Cody Ray Barlow, a 20-year-old resident of Pebble Beach Drive in Palm Coast, was killed early this morning, barely three hours into the new year, as he missed a curve and drove his motorcycle into a mailbox on Pacific Drive, just 1.2 miles from his house. The wreck took place at 3:30 this morning (Jan. 1).

A resident on that street heard it but mistook it for people messing with the neighbor’s mailbox, as had happened before. The resident was aghast at the scene in her front yard when she discovered Barlow’s body there at 7:30.
“This is weird,” Mary Haisley, who’s lived at 59 Pacific Drive since 2006, said. “I heard somebody breaking into my garage door. Then I look outside. I went and made coffee, because I’m an early riser, and I looked outside and said oh, somebody hit Dorothy’s mailbox again. So I didn’t think much of it. I went out and even got the newspaper.” It was very dark. She could not see Barlow’s body, which was a few feet past a hedge of plants, in the middle of Haisley’s yard. The motorcycle, as she would later discover in daylight, was further toward her neighbor’s yard on this residential street of close-cropped houses.
When she’d gotten the paper, she’d noticed shards of debris that she thought could have been part of a vehicle, and wondered whether to call 911. But she figured it was New Year’s, “they’re going to think I’m nuts about somebody hitting a mailbox.” So she didn’t call.
“Then I woke up at 7:30 and say, well, I’m going to go see the damage,” assuming until then that it was still just the mailbox. “Then I saw his body. I ran in the house, called 911. Oh my God, my reaction–I couldn’t even–the dispatcher, I’m crying, screaming, it was devastating.” She described Barlow as she saw him, with shattering injuries to his face and skull. “It was devastating,” she said repeatedly.
A Florida Highway Patrol homicide investigator said he estimated the speed Barlow was traveling at 50 to 60 miles per hour.
“We don’t know where he’s coming from, where he was going,” the investigator said. “He didn’t have his helmet on. He was northbound on Pacific, and he was 290 feet south of Park View Drive, he just failed to negotiate the curve.” Pacific is a short street that hooks off of Parkview Drive and to Parkway Drive at the northern end of Palm Coast’s P Section. Pacific runs east-west, curving north-south at its eastern end, where the wreck took place.
Barlow struck a plastic mailbox at 57 Pacific. The mailbox was surrounded by decorative stones and a sizable planter, most of which were shattered and scattered over the two properties’ front yards. One part of the mailbox ended up between 57 and 59, while the stem of the mailbox was nearer the swale of 59. The motorcycle, a 2007 Honda CBR 1000 that belonged to Barlow, was on its side nearer 61 Pacific.
Barlow’s parents had last seen their son at 9:30 on New Year’s eve. He was at his house with his girlfriend. His mother works the night shift, according to a Florida Highway Patrol investigator. When she came home in the morning, the garage door was open and the motorcycle was gone. Nothing further is known about what motivated Barlow to ride his bike in a neighborhood where investigators were told he had no friends. It’s possible that he had an argument with his girlfriend, an investigator said. “Until we talk to the girlfriend, we won’t know,” the investigator said. She has not been located as yet: Barlow’s parents did not have an accurate last name for her or know her whereabouts, and investigators are still searching.
Barlow was thought by some neighbors to have served in the military, because a military insignia was found on his motorcycle, but his parents told investigators that he had not been a serviceman.
Investigators said Barlow’s death was likely immediate, because of the violence of the impact and the injuries to his head. They told Haisley that reporting the accident earlier was unlikely to have made a difference. “When he got ejected he hit his head on that mailbox plus hit that concrete culvert so I think it was pretty well instant,” an investigator said.

confidential says
Another young live lost to speed…My heart goes out to his parents and family…
Our sheriff patrols are needed to curve down high velocity of some bikes and other vehicles around our city…as I hear those speeding rather often from early evening thru the night into early morning sometimes. The sounds raise my concern about when the awful noise of the crash will follow up and God protect those on their way. Rather often Palm Coast Parkway and surrounding streets remind me of the Daytona Speedway other than our city public roads and I wonder where our sheriff patrols are that do not stop these speeders in order to protect them and others…
Jojo says
As you stand on your soapbox preaching about speeders, a family lost their son, brother, nephew, grandson, and friend. Have some respect and put your opinions into action someplace else. It is not appropriate to complain about your personal experiences while you make accusations and judge. This should be a place to pay your condolenscences to this bright, caring, loved by many young man. The loss of Codie is a terrible tragedy and people of the community should be leaving positive words in his memory.
