8. Apartment housing in Palm Coast: Too much? Too little? What would you do about it? By what criteria other than zoning would you approve or reject apartment complexes? Would you approve raising the density and height of multi-family, or apartment, structures in select areas of the city zoned for the purpose? Same question regarding residential construction (too little? Too much?), keeping the following graph in mind, which shows the highest number of monthly permits for single-family and duplex homes in Palm Coast since August 2005:
Alan Lowe did not answer the question.
How the others answered:
David Alfin | Kathy Austrino | Carol Bacha | Doug Courtney | Cornelia Manfre
9. At the June 8 Palm Coast City Council workshop, Councilman Ed Danko said: “I will not be voting for any tax increase. I expect our taxes to be the same. So that’s going to mean a millage rate rollback. That’s the only thing I’m going to vote for.” His statement prefaces budget season, so the city administration had not yet had a chance to present its budget numbers or any evidence, and the statement precludes so much as accounting for new revenue from new construction. Do you agree with the statement as an a priori position? Is it responsible as a matter of governance? The county is seeking to increase the small-county sales surtax by half a percent, which would double Palm Coast’s current revenue of around $3.3 million from that tax. The county is seeking palm Coast’s support for that increase. Would you support or oppose it?
Alan Lowe did not answer the question.
How the others answered:
David Alfin | Kathy Austrino | Carol Bacha | Doug Courtney | Cornelia Manfre
10. Palm Coast relies on the sheriff for policing. Is there anything you would change about the contract? Do you favor an independent police department for the city, now or in the near future? After the city manager in July 2019 challenged Sheriff Rick Staly’s request for additional deputies in Palm Coast that year, calling the request “nebulous,” the sheriff commissioned a University of North Florida study that by one measure found last June that Flagler would need 70 more deputies by 2025. The sheriff has said that even if 70 is unattainable, a sizeable addition to the ranks would be necessary in Palm Coast and the county even as crime is at a historic low. Do you agree? If so, how would you fund the additional deputies, especially if you take a no-tax approach? What would you cut to fund what would cost well over $100,000 per deputy per year?
Alan Lowe did not answer the question.
How the others answered:
David Alfin | Kathy Austrino | Carol Bacha | Doug Courtney | Cornelia Manfre
11. Would you agree to a rainbow flag-raising ceremony on city grounds on par with, say, those for the Portuguese or Filipino flags? What would you do as mayor to ensure inclusion and diversity—not only of the LGBTQ community, but of all groups, equally?
Alan Lowe did not answer the question.
How the others answered:
David Alfin | Kathy Austrino | Carol Bacha | Doug Courtney | Cornelia Manfre
12. Tell us about you as a person: your character, your temperament, your foibles. If we were writing your obituary, what headline would sum you up, your birth and death years aside?
Alan Lowe did not answer the question.
How the others answered:
David Alfin | Kathy Austrino | Carol Bacha | Doug Courtney | Cornelia Manfre
13. Have you ever been charged with a felony or a misdemeanor anywhere in Flagler, Florida or the United States (other than a speeding ticket), or faced a civil action other than a divorce, but including bankruptcies, or faced any investigative or disciplinary action through a professional board such as the bar, a medical board or real estate ethics and other such professional supervisory boards? If so, please explain in detail, including cases where charges or claims did not lead to conviction or disciplinary action.
Alan Lowe did not answer the question.
How the others answered:
David Alfin | Kathy Austrino | Carol Bacha | Doug Courtney | Cornelia Manfre
Jane E says
What a guy!?!?! N. O. T.
tulip says
The Three Stooges who need to be gone.
