A motorcycle accident early Saturday morning claimed the life of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University student Torrey Barnes, 23. The Daytona Beach Police Department indicated in their report of the accident that Barnes died from leg injuries sustained in the crash.
Barnes was riding a 2008 Yamaha on Midway Avenue around 1 a.m. Saturday (Sept. 5) when he failed to negotiate a turn west of Catalina Drive, striking a curb instead and ejecting him from the motorcycle. He later died at Halifax hospital.
Barnes was from Buffalo, N.Y., where he attended St. Joe’s Collegiate Institute. He transferred to Embry-Riddle in 2012 after two years at the Air Force Academy. He was currently enrolled as a junior at the Daytona Beach Campus, majoring in Aeronautical Science with a minor in Airport Operations. He received his instrument rating and private pilot certificate while at Embry-Riddle.
“We know from Torrey’s family that he had wanted to be a pilot since he was three years old,” said Dr. Tim Brady, Interim Chancellor of the Daytona Beach Campus. “Not only has his family lost a son, but Embry-Riddle has lost a respected student and the world of the professional pilot has lost a member who was destined for greatness.”
The campus chaplain, Rev. David Keck, invited students, faculty, staff and friends to light a candle of remembrance and sign a message of condolence at the campus Center for Faith & Spirituality. Counseling and support services have been made available to all students through the Dean of Students office.
“Torrey will be remembered by his friends as a kindhearted young man who could put a smile on anyone’s face,” said Dean of Students Jason Glenn. “We wish to convey our heartfelt condolences to Torrey’s family and to his many friends. Please keep them in your thoughts in the following days.”
j&j says
so sad. too young. i’m so very sorry to his parents and family.
Flagler County Residentures says
Hate to say it, but if you check the stats on how many college kids in Flagler/Volusia county get hurt or lose their lives in bike accidents it’s sickening. Usually they come from out of town and let the nice weather and fast transportation lure them into believing they’re invincible.
Gia says
Respect the rules of law & that wont happen or pays the price.
Frances says
The life of a 23 year old was lost and that’s the only thing you have to say? Shame on you.
Beth says
I agree 100%. He failed to negotiate a turn. Period…
Joe King says
No laws were broken. Torey lost control of the cycle going around a turn. Police said NOTHING about speed or laws broken. I was with Torey an hour before his untimely death and he was sober. Take your groundless, mean-spirited opinions elsewhere….this forum is for intelligent people with a soul.
Geezer says
You should be a grief counselor. I find myself moved to tears by your
words of comfort and encouragement. Your reverence for life, especially
that of a young life extinguished, shows everyone here the caliber of
your personality. (sarcasm)
Allow me to apologize for you – somebody should.
Nice Real Nice says
Gia you are heartless, it was an accident pure and simple. Sorry for his family and friends loss. He was going to be something positive.
BeTheChange says
So very sad. Prayers for peace to his family and friends. How they will ever reconcile this, l’ll never know :(. So sorry.
Oldseadog says
May GOD now be with him, and comfort his loved ones.
“There is no such thing as accident; it is fate misnamed.”
……………………Napoleon Bonaparte
Geezer says
To Torrey Barnes’ family and loved-ones – I’d like to
express my deepest sympathies and somehow convey
some warmth and love to you during this awful time.
I lost someone very dear to me a couple of days ago.
I know how you feel, and will keep you in my thoughts.
resident says
When a loved one is lost suddenly and unexpectedly; it is a traumatic experience for all loved ones of the deceased. Your body is unable to prepare, you never expect the last moment spent with the lost loved will be that. The very last moment of finalization. Your body has a difficult time accepting what has happened unlike if this young man had lived only to succumb to his injuries days later, your coping mechanism would have been able to adjust somewhat. I am so sorry for the loss of this young man. It’s a phone call no one ever wants to receive, our family just went through a similar loss only our loved one was on a motorcycle and he was killed because another (distracted) driver killed him instantly. May both young men RIP for eternity .
Concerned parent says
In the incident of any death; keep your misguided comments to yourself. This was a young man pursuing his dream and had an accident. Praying for his family and friends, near and far. My son went to see him and spent his last hours with him. Think about how you might feel if it were someone close to you.
Prayers and peace!!