Deep South says
High speed, No helmet, Possible alcohol don’t mix. To young to go. My condolences to the young man’s folks. Isn’t it required by law for young motorcyclist to wear helmets ?
michelle says
no, it is not a requirement to wear a helmet in Florida.
For my undestanding , the law requires to wear a helmet until 21 years old. Theirs tag says under 21,This is the way the sheriff knows if they are violating the law.
Helmets save lives it should be mandatory at all ages!
Anonymous says
He is a very good guy and I would bet he was not drinking and yes he always wears a helmet I have no idea why he did not have one on but this world lost a great young man.
its me says
i remember seein him around school that is very sad i heard his name and had to look it up bc he sounded so fimilar sorry to the family and friends
Justin says
I ride my bike past this house everyday and I saw the mail box but never new someone died there, RIP.
gator says
yes another young driver gone, my future. but it’s not the sheriff office he as speeding, it was him, and i’m sorry to say this, but it all starts at home in how these kids drive. if thay were showen at home to resect the roads, then it would not had happen. i’m truly sorry am sorry, but don’t blame he sheriff office for every thing.
sam says
This is a terrible tragedy. I know of Codie as a wonderful boy who comes from a wonderful caring loving family. This was an unfortunate accident, not a time for blame on a wonderful family undeserving of your uninformed comment. His family needs support love and prayers, not judgement. :(( I respect and adore his mother and grandmother and my heart aches for what they are going through right now. Codie was a responsible, exceptional and loving boy. .. no one is to blame it was an unfortunate accident ..:(
Anonymous says
Every thing that you just said is true he is a great young man and his family is wonderful:)
Katie Seamore says
A helmet might has saved his life. May he RIP.
livesinpalmcoast says
RIP, such a shame, what a young life lost….Prayers to his family and friends
glide10 says
Do you realise the number of streets in Palm Coast to the number of Deputies out there patrolling them? One thing could have prevented this from happening and that lies with the deceased rider. Very unfortunate accident.
Safety guy says
And once again the young people have another example of what not to do. Speed and curves do not mix well. There is no mention about Alcohol yet so we cannot say Alcohol was involved. There might have been another vehicle and the bike served to miss it. We could speculate all month long and never know the facts. Let the professionals do that. I am sure the Mother does not care for the why of this accident just now. She has lost her Son and that is what we should be concerned about. If you pray do so for her peace.
Leah Smith says
Codie is my best friend, I think I can speak for all of us when I say this is completely unreal. I love and miss him dearly. My he watch over us all <3
Magnolia says
Helmets save lives, that’s fact. Why do we stand by and watch the slaughter? Another young life gone.
Tabatha Montgomery says
Codie was one of my coworkers. He always had a smile on his face, and always wore a helmet. For people saying he wasn’t, please don’t just assume. He always seemed cautious when riding. I will miss seeing your livliness at work. R.i.p. Codie..
Geezer says
The more I read, the more I know I’ll never get a motorcycle.
I am so sorry for this young man, so much life to live.
I am sorry for those who cared about him.
They have my sincerest of condolences.
hurricanepattys says
i just found out the horrific news a couple of minutes ago and i am just devasated. He was such an awesome person to be around with. I work with him side by side every day and we would just work as a team and hit it off. He was always cautious with is bike. Always wearing a full head helmet and street jacket. Finding out he had nothing on was a bit strange. But now, knowing the fact that he is gone; i do not know what to say. R.I.P Codie Ray Barlow. Condolences to you and the family. You were and will be a good friend at heart.
