Flagler County Sheriff Jim Manfre issued the following statement this afternoon (May 20) in support of the June 7 tax referendum proposing to increase property taxes to support programs in the school district. See the box below for links to details and other perspectives for and against the referendum.
“Liberty without learning is always in peril, and learning without liberty is always in vain.” So said John F. Kennedy. It is without question the great innovation of the American experiment that all
children are to receive a publicly supported education. This concept has kept our country on the forefront of technological advances for two centuries. It is even of greater import today when we are
faced with determined competition from abroad in the areas of technological innovation. The country that wins this battle will be the next superpower.
It is obvious for our community to continue to compete in a local and global marketplace that we must attract good, clean businesses to our county. We must be able to provide potential companies with the educational resources and the educational system to attract them to our beautiful surroundings.
The June 7 referendum is a chance for the community to once again express its intention to provide a world class educational system to its children. As one parent, my children have benefited greatly from our educational system with my daughter now attending the University of Virginia Masters in Business Administration program and my son who just recently graduated from Georgia Tech, starting his own high tech company.
There is also a law enforcement component to this referendum. First, adding back 45 minutes to the classroom means that students would be released closer to 3:30 each afternoon rather than being released in our community at 2:30 p.m., hours before most parents are home. Second, keeping Everest, the alternative school for at-risk students, open is imperative. Without this alternative, these young adults would most likely end up on our streets with the potential to commit additional crime and without the educational and mentoring opportunities that may prevent recidivist acts of crime.
Third, the passing of the referendum would ensure that as sheriff I am able to provide resource deputies to the elementary schools. This would ensure the safety of our most vulnerable students while giving them opportunities to receive anti-bullying, drug and alcohol messages from the resource deputies.
It is my hope that as Sheriff and as a parent of a 16-year-old who is receiving a terrific education that will prepare him to compete globally, that you will carefully consider all the views on this issue
and cast your vote for the future of this community.
Gia says
The school budget is bigger than even without better result. Stop milking the taxpayers. You should go after the bad guys, drug etc.
pete says
need money raise taxes, thats the anser
Magnolia says
I may be totally off base here, but I think it is highly inappropriate for the Sheriff to be making statements on this issue. That isn’t why we elected him.
Anonymous says
Glad you’re back Sheriff Manfre
Johnny Taxpayer says
“the passing of the referendum would ensure that as sheriff I am able to provide resource deputies to the elementary schools. ”
Negative Jim, if this tax hike is successful, it will US who are providing the deputies, not you. We are the ones footing the bill.
Local citizen says
Not a Manfre fan but the sherriff is entitled to his own opinion. I do not have school age children but I am willing to pay the additional tax to keep the alternative school open. When problem students are integrated back into the mainstream they have more suspension times and possibly expulsion which keeps them in the streets to create more trouble. Keep them in school to give them more chance for life in the future.
markingthedays says
it is more than appropriate for the Sheriff to comment on this issue. His office will be in charge of the poorly educated children, when they become criminals, if we continue to disembowel the public education system.
Hmmmm says
Of course he does he’s a Democrat!
[email protected] says
enough of taxes, tax, tax tax is all we hear ,do with what you are already receiving, i can’t go to m y employer and say pay raise, pay raise, pay raise everything the school board or our great trust worthy government mentions a new tax or renewing a tax.
Brad W says
Personally, I like Mr. Manfre, BUT I am highly disappointed in him recently. It’s kind of hard to find credence in him being in favor of increasing our taxes when:
1) His department has a vested interest in it going through
2) As an experience commercial real estate attorney, he is ok with spending 63% appreciation on an abandoned property that no one else wants? But then again, it’s just our money.
Jo Ann says
stick to solving murders and crime!
Maryjoe says
Poorly educated children? Did anyone ever ask just what those 45 min entail? Are ya thinking that they removed 45 min of something the state/feds would pay for? uhh… no. give it up. I’m not here to pay for babysitting someones kids. AND that is NOT what they said when they went before the commissioners to get an election for to begin with. They came out and said they needed more protection in the schools. Crap. It’s all just crap.
local says
No more taxes !
Colleen Conklin says
Gia did you know that the districts budget is not bigger. In fact they have cut their k-12 budget by over $12 million dollars during the last 6 years.
Howard Duley says
Just because this doodle brain declares for anything does that mean I have to follow his footsteps? I’m already regretting the fact that I voted for him. By the way, whatever happened to that deputy that killed the guy on route 100 by running up his hinny with his cruiser?
I say says
Shame on you Jim Manfre!
An Educated Citizen and Teacher says
Actually, the 45 minutes allows ALL middle school students to receive Reading instruction that they were missing. Currently, only low-performing student receive that instruction. Is Reading instruction not important to you?
Babysitting? You have obviously spent ZERO time actually in a classroom.
Please, get informed.
r&r says
Strike one against Manfre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Proud American says
Wow, I guess here in America, people are not allowed to have their own opinions anymore. If we are saying people are wrong, then heck, maybe all the ones against the tax are wrong. Manfre is a resident of Flagler County and he has as much right to speak out about this as anyone else! That is the beauty of living in America, if you don’t agree with it vote against it. If you do agree with vote for it.
BTW, the sheriffs office has to pay for half of the school deputies salaries. There was a big rush to get deputies in every school, well to do that, we have to pay for it. Nothing is free anymore. If you want something you have to pay.
Agnese says
Let’s get rid of the many layers of administrative “fat”, that should free up money for where it is really need.
Think About it says
Just vote NO people….It’s a no-brainer…
Think About it says
Why don’t the parents teach their children instead of relying on the school system to do THEIR job…..?