Steve says
So let me see Lowe wont answer questions live (Huge Red Flag for me) due to IMO He would blow it and especially any difficult follow up because frankly Hes unqualified (never held Office before and has exhibited Unamerican behavior) being coached every step of the way and would not be Independent of that. Lowe is a follower not a Leader. He obviously doesnt feel the need to be held Accountable. Lowe Stole Copy Righted materials in the past and then wouldnt stop using said material. So Rule of Law is off the table. Just what you dont need another Politician in your midst making up the Rules as they goe. He is in his own Private Idaho errr Sovereign Citizen Status formerly Allegedly (Leopard’s dont change their spots) wont acknowledge a position on the last Presidential Election because Hes a Trump bootlicker and harbors the Big Lie. Will be used as a puppet for the other 2 Stooges predominantly Danko if Elected. So thereby indirectly Electing Danko as Mayor. I am going to stop there because if this guy is your Alleged Frontrunner and gets Elected it’s how LOW(E) can Palm Coast go pun intended. Vote Accordingly but to me Not qualified for Dog Catcher and that’s a stretch.
RitaMae says
Thank you Pierre/Flagler Live for showing our great residents the real Allan Lowe. He is not qualified to be our Mayor. If Ed Danko is not at his side, he does not function. God help us if he makes it to Mayor! He will be a puppet for Mullins, Danko and Barbosa pulling his strings.
What a pompous Ass Mr. Danko is with his righteousness! Please residents of Palm Coast read this. The questions asked were for all the candidates, but obviously Mr. Lowe feels he is above this or he does not know the answers.
High life says
“Lowe” Life. Sad. Even ur own party ousted you, calling you a “Rhino”… Why not move back to your claimed “country” of citizenship and run for mayor there! Don’t forget to register to vote! ;)
David Schaefer says
What a bunch of Trumper Humpers they all need to go back under the rock from which they came from.
Alley Oop says
This town doesn’t need another limp rundown old white swinging dick trying to run things. There’s way too many pissing contests already with the current group of wanna be has beens. Nick Dufus gets a pass since he’s a generation separated and appears to take a higher plane.
No, this town has always needed a fair amount of estrogen with Holland at the helm, and that needs to continue with Manfre.
Coyote says
At least he’s consistent. These are the same (none-existant) answers he gave in the last election (Mayoral 2020) when he was invited to comment/respond.
And probably the same answers we would get as citizens if he somehow managed to actually get elected to an office – even as DogPatch dogcatcher.
Longman says
What a bozo this Lowe/Danko team are.
You all better get behind one candidate and not spread your votes out between a few.
These crazy trumpsters, and we know there are a lot in Palm Coast, are all behind Lowe.
If the votes are split between his opponents.. Lowe will win
Makeitso1701 says
Umm, definitely NOT getting my vote!
The dude says
Goth is a “phase”…
Emo is a “phase”…
Sovereign Citizens is treason.
What a wuss.
The man simply won’t present himself to any forum unless it’s a forum of fawning trump cultists who won’t ask him hard questions.
He’s a puppet who refuses to leave the house without his master.
justbob says
How embarrassing to have this dude running for mayor. He would round out the cabal of Flagler county elected misfits, crazy Joe Mullins, wanna be somebody, Ed Danko, the way over his head, Victor Barbosa and sovereign citizen, Alan Lowe.
GR says
Won’t answer questions or gets soft questions like what flavor is your ice cream. Being coached every step of the way. Being a follower and not a leader. Lies and corrupt. Will be used as a puppet. Sounds like Joe Biden.
Definite NO! says
So Lowe has no backbone and is following the lead of Danko who is in the process of being investigated for harassing City of PC employees? Yeah, no thank you, not getting my vote. We need to repair this City not make it worse by adding one more Carney to the circus.
Bill C says
Another question to ask Alan Lowe is where is his campaign money coming from? On his mailer it says “paid for” by an entity in Venice, Florida. That’s on the west coast of Florida, a long way from Palm Coast.
Corn Pop & Coco Puff says
Lowe for Mayor…….2021
My VOTE is cast, and it was for LOWE . Hopefully he will WIN and clean this liberal city up. Starting with this website .
The Voice Of Reason says
End result, Lowe = Mullins. He will be a Mullins enabler with zero spine.