Kiersten says
I can’t believe you are gone Codie :’-( we were good friends and u were always nice to me and u said hi. May u be resting peacefully now and prayers to your family <3
Jeanette says
I worked with Codie at hurricane pattys as well all the way up until the day te reataurant shut down, the last day that i would ever see him alive again. im in absolute shock. he was such a sweet, innocent and brilliant young man. Always smiling and had great plans for his future :( I loved and miss working with him. I also find it strange that he did not have a helmet on becuz he always, always had a helmet on and his bike jacket, but it’s a sad day for all us, his friends and family. R.I.P. Codie
Anonymous says
the p section has an awful lot of wreckless bikers riding in it…i know-i live close to the accident scene
kathy kauth says
Florida has the second highest rate of motorcycle fatalities in the country, second only to Texas. These stats to not reflect the large number of permanently injured bikers who now reside in nursing homes and residential facilities due to permanent brain damage. Helmet laws will not eliminate these tragedies, but will reduce them. Likewise, Florida does not require annual vehicle inspections of autos and motorbikes thus accounting for many autos and bikes which are dangerous to the operators and to the public. Who is running this crazy state?
kathy kauth says
BTW, each Florida county has the right [and obviously the duty] to impose these regulations. So, who is running this crazy county?
Dave says
I really know this kid. He was going to be a Cardiologist. He always wore a helmet, but for a short local ride…been there myself. Just a terrible thing that happened. Let’s just leave it at that. I hope his poor mother or grandparents do not read some of these comments from people whom do not think before they speculate. This is a great boy with a spectacular future that was torn away and will never be fully understood. There will never be meaning to this and to blindly guess is unfortunate. I am just sorry he is gone.
Kathie says
Dave, please tell Chris how sorry I am that he lost his friend. I know that you were close to Codie, too, as I am with my kids’ friends – you and I always have our kids’ friends at our homes and they become like one of our own. You are right about the comments here – people have a difficult time with commenting appropriately and the speculating is simply unnecessary and unfounded. From what I’ve read on here from people who actually KNEW this amazing young man, he was a GREAT kid who was typically responsible and not at all careless. He just made a mistake that was NOT typical of him and it cost him his life, sadly. I’ll keep everyone in my prayers – and, again, I’m so very very sorry for everyone’s loss. I can’t imagine what his family and yours are going through.
Hugs, love and prayers ~ Kath’
michelle says
Some of the comments on here are horrible. This person was related to me. There is NO HELMET LAW in Florida. Before you stand on your soap box and preach about helmet laws…..This is an accident, a horrible accident and someone died. Shame on you people.
Eric says
Michelle, I am very sorry for your loss and that of the rest of your family’s. Please do not let some of the comments on here upset you. These comments are from people who are heartless and quite frankly have nothing better to do with their time besides bring others down. Once again, my condolences to you and your family.
anonymous 3 says
This was a terrible accident and a helmet would not have saved Codie’s life. Codie was very familiar with that curve as he used to skate-board Pacific Drive with his friends on a daily basis. There were other factors that may have been involved in this tragedy. Two young men were seen setting off large rockets, and guns and fire-crackers were going all night into the early morning creating a hazardous cloud of smoke. I thought it was fog, until I smelled the gun-powder. There was also a car with a very loud muffler and a louder radio with a bass that shook the house speeding around the neighborhood and got my dog to barking around 3 in the morning. Since Codie was familiar with the curve, it would be more likely that Codie was driven off the road by another vehicle on a curve which many take on the wrong side of the road. Pure speculation, I know, but Codie knew that the curve was there.
A memorial has been created at the scene of the accident. Everyone who knew Codie commented on what a responsible, courteous, and good human being he was. My deepest condolences to Codie’s family and friends.
joann daugherty says
Codie was a young man to be proud of.LOVED HIS FAMILY work went to school alway there for his brother and sister allways showed respect never saw him smoke or drink what can i say we all would thank GOD for a child like CODIE WE will miss CODIE SWEET SMILE
David Barlow says
Codie Ray Barlow was my son and will always be my son!! Time has gone by but not a day has gone by that I didn’t think of him, miss him and LOVE him!!! Nikki ,Ray , and Debbie you raised a fine man and I am truly sorry for you loss!!! I loved him and I will forever love and miss him!!! R.I.P Codie!!! Dad loves you and will forever miss you!!!!!
shaina says
Oceans Dental would like to send out our condolences to Cody’s family and friends. He was just in our office and he had his helmet in tote. We are so sorry for your loss!
Zack says
I dont know about yall, but Codie was one of my best friends. I look forward to seeing him again when my time comes. I miss you, best friend. (Sorry for the loss Momma!) :'(