Danko's Lowe says
I find this all quite disturbing. If Lowe is brazened enough to steal the FlaglerLive questions and plaster it on his page, is that not proof enough that he does not care what the rules are? He is above them all.
Why do people want the Mayor job so bad anyway!? Lowe is tripping over himself to chomp on the teat of the actual taxpayers, but why!? He was trying to get any elected position just he could to start his political career of plunder. He is planning something big folks, not just collecting an ez paycheck but milking the office for everything he can get.
Contractor “kickbacks” were all the rage back in the late 80’s when ITT was building the town, now that we’re a city I’m convinced handyman Lowe is just going to demand bigger payouts.
But to be fair, that’s only if Ed Danko lets him.
How Lowe Can He Go? says
Like the Trumper Snowflake he is, Lowe is refusing to tell people why they should vote for him.
Vote for a citizen, not a resident. Just say know to Lowe.
Maureen Salemi says
Seriously, Alan Lowe is not qualified to run for any office let alone mayor of Palm Coast. Giving an interview and answering questions about your background is all part of the election process, it is not something you dismiss and it is necessary for the voters to know where you stand on various policies, therefore Alan Lowe is not qualified to be our mayor, nor any other office.
Steve says
Yep all those shots in the arm, 850000 Jobs back that the orange BLOWHARD Administration lost to inept C19 response, Financial Assets and Housing ATHs, Building Back Better sure does suck lmao Hows the Big Lie workin out for ya. By the way whos Organizatuion just was charged a CFO of what lying corrupt Company?? At least not a puppet to Vlad, Just keep Winning. Arent you tired of it YET…… TOO Easy
Steve says
He has a real chance of being Elected which is the most embarrassing.
Steve says
As the old white man Conservative iceberg that is backward FPC Politics melts from the heat of new arrivals from all over the Country a breadth of fresh air will wash over the County as the existing guard is put to rest. By death or attrition it will be so.
The dude says
How unconstitutional of you.
Circus says
This Lowe is a Loser. I have an email from Dank Dic from 8 days ago stating he is Low Man’s campaign manager
Can I share it ?
Anyone but Lowe. Oscar The Grouch or Big Bird gets my vote
tulip says
Alfin seems like the best candidate.
C Section says
Alan Lowe came down my street last week campaigning. He stopped at my house. I offered him a cold water bottle and he stated his reasons for wanting to be Mayor. I like him and decided to vote for him. My vote, my decision. You people can vote who every you please.
Thanks Alan for stopping by in person
What’s up with this says
Speaking of handyman Lowe, is he licensed and insured, does he have the proper business tax receipts to conduct handyman business in Flagler county and or Palm Coast. I recently ended working with another gentleman who admitted he was not licensed or insured, that he was unable to pull remits for work if required.
Jimmy says
The nit wits went down the Biden path, so bring it back around here…you are absolutely right! Lowe, Danko are the worst types to be elected. Its all about them. We need future focused people in office, not the same (I won’t raise ur taxes nonsense). I have heard that for 40 years now…what else is on the menu? Also, I wouldn’t trust Lowe to order my lunch, and I’m supposed to put him in charge of figuring out the city manager search and selection?
Len says
I personally feel that were are being disrespected for you to say you don’t have to answer any questions and you boast of being a front runner. Who made you the front runner? I cant imagine someone running for governor of a state let alone any other political position saying I don’t have to answer any questions because their considered a front runner. You obviously think were completely stupid or just out right idiots to buy into that kind of reasoning.
Trailer Bob says
Well stated, and I totally agree. Very arrogant. How are we expected to vote for you someone who we know nothing about, or what they would do under certain circumstances, or on certain issues?
Embarrassing to other reasonable Republicans like myself.
The position you are running for demands you represent every citizen…but already you have proven you will not. Yet you will accept the salary that is funded by ALL residents…good start…
Ld says
Good question. Pool work, only license I find on DBPR, is null and void.